23 research outputs found

    Analysis of Prehospital Care of Migrants Who Arrive Intermittently at the Coasts of Southern Spain

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    The aim of this study is to identify the sociodemographic characteristics and the most frequent diseases and nursing interventions carried out on migrants arriving by sea at southern Spain. Method: Cross-sectional, descriptive, and retrospective study based on the database of the Spanish Red Cross Intervention Activation System. All migrants who arrived on the coasts of a southern province during 2016 and were assisted by the Red Cross were included. Results: A total of 2027 people were registered, mostly males, aged between 18 and 40 years. Of these, 4.9% required healthcare, and 2.9% were referred to hospital. Highlighted diagnoses were headaches (15.6%), pregnancy (12.8%), and lower-limb wounds (6.4%), and outstanding nursing interventions were “care of wounds” (24.7%), “pain management” (21.9%), and “prenatal care” (15.2%). Statistically significant relationships were found between the diagnosed diseases and gender, geographic area of origin, and seasonal time of the year, as well as between nursing interventions performed and those three variables. Conclusions: Although in general, a good health condition was observed in most of the migrants treated, the most frequent health situations attended were related to dermatological, gynecological, and headache problems. The most performed nursing interventions were related to skin/wound care and promotion of physical comfort, requiring a low need for hospital transfers. Female gender, origin from sub-Saharan Africa and arrival in the summer period carry a greater risk of suffering health problems when migrants reach Spanish coast

    Actas del Congreso Internacional de Médicos del Mundo

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    Los movimientos migratorios constituyen un desafío político, social y de salud pública a nivel mundial. Si bien la mayoría de la inmigración irregular son hombres, adultos y jóvenes, cada vez llegan más menores y mujeres, con problemas de atención específicos como amenazas por la violencia, explotación sexual, embarazos no deseados o mutilación genital femenina (MGF). La mutilación genital femenina/corte (MGF/C) alude a todos los procedimientos que involucran la extracción parcial o total de los genitales femeninos externos u otra lesión de los órganos genitales femeninos por razones no médicas; siendo clasificada por OMS en cuatro tipos (Tipos I, II, III y IV). Esta práctica, culturalmente aceptada en algunas comunidades africanas, presenta graves complicaciones físicas, psicológicas y sociales para las niñas y mujeres. La MGF/C se practica en 30 países del norte y África subsahariana y en parte de Oriente Medio y Asia. Europa es 'destino' de migrantes de áreas de práctica de MGF/C, donde más de medio millón de mujeres y niñas sobreviven a esta práctica. Almería es la segunda provincia de Andalucía en población afectada y en riesgo de sufrir mutilación genital. Médicos del Mundo viene luchando por la prevención y erradicación de esta práctica, trabajando dentro y fuera de España para visibilizar que la mutilación genital femenina (MGF) es incompatible con los derechos humanos, la libertad, la dignidad, la igualdad, la salud y la vida de millones de niñas y mujeres. En esa línea, Médicos del Mundo ha planificado y ejecutado miles de intervenciones sociales, sanitarias y psicológicas. En cuanto a la investigación científica, aunque esta investigación se ha centrado en la práctica, consecuencias y clínica; se necesitan investigaciones en diferentes países, culturas, creencias y organizaciones; acerca del conocimiento, conciencia, prevención y experiencias que ayuden a comprender el fenómeno en profundidad. En la reciente convocatoria de los proyectos Transfiere, de la Universidad de Almería, se concedió un proyecto social innovador titulado: "Migración y mutilación genital femenina: un enfoque cultural y de género para la prevención". Esto abre la oportunidad para abordar la cuestión conjuntamente (Médicos del Mundo, UAL) también desde una perspectiva de investigación científica. En el marco de ese proyecto se firmó el correspondiente contrato de investigación que fijaba entre sus objetivos la realización de este Congreso. Tanto por lo ambicioso del programa como por la calidad de las temáticas y los ponentes invitados, este congreso es de interés científico-sanitario, y así se reconoció por la Consejería de Salud y Familias

    The diagnosis of hereditary angioedema: family caregivers’ experiences

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    The aim of this study was to understand the experiences of family caregivers in the process of diagnosing hereditary angioedema. An interpretive and qualitative research methodology based on Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics was carried out. Data collection took place between May 2015 and August 2016 and included a focus group and in-depth interviews with 16 family caregivers. Two themes define the experiences of family caregivers: “Family life focuses on identifying the problem” and “Discovering and coping with a complex diagnosis.” The process of diagnosis generates fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and incomprehension. Family caregivers are the main support for patients diagnosed with hereditary angioedema. As they share in the patients’ suffering, they need a diagnosis to be established to be able to cope with the disease and offer support. Family health nurses can contribute to improving the coping process in this phase of the disease

