30 research outputs found

    Micobiota par谩sita de ambientes acu谩ticos de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Fil: Steciow, M贸nica Mirta. Instituto de Bot谩nica Spegazzini, 53 nro. 477, 1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Marano, Agostina Virginia. Instituto de Bot谩nica Spegazzini, 53 nro. 477, 1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentin

    Colonizaci贸n de sustratos artificiales y naturales por hongos acu谩ticos zoosp贸ricos

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    We study the 芦in situ禄 colonization of different kinds of substrata by zoosporic fungi (S.D Mastigomycotina), making weekly samplings during a month in the streams 芦El Zanj贸n禄 and 芦Las Ca帽as禄 (Ensenada, Bs. As., Argentina). In those sites we put twelve different substrata, both naturals (monocotyledon leaves, crustacean shells, Rosa sp. fruits, snake sheds and little fishes) and artificial ones (cellophane fragments, polypropylene bags, slides, and two kinds of different plastic materials). The substrata were put separately in drilled plastic bags, and left for a week to allow colonization. In both sites, we observed that Saprolegnia colonized every kind of substratum (both natural and artificial ones), while Achlya was encountered in the majority of them (little fishes, slides, cellophane fragments, pieces of X-rays, Rosa sp. fruits, and monocotyledon leaves), Dichtyuchus was observed in fishes and Rosa sp. fruits, Brevilegnia and Pythium in pieces of X-rays plate and Aphanomyces only in plastic materials. Based on these preliminary results, we can infer that there is an apparent selection of some genera for particular substrata. It鈥檚 interesting to emphasize that colonization of artificial substrata by Saprolegnia, Achlya, Brevilegnia, Pythium and Aphanomyces, might suggest the possibility of using these genera in superficial biodegradation of plastic materials.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas (CONICET) - Instituto de Limnolog铆a "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet" (ILPLA

    Colonizaci贸n de sustratos artificiales y naturales por hongos acu谩ticos zoosp贸ricos

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    We study the 芦in situ禄 colonization of different kinds of substrata by zoosporic fungi (S.D Mastigomycotina), making weekly samplings during a month in the streams 芦El Zanj贸n禄 and 芦Las Ca帽as禄 (Ensenada, Bs. As., Argentina). In those sites we put twelve different substrata, both naturals (monocotyledon leaves, crustacean shells, Rosa sp. fruits, snake sheds and little fishes) and artificial ones (cellophane fragments, polypropylene bags, slides, and two kinds of different plastic materials). The substrata were put separately in drilled plastic bags, and left for a week to allow colonization. In both sites, we observed that Saprolegnia colonized every kind of substratum (both natural and artificial ones), while Achlya was encountered in the majority of them (little fishes, slides, cellophane fragments, pieces of X-rays, Rosa sp. fruits, and monocotyledon leaves), Dichtyuchus was observed in fishes and Rosa sp. fruits, Brevilegnia and Pythium in pieces of X-rays plate and Aphanomyces only in plastic materials. Based on these preliminary results, we can infer that there is an apparent selection of some genera for particular substrata. It鈥檚 interesting to emphasize that colonization of artificial substrata by Saprolegnia, Achlya, Brevilegnia, Pythium and Aphanomyces, might suggest the possibility of using these genera in superficial biodegradation of plastic materials.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas (CONICET) - Instituto de Limnolog铆a "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet" (ILPLA

    Micobiota par谩sita de ambientes acu谩ticos de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Zoosporic fungi (Chytridiomycota, Hyphochytridiomycota and Peronosporomycota) include organisms that occur as saprotrophs on vegetable debris or as parasites of invertebrates, plants, algae and of other zoosporic fungi. Water samples and floating organic matter were collected during a 2005-2006 survey at Las Ca帽as stream and Villa Elisa channel (Reserva Natural Selva Marginal Punta Lara, Pdo. de Ensenada, Bs. As.), and samples were processed with the baiting technique. Six taxa of parasitic zoosporic fungi were recovered: Olpidium sp. (Braun) Rabenhorst, Chytridium sp. Braun and Rhizophydium carpophyllum (Chytridiomycota), Rhizidiomyces apophysatus and R. hirsutus (Hyphochytridiomycota), Olpidiopsis pythii (Butler) Karling and Dictyuchus sp. Leitgeb, (Peronosporomycota). Olpidiopsis pythii is the first record for Argentina and South America.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Colonizaci贸n de sustratos artificiales y naturales por hongos acu谩ticos zoosp贸ricos

