57 research outputs found

    Literature in the Principal of Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    Industrial Revolution 4.0 is not only a phenomenon in society, but also has become a social reality. Through the sociology of literature approach, the research reveals the standing of literature in the principle of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Industry refers to human activities or efforts to change or to cultivate raw materials or semi-finished materials into ready-used products; then the industrial revolution is directed at changing the ways humans produce goods. These big changes have been noted three times, and now people are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution. The industrial revolution of the fourth generation is marked by the emergence of supercomputers, and robots, a picture of the digitalization era. The research is carried out with a qualitative descriptive method as it is in contact with social problems by the relationships among literary writers, texts, and society and these three components both directly and indirectly have been involved in the Industrial Revolution. The research results show that literature is a work of art unlimited by time and space and is not dominated by the Industrial Revolution 4.0, especially those relating to the theme or problem presented. The social problems expressed in literature are cycles; repetitions of events. The role of Industrial Revolution 4.0 on literature is only limited to distributions by means of cyber literature. The principle of Industrial Revolution 4.0: interconnection, transparency in information, technical assistance and decentralization or autonomy in drawing a conclusion have already existed in literature.     Keywords: literature, industry, interconnection, transparency, technical assistance, decentralizatio

    Universal Concept in Literary Work Through J.M. Synge’s Riders to the Sea

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    The research, based on a one-act play Riders to the Sea by Synge, is to find out the universal concept having a focus on suffering, supernaturalism and death as the representative of universality in any literary work. The story is centered on the protagonist, an old woman, Maurya, who has lost all her male family members, all drowned at sea. The sea becomes a hidden enemy never giving a chance for her to live a life of peace. The sense of universality in literature is inclined to the relationships among human spirit, emotion and social beings. Literature goes beyond national boundaries, time barriers, gender difference and even historical grounds. Literature is not bound to tempora spatio, that is without being restricted by time and space. As a reflection of human life, literature touches all the aspects of human life, tending to create universal appeal. Ashcroft in Waseem (2013) states that universalism offers a hegemonic view of existence by which the experiences, values and expectations of a dominant culture are held to be true for all humanity and this could be traced to all literary works. The study was conducted by means of descriptive qualitative method proposed by Cresswell (2013) indicating that such a method makes a focus on description analysis and interpretation of a given phenomenon. The result showed that the three points of discussion: suffering, supernaturalism and death are clearly exposed in the play, inclining to prove the universal concepts in literature.   Keywords: suffering, supernaturalism, deat


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    Written in the Stars is a novel, written by Aisha Saeed. Written in the Stars was originally published in 2000 but republished again March 24th 2015. The story is about a Pakistani-American high school senior girl, torn between love for her culturally conservative immigrant parents and the boyfriend she keeps secret from them. When her outraged parents discover the romance, they take her and her brother on a vacation to visit relatives in rural Pakistan, with plans to force her into an arranged marriage to a local man. The objectives of this study are to find out the negative impacts of forced marriage in Aisha Saeed’s novel Written in the Stars and to describe the negative impacts of forced marriage. Qualitative Descriptive Research is appropriately applied in this study because this research shows the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the study. The results of this study show that the implementation of Forced marriage only brings negative impacts to one or both parties. There are two forms of negative impacts found: violence and loss of social relationship. Violence is again divided into two forms: physical violence and verbal abuse


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    This research is about time deixis on the screenplay of The Theory of Everything by Anthony McCarten with various indicators that explain the whole analysis, such as multiverse concepts in the physics law that are in force. The lack of understanding of language and time deixis is a serious problem often creating chaos in human civilization, resulting in something very extraordinary bad impact on life that seems to have nothing to do at all. This research is useful to make humanity aware of the importance of understanding language and understanding pluralism as a new era of human, not only in culture but also the way to learn. In the fact, that has small probability of success to rebel it off since it involves the prosperity of human life throughout the world. However, this study does not aim to force readers to change the ideology, perspective, and point of view that have been believed, only as the informative research showing new concepts of understanding literary work and life concepts so far. Notwithstanding, political interests in the future may be able to restructure all policies that have been mutually agreed internationally, if the agreement is nearing a saturation point. The method used in this study is a scientific methodology with qualitative description by collecting data through the screen play and literary review. And, various historical and future suggestions are also presented in this study. The results show that there are exposures of time deixis in the screenplay: ambiguity, polysemy, and vagueness


