63 research outputs found

    Quantifying the interplay between environmental and social effects on aggregated-fish dynamics

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    Demonstrating and quantifying the respective roles of social interactions and external stimuli governing fish dynamics is key to understanding fish spatial distribution. If seminal studies have contributed to our understanding of fish spatial organization in schools, little experimental information is available on fish in their natural environment, where aggregations often occur in the presence of spatial heterogeneities. Here, we applied novel modeling approaches coupled to accurate acoustic tracking for studying the dynamics of a group of gregarious fish in a heterogeneous environment. To this purpose, we acoustically tracked with submeter resolution the positions of twelve small pelagic fish (Selar crumenophthalmus) in the presence of an anchored floating object, constituting a point of attraction for several fish species. We constructed a field-based model for aggregated-fish dynamics, deriving effective interactions for both social and external stimuli from experiments. We tuned the model parameters that best fit the experimental data and quantified the importance of social interactions in the aggregation, providing an explanation for the spatial structure of fish aggregations found around floating objects. Our results can be generalized to other gregarious species and contexts as long as it is possible to observe the fine-scale movements of a subset of individuals.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures and 4 supplementary figure

    Les Ă©toiles de mer et leurs cousins - section bibliographique

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    Section bibliographique du livre : Les étoiles de mer et leurs cousins 80 clés pour comprendre les échinodermes Coralie et Marc TAQUET Editions QUA

    Fish aggregating devices (FADs): good or bad fishing tools? A question of scale and knowledge

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    It is estimated that fish aggregating devices (FADs) are now used for over 40% of world tropical tuna catches, making this technique a major phenomenon for high seas fisheries worldwide, and one that has experienced great expansion over the past three decades. The question of whether the FAD is a good or a bad tool for the exploitation of marine resources depends on many parameters. To respond to this question, it is necessary to distinguish different scales of exploitation (artisanal vs. industrial) and various types of FADs (anchored vs. drifting), but it is also very important to gather more data and conduct further research on this topic to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon and of its impacts. As such, twelve years after the first international conference devoted to FADs, which was held in Martinique (French West Indies), a new multi-scalar global assessment of FAD fisheries development and a review of the progress of research in this field was deemed vital. The latest international conference, “Tuna Fisheries and Fish Aggregating Devices”, was held in Tahiti in November 2011, and it was an event that welcomed nearly 150 conference attendees from 40 different countries, three ocean regions, and the Mediterranean. This is an analysis of the relevant literature gathered by the author in the bibliographic database FADBASE. Then, the major issues already addressed by the scientific community are set out, and gaps and research priorities are highlighted for anchored and drifting FADs management

    Le redĂ©ploiement de la pĂȘche antillaise vers les grands poissons pĂ©lagiques

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    © Ifremer/M. Taquet Introduction Les grands poissons pĂ©lagiques exploitĂ©s aux Antilles sont des espĂšces appartenant essentiellement aux familles des scombridĂ©s (thazards, thon noir, listao, albacore,...), coryphĂ©nidĂ©s (dorade coryphĂšne), istiophoridĂ©s (marlins) et xiphiidĂ©s (espadon). Certaines de ces espĂšces peuvent ĂȘtre capturĂ©es prĂšs des cĂŽtes, soit par des mĂ©tiers nĂ©cessitant peu d’investissement comme la ligne de traĂźne, soit par des techniques plus complexes comme la senne de plage ou l..

    Projet d’implantation de Dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons autour de La RĂ©union. Rapport final

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    Dix dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons (DCP) ont Ă©tĂ© posĂ©s autour de la RĂ©union au cours de l’annĂ©e 1988. Ces structures, constituĂ©es de bouĂ©es supportant du matĂ©riel attractif (feuillards plastiques et filets), sont mouillĂ©es entre 3 et 12 milles nautiques de la cĂŽte sur des fonds de 500 Ă  1500 mĂštres de profondeurs. Un suivi de l’activitĂ© Ă  proximitĂ© des DCP a permis d’établir dans la zone proche des DCP. Les thons (Thunnus albacares. Thunnus obesus) et les daurades (Corypheana hippurus) constituent l’essentiel des prises. Il est difficile d’évaluer la rĂ©duction des coĂ»ts de production qu’induit les DCP, nĂ©anmoins le coĂ»t d’un DCP est de l’ordre de 1 Ă  2 % de la production en valeur dans la zone proche des DCP, ce qui paraĂźt un rĂ©sultat satisfaisant et qui, de plus, est susceptible d’ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©

    Prospection des ressources cĂŽtiĂšres dĂ©mersales profondes autour de La RĂ©union. Analyse des donnĂ©es des campagnes Ă  la mer rĂ©alisĂ©es du 23/02/2000 au 28/07/2000. Rapport de synthĂšse des travaux confiĂ©s par le CRPMEM de La RĂ©union Ă  l’Ifremer DĂ©lĂ©gation OcĂ©an Indien.

