34 research outputs found

    Embryo transfer manipulation cause gene expression variation in blastocysts that disrupt implantation and offspring rates at birth in rabbit

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    [EN] Objective: In the current study we aimed to evaluate the effect of embryo transfer on gene expression during pre-implantation development and its consequences on implantation rate, offspring rate at birth and embryonic and fetal losses in the rabbit model.This research was supported by the projects: Spanish Research project AGL2014-53405-C2-1-P Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT) and Generalitat Valenciana research program (Prometeo II 2014/036).Saenz De Juano Ribes, MDLD.; Marco Jiménez, F.; Vicente Antón, JS. (2016). Embryo transfer manipulation cause gene expression variation in blastocysts that disrupt implantation and offspring rates at birth in rabbit. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 207:50-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejogrb.2016.10.049S505520

    Oil-in-water emulsions stabilised by cellulose ethers: stability, structure and in vitro digestion

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    [EN] The effect of cellulose ethers in oil-in-water emulsions on stability during storage and on texture, microstructure and lipid digestibility during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion was investigated. All the cellulose ether emulsions showed good physical and oxidative stability during storage. In particular, the methylcellulose with high methoxyl substituents (HMC) made it possible to obtain emulsions with high consistency which remained almost unchanged during gastric digestion, and thus could enhance fullness and satiety perceptions at gastric level. Moreover, the HMC emulsion slowed down lipid digestion to a greater extent than a conventional protein emulsion or the emulsions stabilised by the other cellulose ethers. Therefore, HMC emulsions could be used in weight management to increase satiation capacity and decrease lipid digestion.The authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness for financial support (AGL2015-68923-C2 (MINECO/FEDER)) and gratefully acknowledge the financial support of EU FEDER funds. They would also like to thank Mary Georgina Hardinge for assistance in correcting the English manuscript.Borreani, JAA.; Espert, M.; Salvador Alcaraz, A.; Sanz, MT.; Quiles Chuliá, MD.; Hernando Hernando, MI. (2017). Oil-in-water emulsions stabilised by cellulose ethers: stability, structure and in vitro digestion. Food & Function. 8(4):1547-1557. https://doi.org/10.1039/c7fo00159bS154715578

    Effect of luteinizing hormone on rabbit ovarian superstimulation and embryo developmental potential

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    [EN] Assisted reproduction technologies require ovarian stimulation to increase the number of oocytes and embryos. Currently, superstimulation is achieved by gonadotropin treatment, but the embryo yield and quality are highly variable. Commonly, commercial preparations derived from pituitary and urinary origin are used to superovulate. Hence, ovarian superstimulation protocols have usually included both FSH and LH. The appearance of recombinant gonadotropins manufactured by genetic engineering techniques has ensured high quality and batch-to-batch consistency. Moreover, this enables us to assess the importance of LH in the ovarian stimulation. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant human LH supplementation (10%) on embryonic development produced by rabbit does superovulated with low or high concentration (18.75 or 37.50 IU) of recombinant human FSH (rhFSH). Females treated with rhFSH increased the ovulation rate, and it was significantly higher when the high FSH dose was supplemented with LH. The superstimulation treatment used did not significantly affect in vitro development rate until the expanded blastocyst stage. The results of this study seem to suggest that, in terms of superovulatory response, when rabbit does are treated with 37.5-IU rhFSH, the use of LH supplementation allows an increase in the number of follicles recruited and the quality of embryos, in terms of ability to develop in vitro until blastocyst, and the expression profile of OCT4, NANOG, and SOX2 genes is not affected.This research was supported in part by the Valencian regional government research project PROMETEOII/2014/036. The authors would like to thank Neil Macowan Language Services for revising the English version of the article.Viudes De Castro, MP.; Herreros Pomares, A.; Saenz De Juano Ribes, MDLD.; Marco Jiménez, F.; Vicente Antón, JS. (2015). Effect of luteinizing hormone on rabbit ovarian superstimulation and embryo developmental potential. Theriogenology. 84(3):446-451. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.04.001S44645184

    Structural and sensory studies on chocolate spreads with hydrocolloid-based oleogels as a fat alternative