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    We study the in situ colonization of different kinds of substrata by zoosporic fungi (S.D Mastigomycotina), making weekly samplings during a month in the streams 芦El Zanj贸n禄 and 芦Las Ca帽as禄 (Ensenada, Bs. As., Argentina). In those sites we put twelve different substrata, both naturals (monocotyledon leaves, crustacean shells, Rosa sp. fruits, snake sheds and little fishes) and artificial ones (cellophane fragments, polypropylene bags, slides, and two kinds of different plastic materials). The substrata were put separately in drilled plastic bags, and left for a week to allow colonization. In both sites, we observed that Saprolegnia colonized every kind of substratum (both natural and artificial ones), while Achlya was encountered in the majority of them (little fishes, slides, cellophane fragments, pieces of X-rays, Rosa sp. fruits, and monocotyledon leaves), Dichtyuchus was observed in fishes and Rosa sp. fruits, Brevilegnia and Pythium in pieces of X-rays plate and Aphanomyces only in plastic materials. Based on these preliminary results, we can infer that there is an apparent selection of some genera for particular substrata. It鈥檚 interesting to emphasize that colonization of artificial substrata by Saprolegnia, Achlya, Brevilegnia, Pythium and Aphanomyces, might suggest the possibility of using these genera in superficial biodegradation of plastic materials.We study the in situ colonization of different kinds of substrata by zoosporic fungi (S.D Mastigomycotina), making weekly samplings during a month in the streams 芦El Zanj贸n禄 and 芦Las Ca帽as禄 (Ensenada, Bs. As., Argentina). In those sites we put twelve different substrata, both naturals (monocotyledon leaves, crustacean shells, Rosa sp. fruits, snake sheds and little fishes) and artificial ones (cellophane fragments, polypropylene bags, slides, and two kinds of different plastic materials). The substrata were put separately in drilled plastic bags, and left for a week to allow colonization. In both sites, we observed that Saprolegnia colonized every kind of substratum (both natural and artificial ones), while Achlya was encountered in the majority of them (little fishes, slides, cellophane fragments, pieces of X-rays, Rosa sp. fruits, and monocotyledon leaves), Dichtyuchus was observed in fishes and Rosa sp. fruits, Brevilegnia and Pythium in pieces of X-rays plate and Aphanomyces only in plastic materials. Based on these preliminary results, we can infer that there is an apparent selection of some genera for particular substrata. It鈥檚 interesting to emphasize that colonization of artificial substrata by Saprolegnia, Achlya, Brevilegnia, Pythium and Aphanomyces, might suggest the possibility of using these genera in superficial biodegradation of plastic materials

    Colonizaci贸n de sustratos artificiales y naturales por hongos acu谩ticos zoosp贸ricos

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    We study the 芦in situ禄 colonization of different kinds of substrata by zoosporic fungi (S.D Mastigomycotina), making weekly samplings during a month in the streams 芦El Zanj贸n禄 and 芦Las Ca帽as禄 (Ensenada, Bs. As., Argentina). In those sites we put twelve different substrata, both naturals (monocotyledon leaves, crustacean shells, Rosa sp. fruits, snake sheds and little fishes) and artificial ones (cellophane fragments, polypropylene bags, slides, and two kinds of different plastic materials). The substrata were put separately in drilled plastic bags, and left for a week to allow colonization. In both sites, we observed that Saprolegnia colonized every kind of substratum (both natural and artificial ones), while Achlya was encountered in the majority of them (little fishes, slides, cellophane fragments, pieces of X-rays, Rosa sp. fruits, and monocotyledon leaves), Dichtyuchus was observed in fishes and Rosa sp. fruits, Brevilegnia and Pythium in pieces of X-rays plate and Aphanomyces only in plastic materials. Based on these preliminary results, we can infer that there is an apparent selection of some genera for particular substrata. It鈥檚 interesting to emphasize that colonization of artificial substrata by Saprolegnia, Achlya, Brevilegnia, Pythium and Aphanomyces, might suggest the possibility of using these genera in superficial biodegradation of plastic materials.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas (CONICET) - Instituto de Limnolog铆a "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet" (ILPLA

