12 research outputs found

    Eating Disorder Awareness Campaigns:Thematic and Quantitative Analysis Using Twitter

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    Background: Health awareness initiatives are frequent but their efficacy is a matter of controversy. We have investigated the effect of the Eating Disorder Awareness Week and Wake Up Weight Watchers campaigns on Twitter. Objective: We aimed to examine whether the Eating Disorder Awareness Week and Wake Up Weight Watchers initiatives increased the volume and dissemination of Twitter conversations related to eating disorders and investigate what content generates the most interest on Twitter. Methods: Over a period of 12 consecutive days in 2018, we collected tweets containing the hashtag #wakeupweightwatchers and hashtags related to Eating Disorder Awareness Week (#eatingdisorderawarenessweek, #eatingdisorderawareness, or #EDAW), with the hashtag #eatingdisorder as a control. The content of each tweet was rated as medical, testimony, help offer, awareness, pro-ana, or anti-ana. We analyzed the number of retweets and favorites generated, as well as the potential reach and impact of the hashtags and the characteristics of contributors. Results: The number of #wakeupweightwatchers tweets was higher than that of Eating Disorder Awareness Week and #eatingdisorder tweets (3900, 2056, and 1057, respectively). The content of tweets was significantly different between the hashtags analyzed (P<.001). Medical content was lower in the awareness campaigns. Awareness and help offer content were lower in #wakeupweightwatchers tweets. Retweet and favorite ratios were highest in #wakeupweightwatchers tweets. Eating Disorder Awareness Week achieved the highest impact, and very influential contributors participated. Conclusions: Both awareness campaigns effectively promoted tweeting about eating disorders. The majority of tweets did not promote any specific preventive or help-seeking behaviors

    Ultra-processed foods and type-2 diabetes risk in the sun project: A prospective cohort study

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    The association between ultra-processed foods (UPF) consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has not been much explored. We aimed to evaluate the association between consumption of UPF and the incidence of T2D

    Consideración social de la diabetes y evaluación de diversos estilos de vida que se asocian con la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en el proyecto SUN

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    Las redes sociales como Twitter nos permiten acceder a la percepción y al conocimiento que la población general posee sobre una determinada enfermedad. Esto facilita al personal sanitario, seleccionar las ideas en las que desea incidir o transmitir. La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) es un problema de salud pública, pero con un alto potencial preventivo. Es bien conocido el papel protector de la actividad física sobre la incidencia de la DM2. Sin embargo, no está clara la repercusión del sedentarismo. Tampoco está clara la repercusión que la actividad física ligera o intensa tiene sobre la DM2. Por su parte, el seguimiento de un patrón de dieta saludable es fundamental en la prevención de DM2. La evidencia científica actual sobre el consumo de ultraprocesados (UPF) y el riesgo de DM2 es escasa. En primer lugar, investigamos los tuis emitidos (n=15,342 tuits) por usuarios de Twitter durante 8 días sobre diabetes mellitus (DM) (n= 6,467) y otras enfermedades médicas relevantes. Comparamos la temática, tono empleado y la adecuación del contenido al conocimiento científico actual de los tuits de DM, respecto al resto de enfermedades analizadas. La DM está más representada en la red social Twitter que el resto de las enfermedades analizadas. Los contenidos médicos fueron mayoritariamente apropiados y dirigidos hacia la prevención. Respecto a los contenidos no médicos, los usuarios buscan, sobre todo, información sobre dispositivos de salud o reuniones científicas. Para el estudio de la asociación de distintos estilos de vida con la incidencia de DM2, utilizamos los datos recogidos en el proyecto SUN. La cohorte SUN es una cohorte dinámica (retención 93%), multipropósito, compuesta por graduados universitarios de toda España. En primer lugar, se comparó la asociación de la evaluación única de la actividad física versus la evaluación combinada de actividad física y sedentarismo, evaluados mediante cuestionarios previamente validados, y el riesgo de DM2, en 19,524 participantes seguidos durante una media de 10,4 años, sin diagnóstico previo de DM2. Los tests estadísticos Akaike information criterion (AIC) y Bayesian information criterion (BIC) realizados, mostraron la superioridad de la evaluación combinada de actividad física y sedentarismo (AIC: 2693.87 vs 2706.78; BIC: 2701.75 vs 2714.66; chi-cuadrado de los coeficientes de ambas exposiciones (p = 0,015) a favor de la exposición combinada). Para el resto de los objetivos, incluimos a 20.060 participantes libres de DM2 seguidos de media durante 12 años con la identificación de 175 casos incidentes de DM2. Los modelos de sustitución isotemporal mostraron que la sustitución de una hora (1-h) de estar sentado por 1-h de actividad física intensa (VPA) se asoció con una reducción relativa del riesgo de DM2 del 48% [Hazard Ratio (HR) ajustada: 0,52 (IC 95%, 0,34-0,80)]. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas con la sustitución de 1-h de estar sentado por 1-h de actividad física moderada-ligera. La sustitución de 1-h de estar sentado por 1-h de paseo a paso rápido/muy rápido (actividad física moderada) se asoció a una reducción relativa del riesgo de DM2 del 36%, [HR ajustada:0,64 (IC 95%: 0,43-0,96); p=0,03], lo cual no se demostró con su sustitución por una 1-h de paseo lento (actividad física ligera). Por último, al evaluar la asociación entre el consumo de UPF, evaluados mediante un cuestionario semi-cuantitativo de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos previamente validado, y el riesgo de DM2, los participantes con un mayor consumo de UPF, presentaron un incremento relativo del riesgo de DM2 del 53% [HR ajustada: 1,53; (IC 95%: 1,06-2,22, p tendencia lineal= 0.024)]. Esta asociación se mantuvo tras aplicar medidas repetidas tras 10 años de seguimiento [HR ajustada: 1,65 (IC 95%: 1,14-2,38, p tendencia lineal: 0,023)] y tras múltiples análisis de sensibilidad

