40 research outputs found
La investigación en turismo y economía de la empresa publicada en revistas especializadas españolas: 1996-2001
El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en conocer cómo se viene realizando la investigación sobre turismo en economía de la empresa a través de los artículos publicados en las revistas españolas especializadas en turismo. Para la consecución de este objetivo, en el presente estudio todos los trabajos publicados durante el período 1996-2001 son analizados para caracterizar las revistas y las diferentes áreas de conocimiento de la economía de la empresa relacionadas con el turismo. Asimismo, el estudio proporciona perfiles de cada revista y área. Los resultados recogen el estado de la cuestión en la investigación en turismo de la economía de la empresa y las diferencias entre revistas y áreas
Exploration and Exploitation Innovations in the Food Firms
In a context of increasingly intense competition, creating a unique mix of value through innovation has been considered one tenet for creating a competitive advantage (Porter, 1996). During the past decades, innovation has become a central issue of strategic management (Nag et al., 2007).The literature has identified several problems in relation to firm failure innovation decisions, focusing on the supply-side (organizational competence, Henderson 2006; dependence of actual most profitable customers, Christensen, 1997; out-of-date competence due to technological breakthroughs, Tushman & Anderson, 1986), and on the demand-side (market turbulence, Abernathy & Clark 1985; institutional environment, Chesbrough, 2001).Based on March’s (1991) continuum perspective of exploitation-exploration2, we analyze the effects of knowledge-based innovation strategy on performance, testing the ambidexterity effect and extreme positions. Though both are necessary for survival and evolution (Levinthal & March, 1993; March, 1991), mindsets and organizational routines needed for each one are different. Tensions arise when firms make a simultaneous pursuit of both, being even impossible (March, 1996). Researchers have contributed from various literature streams to the discussion on balancing exploration and exploitation (Raisch & Birkinshaw, 2008; Lavie et al., 2010). The fact that there are tensions among both has led to a relevant research paradigm (Gupta et al., 2006; Raisch et al., 2009). This ambidexterity effect has attracted several researchers examining the tensions between exploitation and exploration.This study analyses how food manufacturers balance their innovation strategies. In particular, we analyze the effects of exploration and exploitation strategies and the type of innovation on performance. Since markets demand new and differentiated products, with high safety and quality standards (Grunert, 2005), innovation is a dominant strategy in this industry (Hauknes, 2001). Since supply chain management is critical, relationship-based innovation between distributors and suppliers has therefore been recognised as a major supply chain trend (Ganesan et al., 2009)
The impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on tourist evaluation and behavioural intentions in Spain: Implications for market segmentation analysis
This research aims to examine consumers’ evaluation and expected behaviour changes that may arise in the wake of COVID-19 and to develop a market segmentation. Rooted in the prospect theory, after reviewing health crises, data were collected from a Spanish sample (n = 1,000) relating to changes in consumers’ evaluations of tourism products due to COVID-19 and their subsequent behavioural intentions. Findings indicate that conventional tourism may be undergoing a downturn as component of the leisure basket. Beyond a heterogeneous repercussion on tourism types and products, changes in relevance of purchase stages together with a reorganization of consumer planning are expected, with more local and individual holidays, more convenient dates, less use of vendors, more insurance contracting, and lower use of public transport and shared services. Moreover, the study provides evidence of the need of linking health risk and tourist behaviour as another behavioural segmentation base, identifying three different response behaviours. Finally, we outline improvements to hospitality and tourism management to face up to this situation
Understanding the illegal drug supply chain structure: a value chain analysis of the supply of hashish to Europe
Despite the social, health, law enforcement, and economic importance of illegal drug supply, the lack of information and understanding regarding these supply chains stands out. This paper carries out a disaggregated analysis of the structure of the hashish supply chain from Morocco to Europe to explain the value contributions at each level, the end-price formation, and the supply chain management practices. The methodology adopted is based on a mixed method of data collection where the primary data are gathered from field interviews with cannabis producers and dealers and secondary information is obtained from official statistics, research papers, informational reports, and documentaries. We review supply and value chain frameworks through the lens of cost–benefit analysis. Our main findings show an unequal contribution on the part of the different levels of distribution, with end-user prices increasing by 7000% of the cost of production during the supply chain. The chain also has high variable costs but limited fixed ones, exacerbating the lack of stability and fostering continuous adaptation. We also detect a reluctance to raise end-user prices but a great propensity to change quality. This research may have implications for several stakeholders. In the case of dealers, we find that they have created a supply-push system thanks to their dominant power, leaning on information sharing as a source of resilience. In the case of law enforcement, we delve into the operational functioning of the drug chain and the reasons for its survival. For financial investigation operations, unknown or unrealized economic parameters are quantified. For development agencies, the need to implement alternative development programs for producers is evidenced. Finally, for health authorities, we highlight the consequences of seizures and prohibitions of hashish trafficking on the deterioration of the quality of hashish and the subsequently added health hazards for end-users
Multichannel Retailing and Consumer Behaviour: Strategy Design and Implementation
This article aims to analyse and offer managerial guidance about the processes of planning, implementation and control of a multichannel strategy within the framework of Multichannel Customer Management Decision (MCMD). To achieve this objective, firstly we justify the growing adoption of a multichannel strategy by retailers and channels participants. Following MCMD framework, we analyse the consumer behaviours linked to this kind of strategy in order to deeply understand the factors which affect consumer choice decisions related to channels. Alternative channels to brick and mortar retail channel are described, such as online channel. This helps us to offer a guide to define the multichannel strategy. Additionally, we give some ideas about the implementation of this strategy. Finally, in order to get a feedback to this planning process, we suggest carrying out a control phase. The work ends with conclusions section and future research streams