    Functional and structural characteristics of the epipelic biofilms in a lowland Pampean stream (Argentina) exposed to the increase of the urbanization

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las respuestas estructurales (densidad de organismos, biomasa total, biomasa autotr贸fica e 铆ndice autotr贸fico) y funcionales (producci贸n primaria neta, respiraci贸n, producci贸n primaria bruta y tasa de asimilaci贸n) del biofilm epip茅lico en tres sitios de un arroyo pampeano que presentan diferentes proporciones del uso del suelo expuesto a la urbanizaci贸n. Los resultados mostraron que el aumento en el porcentaje del uso del suelo destinado a la urbanizaci贸n fue evidenciado por los cambios en la calidad del agua y por los descriptores funcionales y estructurales del biofilm epip茅lico. En tal sentido, la calidad del agua disminuy贸 en los sitios m谩s urbanizados como consecuencia principalmente del incremento de nutrientes. Esto repercuti贸 en la producci贸n primaria neta, la tasa de asimilaci贸n y el cociente producci贸n primaria bruta/respiraci贸n, reflejando que el biofilm fue marcadamente autotr贸fico y m谩s eficiente en t茅rminos fotosint茅ticos. Estos cambios en los descriptores metab贸licos se condicen con el patr贸n seguido por la clorofila, que reflej贸 un cambio en el estado tr贸fico de mesotr贸fico a eutr贸fico. Asimismo, la composici贸n espec铆fica en aquellos sitios mostr贸 cambios a favor del incremento de organismos tolerantes a la poluci贸n.The purpose of the present study was to analyze the structural (organisms density, total biomass, autotrophic biomass and autotrophic index) and functional (net primary production, respiration, gross primary production and assimilation rate) responses of the epipelic biofilm at three sites of a Pampean stream presenting different proportions of land use exposed to urbanization. The results showed that the increase in the percentage of land use destined to urbanization was evidenced by the changes in the water quality and by the functional and structural descriptors of the epipelic biofilm. In this regard, the quality of water diminished at the most urbanized sites mainly as a consequence of the nutrient increase. This affected the net primary production, the assimilation rate and the gross primary production/ respiration ratio, reflecting that the biofilm was markedly autotrophic and more efficient photosynthetically. These changes in the metabolic descriptors are coincident with the pattern followed by the chlorophyll which reflected a change in the trophic state from mesotrophic to eutrophic. Likewise, the specific composition in those sites showed changes favoring the increase of organisms tolerant to pollution.Fil: Sierra, Maria Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnolog铆a "Dr. Ra煤l A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnolog铆a; ArgentinaFil: Gomez, Nora. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnolog铆a "Dr. Ra煤l A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnolog铆a; ArgentinaFil: Marano, Agostina Virginia. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Bot谩nica Spegazzini; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Di Siervi, Miguel Angel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnolog铆a "Dr. Ra煤l A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnolog铆a; Argentin

    Caracterizaci贸n funcional y estructural del biofilm epip茅lico en relaci贸n al aumento de la urbanizaci贸n en un arroyo de la Llanura Pampeana (Argentina)

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    Fil: Sierra, Mar铆a Victoria. Instituto de Limnolog铆a Dr. Ra煤l A. Ringuelet (ILPLA). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: G贸mez, Nora. Instituto de Limnolog铆a Dr. Ra煤l A. Ringuelet (ILPLA). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Marano, Agostina Virginia. Divisi贸n Instituto Spegazzini. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Di Siervi, Miguel A.. Instituto de Limnolog铆a Dr. Ra煤l A. Ringuelet (ILPLA). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Functional and structural characteristics of the epipelic biofilms in a lowland Pampean stream (Argentina) exposed to the increase of the urbanization

