270 research outputs found

    Digital citizenship skills as an essential factor in Lifelong-Lifewide-Lifedeep Education

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    Within the theoretical framework of Lifelong-Lifewide-Lifedeep Learning, lifelong education is now viewed as an individual and social learning process lasting an entire lifetime, involving various aspects of life and different formal, informal and non-formal agencies within the community. The web and online information, communication and knowledge exchange locations are additional social and cultural contexts for education and social experience, for the acquisition of the knowledge, abilities and skills required for active citizenship, social inclusion and the improvement of the learning and professional experiences of the individual and the community. Starting from these assumptions and considering the European DigComp 2.1 framework as one of the possible theoretical and operating schemes of reference, we discuss the concept of digital competence as a strategic opportunity for promoting digital citizenship skills, with a view to individuals’ active, informed, reflective, critical, empowering participation in their own learning process and in social and political life in the learning society.L’educazione permanente, all’interno del framework teorico del Lifelong-Lifewide-Lifedeep Learning, viene intesa oggi in quanto processo educativo, individuale e sociale, che si estende per tutto l’arco della vita interessando diverse dimensioni esistenziali e coinvolgendo differenti agenzie formali, informali e non formali del territorio. Il web e gli spazi di informazione, comunicazione e di negoziazione della conoscenza online rappresentano ulteriori ambienti sociali e culturali di formazione e di esperienza sociale per l’acquisizione di quelle conoscenze, abilità e competenze volte alla cittadinanza partecipata, all’inclusione sociale e al miglioramento dell’esperienza formativa e professionale del singolo e della collettività. Partendo da questi presupposti e considerando come uno dei possibili riferimenti teorico-operativi il framework europeo DigComp 2.1, si approfondisce il concetto di competenza digitale in quanto punto strategico per la promozione della competenza di cittadinanza digitale, in vista di una partecipazione attiva, informata, riflessiva, critica ed emancipativa al proprio processo di apprendimento ed alla vita sociale e politica nella learning society

    Distance learning : rethinking learning design in higher education during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    During the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year, due to the regulatory restrictions arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, Bologna University, like many others, was compelled to stop delivering its face-to-face offering and to switch, in a very short time, to the creation of a technological architecture that would enable students to continue their education through teaching via Distance Learning. After illustrating the active teaching model adopted in two courses offered by the University of Bologna Department of Education Studies, this paper addresses future educators by focusing on the main findings from a semi-structured online questionnaire completed by 84 students. The first part of the paper considers a rethinking of educational planning at the time of Covid-19, while the second and final part analyses student perceptions (using the questionnaire’s open questions) of their Distance Learning experience in the initial phases of the pandemic scenario

    Online Learning Logbooks As Boundary Objects Across Educational Contexts

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    This paper examines an online I level master’s program held by UnitelmaSapienza (Rome, IT), meant for teachers, trainers, and educators from diverse fields and backgrounds. Throughout the program, the learners engage in a series of meaningful activities aimed at creating knowledge artifacts, following the Trialogical Learning Approach. Our focus here is on the "Multimedia Context" activity, where 14 groups of four participants each cover specific roles and cooperate to develop a multimedia learning resource on a chosen topic. Employing a qualitative approach, this study analyses the online logbooks generated during this group activity, totalling 84 logbooks and 742 units of analysis. The objective is to investigate the potential of this device tool to act as a meta-boundary object while participants are actively involved in constructing concrete educational artifacts. The content analysis thus delves into how objects and practices facilitate learning and participation, with a specific emphasis on (a) mediation, (b) practices, and (c) the training path. Additionally, it explores how students' identities evolve within the group context, considering the dimensions of (a) We, (b) the Group, (c) I, (d) the Other. Given the study's overarching purpose, the results suggest that the learning logbooks may serve as standardized forms of boundary objects, enabling professionals from diverse communities of practice to exchange ideas, concepts, and tools from seemingly unrelated domains within the focal domain of inquiry

    Collaborative peer-feedback practices in hybrid learning environments

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    The article describes a technology-mediated collaborative peer-feedback experience. 125 students took part into the activity during the delivery of a 3- months teaching in “Methodology of Action Research”, within a 3-year Degree Course in Psychological, Social and Occupational Sciences. The activity was based on a 4-phases cycle of collaborative output production, structured peer- feedback, collaborative output improvement, individual reflection. The aim of the exploratory case-study here presented is to observe if and how the peer- feedback activity supported the development of collaborative, meta-cognitive and digital skills, other than knowledge acquisition. To answer our research questions, we used a mixed system, able to provide both objective data with respect to the activity carried out and the skills put in place, and subjective data related to the students' personal experience and the perceived impact on their learning. Results show a good appropriation of metacognitive skills and offer numerous hints on the design aspects which have been found to be effective in supporting students’ learning

    Preadolescenti onlife: educare alla cittadinanza digitale

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    Nell\u2019attuale societ\ue0 post-mediale i media costituiscono un elemento fortemente strutturale all\u2019interno delle diverse dimensioni dell\u2019esistenza, incidendo sui processi di significazione della realt\ue0 e di costruzione identitaria individuale e sociale. Ci\uf2 appare ancor pi\uf9 calzante se si considera la fase preadolescenziale, in cui il soggetto sperimenta un online ibrido e proteiforme ove convivono derive distopiche e potenzialit\ue0 empowerizzanti. In questo quadro diventa essenziale una progettazione educativa che intenda far sviluppare competenza tecno-logica legata al concetto di digital wisdom e di digital citizenship, in vista di approcciarsi in manie-ra critica, competente ed etica nei confronti delle nuove sfide del-la vita onlife.In the current post-media society the media is a strong structural element within the different dimensions of existence, affecting the processes of signification of reality and construction of individual as well as social identity. This appears even more fitting if we consider the pre-adolescent phase, in which the subject experiences a hybrid and protean online dimension, where dystopian drifts and empowering potentialities coexist. In such a context, an educational design that seeks to develop technological competence tied to the concept of digital wisdom and digital citizenship, required for a critical, competent and ethical approach to the new challenges of onlife, becomes essential

