1,270 research outputs found

    Masque et identité

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    Masque et identitéCe texte suit un parcours à incidences sémiotiques sommairement tributaires de la philosophie, de la science des religions, de la psychologie, de la linguistique et du cognitivisme. En s'appuyant de diverses façons plus ou moins insistantes sur l'anthropologie comme approche maîtresse, il a comme objets de réflexion l'identité et la performance sociale par le nom propre, le masque, le costume et certains autres phénomènes relevant de la même iconique. Une considération de la mode et de la représentation sociale du corps permet de traiter du masque comme effigie définie par la frappe dont chaque société marque ses membres.Masks and IdentityThe first part of this paper offers a broad sketch of notions of identity. It sets them succinctly in the contexts of philosophy, science of religions, sociology and social psychology. The second and more substantial part takes up masks in connection with other operators of identity : proper names, uniforms, fashions, social représentations ofthe body, to end with masks as artefacts that coin social beings

    You Don\u27t Have to be a Head Teacher : Perceptions of Long-Term Male Elementary Teachers on Why They Stay in the Classroom

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    The purpose of this phenomenological study was to examine the lived experiences of four longterm male elementary classroom teachers. Each of the participants had spent at least 25 years as a classroom teacher at the elementary level in a Pacific Northwest school district. The study utilized a three-interview protocol to learn from the stories of long-term male elementary teachers, in order to discern what encouraged and sustained them to remain in the elementary classroom. Several themes were noteworthy: a) participants stuck by their teaching priorities, b) believed in the importance of the male perspective in elementary schools, c) recognized their impact on all students, and d) genuinely believed that the good of elementary classroom teaching outweighed the challenges. Identified implications for educational practice and policy include effective recruiting of male teacher candidates and collaboration to ensure male elementary teachers benefit from collegial relationships with others like them


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    Kawasan Peuniti Kota Banda Aceh merupakan salah satu pusat perekonomian yang terletak di Jalan Tgk. Chik Di Tiro yang mengakibatkan pergerakan. Tingginya pergerakan masyarakat tidak diikuti dengan kapasitas ruang parkir yang disediakan. Pengunjung memarkirkan kendaraannya tidak beraturan pada badan jalan (on-street parking), sehingga menimbulkan kemacetan yang mengakibatkan kapasitas ruas jalan berkurang serta mempengaruhi menurunnya kinerja jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan parkir saat ini, mengetahui kapasitas parkir yang tersedia, melakukan penataan pola parkir. Lokasi penelitian berada pada tepi ruas Jalan Tgk. Chik Di Tiro, Peuniti Kota Banda Aceh. Pengambilan data dilakukan selama 3 (tiga) hari yaitu hari Senin (8 Juni 2015), hari Rabu (10 Juni 2015), dan hari Sabtu (13 Juni 2015) dimulai pukul 07.00-09.00 WIB, 12.00-14.00 WIB, 17.00-19.00 WIB, 20.00-22.00 WIB. Data yang diamati berupa kendaraan masuk ke lokasi parkir, kendaraan keluar dari lokasi parkir, kendaraan yang telah ada di lokasi parkir serta ukuran panjang dan lebar on-street parking. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencari kebutuhan parkir penelitian ini yaitu metode selisih terbesar antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan. Hasil yang didapatkan berupa volume parkir maksimum yaitu sebanyak 272 kend/jam sepeda motor, 39 kend/jam mobil penumpang/ pick up dan 2 kend/jam truk terjadi pada hari Senin. Durasi parkir mayoritas berada pada 0-15 menit yaitu sepeda motor sebesar 84,6%, mobil penumpang/pick up sebesar 64,3% dan truk sebesar 66,3%. Kebutuhan parkir maksimum terjadi pada hari Senin untuk sepeda motor sebesar 113 kend/jam dengan kapasitas parkir 154 kendaraan, untuk mobil penumpang/pick up hari Rabu yaitu sebesar 22 kend/jam dengan kapasitas parkir 19 kendaraan. Truk sebesar 2 kend/jam dengan kapasitas tidak disediakan. Lokasi on-street parking eksisting dilakukan penataan ulang, sehingga kendaraan yang tidak tertampung direlokasi ke off-street parking. Off-street parking berada pada lahan kosong yang sebelumnya digunakan sebagai asrma TNI mengingat lahan tersebut tidak dipergunakan lagi. Diharapkan pemerintah kota dapat merealisasikan penyediaan off-street parking

    The Effects of Temperature on Indicator Species Tests for Water Quality

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    This study sought to investigate the different response of two indicator species tests: Hach® PathoScreen™ Field Test and IDEXX Colilert® using the Quanti-Tray/2000® enumeration method. Both tests were carried out according to the instructions enclosed in the packages using diluted water samples taken from the secondary clarifier at the West Side Waste Water Treatment Plant in Fayetteville, AR. The tests were carried out at various temperatures in an attempt to reflect conditions that could be encountered in the field, where electricity, equipment, and expertise may not be available. The PathoScreen™ test responded adequately at a relatively wide range of temperatures, from approximately 22°C to 35°C, whereas the Quanti-Tray/2000® method was much more sensitive, producing erratic responses. In addition to PathoScreen™ yielding more consistent responses, the field kit and materials necessary for that test are much cheaper than those for using the Quanti- Tray/2000® method. These results suggest that the Hach® PathoScreen™ test, a hydrogen sulfide (H2S) presence-absence (PA) test, is more reliable for use in the field

    Roger Martin Keesing (1935-1993) : In memoriam

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    L’adolescente anorexique

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    Depuis quelques années, l'anorexie mentale, avec sa fréquence épidémique et sa résistance à la thérapie, a été l'objet de publications des plus diverses. Dans ce texte, nous essayons de décrire simplement la symptomatologie associée à la maladie, les hypothèses étiologiques actuelles pour, à la lumière de nos expériences cliniques auprès d'adolescentes anorexiques, dégager les grandes lignes d'un plan de traitement.With its epidemic proportions and its resistance to therapy, anorexia nervosa has, for several years, been the object of the most diverse publications. In this text, we attempt to simply describe the symptomatology associated with the illness, the current etiological hypotheses so as to permit, on the basis of our clinical experience with adolescent anorexics, the disengagement of the main lines of a treatment plan
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