26 research outputs found

    Biochemical changes in ears of wheat genotypes subjected to Fusarium spp. attack

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    In wheat, Fusarium fungus promotes the appearance of destructive disease named as Fusarium head blight (FHB) that can cause grain yield reduction and mycotoxin accumulation. The focus of this research was to verify the influence of Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum on wheat genotypes with different susceptibility to FHB: ā€œSuper Žitarkaā€ (susceptible), ā€œLucijaā€ (moderately resistant) and ā€œApacheā€ (resistant). The experiment was performed under field conditions by artificial spore inoculation of ears at the flowering stage. The effectiveness of antioxidative enzymes, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content and malondialdehyde (MDA) content were observed at several sampling points after Fusarium inoculation (3, 15 and 24 hours). ā€œLucijaā€ responded to pathogen by increase of guaiacol peroxidase (POD) activity, high H2O2> and MDA content in the early post-inoculation times (3 and 15 hours), compared to control. ā€œSuper Žitarkaā€ displayed inhibition of catalase (CAT) activity throughout the whole time course of the experiment. Infected plants of ā€œApacheā€ showed notable decline in MDA content over time. Moreover, in ā€œApacheā€ increased H2O2 accumulation was observed immediately after Fusarium exposure (3 and 15 hours), compared to 24 hours. Rapid overproduction of H2O2 under Fusarium stress marked ā€œApacheā€ as FHB-resistant


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    Climate changes are causing frequent drought which leads to shortage of water, reducing wheat production worldwide. The three winter wheat genotypes were examined for their response to drought at the germination and seedling stage. Research was carried out under controlled conditions where polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) was used in 20% concentration to create artificial drought stress. The results revealed that genotype ā€™Vulkanā€™ showed maximum germination percentage (85%) in control while the minimum germination percentage was observed in ā€˜Å½itarkaā€™ (43%) under PEG treatment. At control level seed germination percentage was the higher in all three genotypes compared to drought treatment. ā€˜Vulkanā€™ had the highest shoot length in control plants (14.18 cm) which was significantly reduced in PEG treatment (6.93 cm). Maximum fresh weight of shoots was recorded in ā€˜Vulkanā€™ (1.53 g) followed by ā€˜Antonijaā€™ (1.23 g) in control treatment. Under control conditions, genotype ā€˜Antonijaā€™ showed maximum root length in control and PEG treatment (14.52 and 12.46 cm, respectively) among other genotypes, followed by ā€˜Vulkanā€™ in control treatment (9.88 cm), while minimum root length was observed in ā€˜Zitarkaā€™ in PEG treatment (6.52 cm). The root fresh weight values were decreased with increasing water stress in two wheat genotypes (ā€˜Zitarkaā€™ and ā€˜Antonijaā€™), while in ā€˜Vulkanā€™ it was increased. Root dry weight decrease was only observed in ā€˜Zitarkaā€™.Klimatske promjene uzrokuju čestu suÅ”u koja dovodi do manjka vode, te smanjenja proizvodnje pÅ”enice u svijetu. Tri genotipa ozime pÅ”enice ispitivana su na suÅ”u u stadiju klijanja i klijanaca. Istraživanje je provedeno u laboratorijskim uvjetima u kojima je polietilen glikol (PEG 6000) koriÅ”ten u koncentraciji od 20% kako bi se stvorio umjetni stres na suÅ”u. Rezultati su pokazali da je genotip \u27Vulkan\u27 pokazao najveći postotak klijavosti (85%) u kontrolnoj skupini, dok je najmanji postotak klijavosti zabilježen u \u27Žitarki\u27 (43%) u PEG tretmanu. U kontroli postotak klijavosti sjemena bio je značajno veći u sva tri genotipa, u odnosu na 20% PEG 6000 tretman. \u27Vulkan\u27 je imao najveću duljinu izdanaka u kontrolnim biljkama (14,18 cm) Å”to je značajno smanjeno u PEG tretmanu (6,93 cm). Najveća svježa masa izdanaka zabilježena je kod \u27Vulkana\u27 (1,5 g), te \u27Antonije\u27 (1,23 g) u kontrolnom tretmanu. U kontrolnim uvjetima, genotip \u27Antonija\u27 pokazao je najveću duljinu korijena u kontrolnom i PEG tretmanu (14,52 i 12,46 cm) između ostalih genotipova, te \u27Vulkan\u27 u kontrolnom tretmanu (9,88 cm), dok je minimalna duljina korijena zabilježena kod \u27Zitarke\u27 u PEG tretmanu (6,52 cm). Vrijednosti svježih masa korijena smanjene su u uvjetima suÅ”e u dva genotipa pÅ”enice (\u27Zitarka\u27 i \u27Antonija\u27), dok je u \u27Vulkanu\u27 ta masa povećana. U suÅ”nim uvjetima smanjenje suhe mase korijena zabilježeno je samo kod \u27Zitarke\u27