    Technological resources and learning/teaching skills in social education. An international

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    Les universitats europees tenen la responsabilitat i estan compromeses en la construcció de l’Europa i la Societat del Coneixement. La creació de l’espai europeu d’educació superior (EEES) suposa tenir en compte les iniciatives dels governs i implica desenvolupar processos de reorganització i transformació de la intervenció socioeducativa. L’experiència interuniversitària és la primera d’un procés d’innovació docent que hom pretén implementar en successius cursos . El principal objectiu era motivat per l’oportunitat d’experimentar una aplicació de social networking, adquirint competències de l’educador social en la construcció del coneixement a través de la discussió en xarxa, utilitzant estratègies socioconstructivistes.Las universidades europeas tienen la responsabilidad y están comprometidas en laconstrucción de la Europa y la Sociedad del Conocimiento. La creación del espacio europeo de educación superior (EEES) supone tener en cuenta las iniciativas de los gobiernos e implica desarrollar procesos de reorganización y transformación de la intervención socioeducativa. La experiencia inter-universitaria es la primera de un proceso de innovación docente que se pretende implementar en sucesivos cursos. El principal objetivo estaba motivado por la oportunidad de experimentar una aplicación de social networking, adquiriendo competencias del educador social en la construcción del conocimiento a través de la discusión en red, utilizando estrategias socioconstructivistas.European universities are responsible for, and committed to, making Europe a knowledge-based society. The creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) involves taking into account initiatives from the government, and developing procedures for reorganising and transforming social-education methods. The inter-university experience is the first in an innovative teaching process that is to be implemented in succeeding academic years. The main aim is based on the opportunity to try out a social networking application by acquiring the skills of a social educator in building knowledge through on-line discussions, using social constructivism strategies

    Prima e durante la pandemia: pratiche didattiche e di formazione degli insegnanti nei diversi ordini e gradi scolastici

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    How did the teaching practices of teachers change during the Covid-19 emergency? How did the teachers train to deal with it? The case study presented in this article is based on data collected through an online questionnaire administered to a sample of almost 1000 teachers (from kindergarten to upper secondary school) participating in a MOOC (“massive” online course) made available by HOC-LAB of the Politecnico di Milano between March and June 2020. The results tell us that remote teaching is significantly adopted when the pandemic arrives, with an increase in the synchronous mode compared to the asynchronous one as the school level increases. New forms of interaction between teacher and pupils are born (individual meetings, small group meetings in extra-school hours); there is a correlation between the commitment to guarantee synchronous lessons and the availability for these further meetings (proactive approach), as well as between the sharing of videos (found on the internet) and the sharing of asynchronous materials compared to synchronous meetings (more “traditional” approach). As for training, teachers have resorted to forms that are not particularly institutionalized (MOOCs, web resources, colleagues...), confirming an already existing pre-pandemic trend.Come sono cambiate le pratiche didattiche dei docenti durante l'emergenza Covid-19? Come si sono formati i docenti per affrontarla? Lo studio di caso presentato in questo articolo si basa su dati raccolti tramite un questionario online somministrato a un campione di quasi 1000 docenti (dalla scuola dell’infanzia alla se-condaria di secondo grado) partecipanti a un MOOC (corso online “massivo”) reso disponibile da HOC-LAB del Politecnico di Milano tra marzo e giugno del 2020. I risultati ci dicono che la didattica remota viene significativamente adottata all’arrivo della pandemia, con aumento di quella sincrona rispetto all’asincrona al crescere del livello scolastico. Nascono nuove forme di interazione tra docente e allievi (incontri individuali, incontri a piccoli gruppi in orari extra-scolastici); si riscontra una correlazione tra l’impegno nel ga-rantire lezioni sincrone e la disponibilità per questi incontri ulteriori (approccio proattivo), come di contro tra la condivisione di video (rinvenuti su internet) e la condivisione di materiali asincrona rispetto ad incontri sincroni (approccio più “tradizionale”). Quanto alla formazione, i docenti hanno fatto ricorso a forme non particolarmente istituzionalizzate (MOOC, risorse web, colleghi...), confermando una tendenza già esistente pre-pandemia

    Learning Analytics and MOOCs Learning Design = Learning Analytics e progettazione didattica dei MOOC

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    Il presente contributo intende fornire una panoramica dell\u2019esistente ricerca scientifica sui Learning Analytics (LA) applicati ai processi di apprendimento nei Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). Partendo da alcuni framework esistenti, si discutono le potenzialit\ue0 e le problematicit\ue0 derivanti dall\u2019applicazione dei LA nell\u2019ambito del Learning Design (LD) nei MOOC, in modo particolare affrontando alcuni aspetti critici riguardanti la progettazione didattica, i tassi di abbandono, le interazioni degli studenti, le funzioni di tutoraggio e supporto durante il processo di apprendimento, aspetti per i quali nell\u2019ultimo decennio la comunit\ue0 scientifica ha prodotto un ampio dibattito.This contribution intends to provide an overview of the existing research that applies learning analytics methods and approaches to understand learning processes within the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). We start from reviewing the existing theoretical frameworks, reflecting on the stated potential and critical issues currently being addressed in learning analytics research and practice. We continue discussing some of the most pressing issues, such as the role of learning design, drop-out analysis, learners\u2019 interaction and tutoring