462 research outputs found

    Enriching companion robots with enhanced reminiscence abilities

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    In this document I will go on discussing a project conceived by Professor Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese and Alessandro Russo, both researchers and developers of some of the main aspects of project Mario at CNR Rome. MARIO is a robot, part of a robotics company called KOMPAÏ Robotics that deals with the production and management of Robots who take care of elderly people who suffer from dementia or who still need an aid; more generally speaking, there is talk of weak and lonely people within an organization and / or institutions (nursing homes ...) or in their own homes. There are numerous characteristics of MARIO, which ultimately contribute to all those which are the manufacturing objectives of KOMPAÏ Robotics. My project, or rather my contribution to MARIO, is to look for a specific method which let the robot show a specific set of photos to the user according to the expressions, feelings and emotions, the user will reveal. Example: the robot randomly chooses a marriage photo and the user suddenly start to laugh and to express positive feelings with positive words; the robot will try to understand if it’s a good photo for the user or not, and in the first case will continue to show the same kind of pictures while in the second case, will change completely set of photos to be shown. The pleasure of the subject expressed in relation to a photo must be subject to an index of interest between predefined and specified values that may be to show a certain interest in a picture or the subjects within the image or the situation that surrounds them

    High granularity tracker based on a Triple-GEM optically read by a CMOS-based camera

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    The detection of photons produced during the avalanche development in gas chambers has been the subject of detailed studies in the past. The great progresses achieved in last years in the performance of micro-pattern gas detectors on one side and of photo-sensors on the other provide the possibility of making high granularity and very sensitive particle trackers. In this paper, the results obtained with a triple-GEM structure read-out by a CMOS based sensor are described. The use of an He/CF4_4 (60/40) gas mixture and a detailed optimization of the electric fields made possible to obtain and very high GEM light yield. About 80 photons per primary electron were detected by the sensor resulting in a very good capability of tracking both muons from cosmic rays and electrons from natural radioactivity

    Precision Medicine in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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    During the last decades, a better understanding of the mechanisms sustaining the pathogenic process in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) has contributed to expand the therapeutic armamentarium for patients with these disorders. Alongside with traditional therapies, monoclonal antibodies against tumor necrosis factor-alpha, the interleukin (IL)-12/IL-23 p40 subunit and the alpha 4 beta 7 integrin, and tofacitinib, a small molecule inhibiting intracellular pathways downstream to cytokine receptors, have entered into the clinic. However, these drugs are not effective in all patients and some responders can lose response over time. Such a therapeutic failure is, at least in part, dependent on the fact that, in IBD, the tissue damage is driven by simultaneous activation of multiple and distinct immune-inflammatory signals and the detrimental mucosal immune response changes over time even in the same patient. Therefore, personalized approaches aimed at identifying which patient should be treated with a specific drug at a precise time point are worth pursuing. A such approach has the advantage to improve efficacy of the drug and limit adverse reactions, thereby improving quality of the life of the patients and reducing costs. In this review, we summarize all the available evidence about the possible role of precision medicine in IBD

    Gestión contable en empresas ganaderas argentinas. Cumplimientos de marcos legales y auditoría de estados contables

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    Trabajo final de posgrado (Especialización en Contabilidad Superior y Auditoría) -- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina, 2018.El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la influencia del marco legal y del riesgo propio de la actividad Ganadera en la auditoria de Estados Contables en Argentina. Del análisis de los resultados surge que la auditoria de empresas ganaderas presenta sus propias particularidades debido a este tipo de empresa. La misma está influenciada por cuestiones legales derivadas de distintos organismos públicos, formalidades en procedimientos y documentación que intervienen en las operaciones y el riesgo inherente propio de la actividad agropecuaria, que hace planear con cautela la auditoria de estados Contables.Fil: Marafini, Esteban. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina

    Respiratory Tract Infections in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Taking Vedolizumab: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns about the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) taking immunosuppressants or biologics. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the risk of respiratory infections in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) treated with vedolizumab. We searched PubMed, EMBASE and Scopus to identify randomized controlled trials (RCT) comparing vedolizumab to placebo in patients with IBD. Outcomes were the rate of respiratory tract infections (RTI), upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) among patients receiving vedolizumab as compared with placebo. Pooled rates were reported as Odds Ratios (OR) with 95% Confidence Interval (CI). Eight RCT involving 3,287 patients (1873 CD and 1415 UC) were analyzed; 2,493 patients received vedolizumab and 794 received placebo. The rates of RTI and URTI were statistically higher in vedolizumab-treated patients compared to placebo [OR = 1.63; 95% CI (1.07-2.49); OR = 1.64 95% CI (1.07-2.53) respectively]. UC patients, but not CD patients, receiving vedolizumab had a higher risk to develop RTI and URTI [OR = 1.98; 95% CI (1.41-2.77); OR = 2.02; 95% CI (1.42-2.87)] compared to placebo-treated patients. The number of LRTI was small in both treatment groups. Data confirm the good safety profile of vedolizumab even though RTI were more frequent in patients receiving vedolizumab and the risk of URTIs was significantly higher in patients with UC

    Measurements of the Cerenkov light emitted by a TeO2 crystal

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    Bolometers have proven to be good instruments to search for rare processes because of their excellent energy resolution and their extremely low intrinsic background. In this kind of detectors, the capability of discriminating alpha particles from electrons represents an important aspect for the background reduction. One possibility for obtaining such a discrimination is provided by the detection of the Cerenkov light which, at the low energies of the natural radioactivity, is only emitted by electrons. In this paper, the results of the analysis of the light emitted by a TeO2 crystal at room temperature when transversed by a cosmic ray are reported. Light is promptly emitted after the particle crossing and a clear evidence of its directionality is also found. These results represent a strong indication that Cerenkov light is the main, if not even the only, component of the light signal in a TeO2 crystal. They open the possibility to make large improvements in the performance of experiments based on this kind of material

    Involvement of smad7 in inflammatory diseases of the gut and colon cancer

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    In physiological conditions, the human intestinal mucosa is massively infiltrated with various subsets of immune cells, the activity of which is tightly regulated by several counter-regulatory factors. One of these factors is transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1), a cytokine produced by multiple cell types and targeting virtually all the intestinal mucosal cells. Binding of TGF-beta 1 to its receptors triggers Smad2/3 signaling, thus culminating in the attenuation/suppression of immune-inflammatory responses. In patients with Crohn's disease and patients with ulcerative colitis, the major human inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), and in mice with IBD-like colitis, there is defective TGF-beta 1/Smad signaling due to high levels of the intracellular inhibitor Smad7. Pharmacological inhibition of Smad7 restores TGF-beta 1 function, thereby reducing inflammatory pathways in patients with IBD and colitic mice. On the other hand, transgenic over-expression of Smad7 in T cells exacerbates colitis in various mouse models of IBD. Smad7 is also over-expressed in other inflammatory disorders of the gut, such as refractory celiac disease, necrotizing enterocolitis and cytomegalovirus-induced colitis, even though evidence is still scarce and mainly descriptive. Furthermore, Smad7 has been involved in colon carcinogenesis through complex and heterogeneous mechanisms, and Smad7 polymorphisms could influence cancer prognosis. In this article, we review the data about the expression and role of Smad7 in intestinal inflammation and cancer

    Rosa Tomei : il profilo letterario inedito della donna di Trilussa

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