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    [EN] In this study, chocolate spreads were designed using oleogels with two oils (olive and sunflower), and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and xanthan gum (XG), as structuring agents. Thus, the lipid profile of the spreads can be improved by totally or partially replacing the coconut butter used in their preparation. Structural behaviour was analysed using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), small amplitude oscillatory rheology, and a spreadability test. A Free Choice Profile analysis was performed by consumers to determine the sensorial attributes that described the chocolate spreads. The results showed that the oleogels conferred consistency to the spreads because of the network formed by HPMC and XG. However, while coconut butter replacement at 50% gave a similar structure to the control spread, 100% replacement resulted in less homogeneous spreads. This trend might be attributed to the chemical compatibility between the oleogel-coconut butter, which led to stronger systems. Sensory evaluation showed that chocolate spread replaced by sunflower oleogel at 50% presented sensory attributes like the control spread with "creamy appearance", "creamy texture", and "cocoa flavour". Therefore, using oleogels can be a viable and healthy alternative to replace the saturated fat present in chocolate spreads.The authors would like to thank Universitat Politecnica de Valencia by FPI-UPV 2017 grant and the project RTI2018-099738-B-C22 from the 'Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades'.Bascuas-Véntola, SM.; Espert, M.; Llorca Martínez, ME.; Quiles Chuliá, MD.; Salvador Alcaraz, A.; Hernando Hernando, MI. (2021). Structural and sensory studies on chocolate spreads with hydrocolloid-based oleogels as a fat alternative. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 135:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.1102281813

    Millora genètica de la tomaca "valenciana d'El Perelló" per a resistència al virus del mosaic de la tomaca (Tomato mosaic virus, ToMV)

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    [CA] La tomaca tradicional valenciana és apreciada per les seues propietats organolèptiques que li atorguen un elevat interès comercial. En concret la tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ és cada vegada més apreciada en les superfícies comercials. Aquesta tomaca presenta diferents trets morfològics, agronòmics i de qualitat que la fan atractiva per al llaurador i per al consumidor. No obstant, de vegades presenta problemes d’uniformitat de producció, així com d’altres característiques importants. D’altra banda, aquesta varietat presenta una elevada susceptibilitat a malalties com la causada pel virus del mosaic de la tomaca (ToMV). Així, una forma molt interessant de potenciar aquest cultiu tan valencià, és obtenir varietats més uniformes així com resistents al ToMV. En aquest treball és du a terme tant un programa de selecció així como un programa de millora genètica de la resistència al ToMV de la tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’. Es pretén per una banda augmentar la uniformitat de producció i la presencia de trets característics d’aquesta varietat, a la vegada que s’introgressa el gen Tm22 de resistència al ToMV.[EN] Tomato traditional Valencian is appreciated for its organoleptic properties that confer a high commercial interest. In particular the tomato ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’ is increasingly appreciated in the stores. This tomato has different morphological, agronomic and quality traits that make it attractive to the farmer and the consumer. However, sometimes presents problems of uniformity of production, as well as other important features. Moreover, this variety has a high susceptibility to diseases such as caused by the Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV). Thus, a very interesting way of promoting this Valencian crop, is to achieve more uniform and varieties resistant ToMV. In this work is carried out both a program selection as well as a program of genetic improvement of resistance to ToMV of the tomato ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’. It is intended on the one hand to increase production and uniformity of the characteristics of this variety, while incorporating Tm22 resistance gene ToMV.Aquest treball ha sigut financiat per la Cooperativa Valenciana Unió Protectora d’El Perelló i per el programa d’investigació e innovació Horizonte 2020 de la Unió Europea a través del contrat No. 634561 (TRADITOM)Figás Moreno, MDR.; Martín Hernández, MDLD.; Casanova Calancha, C.; Soler Calabuig, E.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Soler Aleixandre, S. (2020). Millora genètica de la tomaca "valenciana d'El Perelló" per a resistència al virus del mosaic de la tomaca (Tomato mosaic virus, ToMV). En I Congrés de la Tomaca Valenciana: La Tomaca Valenciana d'El Perelló. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 115-127. https://doi.org/10.4995/TOMAVAL2017.2017.6525OCS11512

    Estudi de la distribució de quallat en distintes seleccions masals de la "tomaca valenciana d'El Perelló"

