802 research outputs found

    Impurity induced density of states and residual transport in nonunitary superconductors

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    We obtain general expressions for the residual density of states, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity for non-unitary superconductors due to impurity scattering. We apply the results to the so-called `B phase' of PrOs4Sb12, which we describe using a non-unitary gap function derived from symmetry considerations. The conductivity tensor has inequivalent diagonal components due to off-axis nodal positions which may be detectable in experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Evolution of crystalline electric field effects, superconductivity, and heavy fermion behavior in the specific heat of Pr(Os1x_{1-x}Rux_x)4_4Sb12_{12}

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    Specific heat C(T)C(T) measurements were made on single crystals of the superconducting filled skutterudite series Pr(Os1x_{1-x}Rux_x)4_4Sb12_{12} down to 0.6 K. Crystalline electric field fits in the normal state produced parameters which were in agreement with previous measurements. Bulk superconductivity was observed for all values of the Ru concentration xx with transition temperatures consistent with previous experiments, confirming a minimum in TcT_{c} at x=0.6x=0.6. The C(T)C(T) data below TcT_{c} appear to be more consistent with power law behavior for x=0x=0 (PrOs4_4Sb12_{12}), and with exponential behavior for 0.05x0.20.05 \leq x \leq 0.2. An enhanced electronic specific heat coefficient γ\gamma was observed for x0.4x \leq 0.4, further supporting x0.6x \simeq 0.6 as a critical concentration where the physical properties abruptly change. Significant enhancement of ΔC/Tc\Delta C/T_{c} above the weak coupling value was only observed for x=0x=0 and x=0.05x=0.05.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review B. v2: text added and figures modifie

    Evidence for a common physical description of non-Fermi-liquid behavior in f-electron systems

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    The non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior observed in the low temperature specific heat C(T)C(T) and magnetic susceptibility χ(T)\chi(T) of f-electron systems is analyzed within the context of a recently developed theory based on Griffiths singularities. Measurements of C(T)C(T) and χ(T)\chi(T) in the systems Th1xUxPd2Al3Th_{1-x}U_{x}Pd_{2}Al_{3}, Y1xUxPd3Y_{1-x}U_{x}Pd_3, and UCu5xMxUCu_{5-x}M_{x} (M = Pd, Pt) are found to be consistent with C(T)/Tχ(T)T1+λC(T)/T \propto \chi(T) \propto T^{-1+\lambda} predicted by this model with λ<1\lambda <1 in the NFL regime. These results suggest that the NFL properties observed in a wide variety of f-electron systems can be described within the context of a common physical picture.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Symmetry properties of the nodal superconductor PrOs4Sb12

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    We present a theoretical study of the superconducting gap function in PrOs4Sb12 using a symmetry-based approach. A three-component order parameter in the triplet channel best describes superconductivity. The gap function is non-degenerate and the lower branch has four cusp nodes at unusual points of the Fermi surface, which lead to power law behaviours in the density of states, specific heat and nuclear spin relaxation rate.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. B 7

    Non-Fermi liquid behavior in a fluctuating valence system, the filled skutterudite compound CeRu_{4}As_{12}

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    Electrical resistivity ρ\rho, specific heat C, and magnetic susceptibility χ\chi measurements made on the filled skutterudite CeRu_4As_{12} reveal non-Fermi liquid (NFL) T - dependences at low T, i.e., ρ\rho(T) \sim T^{1.4} and weak power law or logarithmic divergences in C(T)/T and χ\chi(T). Measurements also show that the T - dependence of the thermoelectric power S(T) deviates from that seen in other Ce systems. The NFL behavior appears to be associated with fluctuations of the Ce valence between 3^+ and 4^+ rather than a typical Kondo lattice scenario that would be appropriate for an integral Ce valence of 3^+.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Microscopic theories for cubic and tetrahedral superconductors: application to PrOs_4Sb_{12}

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    We examine weak-coupling theory for unconventional superconducting states of cubic or tetrahedral symmetry for arbitrary order parameters and Fermi surfaces and identify the stable states in zero applied field. We further examine the possibility of having multiple superconducting transitions arising from the weak breaking of a higher symmetry group to cubic or tetrahedral symmetry. Specifically, we consider two higher symmetry groups. The first is a weak crystal field theory in which the spin-singlet Cooper pairs have an approximate spherical symmetry. The second is a weak spin orbit coupling theory for which spin-triplet Cooper pairs have a cubic orbital symmetry and an approximate spherical spin rotational symmetry. In hexagonal UPt_3, these theories easily give rise to multiple transitions. However, we find that for cubic materials, there is only one case in which two superconducting transitions occur within weak coupling theory. This sequence of transitions does not agree with the observed properties of PrOs_4Sb_{12}. Consequently, we find that to explain two transitions in PrOs_4Sb_{12} using approximate higher symmetry groups requires a strong coupling theory. In view of this, we finally consider a weak coupling theory for which two singlet representations have accidentally nearly degenerate transition temperatures (not due to any approximate symmetries). We provide an example of such a theory that agrees with the observed properties of PrOs_4Sb_{12}.Comment: 11 pages,1 figur

    Avoided Antiferromagnetic Order and Quantum Critical Point in CeCoIn5_5

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    We measured specific heat and resistivity of heavy fermion CeCoIn5 between the superconducting critical field Hc2=5TH_{c2} = 5 T and 9 T, with field in the [001] direction, and at temperatures down to 50mK. At 5T the data show Non Fermi Liquid behavior down to the lowest temperatures. At field above 8T the data exhibit crossover from the Fermi liquid to a Non Fermi Liquid behavior. We analyzed the scaling properties of the specific heat, and compared both resistivity and the specific heat with the predictions of a spin-fluctuation theory. Our analysis leads us to suggest that the NFL behavior is due to incipient antiferromagnetism (AF) in CeCoIn5, with the quantum critical point in the vicinity of the Hc2H_{c2}. Below Hc2H_{c2} the AF phase which competes with the paramagnetic ground state is superseded by the superconducting transition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure