24 research outputs found

    Les Québécois devant les services sociaux. Un univers de transition?

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    Ce texte présente les résultats d'un vaste sondage d'opinions concernant des attitudes générales en matière de problèmes sociaux ou sociosanitaires et plus particulièrement par rapport à deux situations problèmes : devoir prendre en charge un parent âgé en perte d'autonomie ou devoir assumer les responsabilités de chef de famille monoparentale. Mais en plus de l'analyse de ces deux problèmes spécifiques, cette enquête nous fournit de précieuses informations sur les types de solutions concrètes qu'une population se donne pour faire face aux divers problèmes sociaux qui la confrontent

    Analyse et caractérisation des marques de possession en matière de délimitation foncìère au Québec

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    À titre d’expert de la mesure, l’arpenteur-géomètre est prédestiné à rencontrer une multitude de situations lorsqu’il exécute ses levés sur le terrain, notamment en ce qui a trait à la façon dont les propriétaires fonciers exercent et expriment leur droit de propriété. En effet, il est tout à fait normal d’user et de jouir du terrain duquel on est le propriétaire. Cette possession exercée et constatée sur le terrain peut produire certains effets et l’arpenteur-géomètre aura fréquemment à évaluer l’impact potentiel de cette possession lorsque vient de temps d’indiquer les limites séparatrices d’un bien-fonds. À titre d’exemple, lorsqu’il est investi d’un mandat de constatation et à défaut de limites de propriété clairement définies, l’arpenteur-géomètre n’aura d’autre choix que d’indiquer la position d’une limite séparative selon les marques de possession qu’il rencontre. Lorsqu’il émet son opinion professionnelle, il est du devoir de l’arpenteur-géomètre de déterminer si les marques de possession retrouvées pourraient être jugées suffisamment significatives pour potentiellement produire des effets. Au-delà de cette question, l’arpenteur-géomètre devra être en mesure de justifier cette opinion professionnelle, ce qui n’est pas toujours aisé surtout lorsqu’il rencontre sur le terrain plusieurs traces laissant supposer une emprise matérielle du terrain par un possesseur. Par une énumération d’une multitude d’éléments considérés et analysés en jurisprudence québécoise dans le but de prouver une possession utile et par l’élaboration d’une liste de critères d’analyse, cet ouvrage constitue pour l’arpenteur-géomètre un outil utile lorsque vient le temps d’analyser l’impact des marques matérielles retrouvées sur la position d’une limite séparative entre deux propriétés. C’est ainsi que seront traités autant les différents types de marques de possession rencontrées que les caractéristiques que peuvent avoir ces marques pour accroître leur force probante. En effet, par la présentation d’une approche systématique d’analyse, cet ouvrage a notamment pour but de guider l’arpenteur-géomètre dans son choix des marques de possession à être conservées ou à être écartées dans son analyse

    When Should I Use my Active Workstation? The impact of Physical Demand and Task Difficulty on IT Users’ Perception and Performance

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    The seated position in our daily computer interactions has been identified as a major threat for health. Active workstations have been proposed as a healthy solution to these problems. However, research findings on the effects of such workstations on users’ productivity is not conclusive. We argue that physical demand and task difficulty play a role in influencing IT users’ performance and perceptions when using active workstations. An experiment manipulating task difficulty, direct and indirect physical demands was performed. Results suggest that task difficulty moderates the relationships between physical demand (direct and indirect) and users’ perceptions and performance. Findings will help organizations and employees determine if it is appropriate for them to use active workstations

    Evaluating preferences for online psychological interventions to decrease cannabis use in young adults with psychosis : an observational study

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    Innovative technology-based solutions have the potential to improve access to clinically proven interventions for cannabis use disorder (CUD) in individuals with first episode psychosis (FEP). High patient engagement with app-based interventions is critical for achieving optimal outcomes. 104 individuals 18 to 35 years old with FEP and CUD from three Canadian provinces completed an electronic survey to evaluate preferences for online psychological intervention intensity, participation autonomy, feedback related to cannabis use, and technology platforms and app functionalities. The development of the questionnaire was informed by a qualitative study that included patients and clinicians. We used Best-Worst Scaling (BWS) and item ranking methodologies to measure preferences. Conditional logistic regression models for BWS data revealed high preferences for moderate intervention intensity (e.g., modules with a length of 15 min) and treatment autonomy that included preferences for using technology-based interventions and receiving feedback related to cannabis use once a week. Luce regression models for rank items revealed high preferences for smartphone-based apps, video intervention components, and having access to synchronous communications with clinicians and gamification elements. Results informed the development of iCanChange (iCC), a smartphone-based intervention for the treatment of CUD in individuals with FEP that is undergoing clinical testing