    Physical Activity Intensity and Type 2 Diabetes: Isotemporal Substitution Models in the “Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra” (SUN) Cohort

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    Which intensity of physical activity (PA) is associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) prevention remains unclear. Isotemporal substitution models assess the relationship of replacing the amount of time spent in one activity for another. We aimed to assess T2D incidence associated with light-to-moderate physical activity (LMPA) and vigorous physical activity (VPA) using isotemporal substitution models of one hour (1 h) sitting by 1 h of LMPA or VPA. Furthermore, we evaluated the effect on T2D of an isotemporal substitution of 1 h sitting by 1 h of slow (light physical activity) or brisk–very brisk walking (moderate physical activity). In total, 20,060 participants (both sexes) of the SUN cohort (Spain) initially free of T2D followed-up during a median of 12 years were included. Cox regression models were fitted to assess the association between the substitution of 1 h LMPA, VPA, slow and brisk–very brisk pace by 1 h sitting and T2D. The replacement of 1 h sitting time by 1 h of VPA was associated with an adjusted HR of 0.52 (95% CI: 0.34–0.80), not observed for the substitution by 1 h of LMPA (HR 0.93; 95% CI: 0.73–1.20). An apparent inverse association was observed for the replacement of 1 h sitting time by 1 h of brisk/very brisk walking (HR: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.46–1.04), not observed by 1 h of slow pace. From equal conditions of duration and frequency of PA, the higher the intensity of PA, the greater the T2D prevention

    Eating Disorder Awareness Campaigns:Thematic and Quantitative Analysis Using Twitter

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    Background: Health awareness initiatives are frequent but their efficacy is a matter of controversy. We have investigated the effect of the Eating Disorder Awareness Week and Wake Up Weight Watchers campaigns on Twitter. Objective: We aimed to examine whether the Eating Disorder Awareness Week and Wake Up Weight Watchers initiatives increased the volume and dissemination of Twitter conversations related to eating disorders and investigate what content generates the most interest on Twitter. Methods: Over a period of 12 consecutive days in 2018, we collected tweets containing the hashtag #wakeupweightwatchers and hashtags related to Eating Disorder Awareness Week (#eatingdisorderawarenessweek, #eatingdisorderawareness, or #EDAW), with the hashtag #eatingdisorder as a control. The content of each tweet was rated as medical, testimony, help offer, awareness, pro-ana, or anti-ana. We analyzed the number of retweets and favorites generated, as well as the potential reach and impact of the hashtags and the characteristics of contributors. Results: The number of #wakeupweightwatchers tweets was higher than that of Eating Disorder Awareness Week and #eatingdisorder tweets (3900, 2056, and 1057, respectively). The content of tweets was significantly different between the hashtags analyzed (P<.001). Medical content was lower in the awareness campaigns. Awareness and help offer content were lower in #wakeupweightwatchers tweets. Retweet and favorite ratios were highest in #wakeupweightwatchers tweets. Eating Disorder Awareness Week achieved the highest impact, and very influential contributors participated. Conclusions: Both awareness campaigns effectively promoted tweeting about eating disorders. The majority of tweets did not promote any specific preventive or help-seeking behaviors