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    [CA] En els últims anys, ha cobrat importància l'interès pel cultiu de les varietats tradicionals d’hortalisses. No obstant això, aquestes presenten una falta de estudis de caracterització i tipificació. Aquests són imprescindibles per detectar factors que dificulten la seua explotació, així com per emprendre programes de millora de les mateixes per augmentar la seva competitivitat i rendibilitat. En aquest treball s'han caracteritzat 3 poblacions de tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’. L'objectiu ha estat obtenir informació fenotípica de rellevància en aquest tipus de tomaca. Aquesta informació està sent molt útil per a la seua millora genètica. Així, hem pogut constatar que les poblacions emprades de tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ es caracteritzen per presentar fruits del tipus “masclet” amb una freqüència elevada i un nivell productiu molt acceptable. La menor productivitat de les seleccions assajades en comparació amb el control comercial pareix ser deguda a una concentració de la producció en els 2-3 primers pomells de la planta; i una caiguda dràstica del quallat en els pomells superiors. No obstant, en el programa de selecció i millora de la tomaca ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ que s’està realitzant es disposa de seleccions amb una freqüència de masclets molta elevada y una distribució de quallat molt més uniforme.[EN] In recent years, has taken important interest in the cultivation of traditional varieties of vegetables. However, these studies show a lack of characterization and classification. These are essential to identify factors that hinder their operation, as well as to undertake programs to improve them to increase their competitiveness and profitability. In this work we have characterized three populations of ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’ tomato. The aim has been phenotypic information relevant in this type of tomato. This information has been very useful for their breeding. Thus, we have found that the populations used for ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’ tomato are characterized by fruits such as "Masclet" with a high frequency and very productive level acceptable. The lower productivity of the teams tested compared to commercial control seems to be due to a concentration of production in the first 2-3 Pomells plant; and a drastic fall in mincemeat Pomells superiors. However, the program of selection and improvement of the tomato ‘Valenciana d’El Perello’ being made available to teams with a much higher frequency masclets and distribution of more uniform fruit set.Este treball ha sido financiat por la Cooperativa Valenciana Unió Protectora d’El Perelló y por el programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea a través del contrato No. 634561 (TRADITOM)Figás Moreno, MDR.; Martín Hernández, MDLD.; Casanova Calancha, C.; Soler Calabuig, E.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Soler Aleixandre, S. (2020). Estudi de la distribució de quallat en distintes seleccions masals de la "tomaca valenciana d'El Perelló". En I Congrés de la Tomaca Valenciana: La Tomaca Valenciana d'El Perelló. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 73-83. https://doi.org/10.4995/TOMAVAL2017.2017.6523OCS738

    Oviductal and endometrial mRNA expression of implantation candidate biomarkers during early pregnancy in rabbit

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    [EN] Prenatal losses are a complex problem. Pregnancy requires orchestrated communication between the embryo and the uterus that includes secretions from the embryo to signal pregnancy recognition and secretion and remodelling from the uterine epithelium. Most of these losses are characterized by asynchronization between embryo and uterus. To better understand possible causes, an analysis was conducted of gene expression of a set of transcripts related to maternal recognition and establishment of rabbit pregnancy (uteroglobin, SCGB1A1; integrin 1, ITGA1; interferon- , IFNG; vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF) in oviduct and uterine tissue at 16, 72 or 144 h post-ovulation and insemination. In the oviduct tissue, a significant decrease in the level of SCGB1A1 mRNA expression was observed from 144 h post-ovulation. In the case of ITGA1, the transcript abundance was initially lower, but mRNA expression increased significantly at 72 and 144 h post-ovulation. For IFNG, a huge decrease was observed from 16 to 72 h post-ovulation. Finally, no significant differences were observed in the VEGF transcript. For the endometrium, the results showed a significant decline in the level of SCGB1A1 mRNA expression from 16 to 144 h post-ovulation induction. The highest levels of ITGA1 transcript were detected at 144 h, followed by the 16 h group and lower at 72 h post-ovulation. For IFNG there were no significant differences among post-ovulation induction times. Finally, it was possible to observe that VEGF mRNA abundance was present at low levels at 16 h post-ovulation and remained low at 72 h,but increased at 144 h. The functional significance of these observations may provide new insights into the maternal role in prenatal losses.This work was supported by the Spanish Research Projects (CICYT AGL2011-29831-C03-01). M.D. Saenz-de-Juano was supported by a research grant from Generalitat Valenciana (Programa VALI+d, ACIF/2011/254).Saeed, AM.; Saenz De Juano Ribes, MDLD.; Marco Jiménez, F.; Vicente Antón, JS. (2015). Oviductal and endometrial mRNA expression of implantation candidate biomarkers during early pregnancy in rabbit. Zygote. 23(2):288-296. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0967199413000555S28829623

    Motor and Cognitive Performance in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis with Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy

