342 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Teknik Relaksasi Benson Terhadap Penurunan Skala Nyeri Post Appendixtomy Di RSU D Porsea

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    Benson relaxation is the development of a respiratory relaxation response method involving patient confidence factors that can create an internal environment so as to help patients achieve health and wellbeing conditions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Effect of Benson Relaxation Technique on the decrease of Post Appendixtomy pain scale at Porsea Hospital Year 2019. The research design used was quasi experimental research with a static group comparison design (posttest only control group design). The population of stroke patients in Porsea Hospital with a sample of 18 respondents. The gauge uses a research guide for Benson Relaxation on the post-Appendixtomy pain scale reduction at Porsea Hospital. Data were analyzed by t test. The result of t test analysis of control group pre experiment and pre experiment group of intervention obtained value p = 0.003, there is difference of decrease of pain scale post Appendixtomy after Benson relaxation. The result of t-test post experiment of control group and post experiment of intervention group obtained p value = 0.000, there is difference of difference of decrease of pain scale post Appendixtomy after Benson relaxation. Benson relaxation is one way to reduce pain by involving patient confidence factors that can create an internal environment so as to help patients achieve health and wellbeing conditions. Nurses in the role of nursing careers especially in decreasing the scale of pain, more sensitive to special populations ie individuals with various diseases that cause pai

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Hemodialisa di RSU Hkbp Balige Kabupaten Toba Samosir Tahun 2018

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    The process of hemodialysis in the hospital can cause anxiety and physical disturbing the neurological system such as weakness, fatigue, anxiety, decreased concentration. Some of the factors that affect the anxiety of hemodialysis patients are age, sex, education level, treatment experience, length of therapy, financing, family motivation. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the anxiety level of hemodialysis patients in HKBP Balige Hospital. The design used in this study is descriptive "cross sectional", which became the population in this study was a patient with renal failure who underwent hemodialysis at HKBP Balige Hospital. The sample of this research is 22 hemodialysis patients by doing purposive sampling. The instrument used in the demographic data questionnaire, this section consists of the Spielberger et al. (1983) State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Atrait and family motivation questionnaires. Test the hypothesis by using Spearman correlation. Based on data analysis, obtained before the Hemodialisa (State Anxiety Inventory), the anxiety of patients experienced moderate anxiety as many as 12 people (54.5%) and heavy ansietas as many as 10 people (45.5%). At the time of hemodialysis (Trait Anxiety Inventory) patients experienced moderate anxiety as many as 14 people (63.6%), heavy anxiety as many as 8 people (36.4%). Based on the results of statistical tests it is known that there is no effect of age on patient anxiety before and during hemodialysis. There was no influence of sex on patient anxiety before and during hemodialysis. There was no effect of patient education level with patient\u27s anxiety before and during hemodialysis. There was no effect of patient treatment experience with patient anxiety before and during hemodialysis. There was a long-standing effect of patient therapy with anxiety before the hemodialysis patient and no long-term therapy effects on patient anxiety during hemodialysis. There was no effect of patient treatment financing with patient anxiety before and during hemodialysis. There was no influence of family motivation of patients with patient anxiety before and during hemodialysis at HKBP Balige Hospital. It is expected that the hospital will improve the nursing service especially in the hemodialysis room, through providing holistic bio-psycho-social nursing care in patients with kidney failure so as to reduce anxiety, increase the life expectancy of patients with renal failure who undergo hemodialysis. The hospital needs to improve the human resources, especially the nurse of hemodialysis through continuing education, the latest training on nursing science and the training of nurse competence improvement


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    Advances in science and technology can help an institution to support information and promotion, such as creating school profile recognition animations. Sala one vocational secondary in Papua, SMK Negeri 5 Jayapura at this time for the process of introducing school profiles using a website in the form of text so that it would be better if using multimedia components such as animation to clarify school profiles. The purpose of this research is to design animation to help promote SMK Negeri 5 Jayapura to the community to help the school to be able to provide better promotion and service to the community. This animation was created by the multimedia development life cycle (MDLC) development model of Luther Sutopo's multimedia development model which consists of six stages namely Concept, Design, Material Collection, Manufacturing, Testing and Distribution. The software used in the animation process is Blender V 2.79b, Photoshop CS5 and Adobe Audition CS6. The results of the study in the form of animated videos are 6 minutes long and not interactive. The profile creation of SMK Negeri 5 Jayapura has been successfully built to help the school to provide information about SMK Negeri 5 Jayapura, especially the introduction of school profiles to the public

    Peran Pengetahuan dan Proses Belajar terhadap Perubahan Strategi Praktek Bisnis: sebuah Analisis Wacana Tentang Perubahan Iklim

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    Flooding and landslides are now beginning to be a daily sight in many areas in Indonesia. What recently happened, and quite terrifying is, the loss (drop down) street in the capital-city. Rainfall in some cities, seem evenly throughout the year. Geographical circumstances of Indonesian as an island Country looks began to change. Land start to shrinking white the ocean\u27s broadening. The impact of this environment and natural changes, such as climate change, would certainly affect people\u27s lives. Disadvantages socially and economically will reduce the level of public welfare in general. This, in turn, will impact on business practices that had been occupied by businessmen. Willy-nilly, like it or \u27not, they must begin to take into account the reality on the surrounding environment. The spread of knowledge through the media should respond by updating the values (corporate-value) that had been possessed by the company, learning how to change, and formulate a new one

