4 research outputs found


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    Efforts to obtain energy consumption based on Expect Food Pattern Score for all people of Medan City must continue to be realized to produce a healthy, active, and productive society. The purpose of monitoring in Food Consumption Pattern in 2020 is to obtain data on the community's Expected Food Pattern Score in each sub-district in Medan City during the covid19 pandemic era. Monitoring was carried out from mid-September 2020 to mid-November 2020. Each sub-district was represented by 50 households as a respondent. Sample/respondents are based on probability sampling, then the population of all respondent from 21 sub-district in Medan City become 1050 respondents. Respondents must be healthy, follow health protocols, be able to read, write and understand Expect Food Pattern Score, to be committed to participating in all activities, bring their family card and writing utensils. The monitoring results showed that each respondent from all sub-districts, there were those who consumed more types of food in certain sub-district than recommended, but some were still not as recommended in other sub-district. After processing all the data for each district, it turns out that the Expect Food Pattern Score for Medan City in 2020 is 92.29 higher than 2019 = 92.00

    Isolation and Characterization of Silaffin that Catalyze Biosilica Formation from Marine Diatom Chaetoceros gracilis

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    The method of making silica in industries requires extreme conditions. The finding of proteins involved in the formation of biosilica from diatoms, has opened up an alternative way of production. Chaetoceros gracilis is one of the diatoms, which is potential in producing silaffin protein. This study aimed to isolate and to characterize the protein. We also analyzed the protein activity toward tetraethoxyorthosilicate (TEOS) substrate in in vitro reaction. Diatom biomass was harvested and further kept in 2% SDS/100 mM EDTA solution. Protein isolation was conducted by dissolving the silica and separating the protein by soaking in 2 M HF/8 M NH4F. Protein concentration was analyzed using Bradford method and the molecular weight was estimated through SDS-PAGE. Protein activity was observed by reacting it with TEOS substrate to form silica polymer and measured by colorimetric molibdate assay. Protein concentration was 1.20 mg/ml and appeared filamentous. The apparent molecular weights consisted of 12, 23, 42, 44 kDa. These protein was able to polymerize the silica at room temperature within 10 min. As much as 85.65 umol TEOS was polymerized per 1.4 x 106 silaffin protein per min. SEM analysis showed the formation of spherical, aggregate biosilica. Key words: Chaetoceros gracilis, silaffin protein, biosilica, polymerizatio

    Peningkatan Rata-Rata Lama Sekolah (RLS) dari Harapan Lama Sekolah (HLS) di Sumatera Utara

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    Rata-rata Lama Sekolah (AYS) di Sumatera Utara pada tahun 2020 adalah 9,54 tahun, sedangkan Harapan Lama Sekolah (EYS) adalah 13,23 tahun. Artinya tingkat pendidikan penduduk Sumatera Utara rata-rata tamat SLTP namun peluang bersekolah adalah tamat Diploma I. Disini kita dapat melihat kesenjangan antara rata-rata lama sekolah dengan lama sekolah yang diharapkan. . Menelaah berbagai dokumentasi guna menghasilkan alternatif kebijakan dan kegiatan peningkatan angka AYS dari EYS yang pada gilirannya akan meningkatkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) dan mengurangi kemiskinan. Metode penulisan artikel ini adalah melalui pengumpulan berbagai peraturan dan dokumen dari pemerintah pusat hingga pemerintah daerah selama November 2021 hingga Desember 2021, kemudian dilakukan kajian untuk merumuskan berbagai kebijakan dan kegiatan dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan analisis data, berbagai kebijakan dan kegiatan yang dapat ditempuh untuk meningkatkan rata-rata lama sekolah dari lama sekolah yang diharapkan adalah dari perspektif siswa; biaya sekolah dibebaskan, beasiswa dan bantuan pendidikan ditingkatkan, pendidikan kesetaraan dan sosialisasi. Selanjutnya dari sisi guru; perlu menambah jumlah guru, pelatihan dan sertifikasi guru serta tambahan tunjangan guru, sedangkan dari sisi infrastruktur; perlu merehabilitasi dan melengkapi fasilitas sekolah, membangun sekolah baru dan menjamin aksesibilitas lokasi sekolah berupa jalan atau jembatan, moda transportasi dan bus sekolah gratis. Semakin lama rata-rata lama sekolah semakin tinggi Indeks Pembangunan Manusia, yang berimplikasi pada tingginya pola pangan harapan rumah tangga di Sumatera Utara

    Isolation and Characterization of Silaffin that Catalyze Biosilica Formation from Marine Diatom Chaetoceros gracilis

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    The method of making silica in industries requires extreme conditions. The finding of proteins involved in the formation of biosilica from diatoms, has opened up an alternative way of production. Chaetoceros gracilis is one of the diatoms, which is potential in producing silaffin protein. This study aimed to isolate and to characterize the protein. We also analyzed the protein activity toward tetraethoxyorthosilicate (TEOS) substrate in in vitro reaction. Diatom biomass was harvested and further kept in 2% SDS/100 mM EDTA solution. Protein isolation was conducted by dissolving the silica and separating the protein by soaking in 2 M HF/8 M NH4F. Protein concentration was analyzed using Bradford method and the molecular weight was estimated through SDS-PAGE. Protein activity was observed by reacting it with TEOS substrate to form silica polymer and measured by colorimetric molibdate assay. Protein concentration was 1.20 mg/ml and appeared filamentous. The apparent molecular weights consisted of 12, 23, 42, 44 kDa. These protein was able to polymerize the silica at room temperature within 10 min. As much as 85.65 μmol TEOS was polymerized per 1.4 × 106 silaffin protein per min. SEM analysis showed the formation of spherical, aggregate biosilica