1,212 research outputs found

    The 7T-MPW-EDDI beamline at BESSY II

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    The materials science beamline EDDI is operated in the Energy Dispersive DIffraction mode and provides hard synchrotron X-rays in an energy range between about 8 … 150 keV for a multitude of experiments reaching from the in-situ study of thin film deposition over the investigation of liquid phase processes to the analysis of the residual stress distribution in complex components and technical parts. For high temperature experiments or measurements under external mechanical load various devices such as heating stations and a tensile/compression load test rig are available. Besides the sample environment for pure diffraction experiments a tomography/radiography setup is provided which allows for combined simultaneous diffraction plus imaging investigations

    Discovering the effects of the implementation of the critical literacy practices in an efl classroom at a public institution in el Carmen de Viboral

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    The present qualitative study centres on the effects of the implementation of the critical literacy practices in tenth graders from a public institution in El Carmen de Viboral, Colombia. The study was accomplished through a survey, non-participant observations of the classes and two focus groups. The non-participant observations carried out during the gender stereotypes and gender ideology phenomenon classes. During the class discussions the students had the opportunity of speaking and interacting among them to understand their own context and realities, always oriented to a reflective process that allowed the students to have the power of taking action towards the change of their thinking. The findings that emerged from the instruments revealed that the critical literacy practices allowed the students to reformulate their conception or understanding of the social phenomena worked during the implementation, and also helped them reconstruct a new vision of their social realities based on the sense of power that this process left. At first, their English level of the students limited in some cases the students’ participation in class, but in the end the situation helped them to improve their language proficiency in different language skills. The students claimed that having classes framed under this approach favoured their learning process.The present qualitative study centres on the effects of the implementation of the critical literacy practices in tenth graders from a public institution in El Carmen de Viboral, Colombia. The study was accomplished through a survey, non-participant observations of the classes and two focus groups. The non-participant observations carried out during the gender stereotypes and gender ideology phenomenon classes. During the class discussions the students had the opportunity of speaking and interacting among them to understand their own context and realities, always oriented to a reflective process that allowed the students to have the power of taking action towards the change of their thinking. The findings that emerged from the instruments revealed that the critical literacy practices allowed the students to reformulate their conception or understanding of the social phenomena worked during the implementation, and also helped them reconstruct a new vision of their social realities based on the sense of power that this process left. At first, their English level of the students limited in some cases the students’ participation in class, but in the end the situation helped them to improve their language proficiency in different language skills. The students claimed that having classes framed under this approach favoured their learning process.Rionegr

    Bridging the gaps: a global review of intersections of violence against women and violence against children.

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    BACKGROUND: The international community recognises violence against women (VAW) and violence against children (VAC) as global human rights and public health problems. Historically, research, programmes, and policies on these forms of violence followed parallel but distinct trajectories. Some have called for efforts to bridge these gaps, based in part on evidence that individuals and families often experience multiple forms of violence that may be difficult to address in isolation, and that violence in childhood elevates the risk of violence against women. METHODS: This article presents a narrative review of evidence on intersections between VAC and VAW - including sexual violence by non-partners, with an emphasis on low- and middle-income countries. RESULTS: We identify and review evidence for six intersections: 1) VAC and VAW have many shared risk factors. 2) Social norms often support VAW and VAC and discourage help-seeking. 3) Child maltreatment and partner violence often co-occur within the same household. 4) Both VAC and VAW can produce intergenerational effects. 5) Many forms of VAC and VAW have common and compounding consequences across the lifespan. 6) VAC and VAW intersect during adolescence, a time of heightened vulnerability to certain kinds of violence. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence of common correlates suggests that consolidating efforts to address shared risk factors may help prevent both forms of violence. Common consequences and intergenerational effects suggest a need for more integrated early intervention. Adolescence falls between and within traditional domains of both fields and deserves greater attention. Opportunities for greater collaboration include preparing service providers to address multiple forms of violence, better coordination between services for women and for children, school-based strategies, parenting programmes, and programming for adolescent health and development. There is also a need for more coordination among researchers working on VAC and VAW as countries prepare to measure progress towards 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