    Effect of salinity and alkalinity on germination and root growth in industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)

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    Salinitet i alkalitet pripadaju abiotičkim stresnim čimbenicima koji ograničavaju opskrbu biljke vodom te uzrokuju ionski stres čime naruÅ”avaju ionsku ravnotežu stanice. Oba stresna čimbenika negativno utječu na sve razvojne faze, no faza klijanja je najosjetljivija jer klica dolazi u direktni kontakt s vodenom otopinom soli u tlu. Industrijska konoplja (Cannabis sativa L.) dobro podnosi salinitet uzrokovan poviÅ”enom koncentracijom NaCl ali je relativno malo dostupnih podataka koji se bave tolerancijom konoplje na različite vrste solnoga stresa. Sjeme kultivara konoplje (Santhica 70 i Futura 83) bilo je izloženo djelovanju saliniteta izazvanog otopinama NaCl i Na2SO4 te alkaliteta izazvanog otopinama NaHCO3 i Na2CO3 tijekom četiri dana. Obje vrste solnog stresa inhibirale su klijanje i rast korijena u oba genotipa u odnosu na kontrolu. Stres izazvan otopinom Na2SO4 nakon 2. dana uzgoja uzrokovao je redukciju klijavosti za 97,6% (Santhica 70) i 90,6% (Futura 83) te pokazao najniže vrijednosti germinacijskog indeksa tolerantnosti na sol (STI_G2) u oba kultivara, dok je otopina Na2CO3 nakon 4. dana uzrokovala najveću redukciju rasta korijena za 94% (Futura 83) , odnosno 95% (Santhica 70). Stres izazvan otopinom NaCl imao je najmanje Å”tetne posljedice na klijavost i rast korijena iz čega slijedi da odgovor na solni stres ovisi o vrsti biljnog tkiva. Nakon 4. dana klijavost Future 83 bila je 7,6% (NaCl) i 13,8% (NaHCO3) veća od klijavosti Santhice 70. Nadalje, Futura 83 na otopini NaCl imala je veće vrijednosti STI_G2 i STI_G4 te 15% dulji korijen nego Santhica 70, iz čega proizlazi da tolerantnost saliniteta i alkaliteta ovisi o genotipskim obilježjima.Salinity and alkalinity are important abiotic stress factors that restrict the plantā€™s availability of water, cause ionic stress, and contribute to the disruption of cellular homeostasis. Both stress factors negatively impact all stages of plant development, with an emphasis on germination, which is the most sensitive due to direct contact of the embryo with saline solution in the soil. Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) has a high tolerance to NaCl stress but knowledge of the effects of different salt types is limited. Seeds of two hemp genotypes (Santhica 70 i Futura 83) were exposed to salinity (NaCl i Na2SO4) and alkalinity (NaHCO3 i Na2CO3) stress for 4 days. The germination percentage and root growth under all treatments were reduced in both genotypes compared to the control. After 2nd day of growth, Na2SO4 had the strongest inhibitory effect on germination and germination salt tolerance index (STI_G2) in both genotypes while the most detrimental effect on root growth was observed under 4-day exposure to Na2CO3 treatment. The least negative effect of salt stress on germination and root growth was observed under NaCl treatment, suggesting that the salt response is tissue-dependent. Futura 83 showed a higher germination percentage, higher values of STI_G2 and STI_G4, and longer roots than Santhica 70 in both NaCl and NaHCO3 treatments. Our results suggest that tolerance to salinity and alkalinity depends on genotype properties