    Understanding violence against women irregular migrants who arrive in Spain in small boats

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    African irregular migrants risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea in small boats hoping to reach Europe. Women irregular migrants (WIMs) are an especially vulnerable group that suffer from violence and sexual aggression, but little is known about their actual experiences. The objective of our study is to describe and understand the violence against WIMs who arrive in Spain in small boats. A qualitative study based on Gadamer’s phenomenology was used. The data collection included twenty-six in-depth interviews with WIMs. Three main themes arose: “Poverty and discrimination push WIMs into migrating”; “WIMs as a paradigm of extreme vulnerability”, and “WIMs in small boats should raise the alarm”. WIMs who arrive to Europe in small boats have a history of violence, rape, prostitution, forced pregnancy, and human trafficking. Emergency care must include gynecological examinations and must make detecting sexual violence and human trafficking of WIMs part of their care protocols

    Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Self-efficacy as Mediators in the Mediation of Sleep Quality and Grades in Nursing Students

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    University is a period in which students can experience a considerable amount of challenges that may influence their health lifestyles. The aim of this article is to discover the role of therapeutic adherence to the Mediterranean diet and self-efficacy as mediators in the relationship between sleep quality and the average grades of nursing students. The sample was made up of 334 nursing students, with a mean age of 21.84 years (SD = 6.24). Pittsburgh Sleep Quality questionnaires, adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the Baessler and Shwarzer General Self-efficacy Scale were administered. The results of the multiple mediational model determined that quality of sleep has a direct influence on academic performance. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and quality of sleep have an effect on the degree of self-efficacy of nursing students. This study demonstrates that good sleep quality and adherence to the Mediterranean diet improve academic performance in nursing students. Future research should include multicenter longitudinal studies

    Quality of life in elderly men after a radical prostatectomy. A qualitative study

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    Prostate cancer is the second most frequent cancer in Spain. One of its main treatments is radical prostatectomy. This intervention generates a series of physical and psychological consequences in the patient that result in reducing their quality of life. The objective of this study was therefore to explore the experiences and perceptions of older adults about their quality of life after a radical prostatectomy. A descriptive qualitative study was conducted with 18 patients who had undergone a radical prostatectomy, with a mean age of 70.6 years. A focus group of 8 people was formed, and 10 individual interviews were carried out and transcribed in ATLAS.ti for later analysis. The quality of the criteria for qualitative research was guaranteed, and the pertinent ethical aspects were respected. Participants demonstrated worse urinary (incontinence) and sexual (erectile dysfunction) function after radical prostatectomy. Due to these consequences, they manifested shame, despair and relationship problems (lack of communication, absence of sexual life, etc.), thus causing a clear decrease in their quality of life. The participants also stated that they did not feel well-protected by the health care received. The physical sequelae on urinary and erectile function of prostatectomized patients decrease the patient’s quality of life. These limitations in their sexual life cause them additional psychological consequences that also contribute to a deterioration in the perceived quality of life. In a social environment, patients can find understanding and freedom to share feelings, which contributes to improving their quality of life. However, pressure and lack of communication can appear in the couple, which is perceived as a source of deterioration in quality of life. The care conditions in the health system are not appropriate to address the quality of life of this type of patient in a comprehensive manner

    The Perception of African Immigrant Women Living in Spain Regarding the Persistence of FGM

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    Approximately 200 million women and girls have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) worldwide. Migration has spread the practice of FGM around the world, thus making it a global public health issue. The objective of this descriptive qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of Sub-Saharan immigrant women in Spain in relation to the causes of the persistence of FGM. In-depth interviews were carried out with 13 female FGM survivors of African origin, followed by inductive data analysis using ATLAS.ti software. Two main themes emerged from the analysis: (1) A family ritual symbolic of purification and (2) a system of false beliefs and deception in favour of FGM. The FGM survivors living in Europe are aware that FGM is a practice that violates human rights yet persists due to a system of false beliefs rooted in family traditions and deception that hides the reality of FGM from young girls or forces them to undergo the practice. The ritualistic nature of FGM and the threat of social exclusion faced by women who have not had it performed on them contributes to its persistence nowadays