    Modeling of the mechano-chemical behavior of the nuclear pore complex: current research and perspectives

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    Recent evidence suggests that mechanical deformation of the cell nucleus regulates the nuclear import of the transcriptional activators of genes involved in primary physiological cell responses such as stem cell differentiation. In addition, this nuclear mechanosensing response is de-regulated in pathological states, such as cancer and neurodegeneration. One hypothesis that could greatly advance the field is that the deformation of the nuclear envelope activates nuclear pore complexes through a direct mechanical link. The understanding of this possible mechanism for nuclear pore complex stretch-activation entails studying the mechanical connection of this complex to the nuclear envelope at the nanoscale. The nanomechanics of the nuclear pore complex is thus emerging as a novel research field, bridging nanoscience with nanotechnology. This review examines the frontier of research methodologies that are potentially useful for building a computational model of this interaction. This includes, for example, electron tomography to assess the geometrical features of the nuclear pore complex and nanoindentation to estimate its mechanical properties and that of the nuclear envelope. In order to summarize the state-of-the-art and perspectives in the field of NPC nanomechanics, this review covers highly interdisciplinary experimental and theoretical research methodologies pertaining to the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, materials and mechanics

    Attachment styles in alternative care: a study with caregivers and children living in residential and foster care in Chile

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    This thesis investigates attachment styles in alternative care (AC) - both residential (RC) and foster (FC). Part I presents two chapters to highlight the number of children living in AC and the general move from residential to foster care across many countries. Furthermore, chapter one noted the lack of studies in less developed countries and that no study considers attachment in foster, residential and parental care in the same country. Part II presents five empirical chapters. Chapter 3 explored attachment based practices and managers' beliefs in RC (N= 17), highlighting these were associated with outcomes for children. Chapters 4 and 5 explore the experience of carers in RC (N=43) and FC (N=l4), reporting the extent of carers' emotional involvement in their relationships with children. Chapter 6 reports attachment styles in children living in AC and parental care (N=77); differences in attachment quality and other outcomes were found between AC and parental care, but no significant differences were found between RC and FC. Chapter 7 explores factors associated with attachment in AC (N=57); caregivers' sensitivity, responsivity and affection, and child:caregiver ratios were linked to secure attachments. Chapter 8 provides a general discussion of the results, with implications for policy, practice and research

    Thermal stress in the Antarctic clam Laternula and the temperate mussel Mytilus.

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    There is ample evidence that a period of global warming is already affecting ecosystems worldwide. In order to predict the effects of a warming climate on organism physiology and biogeography, a description of the mechanisms involved in species responses to elevated temperatures is needed. Comparative studies examining species inhabiting different environments provide important information on the relative susceptibility of ecosystems to climate change. Antarctic marine ectotherms have evolved in a stable cold environment. They live within a narrow thermal window and experience stress with small elevations in temperature. In contrast, temperate intertidal species experience considerable temperature changes on a daily basis. The Antarctic clam Lateniula elliptica and temperate mussel Mytilus edulis were selected as representative species for their respective environments. This thesis presents i) a description of the construction of a cDNA microarray for L. elliptica, ii) analysis of gene expression in L. elliptica upon acute exposure to 3°C, iii) a comparative study between the two species at the protein level via two dimensional electrophoresis, and iv) analysis of corticosteroid synthesis in Mytiliis. Significant changes in the expression of 294 clones, representing 160 transcripts were observed. Of these, 33 were identified by sequence similarity searches and classified to a variety of cellular functions including protein turnover, folding and chaperoning, intracellular signalling and trafficking and cytoskeletal activity. In addition, the expression of 264 and 375 proteins in L. elliptica and M. edulis respectively was studied, 14 and 26 of which presented changes in expression between treatments. Only changes in proteins involved in energy metabolism were detected in both species. A higher level of biological variation in response to stress was observed in M. echilis at the protein level. The relevance of the observed results in determining the relative susceptibility of these species to climate change is discussed

    Epidemiology and surveillance of human (neuro)cysticercosis in Europe: is enhanced surveillance required?