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    Data on the potential exploitation of deep demersal fish species in Reunion Island are very limited. The Regional Comitee for Sea Fisheries and Marine Breeding, with the scientific and technical support of Ifremer of La Reunion, has launched prospecting campaigns to identify and characterize deep-sea fish species (between 150 to 600 m deep), with an innovative method of catching with electric reel. The catches made concern mainly 5 main species (yields, frequency of catch, commercial interest). A new species, the brillant pomfret (Eumegistus illustris), as well as the longtail red snapper (Etelis coruscans), are the both main resources that can be exploited by the electric reel technique. They represent more than 60% of the overall catches made during the survey. The other species (red snapper (Etelis carbunculus), shortnose spurdog (Squalus megalops), beryx (Beryx decadactylus),  black snoek (Thyrsitoides marleyi)) are supplements species, given the impossibility to target them, and maintain daily yields at a consistent level with the profitability of the fishing operation. The distribution of these species is strongly related to bathymetry and an assessment of the area available for their habitat around the island, shows that the abundance of these resources is limited to an incompatible level with intensive exploitation. Absence of more precise scientific arguments suggest a precautionary approach and encourages to recommend not favoring the exploitation of new efficient fishing units on this resource but rather to consider it as a potential complementary activity for the fishing units of current small professional fishery, which practice other trades (coral fish species and pelagic fish on FADs with fishing hook).Les donnĂ©es concernant les potentialitĂ©s d’exploitation des espĂšces dĂ©mersales profondes Ă  La RĂ©union sont trĂšs limitĂ©es. C’est pourquoi, le ComitĂ© RĂ©gional des PĂȘches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins, avec le soutien scientifique et technique de l’Ifremer de La RĂ©union, a lancĂ© en 2000 des campagnes de prospection pour identifier et caractĂ©riser les espĂšces de poissons profonds (entre 150 Ă  600 m de profondeur) d’intĂ©rĂȘt halieutique, avec une mĂ©thode innovante de capture au moulinet Ă©lectrique. Les captures rĂ©alisĂ©es concernent principalement 5 espĂšces d’intĂ©rĂȘts halieutiques (rendements, frĂ©quences des captures, intĂ©rĂȘt commercial). Une espĂšce nouvelle, le « mochong » ou « castagnole » (Eumegistus illustris), ainsi que le vivaneau la flamme (Etelis coruscans) constituent les ressources principales exploitables par la technique du moulinet Ă©lectrique. Elles reprĂ©sentent plus de 60 % des captures globales rĂ©alisĂ©es lors de la prospection. Les autres espĂšces (vivaneau rouge (Etelis carbunculus), requin zĂ©pine (Squalus megalops), bĂ©ryx (Beryx decadactylus), snoek (Thyrsitoides marleyi)) n’interviennent qu’en complĂ©ments de revenu, compte tenu de l’impossibilitĂ© de les cibler et de maintenir des rendements journaliers Ă  un niveau compatible avec la rentabilitĂ© de l’exploitation. La rĂ©partition de ces espĂšces est fortement liĂ©e Ă  la bathymĂ©trie et une Ă©valuation de la superficie disponible pour leur habitat autour de l’üle, montre que l’abondance de ces ressources est nĂ©cessairement limitĂ©e Ă  un niveau incompatible avec une exploitation soutenue. En absence d’arguments scientifiques plus prĂ©cis, l’approche de prĂ©caution incite Ă  recommander de ne pas favoriser la mise en exploitation de nouvelles unitĂ©s de pĂȘche performantes sur cette ressource mais plutĂŽt de la considĂ©rer comme une activitĂ© complĂ©mentaire potentielle pour les unitĂ©s de la flottille de petite pĂȘche professionnelle actuelle, qui pratiquent les autres mĂ©tiers (pĂȘche Ă  l'hameçon des poissons de fond rĂ©cifaux et des poissons pĂ©lagiques sur DCP)

    Age and growth of blackfin tuna (

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    Daily growth increments measured in the otolith of Thunnus atlanticus were used to estimate the age and growth of individuals, which were sampled from an artisanal fishery operating around fish aggregating devices (FADs) moored off Martinique Island. In this study, 76 otoliths were analysed for fish ranging from 20 to 68 cm fork lengths (FL). The fish were caught using trolling lines at depths ranging from 0 to 10 m. Counts were made, under a light microscope, on the external part of the transverse section of the sagittae, from the primordium to the ventral edge. The mean coefficient of variation of the age reading was 2.4%. To validate readings, the number of increments for 11 individuals was counted using both optic and scanning electron microscopes. The calculated relationship between readings of both methods was found to be linear, with a slope of 1.03 and R2 = 0.99. Frequency of growth increment formation could not be validated. Growth rates derived from otolith readings were, however, compared to those obtained using a modal progression analysis, which was performed on the length-frequency distributions of the landings over a period of two months. The corroboration between the growth rates was good. One increment was assumed to represent one day. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth curve for both sexes were L∞ = 71.4 cm FL, k = 0.002 day−1 and t0 = −80 days. According to our results, there is no evidence that Martinican moored FADs act as ecological traps for blackfin tuna. Instead, young blackfin tuna probably leave the vicinity of Martinican moored FADs to undergo a trophic migration at 7 to 8 month-old, and then come back about 8 months later to breed in the Lesser Antilles area
