7 research outputs found

    Metabolic pathway engineering and compartmentalization strategies in yeast for biotechnological purposes

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    Metabolic engineering can serve to convert microorganisms to microbial cell factories with the goal of producing various chemicals. Commonly used strategies to modify metabolic pathways include deletions and overexpression of genes, as well as the introduction of heterologous genes or genes which have been optimized for the host organism or for a reaction of interest. Aside from these classic metabolic engineering strategies, researchers have also implemented pathway compartmentalization strategies, which mimic nature’s strategies of colocalizing enzymes for pathway optimization. In this thesis, classic metabolic engineering strategies were combined with pathway compartmentalization strategies. For pathway compartmentalization, mitochondria and peroxisomes were harnessed, and additionally a new strategy to create artificial subcellular organelles was evaluated. In the latter approach, the so-called Zera peptide was fused to the enzymes of interest. Zera consists of the first 113 amino acids of the plant storage protein γ-Zein (Zea mays). Natively, plant storage proteins accumulate in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived vesicles in plant seeds and serve as an amino acid source for the germinating plant. In this thesis, it was shown that Zera also induces the formation of artificial, ER-derived vesicles in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Furthermore, it was shown that Zera fusion enzymes remained active, albeit with sometimes reduced activity. In line with the goal of compartmentalizing pathways in these artificial, Zera-induced vesicles, a new tool was developed to determine the pH in the ER of S. cerevisiae and in the ER-derived vesicles. pHluorin, a pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein (GFP) variant, is commonly used to analyze the cytosolic pH or the pH of subcellular organelles. In this thesis, it was shown that pHluorin has very low fluorescence intensity and pH sensitivity in the ER and in Zera-induced ER-derived vesicles. Therefore, a superfolder variant of pHluorin was developed which allows reliable pH measurements in these compartments and can be used to analyze whether the organellar or vesicular pH suits a pathway of interest....Beim sogenannten metabolic engineering werden Organismen genetisch verändert, um sie für die Produktion von Kraftstoffen, Chemikalien oder pharmazeutischen Wirkstoffen zu optimieren. Klassische Strategien, die zur Anpassung von Stoffwechselwegen eingesetzt werden, umfassen Gendeletionen, die Überexpression von Genen, die Verwendung von heterologen Genen sowie der Einsatz von Genen, welche für den jeweiligen Produktionsorganismus oder die gewünschte Reaktion optimiert wurden. Neben diesen klassischen metabolic engineering-Strategien wurden in den vergangenen Jahren auch verstärkt Ansätze zur Kompartimentierung von Stoffwechselwegen eingesetzt. Dabei orientieren sich Wissenschaftler an Strategien der Natur, Enzyme bestimmter Stoffwechselwege zu kolokalisieren und dadurch deren Effizienz zu steigern. In dieser Arbeit wurden klassische Strategien des metabolic engineering mit Ansätzen zur Kompartimentierung von Stoffwechselwegen kombiniert. Für letztere wurden sowohl natürliche Organellen verwendet als auch ein völlig neuartiger Ansatz verfolgt, der darauf abzielt, in der Hefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae künstliche subzelluläre Organellen zu erzeugen und diese für die Kompartimentierung von Stoffwechselwegen einzusetzen. Hierbei wurde ein sogenanntes Zera-Peptid als Fusionspartner für die jeweiligen Enzyme eingesetzt. Zera besteht aus den ersten 113 Aminosäuren des pflanzlichen Speicherproteins γ-Zein (Zea mays). Speicherproteine assemblieren natürlicherweise im endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER) in Zellen von Pflanzensamen und induzieren dort die Abschnürung von Vesikeln. Diese mit Speicherproteinen gefüllten Vesikel dienen der keimenden Pflanze später als Aminosäurequelle. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Zera auch in der Hefe S. cerevisiae die Bildung von künstlichen intrazellulären Vesikeln hervorruft, welche aus dem ER abstammen. Ebenso konnte über Immunfluoreszenzmikroskopie nachgewiesen werden, dass Enzyme über Fusionen mit Zera in diese Vesikel dirigiert werden können. Mit Hilfe von Wachstumstests und der Analyse von Produkttitern konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Zera-Fusionsenzyme aktiv ware

    A superfolder variant of pH-sensitive pHluorin for in vivo pH measurements in the endoplasmic reticulum

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    Many cellular processes are regulated via pH, and maintaining the pH of different organelles is crucial for cell survival. A pH-sensitive GFP variant, the so-called pHluorin, has proven to be a valuable tool to study the pH of the cytosol, mitochondria and other organelles in vivo. We found that the fluorescence intensity of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)-targeted pHluorin in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was very low and barely showed pH sensitivity, probably due to misfolding in the oxidative environment of the ER. We therefore developed a superfolder variant of pHluorin which enabled us to monitor pH changes in the ER and the cytosol of S. cerevisiae in vivo. The superfolder pHluorin variant is likely to be functional in cells of different organisms as well as in additional compartments that originate from the secretory pathway like the Golgi apparatus and pre-vacuolar compartments, and therefore has a broad range of possible future applications

    Bacterial bifunctional chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydratase PheA increases flux into the yeast phenylalanine pathway and improves mandelic acid production