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    Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is associated with mild cognitive impairment and frailty. This study aims to identify cognitive and motor differences in cirrhotic patients with and without MHE, and the correlations between motor signs and cognitive performance. Gait, balance, hand strength and motor speed performance were evaluated in 66 cirrhotic patients (38 without and 28 with MHE, according to the Psychometric Hepatic Encephalopathy Score (PHES). Cognitive performance was measured with the Mini-Mental State Examination, Verbal Fluency Test, Aprendizaje Verbal España-Complutense Test (TAVEC), Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III, Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Rating Scale and Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST). MHE patients performed worse than patients without MHE in cognitive and autonomous functioning, learning and long-term memory, and verbal fluency. The same pattern was found in gait, center of pressure movement, variability of hand strength performance and hand motor speed. In MHE patients, high correlations were found between balance and FAST test, gait velocity and verbal skills, hand strength variability and anxiety and depression, and motor speed and FAST and TAVEC. MHE patients showed worse motor and cognitive performance than patients without MHE. MHE patients could have impaired movement control expressed as bradykinesia, and this reduced motor performance could correlate with cognitive performance

    Emulsion and Microemulsion Systems to Improve Functional Edible Oils Enriched with Walnut and Pistachio Phenolic Extracts

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    The purpose of this research was to improve the properties of functional edible oils with potential health promoting effects, enriched with phenolic-rich extracts obtained from pistachio and walnut (5.1 and 27.4% phenolic contents respectively), by means of emulsion and micro emulsion systems. Stable water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions were obtained employing polyglycerol polyrhizinoleate (PGPR) as emulsifier (0.5, 2% H2O in oil), despite having a whitish and opaque appearance; transparent and stable microemulsions were prepared using proper proportion (e.g., 97:3) between the oily phase and the mixture of aqueous phase and emulsifiers (3:2 lecithin-distilled monoglycerides (DMG). Total polar phenolics contents ranging between 257 and 835 mg/kg were obtained in the novel functional edible oils’ formulations, reaching higher content using walnut as compared to pistachio extracts. Antioxidant capacity determined by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)hydrazyl (DPPH) method increased approx. 7.5 and 1.5 times using walnut and pistachio extracts respectively. An emulsion using gallic acid and a microemulsion employing hydroxytyrosol, two well-known antioxidants, were also studied to compare antioxidant capacity of the proposed enriched oils. Furthermore, the oxidative stability of these products—very relevant to establish their commercial value—was measured under accelerated testing conditions employing the Rancimat equipment (100 °C) and performing an oven test (at 40 °C for walnut oils and 60 °C for pistachio and refined olive oils). Rancimat oxidative stability greatly increased and better results were obtained with walnut (2–3 times higher) as compared to pistachio extract enriched oils (1.5–2 times higher). On the contrary, under the oven test conditions, both the initial oxidation rate constant and the time required to reach a value of peroxide value equal to 15 (upper commercial category limit), indicated that under these assay conditions the protection against oxidation is higher using pistachio extract (2–4 times higher) than walnut’s (1.5–2 times higher). Stable emulsions and transparent microemulsions phenolic-rich nut oils (250–800 mg/kg) were therefore developed, possessing a higher oxidative stability (1.5–4 times) and DPPH antioxidant capacity (1.5–7.5 times)

    Modelling Virgin Olive Oil Potential Shelf-Life from Antioxidants and Lipid Oxidation Progress

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    The development of effective shelf-life prediction models is extremely important for the olive oil industry. This research is the continuation of a previous accelerated shelf-life test at mild temperature (40–60 °C), applied in this case to evaluate the oxidation effect of temperature on minor components (phenols, tocopherol, pigments) to properly complete a shelf-life predictive model. The kinetic behaviour of phenolic compounds, α-tocopherol and pigments during storage of different virgin olive oil samples at different temperatures (25–60 °C) is reported. Hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and α-tocopherol fitted to pseudo-zero-order kinetics, whereas secoiridoid derivatives of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, o-diphenols and total phenols apparently followed pseudo-first-order kinetics. The temperature-dependent kinetic of phenolic compounds and α-tocopherol were well described by the linear Arrhenius model. The apparent activation energy was calculated. Principal component analysis was used to transform the considered compositional and degradation variables into fewer uncorrelated principal components resulting in 4: “no oxidizable substrate”, “initial oxidation state and conditions”, “free simple phenols”, and “degradation rates”. In addition, multivariate linear regression was used to yield several modelling equations for shelf-life prediction, considering initial composition and experimental variables easily determined in accelerated storage