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    objectives To report on relevant national surveillance systems of (N)CC and taeniasis (the infection with the adult tapeworm) in the European Union/European Economic Area and to assess the magnitude of (N)CC occurrence by retrieving information on cases for the period 2000–2016. methods (N)CC cases were retrieved via national reporting systems, a systematic literature search, contact with clinicians and a search for relevant ‘International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems’ (ICD)-based data. results Mandatory notification systems for (N)CC were found in Hungary, Iceland and Poland. Ten cases were reported in Poland and none in Hungary and Iceland. Through the systematic literature review and information given by clinicians, 263 individual and 721 aggregated (N)CC cases from 19 European countries were identified. ICD-based data were obtained from five countries. From 2000 to 2016, a total of 3489 cases (N)CC cases were coded: 832 in Italy, eight in Latvia, 357 in Portugal, 2116 in Spain and 176 in Sweden. conclusion Despite being classified as a possible eradicable disease, (N)CC is still diagnosed across Europe, yet its true extent and impact remain unclear.Cost, Cystine

    Factores biosocioculturales de la madre y peso del recién nacido a término. Hospital de Apoyo Otuzco. 2016

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    El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la relación entre los factores biosocioculturales de la madre y peso del recién nacido a término. Hospital de Apoyo Otuzco.2016. La presente investigación es de tipo prospectivo correlacional y de corte transversal. La población en estudio estuvo conformada por 40 madres de recién nacidos a término. Se aplicó un instrumento creado por Rubio y Salazar (2012), modificado por las autoras para identificar los factores biosocioculturales de la madre y peso del recién nacido a término. Se encontró que el 75% de recién nacidos presentan peso adecuado del cual el mayor porcentaje de madres en un 33% se encuentran entre 25-29 años y el 35% son multíparas. El 15% de recién nacidos a término tienen peso bajo al nacer del cual el 13% son madres menores de 20 años y el 8% son primíparas. Aplicada a la prueba estadística Gamma (valor-p<0.05), los factores que se relacionan con el peso del recién nacido a término son la edad y paridad.The objective in this study is to determine the relationship between the biosociocultural factors of the mother and weight of the newborn to term.Otuzco support hospital.2016. This research correlational prospective and cross- sectional. The study population consisted of 40 mothers of newborns to term. An instrument was applied created by Rubio y Salazar (2012), modified by the authors to identify the biosociocultural factors of the mother and weight of the newborn to term. It was found that 75% of newborns presented adequate weight of which the largest percentage of mothers in a 33% to find between 25- 29 years and 35% are multiparous. That 15% of the newborn to term to have low weight of which 13% are mothers smaller of twenty years and 8% are primiparity. It applied to statistical Gamma test (p-value <0.05), that factors that relate to the newborn weight at term are age and parity

    Motivação e Clima Organizacional O Caso Centro de Formação Profissional de Pedra Badejo

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    O presente trabalho monográfico, debruça-se sobre a temática da motivação e do clima organizacional. Dado as profundas mudanças que vem acontecendo na sociedade contemporânea, torna-se imperativo as organizações valorizarem cada vez mais os seus colaboradores. Pois, isso é hoje uma atitude assertiva e a condição necessária para que as organizações tenham êxito nos negócios, tendo em conta que a qualidade profissional dos funcionários a sua motivação aliada a um bom clima organizacional faz com que a organização alcance os seus objectivos com maior rapidez e eficácia. Não se pode falar em qualidade de produtos e serviços, se aqueles que vão produzir não possuem qualidade de vida e satisfação no seu local de trabalho
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