    Ultra-processed foods and type-2 diabetes risk in the sun project: A prospective cohort study

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    The association between ultra-processed foods (UPF) consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has not been much explored. We aimed to evaluate the association between consumption of UPF and the incidence of T2D

    Identification of a PROM1 mutation in a Spanish family with inherited retinal dystrophies

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    Background: We report a Spanish family, comprising an affected mother and daughter, respectively diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa and Stargardt-like macular dystrophy, in whom we identified a PROM1 mutation. Methods: A custom gene panel consisting of 119 inherited retinal dystrophies (IRD)-genes was applied in the two affected individuals of this family and sequenced using the Illumina ́s NextSeq 500 platform. Results: The analysis of the resulting data allowed us to identify the pathogenic PROM1 mutation c.1117C>T (p.Arg373Cys) as the primary cause of the disease in both patients. No additional variants contributing to the extent of retinal dysfunction were detected. Conclusion: The variable expressivity of the detected PROM1 mutation is the most likely responsible for the intrafamilial phenotypic variability observed inthis family. Screening of this mutation should be considered in patients with compatible clinical manifestations, especially when accompanied by an autosomal dominant family history

    Areas of interest and stigmatic attitudes of the general public in five relevant medical conditions: Thematic and quantitative analysis using twitter

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    Background: Twitter is an indicator of real-world performance, thus, is an appropriate arena to assess the social consideration and attitudes toward psychosis. Objective: The aim of this study was to perform a mixed-methods study of the content and key metrics of tweets referring to psychosis in comparison with tweets referring to control diseases (breast cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer, and human immunodeficiency virus). Methods: Each tweet’s content was rated as nonmedical (NM: testimonies, health care products, solidarity or awareness and misuse) or medical (M: included a reference to the illness’s diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, or prevention). NM tweets were classified as positive or pejorative. We assessed the appropriateness of the medical content. The number of retweets generated and the potential reach and impact of the hashtags analyzed was also investigated. Results: We analyzed a total of 15,443 tweets: 8055 classified as NM and 7287 as M. Psychosis-related tweets (PRT) had a significantly higher frequency of misuse 33.3% (212/636) vs 1.15% (853/7419; P<.001) and pejorative content 36.2% (231/636) vs 11.33% (840/7419; P<.001). The medical content of the PRT showed the highest scientific appropriateness 100% (391/391) vs 93.66% (6030/6439; P<.001) and had a higher frequency of content about disease prevention. The potential reach and impact of the tweets related to psychosis were low, but they had a high retweet-to-tweet ratio. Conclusions: We show a reduced number and a different pattern of contents in tweets about psychosis compared with control diseases. PRT showed a predominance of nonmedical content with increased frequencies of misuse and pejorative tone. However, the medical content of PRT showed high scientific appropriateness aimed toward prevention

    Areas of interest and stigmatic attitudes of the general public in five relevant medical conditions: Thematic and quantitative analysis using twitter

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    Background: Twitter is an indicator of real-world performance, thus, is an appropriate arena to assess the social consideration and attitudes toward psychosis. Objective: The aim of this study was to perform a mixed-methods study of the content and key metrics of tweets referring to psychosis in comparison with tweets referring to control diseases (breast cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer, and human immunodeficiency virus). Methods: Each tweet’s content was rated as nonmedical (NM: testimonies, health care products, solidarity or awareness and misuse) or medical (M: included a reference to the illness’s diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, or prevention). NM tweets were classified as positive or pejorative. We assessed the appropriateness of the medical content. The number of retweets generated and the potential reach and impact of the hashtags analyzed was also investigated. Results: We analyzed a total of 15,443 tweets: 8055 classified as NM and 7287 as M. Psychosis-related tweets (PRT) had a significantly higher frequency of misuse 33.3% (212/636) vs 1.15% (853/7419; P<.001) and pejorative content 36.2% (231/636) vs 11.33% (840/7419; P<.001). The medical content of the PRT showed the highest scientific appropriateness 100% (391/391) vs 93.66% (6030/6439; P<.001) and had a higher frequency of content about disease prevention. The potential reach and impact of the tweets related to psychosis were low, but they had a high retweet-to-tweet ratio. Conclusions: We show a reduced number and a different pattern of contents in tweets about psychosis compared with control diseases. PRT showed a predominance of nonmedical content with increased frequencies of misuse and pejorative tone. However, the medical content of PRT showed high scientific appropriateness aimed toward prevention