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las respuestas estructurales (densidad de organismos, biomasa total, biomasa autotr贸fica e 铆ndice autotr贸fico) y funcionales (producci贸n primaria neta, respiraci贸n, producci贸n primaria bruta y tasa de asimilaci贸n) del biofilm epip茅lico en tres sitios de un arroyo pampeano que presentan diferentes proporciones del uso del suelo expuesto a la urbanizaci贸n. Los resultados mostraron que el aumento en el porcentaje del uso del suelo destinado a la urbanizaci贸n fue evidenciado por los cambios en la calidad del agua y por los descriptores funcionales y estructurales del biofilm epip茅lico. En tal sentido, la calidad del agua disminuy贸 en los sitios m谩s urbanizados como consecuencia principalmente del incremento de nutrientes. Esto repercuti贸 en la producci贸n primaria neta, la tasa de asimilaci贸n y el cociente producci贸n primaria bruta/respiraci贸n, reflejando que el biofilm fue marcadamente autotr贸fico y m谩s eficiente en t茅rminos fotosint茅ticos. Estos cambios en los descriptores metab贸licos se condicen con el patr贸n seguido por la clorofila, que reflej贸 un cambio en el estado tr贸fico de mesotr贸fico a eutr贸fico. Asimismo, la composici贸n espec铆fica en aquellos sitios mostr贸 cambios a favor del incremento de organismos tolerantes a la poluci贸n.The purpose of the present study was to analyze the structural (organisms density, total biomass, autotrophic biomass and autotrophic index) and functional (net primary production, respiration, gross primary production and assimilation rate) responses of the epipelic biofilm at three sites of a Pampean stream presenting different proportions of land use exposed to urbanization. The results showed that the increase in the percentage of land use destined to urbanization was evidenced by the changes in the water quality and by the functional and structural descriptors of the epipelic biofilm. In this regard, the quality of water diminished at the most urbanized sites mainly as a consequence of the nutrient increase. This affected the net primary production, the assimilation rate and the gross primary production/ respiration ratio, reflecting that the biofilm was markedly autotrophic and more efficient photosynthetically. These changes in the metabolic descriptors are coincident with the pattern followed by the chlorophyll which reflected a change in the trophic state from mesotrophic to eutrophic. Likewise, the specific composition in those sites showed changes favoring the increase of organisms tolerant to pollution.Instituto de Limnolog铆a "Dr. Ra煤l A. Ringuelet"Instituto de Bot谩nica "Dr. Carlos Spegazzini

    El g茅nero Nowakowskiella (Cladochytriaceae, Chytridiomycota) en ambientes de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires (Argentina): taxonom铆a, frecuencia y abundancia de las especies encontradas

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    El g茅nero Nowakowskiella comprende organismos acu谩ticos y terrestres, que se encuentran como sapr贸trofos principalmente sobre restos vegetales en descomposici贸n. El g茅nero es citado por primera vez para Argentina y en esta contribuci贸n, se describen cuatro especies, analiz谩ndose su frecuencia y abundancia en los ambientes estudiados, brind谩ndose una clave basada en caracteres morfol贸gicos para diferenciarlas.The genus Nowakowskiella (Cladochytriaceae, Chytridiomycota) in environments of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina): Taxonomy, frequency and abundance of the found species.The genus Nowakowskiella comprises aquatic and terrestrial organisms, which occur as saprotrophs on decomposed vegetable debris mainly. This genus is recorded for the first time in Argentina and in this contribution four species are described, analyzing their frequency and abundance in the studied environments and providing an identification key based on morphological characters to differentiate them.Instituto de Bot谩nica "Dr. Carlos Spegazzini"Instituto de Limnolog铆a "Dr. Ra煤l A. Ringuelet