262 research outputs found

    Labour market reform in the Dutch construction industry: lessons for Germany?

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    "Reformen des niederlĂ€ndischen Arbeitsmarktes werden in diesem Beitrag mit Prozessen der Tarifverhandlungen in Beziehung gesetzt. Basierend auf Untersuchungen in der Bauwirtschaft in den Niederlanden wird vorgeschlagen, dass eine geeignete Theorie der TarifvertrĂ€ge nicht nur ökonomische VertrĂ€ge, sondern auch Tarifnormen und politische Koordination berĂŒcksichtigen muss, um ihre Bedeutung fĂŒr den Arbeitsmarkt zu verstehen. Damit kann erklĂ€rt werden, weshalb und in welchem Ausmaß Interessengruppen in der niederlĂ€ndischen Bauwirtschaft innerhalb einer Dekade eine aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik ('Bouw-Vak-Werk') mit bemerkenswerten positiven Resultaten betrieben haben. Abschließend werden aus vergleichender Perspektive fĂŒnf Lehren mit Blick auf die deutsche Bauwirtschaft gezogen." (Autorenreferat)"In this article, Dutch labour market reform is related to collective bargaining processes. Based on evidence from recent fieldwork in the construction industry in the Netherlands, it is proposed that a useful theory of wage-setting should include, apart from economic contracts, wage norms and political coordination better to understand its impact in the labour market. The paper explains why and to what extent interest organisations in the Dutch construction industry have developed an active labour market policy ('Bouw-vak-werk') over a period of two decades with interesting positive results. Finally, five comparative lessons are drawn with particular emphasis to the German construction industry." (author's abstract

    Adaptive and Reflexive Governance: The Limits of Organized Decentralization

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    How robust is coordinated decentralization in socio-economic governance, especially in wage bargaining, when national economies are torn between internationalization on the one hand and decentralization or increased internal diversity on the other? How should the national state influence the behaviour of trade unions and employers’ organizations? What constitutes an effective public policy towards industrial relations? Are there any general design principles for such policies? These are the questions that we seek to answer in this article, mainly using the Dutch consultation economy as our example

    Broadening without Intensification: The Added Value of the European Social and Sectoral Dialogue

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    The framework of the European social dialogue (ESD) has enabled interest organizations at the European level to conclude agreements on a wide range of social policy issues. This applies both at the inter-sectoral level and within the various sectors, and has led in the last few decades to the creation of a large number of joint texts. This article addresses the issue of the added value of these results for the parties concluding them. It is argued that the ESD does not constitute a system of industrial relations at the European level, but serves as an alternative lobbying channel for the social partners involved

    Een leven lang ontwikkelen:wie zit er op te wachten?

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    Een leven lang ontwikkelen staat momenteel sterk in de belangstelling. In het recent aangetreden kabinet is de Minister van Sociale Zaken en niet die van OCW aangewezen als coördinerend minister voor dit thema. In deel 13 van deze serie over het mbo bezien Marinka Kuijpers en Marc van der Meer het eigenaarschap van dit thema, wie gaat er over? En wie heeft er belang bij? En waar wachten we nog op

    Responsive corporatism without political credit : social concertation, constructive opposition and the long tenure of the Rutte II cabinet in the Netherlands (2012–2017)

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    Published online: 06 April 2022This paper analyses the unexpected return of social concertation in the Netherlands under the Rutte II government (2012–2017). Despite political fragmentation, electoral volatility and intensified EU budgetary surveillance, between 2012 and 2017 the Netherlands witnessed several social pacts that proved vital to the enactment of long-awaited reforms, allowed the government to turn post-crisis fiscal deficits into surpluses, and helped regenerate economic growth. After describing the contextual differences with the Dutch ‘miracle’ years of the 1980s and 1990s, we reveal a novel institutional logic of responsive corporatism whereby, first, a social pact with civil society actors is agreed which, then, becomes a launching pad for the de facto minority government to enlist parties from the ‘constructive opposition’ in these agreements to deliver anticipated reforms. Unlike the 1980s and 1990s, however, pro-active engagement with the social partners did not pay out electorally, in particular for the social democrats.This article was published Open Access with the support from the EUI Library through the CRUI - Springer Transformative Agreement (2020-2024

    Characteristics and quality of oral anticoagulation treatment in pediatric patients in the Netherlands based on the CAPS cohort

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    Essentials: The knowledge of quality and safety of acenocoumarol and phenprocoumon use in children is limited. We used data from a multicenter retrospective follow-up study in children in the Netherlands. The quality of anticoagulation control in the first month of use was low, but improved thereafter. No thromboembolic events occurred, however bleeding events occurred in 1-3 out of 10 patients. Summary: Background: The use of vitamin-K antagonists in pediatric patients is rare and information on the quality and safety of treatment with acenocoumarol and phenprocoumon is limited. Objectives: To assess the quality, safety and effectiveness during the first year of acenocoumarol and phenprocoumon treatment in pediatric patients in the Netherlands. Methods: The Children Anticoagulation and Pharmacogenetics Study (C

    The pediatric acenocoumarol dosing algorithm:The Children Anticoagulation and Pharmacogenetics Study

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    Essentials: A pediatric pharmacogenetic dosing algorithm for acenocoumarol has not yet been developed. We conducted a multicenter retrospective follow-up study in children in the Netherlands. Body surface area and indication explained 45.0% of the variability in dose requirement. Adding the genotypes of VKORC1, CYP2C9 and CYP2C18 to the algorithm increased this to 61.8%. Summary: Background: The large variability in dose requirement of vitamin K antagonists is well known. For warfarin, pediatric dosing algorithms have been developed to predict the correct dose for a patient; however, this is not the case for acenocoumarol. Objectives: To develop dosing algorithms for pediatric patients receiving acenocoumarol with and without genetic information. Methods: The Children Anticoagulation and Pharmacogenetics Study was designed as a multicenter retrospective follow-up study in Dutch anticoagulation clinics and children's hospitals. Pediatric patients who used acenocoumarol between 1995 and 2014 were selected for inclusion. Clinical information and saliva samples for genotyping of the genes encoding cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9, vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1), CYP4F2, CYP2C18 and CYP3A4 were collected. Linear regression was used to analyze their association with the log mean stable dose. A stable period was defined as three or more consecutive International Normalized Ratio measurements within the therapeutic range over a period of ≄ 3 weeks. Results: In total, 175 patients were included in the study, of whom 86 had a stable period and no missing clinical information (clinical cohort; median age 8.9 years, and 49% female). For 80 of these 86 patien
