11 research outputs found

    Durabilidad en el hormigón armado : la resistividad eléctrica como indicador de durabilidad

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    [Resumen] La lucha contra la corrosión en las estructuras de hormigón armado hace necesaria la predicción de su vida útil y la mejora de las metodologías empleadas para dicho fin. Se ha buscado un ensayo que cuantifique todas las fases del proceso, desde la fabricación del hormigón hasta su curado y endurecimiento. La resistividad eléctrica, como inversa de la conductividad-difusividad, nos da información sobre su microestructura, su porosidad y su contenido de agua, y con ello se tiene un control completo de las etapas por las que pasa el material. Esta medida puede valorar aspectos del hormigón como: el endurecimiento en estado fresco, el grado de curado, el grado de saturación, la resistencia mecánica, la impermeabilidad o resistencia al ingreso de sustancias agresivas y la velocidad de corrosión de la armadura. Al ser un ensayo no destructivo se puede repetir las veces necesarias sin perturbar el material. Por todo ello, es muy interesante estudiar su utilización como indicador de durabilidad, ya que nos puede dar una valoración de la calidad del hormigón en todos sus aspectos. Renata D’Andrea y Carmen Andrade (2010) estudiaron una metodología de diseño y control de calidad basada en el uso de la resistividad eléctrica del hormigón como indicador de corrosión. Esta metodología permitirá asegurar el diseño de un hormigón para una durabilidad pre-definida en proyecto mediante la utilización de parámetros de resistividad eléctrica verificando experimentalmente si la mezcla alcanzará la vida útil esperada para poder re-diseñarla hasta conseguir el objetivo fijado. En este trabajo se plantean todas las posibilidades que ofrece la resistividad eléctrica como parámetro de control de calidad del hormigón, cómo se realizan las mediciones de resistividad y las normativas referentes a ello. Se estudia cómo se ve afectada la resistividad eléctrica del hormigón en función de distintas variables, como la temperatura, la cantidad de cemento y la relación agua-cemento, y se comparan los resultados de las mediciones de resistividad con los resultados de profundidad de penetración de agua a presión y de resistencia a compresión. Para finalizar se aplica el método propuesto por D’Andrea y Andrade (2010), antes descrito, para la predicción de la durabilidad y se comparan hormigones con distintas relaciones a/c para ver cómo se ve afectada la durabilidad en función de esta variable.[Abstract] Fighting against corrosion in reinforced concrete structures makes necessary the prediction of its service life and the improvement of the used methods for that job. An essay has been search in order to quantify the different times in the process, since the concrete making until the curing and hardening. The electrical resistivity, as reverse process to the conductivity-diffusion, gives information about its microstructure, its porosity and its water content, with all this a full control of the different times in the process is obtain. This measure can determinate concrete´s aspects such as: the hardening, the curing grade, the saturation degree, the mechanical resistance, the resistance to aggressive substances and the reinforcement corrosion speed. As long as it is a non-destructive essay it is possible to repeat it as many times as needed without damaging the material. For all mentioned above, it is very important to study its application as a durability indicator, since it can provide an accurate valuation of the concretes quality in all its aspects. Renata D’Andrea and Carmen Andrade (2010) studied a design methodology and a quality control based in the electrical resistivity use as an indicator of the corrosion. This methodology allows to secure the design of the concrete with a pre-stated durability in the project trough the use of electric resistivity parameters, experimentally verifying if the mixture will reach the useful life wished in order to be in the position of re-designing it until the goal is reached. In this Project all the possibilities that the electrical resistivity offers are exposed as a control parameter of the concrete quality, and so are the ways that the resistivity measure is made. The rules about all this are also exposed. The manner in which the concretes electrical resistivity is affected by the different variables such as the temperature, the amount of cement and the water/cement proportion, is studied and the results of the resistivity measurements are compared to: the results of the high-pressure water penetration depth and to the compressive strength. In order to conclude, the previously mentioned method to predict the durability, proposed by D’Andrea and Andrade (2010), is applied, and concretes with different water/cement ratio are compared in order to study how the durability is affected in relation to this variable.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EUAT). Arquitectura técnica. Curso 2013/201

    A generalization of the Pfähler-Lambert decomposition

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a generalization of the Pfähler (1990) and Lambert (1989, 2001) decomposition that allows us to overcome some limitations of the original methodology. In particular, our proposal allows avoiding the problem of sequentiality when the tax has several types of deductions or allowances, schedules or tax credits. In addition, our alternative decomposition is adapted to the dual income class of tax structures. Moreover, in order to adapt this methodology to real-world taxes, our alternative includes the re-ranking effects of real taxes, caused by the existence of differentiated treatments based on non-income attributes. This theoretical proposal is illustrated with an empirical analysis for the Spanish Personal Income Tax reform enforced in 2007

    ¿Es Posible el Uso de la Postpartum Depression Screening Scale Short Form en la Depresión Antenatal?

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    El objetivo fue analizar la validez de la Escala de Depresión Posparto, forma abreviada (PDSS-SF) en la detección de los síntomas de depresión prenatal mediante el uso del cuestionario Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) como gold standard. La muestra del presente estudio estuvo conformada por 449 gestantes reclutadas en el Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid (España). Se utilizó un análisis de curva ROC. Los resultados indican que el área bajo la curva ROC para la depresión menor, moderada y severa fue .86, p < .001, .95, p < .001, y .99, p < .001, respectivamente. La sensibilidad y especificidad fueron .70 y .81 para la depresión menor con un punto de corte de 11, .85 y .88 para depresión moderada con un punto de corte de 14 y 1 y .99 con un punto de corte de 23 para depresión severa. Los resultados de PDSS-SF proporcionan una buena consistencia interna y muestran combinaciones satisfactorias de sensibilidad y especificidad. La PDSS-SF es una herramienta precisa para evaluar la depresión prenatal

    Shifting tax burden to top income earners: what is the best way to reduce inequality?

