4 research outputs found

    Caminando con las Tripas entre las manos (Chunchulniypas Qapirisqam Purirani) Impacto de las Esterilizaciones Forzadas

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    Abstract Objective: To describe and show evidence of the problem of forced sterilization of Quechua indigenous women in the context of political violence in the Ayacucho region. The key informant describes that in reality they had symbolically cut off her tits and sectioned her uterus so that she would not have any more children. Methodology. The methodology was qualitative, descriptive design, case study technique of a sterilized woman in an interpretative and explanatory way with primary and secondary sources. Results. She has had her belly cut to remove the reproductive tract in an obligatory and involuntary way, these from a family planning policy. However, due to a bad suture of the cut, the affected wound became infected and became chronic and burst expelling a part of the woman's intestines, so she had to walk literally with her guts loaded between her hands because she had no resources for her treatment for a period of 4 years. Conclusions. The social fact is that forced sterilization obeyed a demographic plan policy and this is related to the context of political violence between 1980 and 2000 in the Ayacucho region (Peru).Objetivo: Describir y mostrar evidencia la problemática de las esterilizaciones forzadas en las mujeres indígenas quechuas en contexto de violencia política en la región Ayacucho. La informante clave describe, que en realidad simbólicamente le habían cortado las tetas y seccionando el útero para que no tengan más hijos. Metodología. La metodología fue cualitativa, diseño descriptivo, la técnica estudio de caso de una mujer esterilizada de manera interpretativo y explicativo con fuentes primarias y secundarias. Resultado. Lo han cortado la barriga para sacar el aparato reproductor de manera obligatoria e involuntaria, estas desde una política de planificación familiar. Sin embargo, por una mala sutura del corte, se infectó y se hizo crónica la herida afectada y reventó expulsado una parte de los intestinos de la mujer, así tuvo que caminar literalmente con las tripas cargadas entre las manos por no tener recursos para su tratamiento por un espacio de 4 años. Conclusiones. El hecho social, radica de que la esterilización forzada, obedeció a una política de un plan demográfico y esta se relaciona con el contexto de violencia política entre los años de 1980 al 2000 en la región Ayacucho (Perú)

    Resiliencia en adolescentes expuestos a contextos de riesgo psicosociales: una revisión sistemática

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    Resilience currently implies overcoming the negative effects produced by risk exposure through a set of positive socio-emotional strategies that promote the strengthening, coping and empowerment of self-esteem. The study aimed to systematically analyze research on resilience in adolescents exposed to psychosocial risks. The methodology assumed under the parameters of the systematic review on resilience in adolescents exposed to contexts of psychosocial risks in the last five years, was considered from the year 2017 to 2021. The findings found are directed at the resilience of adolescents in situations of internal risk. /family (n=4) and external risks/educational-social (n=5), and to determine the level of resilience, the most widely used instrument is the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale (1993) to measure resilience in adolescents with a Cronbach's alpha of .89. It is concluded that, in most of the analyzed investigations, the levels of resilience of adolescents are high and medium. Despite the high rates of social problems at the family and social level, adolescents develop capacities to overcome these adverse situations and look to the future with optimism.La resiliencia en la actualidad, implica superar los efectos negativos producidos por la exposición al riesgo mediante un conjunto de estrategias positivas socioemocionales que promueven el fortalecimiento, afrontamiento y empoderamiento del autoestima. El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar  sistematicamente las investigaciones sobre resiliencia en los adolescentes expuestos a riesgos psicosociales. La metodología asumida bajo los parámetros de revisión sistemática sobre resiliencia en adolescentes expuestos a contextos de riesgos psicosociales en los últimos cinco años, se consideró desde el año 2017 al 2021. Los hallasgos encontrados se direccionan en la resiliencia de adolescentes frente a situaciones de riesgos internos/familiares (n=4) y riesgos externos/educativo-social (n=5), y para determinar el nivel de resiliencia el instrumento de mayor uso es Escala de Resiliencia de Wagnild y Young (1993) para medir la resiliencia en los adolescentes con un alfa de Cronbach de .89. Se concluye que, en la mayoría de las investigaciones analizadas, los niveles de resiliencia de los adolescentes están en alto y medio. A pesar de los altos índices de problemas sociales a nivel familiar y social, los adolescentes desarrollan capacidades para superar esas situaciones adversas y mirar el futuro con optimismo

    The Solidarity Economy in the Families of Cascas (La Libertad) and San Agustín (Arequipa): A Comparative Study

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    The present study was carried out with the objective of knowing, making visible and articulating how family enterprises are presented in two communities of Peru, one from the north: Cascas (La Libertad) and another from the South: San Agustín (Arequipa), allowing the construction of synergies with a territoriality criterion. The solidarity economy achieves the support of people, promotes the development of initiatives, becomes a generator of economic income, a source of skills development, creation of more community economies and extension of the middle class. The methods used are inductive - deductive and analytical - synthetic, which allowed an analysis of the content of family economies, using the techniques questionnaire of closed questions and in-depth interviews, with 100 families from each of the selected communities as the object of study. and autonomy of the family members, allows the equitable distribution and management of resources, bringing as a goal the well-being of these families


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    The aim of the study was to identify the key components to formulate a thesis project in industrial engineering to address current challenges from a perspective that responds to the demands of sustainability and global development outlined by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is achieved through an exhaustive review of the literature and interviews directed at both mentors and students, investigating the main potential elements of improvement in the formulation of thesis proposals, based on the ODS. 5 important sections were taken into account for the thesis project: topic, introduction, justification, literature review and methodology. Each of these had relevant criteria to write the project. In short, the formulation of a thesis project in Industrial Engineering emerges as a multifaceted effort that requires rigorous attention to several components. Adequate groundwork, mentoring and training in research methods are vital elements in addressing these challenges and ensuring superior quality in thesis proposals. This study should not only be considered for industrial engineering, it can be used as a basis for other areas such as civil