Theoretical dilemmas, conceptual review and perspectives disclosure of the sharing economy: a qualitative analysis
The sharing economy (SE) has become a prominent theme in a broad variety of research domains in the last decade. With conceptions from an increasing range of theoretical perspectives, SE literature is disperse and disconnected, with a great proliferation of definitions and related terms which hinder organized and harmonious research. This study carries out a systematic literature review from 1978 to September 2020, uncovering 50 definitions as units of analysis. The authors, through a qualitative–interpretative analysis, review definitions, identify perspectives, and critically assess their conceptual nature on an evolutionary basis. Findings show that
despite the SE has been extending its routes and approaches, it is far from a stock of conceptual grounds. The paper makes three contributions. First, we portray SE within a common evolutionary framework by developing it as a life cycle model. Second, we clarify the definitional and terminological jungle. And third, we suggest a new definition that can enrich the discussion
40 years of sharing economy research: An intellectual and cognitive structures analysis
This study aims to analyze the intellectual and cognitive structures of the sharing economy as a field of research. Adopting an integrated bibliometric approach of citation, co-citation, and co-word analysis, this study analyses 941 articles published on Web of Science from 1978 to 2019. Findings reveal that despite there being a latent concentration in citations distribution, the ascending and descending influence patterns discovered over time indicate a dynamic flow and healthy growth of the field. The analysis of the intellectual structure identifies four main areas of research, with hospitality and tourism being the most developed, and the journals about hospitality being the preferred channel for research into the sharing economy. Finally, for the cognitive structure analysis, in-depth strategic diagrams, thematic evolution, and trend analysis disclose some research gaps. Thus, we contribute to the sharing economy literature by inductively synthesizing, and organizing SE research, and by proposing future research directions
What Is Going on with the Research into the Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)? An Intellectual Structure Analysis into the State-of-the-Art (1990–2018)
The internationalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) is a topic of constant research interest due to the impact these have on economic growth and employment in developed, emerging and developing countries. A desire to understand and a growing interest in the study of the internationalization process of SMEs has provoked a significant increase in the production of manuscripts in this field in the last decade. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out periodic reviews on the state-of-the-art of this phenomenon in order to highlight advances and limitations, to motivate reflections and stimulate progress in future research. Thus, the main objective of this study is to describe the state-of-the-art of the research into SME Internationalization based on a bibliometric analysis of 1152 manuscripts published from 1990 to 2018. The results enable the identification of the main agents that are constantly developing this field through an analysis of scientific production and collaboration indicators. Furthermore, through a co-word analysis, this research establishes hot-spot research trends that need to be developed in future research. The main contribution of this research is the configuration of a knowledge map on SME Internationalization research
Bibliometric articles in Business and Management: Factors affecting production and scholarly impact
Based on different theoretical and publishing approaches, this study reveals that the publication of bibliometric articles in business and management follows a logistic diffusion pattern. Fist, the analysis of citation concentration -using the Gini index, concludes that a minority of articles capture most scholarly interest, there is a moderate concentration of articles in some outlets, and a large and diverse group of authors, forming a long tail distribution. Second, a set of hypotheses are tested by alternative regression models (OLS, semi-logarithmic, and negative binomial models). Results support the importance of specific characteristics such as the synthesis of previous contributions, the methodological sophistication, or the cosmopolitanism of the collaboration of the authors. In addition, there is an inverse effect of bibliometric expansibility on the impact of each article. The authors built a database from a content analysis of 835 bibliometric articles in WoS (1981-2022). The results raise several implications and recommendations
El derecho del trabajo y de la seguridad social en españa en 2018
En su quinta edición, el Informe “El Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social en España 2018” le ofrece una síntesis, que por concreta no es menos rigurosa, de los principales hitos por los que ha transitado el iuslaboralismo a lo largo del último año. En concreto, en las páginas que siguen, los expertos integrantes de la Sección Juvenil de la Asociación Española de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social (AEDTSS) analizan para usted, en primer lugar, las principales resoluciones europeas y nacionales en materia de igualad y no discriminación, acoso en sus más diversas manifestaciones, liberad religiosa y libertad de expresión. Asimismo, se abordan también las cuestiones relativas al empleo y la contratación, casi monopolizadas por el impacto de las plataformas y las consecuencias del caso de Diego. En materia de vicisitudes, sin perder importancia el despido colectivo, observará un cierto auge de los casos relativos a sucesión empresarial, movilidad funcional y empleo público. En el ámbito del derecho colectivo, además de analizarse el IV AENC, encontrará un estudio pormenorizado de las principales resoluciones en materia de libertad sindical, representación unitaria y ultraactividad. La sección relativa a conciliación y corresponsabilidad incluye este año como novedad un apartado relativo a violencia de género, al hilo de los avances normativos derivados del Real Decreto-ley 9/2018. Los epígrafes concernientes a la protección social y la prevención de riesgos laborales crecen de forma significativa en esta edición, lo que ha permitido abordar la evolución jurisprudencial para buena parte de las prestaciones y riesgos previstos en la Ley. Por último, las expertas del apartado de derecho procesal se han encargado de revisar a fondo los casos más significativos en el marco de las modalidades procesales especiales, con especial hincapié en el ámbito concursal. También han abordado la jurisprudencia constitucional más reciente sobre el de recurso de reposición. En suma, tienen ante usted un trabajo científico consolidado en el tiempo y sólido en cuanto al contenido, fiel reflejo de, a pesar del difícil contexto, el buen hacer de la joven doctrina iuslaboralista española