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    The authors analyze to what extent and how the tax burden should be shifted towards top income earners in order to reduce income inequality. Starting from Lambert and Aronson (Inequality decomposition analysis and the Gini coefficient revisited 1993) and Alvaredo (A note on the relationship between top income shares and the Gini coefficient 2011) decomposition by income groups, they prove that for three types of revenue-neutral linear personal income tax reforms (PIT) based on Pfähler (1984) the redistributive effect is always higher than before the reform; and when the size of the rich group is sufficiently small (e.g. 1%), the best option is allocating tax changes proportionally to net income, and the worst doing it proportionally to tax liabilities. An empirical illustration of the theoretical results is provided using micro data from the Spanish PIT

    Shifting tax burden to top income earners: what is the best way to reduce inequality?

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    The authors analyze to what extent and how the tax burden should be shifted towards top income earners in order to reduce income inequality. Starting from Lambert and Aronson (Inequality decomposition analysis and the Gini coefficient revisited 1993) and Alvaredo (A note on the relationship between top income shares and the Gini coefficient 2011) decomposition by income groups, they prove that for three types of revenue-neutral linear personal income tax reforms (PIT) based on Pfähler (1984) the redistributive effect is always higher than before the reform; and when the size of the rich group is sufficiently small (e.g. 1%), the best option is allocating tax changes proportionally to net income, and the worst doing it proportionally to tax liabilities. An empirical illustration of the theoretical results is provided using micro data from the Spanish PIT

    Evaluating options for shifting tax burden to top income earners

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    During the last decade, research on income inequality has paid special attention to top income earners. At the same time, top marginal tax rates on upper income earners have declined sharply in many OECD countries. Discussions are still open on the relationship between the increase of the income share of the richest and to what extent the tax burden should be shifted towards top income earners. In this paper we analyse these questions by building and computing a theoretical framework using the decomposition by income groups proposed by Lambert and Aronson (1993) and Alvaredo (2011). We show that for three types of revenue-neutral reforms based on Pfähler (1984) the redistributive effect is always higher than before the reform. When the size of the rich group is sufficiently small we also find that the best option is allocating tax changes proportionally to net income, and the worst doing it proportionally to tax liabilities

    General public and workers exposure to high-frequency electric fields in Spanish hospitals Exposición de trabajadores y usuarios a campos eléctricos de alta frecuencia en hospitales españoles

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    Introduction: Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are commonly used in hospitals to detect and treat certain diseases or ailments, exposing healthcare workers daily to such fields and casting doubts about workers and patients safety. Objectives: To quantify the actual exposure to high-frequency electric fields of workers and public hospitals users in the Balearic Islands (Spain) and the compliance with the references levels established by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Material and Methods: High-frequency radiation exposure levels were measured in different areas and compared with ICNIRP levels and Spanish regulation, using a broadband field strength meter and a spectrum analyzer. Results: 1,290 measurements were performed obtaining a median electric field of 0.31 V/m (1st quartile: 0.16 V/m; 3rd quartile: 0.67 V/m). Users and workers are exposed to electric fields from 0.19 V/m to 0.25 V/m in all areas, but Rehabilitation and Radiology. In the former, the patients (not under microwave therapy) are exposed to EMF between 1.87 V/m and 25.71 V/m. Discussion and conclusions: Although effective electric field values are lower than the reference levels, measures should be taken to reduce exposure of especially sensitive people (infants, children, pregnant women,...) and ensure regular monitoring of the exposure.Introducción: Los campos electromagnéticos (CEM) se utilizan con frecuencia en los hospitales para detectar y tratar ciertas enfermedades o dolencias, exponiendo diariamente a los trabajadores sanitarios a esos campos y sembrando dudas sobre la seguridad de trabajadores y pacientes. Objetivos: Cuantificar la exposición real de trabajadores y usuarios de los hospitales públicos de las Islas Baleares (España) a campos eléctricos de alta frecuencia y el cumplimiento de los niveles de referencia establecidos por la Comisión Internacional de Protección contra la Radiación No Ionizante (ICNIRP). Material y métodos: Se midieron los niveles de exposición a radiaciones de alta frecuencia y se compararon con los niveles de ICNIRP y normativa española, usando un equipo de banda ancha y un analizador de espectro. Resultados: Se realizaron 1,290 mediciones obteniendo una mediana del campo eléctrico de 0.31 V/m (1er cuartil: 0.16 V/m; 3er cuartil: 0.67 V/m). Usuarios y trabajadores están expuestos a campos eléctricos de 0.19 V/m a 0.25 V/m en todas las áreas, excepto Rehabilitación y Radiología. En la primera, los pacientes (no tratados con microondas) están expuestos a CEM entre 1.87 V/m y 25.71 V/m. Discusión y conclusiones: Aunque los valores eficaces de campo eléctrico están por debajo de los niveles de referencias, se deben tomar medidas para reducir la exposición de personas especialmente sensibles (bebés, niños, gestantes,...) y asegurar un control periódico de la exposición