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    Mandelic acid is an important aromatic fine chemical and is currently mainly produced via chemical synthesis. Recently, mandelic acid production was achieved by microbial fermentations using engineered Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing heterologous hydroxymandelate synthases (hmaS). The best-performing strains carried a deletion of the gene encoding the first enzyme of the tyrosine biosynthetic pathway and therefore were auxotrophic for tyrosine. This was necessary to avoid formation of the competing intermediate hydroxyphenylpyruvate, the preferred substrate for HmaS, which would have resulted in the predominant production of hydroxymandelic acid. However, feeding tyrosine to the medium would increase fermentation costs. In order to engineer a tyrosine prototrophic mandelic acid-producing S. cerevisiae strain, we tested three strategies: (1) rational engineering of the HmaS active site for reduced binding of hydroxyphenylpyruvate, (2) compartmentalization of the mandelic acid biosynthesis pathway by relocating HmaS together with the two upstream enzymes chorismate mutase Aro7 and prephenate dehydratase Pha2 into mitochondria or peroxisomes, and (3) utilizing a feedback-resistant version of the bifunctional E. coli enzyme PheA (PheAfbr) in an aro7 deletion strain. PheA has both chorismate mutase and prephenate dehydratase activity. Whereas the enzyme engineering approaches were only successful in respect to reducing the preference of HmaS for hydroxyphenylpyruvate but not in increasing mandelic acid titers, we could show that strategies (2) and (3) significantly reduced hydroxymandelic acid production in favor of increased mandelic acid production, without causing tyrosine auxotrophy. Using the bifunctional enzyme PheAfbr turned out to be the most promising strategy, and mandelic acid production could be increased 12-fold, yielding titers up to 120 mg/L. Moreover, our results indicate that utilizing PheAfbr also shows promise for other industrial applications with S. cerevisiae that depend on a strong flux into the phenylalanine biosynthetic pathway. Keywords: Mandelic acid, Hydroxymandelate synthase, Chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydratase, Compartmentalization, Tyrosine prototroph

    Parallelised online biomass monitoring in shake flasks enables efficient strain and carbon source dependent growth characterisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Background: Baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as one of the most often used workhorses in biotechnology has been developed into a huge family of application optimised strains in the last decades. Increasing numbers of strains render their characterisation highly challenging, even with the simple methods of growth-based analytics. Here we present a new sensor system for the automated, non-invasive and parallelisable monitoring of biomass in continuously shaken shake flask cultures, called CGQ (“cell growth quantifier”). The CGQ implements a dynamic approach of backscattered light measurement, allowing for efficient and accurate growth-based strain characterisation, as exemplarily demonstrated for the four most commonly used laboratory and industrial yeast strains, BY4741, W303-1A, CEN.PK2-1C and Ethanol Red. Results: Growth experiments revealed distinct carbon source utilisation differences between the investigated S. cerevisiae strains. Phenomena such as diauxic shifts, morphological changes and oxygen limitations were clearly observable in the growth curves. A strictly monotonic non-linear correlation of OD600 and the CGQ’s backscattered light intensities was found, with strain-to-strain as well as growth-phase related differences. The CGQ measurements showed high resolution, sensitivity and smoothness even below an OD600 of 0.2 and were furthermore characterised by low background noise and signal drift in combination with high reproducibility. Conclusions: With the CGQ, shake flask fermentations can be automatically monitored regarding biomass and growth rates with high resolution and parallelisation. This makes the CGQ a valuable tool for growth-based strain characterisation and development. The exceptionally high resolution allows for the identification of distinct metabolic differences and shifts as well as for morphologic changes. Applications that will benefit from that kind of automatized biomass monitoring include, amongst many others, the characterization of deregulated native or integrated heterologous pathways, the fast detection of co-fermentation as well as the realisation of rational and growth-data driven evolutionary engineering approaches

    Bacterial bifunctional chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydratase PheA increases flux into the yeast phenylalanine pathway and improves mandelic acid production

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    Mandelic acid is an important aromatic fine chemical and is currently mainly produced via chemical synthesis. Recently, mandelic acid production was achieved by microbial fermentations using engineered Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing heterologous hydroxymandelate synthases (hmaS). The best-performing strains carried a deletion of the gene encoding the first enzyme of the tyrosine biosynthetic pathway and therefore were auxotrophic for tyrosine. This was necessary to avoid formation of the competing intermediate hydroxyphenylpyruvate, the preferred substrate for HmaS, which would have resulted in the predominant production of hydroxymandelic acid. However, feeding tyrosine to the medium would increase fermentation costs. In order to engineer a tyrosine prototrophic mandelic acid-producing S. cerevisiae strain, we tested three strategies: (1) rational engineering of the HmaS active site for reduced binding of hydroxyphenylpyruvate, (2) compartmentalization of the mandelic acid biosynthesis pathway by relocating HmaS together with the two upstream enzymes chorismate mutase Aro7 and prephenate dehydratase Pha2 into mitochondria or peroxisomes, and (3) utilizing a feedback-resistant version of the bifunctional E. coli enzyme PheA (PheAfbr) in an aro7 deletion strain. PheA has both chorismate mutase and prephenate dehydratase activity. Whereas the enzyme engineering approaches were only successful in respect to reducing the preference of HmaS for hydroxyphenylpyruvate but not in increasing mandelic acid titers, we could show that strategies (2) and (3) significantly reduced hydroxymandelic acid production in favor of increased mandelic acid production, without causing tyrosine auxotrophy. Using the bifunctional enzyme PheAfbr turned out to be the most promising strategy, and mandelic acid production could be increased 12-fold, yielding titers up to 120 mg/L. Moreover, our results indicate that utilizing PheAfbr also shows promise for other industrial applications with S. cerevisiae that depend on a strong flux into the phenylalanine biosynthetic pathway