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    Behavior is a series of causes and effects of the stimulus and response. The response occurs as a result of the given stimulus. In this regard, this study aims to dissect changes in the behavior of the major characters through stimulus and responses that occur in Ayu Utami's novel Saman. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a literary psychology approach supported by Skinner's theory of behaviorism. According to Skinner, the relationship between stimulus and response occurs through interaction with the environment, which then causes changes in behavior. The data collection technique used in this research is library study. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive qualitative which begins with data analysis, description of the classification results, and conclusions. The results show that the major characters in this novel experience behavioral changes through the perspective of stimulus and response related to two points of discussion: parental advice and love. In one case heeding parental advice brings good to others and in another disaster; so is love, one runs with risk and the other goes smoothly


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    This article is concerned with the protagonist of the story suffering from Asperger Syndrome. He finds difficulty in social interaction, be it appearance, language, attitude, or thinking. In addition, he has got an intelligent ability to interpret objects around him well. He has also the ability to make patterns of activities that he does every time. The whole analysis is conducted by means of qualitative research method supported by library research. The grand theory used is on autism, picturing Asperger Syndrome as an autism spectrum disorder on the high functioning end; referred to as “dash of autism”. Asperger syndrome, also known as Asperger’s, is a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. The results show that the protagonist of the novel has got some significant features of Asperger Syndrome: Lacking of Social Activity, Ability of Interpreting Object, and Ability to Set Routine Patterns


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    This research is aimed at reflecting how Chinua Achebe reveals the religious life of Igbo people before and after the coming of the missionaries as well as the invasion of British in the southeastern part of Nigeria during the late 19th century. Achebe reflects that various practices of social and religious life are thrilling, cruel and even inhumane. This research is considered significant and worthy since it is an exertion to understand historical knowledge and life lessons about religious life of the local people. This study is supported by the theory of literary sociology proposed by Laurenseon and Swingewood's to understand and evaluate literary works by considering social aspects and holistically conducted by descriptive qualitative method in which the data from the novel are analyzed to reveal the religious life of Igbo people before and after the coming of British people and the significant contributions as well as changes they have brought. The findings of this research designates that various inhumane religious and cultural practices, such as abandoning or throwing twins born into the evil forest, throwing people dying with diseases, mutilating babies who die at birth and considering ogbanje, not burying people who die by suicide, surely no longer happen in Igbo society. In short, the changes in religious life carried out by white people bring enlightenment and positive life changes for Igbo people


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    The research discusses the issue of hegemony in Hamka’s novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. The work is apparently coded with custom system in its society and can be seen as a reflection of social reality. The novel explores the custom system in Minangkabau society and reveals that nearly every member of the society is bound by the existing cultural norms. From one side, the cultural system gives a good guideline for the people; but on the other side, the hegemony within the cultural systems brings the people into rigidity. No one is brave enough to stand against the hegemony of the existing norms. The research focuses solely on the form of hegemony practices done by the elders in Minangkabau culture. This research is done by descriptive qualitative method through literary sociological approach by using the theory of power of hegemony proposed by Antonio Gramsci. The data are obtained by using reading and noting technique. The data source is the novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck by Hamka. The results of the research consist of two points; (1) hegemony in the form of ideology namely authoritarianism. (2) hegemony in the forms of culture namely kinship system and social stratification in Minangkabau


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    People always do communication with others. Communication has several functions, such as conveying idea and giving information to others. In conveying idea and giving information, people use a language. One main requirements needed by person to do communication is to make sure that the listener or people involved in the conversation will cooperate each other; so by this,  the communication can run well. Paul Grice states that the cooperative principle is the assumption that participants in a conversation normally attempt to be informative, truthful, relevant, and clear and the cooperative principle of conversation is elaborated in four sub-principles called maxims. They are maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance and maxim of manner. The aims of this study are to reveal the use of framework principle and to entangle the implied meanings in the conversations in terms of their maxim arrangement. This research uses descriptive qualitative method and the results show that there are maxim of relevant, quality, quantity and manner used in the novel


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    Margondang belonging to the ethnic of Angkola, becomes an important part of a celebration, especially in a wedding. Traditionally Angkola Ethnic Wedding can be said to be invalid if both families, either from the groom's family or the bride’s do not carry out this Margondang tradition. At the very first glance Margondang is a traditional dance called a tortor having movements as a medium of communication on moral values, intended not only for the bride and groom to live together, but for all the guests and participants present to be more sensitive in carrying out life. Sensitivity here is certainly related to the harmonious relationship among humans and between humans with nature so that prosperous and peaceful life can be obtained. This is the core of the implementation of Margondang tradition. This study aims at analysing the moral values of Margondang, conducted by means of descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection procedures are supported by observation, interview and questionnaire techniques, covering 20 respondents chosen randomly in randomly-selected weddings in Medan. The results show that there are three points of moral value in Margondang: brotherhood, respect and responsibility
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