42 research outputs found

    The use of otolith morphology to indicate the stock structure of common coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

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    We investigated the use of otolith morphology to indicate the stock structure of an exploited serranid coral reef fish, Plectropomus leopardus, on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. Otoliths were measured by traditional one-and two-dimensional measures (otolith length, width, area, perimeter, circularity, and rectangularity), as well as by Fourier analysis to capture the finer details of otolith shape. Variables were compared among four regions of the GBR separated by hundreds of kilometers, as well as among three reefs within each region, hundreds of meters to tens of kilometers apart. The temporal stability in otolith structure was examined by comparing two cohorts of fully recruited four-year-old P. leopardus collected two years before and two years after a signif icant disturbance in the southern parts of the GBR caused by a large tropical cyclone in March 1997. Results indicated the presence of at least two stocks of P. leopardus, although the structure of each stock varied depending on the cohort considered. The results highlight the importance of incorporating data from several years in studies using otolith morphology to discriminate temporary and possibly misleading signals from those that indicate persistent spatial structure in stocks. We conclude that otolith morphology can be used as an initial step to direct further research on groups of P. leopardus that have lived at least a part of their life in different environments

    Uncertainty in length measurements of live coral trout: implications for compliance and enforcement of minimum legal size limits.

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    Report on evidence of shrinkage of live coral trout during professional fishing operations on the Great Barrier Reef in 2000. Excel data includes the following fields: Column A. Fish (fish number from 1 -24) Column B. Bin (1-8, container the fish was held in during the experiment) Column C. Measure (1-7, number of the measurement of each fish) Column D. Observer (1 or 2, making the measurement) Column E. Time 2 Column F. Time (time of the day the measurement was made) Column G. FL (Fork Length) Column H. TL (Total Length) Column I. Difference (difference in length between measures) Column J. Order Column K. Temperature (surface water temp under the boat

    Demographic characteristics of exploited tropical lutjanids: a comparative analysis

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    Demographic parameters from seven exploited coral reef lutjanid species were compared as a case study of the implications of intrafamily variation in life histories for multispecies harvest management. Modal lengths varied by 4 cm among four species (Lutjanus fulviflamma, L. vitta, L. carponotatus, L. adetii), which were at least 6 cm smaller than the modal lengths of the largest species (L. gibbus, Symphorus nematophorus, Aprion virescens). Modal ages, indicating ages of full selection to fishing gear, were 10 years or less for all species, but maximum ages ranged from 12 (L. gibbus) to 36 years (S. nematophorus). Each species had a unique growth pattern, with differences in length-at-age and mean asymptotic fork length (L∞), but smaller species generally grew fast during the first 1–2 years of life and larger species grew more slowly over a longer period. Total mortality rates varied among species; L. gibbus had the highest mortality and L. fulviflamma, the lowest mortality. The variability in life history strategies of these tropical lutjanids makes generalizations about lutjanid life histories difficult, but the fact that all seven had characteristics that would make them particularly vulnerable to fishing indicates that harvest of tropical lutjanids should be managed with caution

    The Magnitude of Global Marine Species Diversity

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    Background: The question of how many marine species exist is important because it provides a metric for how much we do and do not know about life in the oceans. We have compiled the first register of the marine species of the world and used this baseline to estimate how many more species, partitioned among all major eukaryotic groups, may be discovered. Results: There are ∼226,000 eukaryotic marine species described. More species were described in the past decade (∼20,000) than in any previous one. The number of authors describing new species has been increasing at a faster rate than the number of new species described in the past six decades. We report that there are ∼170,000 synonyms, that 58,000–72,000 species are collected but not yet described, and that 482,000–741,000 more species have yet to be sampled. Molecular methods may add tens of thousands of cryptic species. Thus, there may be 0.7–1.0 million marine species. Past rates of description of new species indicate there may be 0.5 ± 0.2 million marine species. On average 37% (median 31%) of species in over 100 recent field studies around the world might be new to science. Conclusions: Currently, between one-third and two-thirds of marine species may be undescribed, and previous estimates of there being well over one million marine species appear highly unlikely. More species than ever before are being described annually by an increasing number of authors. If the current trend continues, most species will be discovered this century

