23 research outputs found

    PHEX gene and hypophosphatemia

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    PHEX gene and hypophosphatemia. X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) and tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) are diseases that have in common abnormal proximal renal tubular function resulting in increased renal clearance of inorganic phosphorus and hypophosphatemia. The recent discovery of the PHEX gene has provided new insights to these disorders. In this regard, identification of the PHEX gene product as a membrane-bound endopeptidase suggests that the pathophysiologic cascade underlying XLH likely involves inactivation mutations of the gene causing a failure to clear an active hormone, phosphatonin, from the circulation. The presence of this hormone through unknown mechanisms decreases the sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter in the kidney, resulting in impaired phosphate transport. In contrast, TIO likely evolves secondary to tumor overproduction of the putative phosphatonin, which exerts physiologic function despite efforts to counteract the resultant hypophosphatemia with overproduction of PHEX transcripts that are insufficient to accommodate the enhanced substrate load. These potential pathophysiologic mechanisms for XLH and TIO provide valuable inroads to understanding phosphate homeostasis, as well as vitamin D metabolism, bone mineralization, and calcium metabolism

    Aberrant Phex function in osteoblasts and osteocytes alone underlies murine X-linked hypophosphatemia

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    Patients with X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) and the hyp-mouse, a model of XLH characterized by a deletion in the Phex gene, manifest hypophosphatemia, renal phosphate wasting, and rickets/osteomalacia. Cloning of the PHEX/Phex gene and mutations in affected patients and hyp-mice established that alterations in PHEX/Phex expression underlie XLH. Although PHEX/Phex expression occurs primarily in osteoblast lineage cells, transgenic Phex expression in hyp-mouse osteoblasts fails to rescue the phenotype, suggesting that Phex expression at other sites underlies XLH. To establish whether abnormal Phex in osteoblasts and/or osteocytes alone generates the HYP phenotype, we created mice with a global Phex knockout (Cre-PhexΔflox/y mice) and conditional osteocalcin-promoted (OC-promoted) Phex inactivation in osteoblasts and osteocytes (OC-Cre-PhexΔflox/y). Serum phosphorus levels in Cre-PhexΔflox/y, OC-Cre-PhexΔflox/y, and hyp-mice were lower than those in normal mice. Kidney cell membrane phosphate transport in Cre-PhexΔflox/y, OC-Cre-PhexΔflox/y, and hyp-mice was likewise reduced compared with that in normal mice. Abnormal renal phosphate transport in Cre-PhexΔflox/y and OC-Cre-PhexΔflox/y mice was associated with increased bone production and serum FGF-23 levels and decreased kidney membrane type IIa sodium phosphate cotransporter protein, as was the case in hyp-mice. In addition, Cre-PhexΔflox/y, OC-Cre-PhexΔflox/y, and hyp-mice manifested comparable osteomalacia. These data provide evidence that aberrant Phex function in osteoblasts and/or osteocytes alone is sufficient to underlie the hyp-mouse phenotype

    Forum on aging and skeletal health: summary of the proceedings of an ASBMR workshop

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    With the aging of the population, the scope of the problem of age-related bone loss and osteoporosis will continue to increase. As such, it is critical to obtain a better understanding of the factors determining the acquisition and loss of bone mass from childhood to senescence. While there have been significant advances in recent years in our understanding of both the basic biology of aging and a clinical definition of age-related frailty, few of these concepts in aging research have been evaluated adequately for their relevance and application to skeletal aging or fracture prevention. The March 2011 Forum on Aging and Skeletal Health, sponsored by the NIH and ASBMR, sought to bring together leaders in aging and bone research to enhance communications among diverse fields of study so as to accelerate the pace of scientific advances needed to reduce the burden of osteoporotic fractures. This report summarizes the major concepts presented at that meeting and in each area identifies key questions to help set the agenda for future research in skeletal aging