    Response of dihaploid tobacco roots to salt stress

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    Salinity is a common abiotic factor that affects plant growth and development. Seedlings of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) F1 hybrid DH10 and three dihaploid lines (207B, 238C and 239K) obtained by diploidization of anther-derived haploids of hybrid DH10 were subjected to 0, 100 and 200 mM NaCl in in vitro conditions for 33 days and the effect on roots was evaluated. In all lines and in the hybrid DH10 exposed to 200 mM NaCl evident root growth inhibition and increased proline content were noticed. However, in some cases lines differed in the activity of antioxidative enzymes, which could account for differences in their salinity tolerance. Increased activity of catalase and peroxidase in roots of line 239K could contribute to the more pronounced salinity tolerance previously reported for shoots of this line

    Forestalling the Epidemics of Parkinson's Disease Through Plant-Based Remedies

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) as the second leading neurodegenerative disease, imposes a heavy burden among individuals as well as economies worldwide. The main characteristics of PD is a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons resulting in the loss of motor function, the occurrence of non-motor symptoms, and cognitive decline. Similar to many other chronic diseases, complementary and alternative therapies (CAT) are very popular for the treatment of this disease. This review evaluates six plants, three each from European and Asian traditional medicinal systems: (1) Atropa belladonna, (2) Hyoscyamus niger, (3) Lepidium meyenii, (4) Aspargus racemosus, (5) Mucuna pruriens L., and (6) Gingko biloba. Atropa belladonna, and Hyoscyamus niger in particular, are better known for their poisonous and narcotic effects than as potentially effective plants for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Ginkgo biloba is one of the most widely cultured plants in Traditional Chinese Medicine with high antioxidant potential which contributes to its neuroprotective/ anti-apoptotic activity. The bioactive compounds, anti-neurodegenerative effects and other neuroprotective effects of all six plants are discussed herein

    Antioksidacijski odgovor genotipova pŔenice u uvjetima infekcije vrstama roda Fusarium

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by fungi Fusarium spp., is a serious wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) disease that can reduce yield and quality of the grain. Fungi produces mycotoxins that can be harmful to humans and animals. Plants provide ROS-scavening mechanisms that include both antioxidative enzymatic and nonenzymatic systems. Enhanced activities of ROS antioxidative enzymes can be a great indicator of genotype susceptibility under pathogen infestation. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of Fusarium spp. in three wheat genotypes (ā€˜Super Žitarkaā€™, ā€˜Apacheā€™ and ā€˜Lucijaā€™) through activity of antioxidative enzymes, level of lipid peroxidation, H2_{2}O2_{2} concentration and protein content. At the anthesis, ears were inoculated by the suspension of Fusarium spp. and left under in vivo conditions. After 7 days of treatment in all wheat genotypes, Fusarium did not cause notable changes in catalase (CAT) activity. Treated ears of ā€˜Super Žitarkaā€™ showed inhibition of APX activity. At the same time in ā€˜Lucijaā€™ pathogen induced remarkably increase in activity of guaiacol peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO), decreased H2_{2}O2_{2} concentration, decline in malonedialdehyde (MDA) content and lower protein content. The variances in antioxidative response and protein content imply genetic variability of wheat genotypes, which can cause differences in Fusarium spp. susceptibility

    Time-course experiment of Fusarium infestation of wheat genotypes with the emphasis on the physiological response

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    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most significant food cereal in the world. Under natural conditions, biotic and abiotic stress factors can seriously endanger the plant growth and development. Fusarium head blight (FHB), mainly caused by F. graminearum and F. culmorum, is a disease that has negative effects on economy, namely on the yield and the quality of the grain. In this research, the activities of guaiacol peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO), as well as H2O2 concentration and malonedialdehyde (MDA) content, were determined in three wheat genotypes of various resistance to FHB (ā€œSuper Žitarkaā€- sensitive; ā€œLucijaā€- moderately resistant, and ā€œApacheā€- resistant) after the 2nd and the 4th day of infestation. The infected plants of ā€œLucijaā€ showed higher POD activity compared to control after the 4th day, and increased POD activity compared to the 2nd day of infection. On the 2nd day, ā€œApacheā€ responded to pathogen by the enhanced APX activity, and higher MDA level, compared to the 4th day of treatment when it started to decrease. Moreover, the treated plants of the same genotype showed the increased MDA level on the 2nd day, unlike the untreated plants. Contrarily, H2O2 concentration in ā€œApacheā€ showed the tendency to increase with the time of Fusarium-exposure. In comparison to the 2nd day of treatment, PPO activity decreased in ā€œSuper Žitarkaā€ on the 4th day. In all genotypes at both sampling points, CAT activity did not change significantly under the pathogen attack. Overproduction of H2O2 accompanied with the increased APX activity 2 days after infection may lead to the conclusion that FHB tolerance of ā€œApacheā€ is ensured by the earlier activation of the defence mechanisms