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Perilaku Belajar terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa

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    Prestasi akademik merupakan sebuah istilah untuk menunjukkan suatu pencapaian atau tingkat keberhasilan tentang suatu tujuan sebagai hasil dari USAha belajar yang telah dilakukan oleh seseorang secara optimal. Prestasi akademik menjadi salah satu tolak ukur keberhasilan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan studinya di bangku kuliah. Pencapaian prestasi akademik mahasiswa dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal setiap individu.Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis : (1) Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa, (2) Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Perilaku Belajar Mahasiswa dan (3) Pengaruh Perilaku Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa. Penelitian dilakukan di STIE Kesatuan Bogor dengan 150 orang mahasiswa sebagai responden dari lima program studi. Data diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan structural equation model dengan SmartPLS 2.0M. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa a. Motivasi Belajar berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Prestasi Akademik, b. Motivasi Belajar berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Perilaku Belajar dan c. Perilaku Belajar berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa. Diperlukan pengembangan model lebih lanjut agar dapat memberi gambaran yang lebih utuh dan komprehensif tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi meningkatnya Prestasi Akademik para Mahasiswa

    Peran Pengetahuan dan Proses Belajar terhadap Perubahan Strategi Praktek Bisnis: sebuah Analisis Wacana Tentang Perubahan Iklim

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    Flooding and landslides are now beginning to be a daily sight in many areas in Indonesia. What recently happened, and quite terrifying is, the loss (drop down) street in the capital-city. Rainfall in some cities, seem evenly throughout the year. Geographical circumstances of Indonesian as an island Country looks began to change. Land start to shrinking white the oceans broadening. The impact of this environment and natural changes, such as climate change, would certainly affect people\u27s lives. Disadvantages socially and economically will reduce the level of public welfare in general. This, in turn, will impact on business practices that had been occupied by businessmen. Willy-nilly, like it or not, they must begin to take into account the reality on the surrounding environment. The spread of knowledge through the media should respond by updating the values (corporate-value) that had been possessed by the company, learning how to change, and formulate a new one

    Industri Mobil Nasional : Perspektif Berlian Porter

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    Our national industry today does not have a basis yet for competitive advantage. Since the beginning of the aircraft industry (IPTN) decades ago up to the present, our country has not had yet the competitive advantage in one particular industry that can compete in a global trade. “Kiat Esemka” seems to encourage the emergence of national automobile industry. This also prove that our nation in this Creative Era (an era that emphasize creativity as a primary source) has the potential to compete with other countries. Although there is no prove yet as to whether we have the diamond in our country for competing successfully in automotive industry, or further to have the unique competitive advantage. However, the opportunity to have some competitive industries is open widely. Key words : national industry, competitive advantage

    Pengukuran Daya Laser Co2 dan Laser Dpss Serta Pengamatan Beam Profiler Sinar Laser Dpss dan Laser He-ne Menggunakan Ccd

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    This research has done measuring the power by varying the current of laser CO2 and laser DPSS, observation the beam profiler of laser beam DPSS and laser beam He-Ne and observation the spectrum wavelength of laser DPSS and laser He-Ne. In this case of measuring the power by varying the current of laser CO2 and laser DPSS, the measuring has done more than once in order to concluded how the stability of the power that produced by each of the laser. The result of this measuring is laser DPSS produced the power more stable than the laser CO2 but the laser CO2 produced the power more bigger than the laser DPSS. In this research, the observation the beam profiler of laser beam DPSS and laser beam He-Ne by using CCD which is the censor to record the figure of light emited by the laser and then transmitted to the computer and processed by using software Laser Beam Analyzers to show the type of 2 dimension and 3 dimension of the laser. After that doing this observation, the conclusion are the distance of the CCD form the laser DPSS is 32 cm and the diameter of the laser beam is 3,673 mm and the distance of the CCD from the laser He-Ne is 10 cm and the diameter of the laser beam is 4,451 mm. In this research also made the observation of the spectrum wavelength of the laser by using spectrometer HR4000

    Perubahan Peran Perguruan Tinggi Menjelang 2o2o

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    We are facing the knowledge era in 2020. People will dependen on, and rely on their innovation capabilities to continue their lives. Human capabilities will increase (also their problems and requirements become much various and dynamic) as information technology to access ail of information needed progress. Boundary of problems become wider, and consequently models become more complex and interdicipline. This point addresses new challenges to the rote of universities. Graduates in this era should see problems and requirement not only from their single-lenses science, but from multi-lenses science, the interconection of one to another. This will help them wider their problems boundaries and consequently will make model more comprehensive and easier to understand. The next step, with comprehensive model, the correction needed can be done. In this era of knowledge, every situation will change. Universities will always be left behind and the graduates will always lack of knowledge. The situation will become more difficult if they stay in their old way: curriculum revision every s years, or 4 and 3. The main role of universities now is to build scientific way of thinking to stimulate graduates maturity/independency. They will not be the only producer of knowledge. They will act as colleagues/partners of knowledge creating. The university can no longer see themselves as "Maestros". The suitable self-concept for universities now is as entities for broadening boundary of natural science, social science and economy, engineering, and to spread research findings, and to become partner of knowledge creation for industry