4 research outputs found

    Genetic divergence of new germplasm and advanced breeding lines of groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) studied under late kharif situation

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    Analysis of genetic divergence of sixty four genotypes (39 new germplasm accessions and 25 advanced breeding lines) of groundnut revealed wide range of D2 values ranging between 4.52 and 27.75 suggesting the presence of considerable amount of genetic diversity in the genotypes studied, which were grouped in to seven clusters where, cluster VII (28) was the largest followed by cluster I (24) and cluster VI (4). Maximum inter cluster distance was recorded between IV and VI representing wide divergence among these clusters. On the basis of intercluster distance and cluster means the genotypes viz., ICGV-05033, ICGV-05052, PAFRGVT58, GG-20×ICGV-91114, ICGX-020063-F-B-SSD-P20-B, ICGX-020055-F-SSD-P37-B were 21121 widely diverse therefore may be considered for future breeding programme

    Classification of new germplasm and advanced breeding lines of groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) through principal component analysis

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    Sixty four accessions of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) evaluated under late kharif season have been classified using Principal component analysis (PCA) based on correlation matrix yielding eigen values and eigen vectors. Fourteen principal components (PC) have been extracted using the mean performance of the genotypes, first ten principal components contributed over 95% of variation. Relative positive weights by each of the component to each single character has shown pod yield per plant and kernel yield per plant being given high positive weight by first principal component. Biplot of first two principal components showed characters viz., plant height, harvest index, pod yield, kernel yield per plant and oil yield per plant distinguishing among the accessions along the first principal component vector. Cluster analysis was performed based on first ten PC scores accounting more than 95% of variation which classified the sixty four accessions in to three clusters. Accessions in clusters 1 and 2 showed a wide range for several agronomic characters. This provides convenience in selecting superior accessions from each of these clusters for various yield contributing in the future breeding program

    Neraca Timpang Bagi Si Miskin: Penelitian Skema dan Penyaluran Dana Bantuan Hukum di Lima Wilayah di Indonesia

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    Diterbitkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum membawa harapan baru bagi penegakan hak asasi manusia di Indonesia, khususnya membuka akses keadilan bagi masyarakat miskin. Perjuangan 40 tahun Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia dalam memastikan keadilan untuk semua lapisan masyarakat, pada akhirnya memperoleh pengakuan dan jaminan oleh Negara. Kami sangat mengapresiasi dan menyambut baik komitmen Negara melalui sistim Bantuan Hukum ini. Namun demikian, sistim ini bukan tanpa kelemahan. Alokasi anggaran yang kurang responsif terhadap kebutuhan faktual bantuan hukum, merupakan salah satu bentuk kelemahan dari sistim ini. Meskipun potensi anggaran bantuan hukum yang tersebar di berbagai instansi Pemerintahan cukup besar jika diintegrasikan ke dalam sistim ini. Kelemahan ini ditengarai akibat dari penyusunan kebijakan yang kurang partisipatif dan minimnya basis penelitian lapangan