2 research outputs found
Lateral plate counts and EDA STN382 allel number
Individual based data providing the name of the lake sampled (Lake), an identifier for each individual (Individual), the number of later plates counted on the left side on the keel (Keel), the number of STN382 C alleles (STNallele), the total number of lateral plates counted on the left side (Total_Plates) and the assigned phenotypic morph (Morph). Plate morph abbreviations are as follow: LP - low plated with 10 or less anterior plates, LPK - as LP but with plates on the keel, PPNK - partial plated, i.e. having > 10 plates but no plates on the keel, PPK - as PPNK but with plates on the keel, FP - fully plated with plates continuously along the left sid
Collection date, ecotype and colortype assignment, color measurements, stable isotope, stomach content, nest depth, linear morphometric and geometric morphometric data