    Reducing cannabis use in young adults with psychosis using iCanChange, a mobile health app : protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial (ReCAP-iCC)

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    Background: Cannabis use is the most prevalent among adolescents and young adults; frequent consumption is associated with cannabis use disorder (CUD) and psychosis, with a high prevalence (up to 50%) of CUD in individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Early Intervention Services (EIS) for psychosis include face-to-face psychosocial interventions for CUD, because reducing or discontinuing cannabis use improves clinical and health care service use outcomes. However, multiple barriers (eg, staff availability and limited access to treatment) can hinder the implementation of these interventions. Mobile health (mHealth) interventions may help circumvent some of these barriers; however, to date, no study has evaluated the effects of mHealth psychological interventions for CUD in individuals with FEP. Objective: This study describes the protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial using a novel mHealth psychological intervention (iCanChange [iCC]) to address CUD in young adults with FEP. iCC was developed based on clinical evidence showing that in individuals without psychosis, integrating the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and behavioral self-management approaches are effective in improving cannabis use–related outcomes. Methods: Consenting individuals (n=100) meeting the inclusion criteria (eg, aged 18-35 years with FEP and CUD) will be randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to the intervention (iCC+modified EIS) or control (EIS) group. The iCC is fully automatized and contains 21 modules that are completed over a 12-week period and 3 booster modules available during the 3-month follow-up period. Validated self-report measures will be taken via in-person assessments at baseline and at 6, 12 (end point), and 24 weeks (end of trial); iCC use data will be collected directly from the mobile app. Primary outcomes are intervention completion and trial retention rates, and secondary outcomes are cannabis use quantity, participant satisfaction, app use, and trial recruiting parameters. Exploratory outcomes include severity of psychotic symptoms and CUD severity. For primary outcomes, we will use the chi-square test using data collected at week 12. We will consider participation in iCC acceptable if ≥50% of the participants complete at least 11 out of 21 intervention modules and the trial feasible if attrition does not reach 50%. We will use analysis of covariance and mixed-effects models for secondary outcomes and generalized estimating equation multivariable analyses for exploratory outcomes. Results: Recruitment began in July 2022, and data collection is anticipated to be completed in July 2024. The main results are expected to be submitted for publication in 2024. We will engage patient partners and other stakeholders in creating a multifaceted knowledge translation plan to reach a diverse audience. Conclusions: If feasible, this study will provide essential data for a larger-scale efficacy trial of iCC on cannabis use outcomes in individuals with FEP and CUD

    Comment les Québécois se tirent-ils d'affaire ? Un défi lancé aux chercheurs de sciences humaines

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    Sylvie Jutras, Louise Guy on, Marc Renaud, Renée Dandurand, Pierre Bouchard: How do people from Quebec cope with health and social problem? A challenge to human sciences. The Quebec Inquiry Commission in Health and Social Services asked our research team to describe the endeavours of the Quebecers to face their health and social problems. This paper presents the conceptualization of the problem which has been looked at by a survey (n = 2 114). Besides a survey conducted amongst the gênerai population, three specific sub-groups have been studied, each representing one of the three levels of problems examined by the Commission: suffering from chronical back pain (health problem), being an informal caregiver to an elderly parent (social and health problem), and holding responsibilities as a single-head family parent (social problem). The paper presents the major results for each of the three situations. To conclude, solutions now available are discussed in a future perspective.Résumé. La Commission d'enquête sur les services de santé et les services sociaux a confié à notre équipe de recherche le mandat de décrire comment les Québécois tentent de régler leurs problèmes sociaux et de santé. L'article rapporte le processus d'élaboration de l'objet d'étude aboutissant à une enquête menée auprès d'un échantillon représentatif des Québécois (N = 2 114). Parallèlement à un sondage mené auprès de la population en général, l'étude a porté sur trois sous-groupes particuliers représentant chacun un niveau de problème examiné par la Commission : souffrir de mal de dos chronique (problématique de santé), devoir assister une personne âgée en perte d'autonomie (problématique socio-sanitaire), être confronté(e) aux responsabilités de chef de famille monoparentale (problématique sociale). L'article présente les résultats les plus saillants de l'enquête quant à chacune des situations étudiées. En conclusion, l'éventail des solutions actuellement disponibles est discutée dans une perspective d'avenir.Sylvie Jutras, Louise Guyon, Marc Renaud, Renée Dandurand, Pierre Boucharol : ¿ Cómo los Quebequences salen de apuros ? Un reto lanzado a los investigadores de las Ciencias Humanas. La comisión de investigación sobre los servicios de salud y los servicios sociales ha confiado a nuestro équipo de investigación la tarea de describir cómo los quebequences tratan de arreglar sus problemas sociales y de salud. El artículo refïere el proceso de elaboración del objeto de estudio que desemboca sobre una encuesta llevada a cabo a partir de un muestreo representativo de los Quebequences (N-2 1 14). Paralelamente a un sondeo realizado en la población en general, el estudio abarcó a très subgrupos; cada uno representaba una categoría específica de problemas examinados por la comisión : padecer dolores de espalda crónicos (problemática de salud), tener que ayudar a un anciano que está perdiendo su autonomía (problemática sociosanitaria), ser confrontado a las responsabilidades de jefe de familia monoparental (problemática social). El artículo présenta los resultados más destacados de la investigación con respecto a cada una de las situaciones estudiadas. En conclusión, se discute la gama de soluciones actualmente disponibles en una perspectiva venidera.Jutras Sylvie, Guyon Louise, Renaud Marc, Dandurand Renée, Bouchard Pierre. Comment les Québécois se tirent-ils d'affaire ? Un défi lancé aux chercheurs de sciences humaines. In: Sciences sociales et santé. Volume 7, n°4, 1989. De l'utopie au réel : la santé en débat au Québec, sous la direction de Antoinette Chauvenet, Gérard de Pouvourville et William Dab. pp. 69-93