    Consequences of inappropriate criteria for accepting age estimates from otoliths, with a case study for a long-lived tropical reef fish

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    Fish ages estimated from increments in otoliths are uncertain because of various sources of error, including increment interpretation. Interpretation error is often addressed by reading each otolith multiple times and accepting age estimates only if readings satisfy certain consistency criteria. Choice of an inappropriate acceptance criterion may significantly bias the accepted age estimates and derived parameters such as mortality. The frequencies and magnitudes of discrepancies from replicate readings of otoliths increased with age for the red bass, Lutjanus bohar. The trend was best described by a constant probability of misinterpreting each increment, indicating an age acceptance criterion that allowed for increasing discrepancy between readings with age. Simulations of three error processes in reading otoliths, two processes of error accumulation within readings, and six acceptance criteria illustrated the biases in age-based metrics that arise from choosing inappropriate acceptance criteria. Biases were largest for static constant, rather than proportional, acceptance criteria, leading to elevated exclusion of older otoliths, overestimation of mortality, and underestimation of mean age. von Bertalanffy growth parameters were generally estimated with little bias. We recommend formal analysis of alternative models of ageing error to choose appropriate acceptance criteria and minimise biases in age-based demographic metrics

    Geographic influences on and the accuracy and precision of age estimates for the red bass, Lutjanus bohar (Forsskal 1775): a large tropical reef fish

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    The red bass is a large tropical reef fish (Lutjanidae, tropical snappers) that is harvested to varying extents throughout a widespread Indo-Pacific distribution. The aims of this study were to investigate the accuracy and precision of age estimates from transverse sections of sagittal otoliths and to assess effects on these of the geographic area of collection and otolith preparation method. Two independent validation studies suggested an approximately annual formation of annuli in otoliths, predominantly for otoliths with 4–10 annuli but also for one otolith with 29 annuli. Otolith sections produced exceptionally high annulus counts: up to 56 annuli for samples from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia; and up to 55 annuli from the Seychelles, indicating a high longevity for this species. The precision of otolith readings from the GBR (index of average percent error, IAPE = 3.21 ± 0.26 S.E.) was within commonly accepted bounds for age estimation (IAPE up to 5%) but precision of readings from the Seychelles was significantly lower (IAPE = 9.18 ± 0.47 S.E.) and outside of this “acceptable” range. Age-based biological parameters for red bass from the Seychelles should thus be applied with greater caution than those for red bass from the GBR. If basic demographic properties are assumed relatively constant across the wide geographic range sampled, however, results from the GBR could be used as more reliable preliminary data for precautionary management strategies in the Seychelles and elsewhere

    Spatial and temporal variation and effects of changes in management in discard rates from the commercial reef line fishery of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

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    Discarding in commercially exploited fisheries has received considerable attention in the last decade, though only more recently in Australia. The Reef Line fishery (RLF) of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in Australia is a large-scale multi-sector, multi-species, highly regulated hook and line fishery with the potential for high levels of discarding. We used a range of data sources to estimate discard rates and discard quantities for the two main target groups of the RLF, the coral trout, Plectropomus spp, and the red throat emperor, Lethrinus miniatus, and investigated possible effects on discarding of recent changes in management of the fishery. Fleet-wide estimates of total annual quantities discarded from 1989 to 2003 were 292–622 t and 33–95 t for coral trout and red throat emperor, respectively. Hypothetical scenarios of high-grading after the introduction of a total allowable commercial catch for coral trout resulted in increases in discard quantities up to 3895 t, while no high-grading still meant 421 t were discarded. Increasing the minimum size limit of red throat emperor from 35 to 38 cm also increased discards to an estimated 103 t. We provide spatially and temporally explicit estimates of discarding for the two most important species in the GBR RLF of Australia to demonstrate the importance of accounting for regional variation in quantification of discarding. Effects of management changes on discarding are also highlighted. This study provides a template for exploring discarding levels for other species in the RLF and elsewhere.\ud \u