    Uzroci, posljedice i prevencija prekomjerna pjenjenja piva

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    Prekomjerno pjenjenje piva (engl. beer gushing) definira se kao naglo i nekontrolirano pjenjenje piva odmah po otvaranju ambalaže, bez prethodnog izlaganja ambalaže treÅ”nji ili visokoj temperaturi. Ta je pojava uzrok velikim gubitcima u sladarama i pivovarama Å”irom svijeta te se smatra iznimno nepoželjnom. Razlikujemo primarno i sekundarno prekomjerno pjenjenje piva. Fungalne kontaminacije ječma, posebno kontaminacija plijesnima roda Fusarium, izravno se povezuju s pojavom primarnog prekomjernog pjenjenja piva. Ove plijesni sintetiziraju male proteine nazvane hidrofobini, koji se navode kao glavni uzročnici prekomjernog pjenjenja piva. Uzročnici sekundarnog prekomjernog pjenjenja piva su brojniji i uključuju različite kemikalije i postupke koji se upotrebljavaju tijekom proizvodnje piva. Sekundarno pjenjenje piva uglavnom se može izbjeći primjenom dobre proizvođačke prakse, dok je problem učinkovitog suzbijanja primarnog prekomjernog pjenjenja piva joÅ” uvijek predmet brojnih istraživanja

    Utjecaj benefitnih mikroorganizama na prinos i kvalitetu soje u uvjetima smanjene gnojidbe duŔikom

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility to reduce the application of mineral nitrogen fertilizers through the application of beneficial microorganisms (genus Bradyrhizobium, Azotobacter, bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus spp., etc.). Research was conducted during 2013 and 2014 on Eutric brown soil. The experiment was set up in a split-block scheme with 12 different variants in 4 repetitions: two soybean cultivars were used; two different treatments of nitrogen fertilizers and three different treatments of microbiological preparation were applied. Analysed parameters were soybean grain yield (kg/ha) based on 13% moisture, protein content (%), oil content (%) and hectolitre mass (kg). Given that the climatic conditions in the second year of research were more favourable than in the first year of research, all the elements of research, including control variants, achieved better results in the second year of research. All variants treated with microbiological preparations, either by application in soil or by application in soil combined with foliar treatments, also achieved statistically significant differences compared to the control variants.U radu je istraživana mogućnost redukcije duÅ”ičnih gnojiva uz koriÅ”tenje benefitnih mikroorganizama (rodovi Bradyrhizobium, Azotobacter, bacterija Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus spp., itd.), kao alternative duÅ”ičnim gnojivima. Istraživanja su provedena tijekom 2013. i 2014. godine na eutrično smeđem tlu. Pokus je postavljen prema split-blok shemi te sadrži 12 varijanti u 4 ponavljanja kako slijedi: dvije sorte soje, dvije varijante primjene mineralnoga duÅ”ičnoga gnojiva i tri varijante primjene mikrobioloÅ”koga preparata. Elementi istraživanja bili su prinos zrna (kg/ha), preračunat po hektaru na osnovi 13% vode u zrnu; sadržaj proteina (%); sadržaj ulja (%) i hektolitarska masa (kg). S obzirom na to da su klimatske prilike u drugoj godini istraživanja bile povoljnije nego u prvoj istraživačkoj godini, svi elementi istraživanja, uključujući kontrolne varijante, druge godine istraživanja, postigli su bolje rezultate. Sve varijante tretirane mikrobioloÅ”kim preparatima, bilo aplikacijom u tlo ili aplikacijom u tlo uz folijarne tretmane, također su postigli statistički vrlo značajno bolje rezultate u odnosu na kontrolne varijante