    Top 100 cited articles on radiation exposure in medical imaging: A bibliometric analysis

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    Background: Bibliometric analyses by highest number of citations can help researchers and funding agencies in determining the most influential articles in a field. The main objective of this analysis was to identify the top 100 cited articles addressing radiation exposure from medical imaging and assess their characteristics.Methods: Relevant articles were extracted from the Scopus database after a systematic search by researchers using an iteratively defined Boolean search string. Subsequently, exclusion criteria were applied. A list of top 100 articles was prepared, and articles were ranked according to the citations they had received. No time restriction was applied. Descriptive statistics of the data were compiled.Results: The top-cited articles were published from 1970-2013, with the most articles published in 2009 and 2010 (12 articles in each year). The citations ranged from 107-1888 with a median of 272. Manuscripts from our top-cited list originated from 20 different countries, with contributions made by 158 authors and 160 organizations. Eighty-eight percent of studies evaluated patient-related radiation exposure, 7% health care workers, and 5% both or were not specified. Thirty-two percent of studies examined adult populations, 14% pediatric, and 54% included both populations or did not specify. Seventy-two percent of studies were dedicated to Computed Tomography, 8% to radiography/fluoroscopy, 9% to interventional procedures, 4% to nuclear medicine, and 7% to a combination of 2 or more modalities.Conclusion: The top 100 cited articles in medical imaging related to radiation exposure are diverse, originating from many countries with numerous contributing authors. The most common topics covered involve CT and adult patients. The recent peak in the most-highly cited articles (2010) suggests that increased attention has been devoted to this field in recent years. Based on these results, it would appear that research on radiation exposure in medical imaging is poised to continue expanding

    Partial Harvest in Paludified Black Spruce Stand: Short-Term Effects on Water Table and Variation in Stem Diameter

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    The boreal forest is considered to be a low productivity forest due to its cold climate and poorly drained soils promoting paludification. These factors create conditions favouring accumulation of undecomposed organic matter, which causes declining growth rates of forest stands, ultimately converting mature stands into peatlands. Under these conditions, careful logging is conducted during winter, which minimizes soil disturbance in northwestern Quebec boreal forest. This results in water table rise, increased light availability and paludification. Our main objective was to evaluate the short-term effect of partial harvesting as an alternative method to careful logging in winter to mitigate water table rise on black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) stands. We quantified tree stem diameter variation and daily variation in water table depth in mature spruce stands before and after partial harvest (basal area reduction of 40%) and girdling (same basal area reduction with delayed mortality) during 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. Water table variation prior to and following silvicultural treatments did not differ one year after treatment. Daily stem diameter variation in black spruce did not differ between treatments and control. Furthermore, temperature exerted a positive effect on variation in water table and on stem diameter. These results suggest that partial harvest could be more effective than clearcutting to mitigate negative effects of a high water table while limiting paludification