269 research outputs found

    Influence of Different Vinification Techniques on Volatile Compounds and the Aromatic Profile of Palomino Fino Wines

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of vinification techniques on volatile compounds and sensory profiles in young Palomino fino white wines. Four winemaking techniques (pellicular maceration, supra-extraction and use of commercial yeast strains and of beta-glycosidase enzymes) were implemented to enhance the aromatic quality of wines elaborated from this neutral variety of grape. Volatile compound content, aromatic profile (OAVs) and sensorial analysis were determined. The results showed that all the vinification techniques studied led to an increase in volatile compounds compared to the control wine. Likewise, an influence of the vineyard and must extraction method on these compounds was observed. However, the greatest changes in aroma activity and sensory profile were a result of the pellicular maceration and supra-extraction techniques. The latter was differentiated by the highest content of terpenes and, consequently, the highest odour activity values of floral series. In addition, the supra-extraction was a very selective technique since it extracted terpenes and aromatic precursors, but not the acids responsible for the fatty characteristic, such as octanoic acid. In terms of sensory profile, the supra-extraction technique improved the intensity of the Palomino fino white wine and its aromatic quality with a previously not-determined floral character

    Unlocking sustainable competitive advantage: exploring the impact of technological innovations on performance in Mexican SMEs within the tourism sector

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    ©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Environment, Development and Sustainability]. To access the final edited and published work see[https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-04025-y]This research inquiry explores the interplay between environmentally sustainable practices, technological innovations and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) performance in Mexico’s tourism sector. The tourism industry in Mexico holds immense economic signifcance, contributing signifcantly to employment and revenue generation. However, the sector also faces challenges related to environmental sustainability. Thus, the objective of this research is to assess how the integration of sustainable environmental practices infuences the operational outcomes of SMEs. Furthermore, it also aims to conclude the role of technological innovation, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), digitalization and gender in this relationship. A structural equation modeling approach was applied to a sample of 797 Mexican SMEs in the tourism sector. Our fndings provide evidence of several contributions: frst, environmental sustainability practices improve performance; second, technological innovation, ICT and digitalization play a critical mediating role in specifc relationships to foster performance; fnally, incentives encourage sustainable practices related to environmental improvement, especially when the SME’s CEO is a woman. The results of this study hold practical signifcance for the SME sector, as it demonstrates that by adopting sustainable practices, SMEs can strengthen their market position, improve technological innovativeness, minimize environmental impact and capitalize on emerging business prospects


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    According to the WHO (World Health Organization) and the European Union, suicide is considered to be a health problem of prime importance and to be one of the principal causes of unnatural death. In Spain, the number of suicides has increased 12% since 2005 . The Research Project “European Regions Enforcing Actions against Suicide (EUREGENAS), funded by the Health Program 2008-2013, has as main objective the description of an integrated model of Mental Health orientated to the prevention of suicide. The differences that allow distinguishing the meaning of prevention in suicide behavior are described and explained through a qualitative methodological strategy and through the creation of discussion groups formed by different groups of health professionals. The results highlight the existing differences between the diverse health professionals who come more in contact with this problem and it shows as well the coincidence of meaning that suicide has to be considered as a priority in the field of health.Según la OMS y la Unión Europea, consideran el suicidio un problema de primer orden y una de las principales causas de muerte no natural. En España, la tasa ha aumentado un 12% desde 2005(1). El Proyecto de Investigación Euroepan Regions Enforcing Actions against Suicide (EUREGENAS) financiado por Health Progam 2008-2013, tiene como principal objetivo describir un modelo integrado de Salud Mental orientado a la prevención de suicidio. A través de una estrategia metodológica cualitativa y mediante la elaboración de grupos de discusión con distintos colectivos profesionales de la salud se describen e interpretan las diferencias que permiten discriminar el significado de la prevención de conductas suicidas. Los resultados ponen en evidencia las diferencias existentes entre los diferentes profesionales de la salud más relacionados con este problema y la coincidencia en considerar el suicidio como una prioridad en el ámbito de la salud.De acordo com a OMS e a União Europeia o suicídio é considerado um problema de primeira ordem e uma das principais causas de morte não natural. Em Espanha, a taxa aumentou 12% desde 2005 (INE, 20014). O projeto de investigação Regiões Europeias Promovendo Acções contra o Suicídio (EUREGENAS), financiado pelo Programa de Saúde 2007-2013, tem como objetivo principal promover um modelo integrado de saúde mental para prevenir o suicídio. Através de uma estratégia metodológica qualitativa e do desenvolvimento de grupos de discusão com diferentes profissionais de saúde, são descritas e interpretadas as diferenças que permitem identificar como discriminar o significado da prevenção de comportamentos suicidas. Os resultados evidenciam as diferenças entre os pontos de vista e práticas dos diferentes profissionais da saúde relacionados com este problema, e a ideia reconhecida em considerar o suicídio como uma prioridade no campo da saúde

    Study of the dynamics of estuarine and coastal waters using remote sensing: the Tinto-Odiel estuary, SW Spain

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    Versión subida sacada de: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/site/rediam/menuitem.04dc44281e5d53cf8ca78ca731525ea0/?vgnextoid=0e9a153c30a30110VgnVCM1000000624e50aRCRD&vgnextchannel=b85703d78270f210VgnVCM2000000624e50aRCRD&vgnextfmt=rediam&lr=lang_esThis paper deals with the application of satellite images to characterize some aspects of the circulation dynamics of the Tinto-Odiel estuary using turbidity patterns as ‘natural tracers’. 15 images (Landsat TM and Spot HRV) were processed to provide synoptic, instantaneous views of the circulation patterns under different environmental conditions. In addition, a comparison was made between results of oceanographic field work, using biplanes and fluorescent tracers, and satellite image turbidity patterns used as ‘ground truth’ data for specific hydroclimatic situations. This approach allowed (1) the identification and mapping of dynamic processes of interest during a theoretical tidal cycle, (2) the elaboration of additional information on the ‘flow schemes’ at the mouth of the estuary with improved spatial and temporal resolution, and (3) the supply of basic data to improve the knowledge of exchange processes between estuarine and coastal waters. The results of this study are considered to be useful for the management of the estuarine system

    Creating Virtual Humans with Game Engines for Evaluate Ambient Assisted Living Scenarios

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    In order to evaluate AAL systems, virtual environments help to reduce costs and time, but these environments do not include hyper-realistic human movements. This is something crucial to evaluate activity recognition systems. The present work in progress describes how it is looking for a way to solve this problem and its development using a virtual environment. By means of a game engine and adjusting their parameters, simulations of real acceleration data sets have been generated. It is continuing looking for a valid model to follow.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46801-C4-1-RJunta de Andalucía TIC-805

    Metodología para el seguimiento multitemporal de la calidad de las aguas costeras en Andalucía a través del tratamiento de imágenes LANDSAT-TM

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    En el marco del Programa de seguimiento de la dinámica y calidad de las aguas litorales en Andalucía desarrollado por la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía se engloban una serie de experiencias a través de las que se pretenden testear las posibilidades de cuantificación de parámetros de calidad del agua utilizando datos de sensores remotos y tomas de muestras sobre el agua. Esta comunicación presenta una serie de reflexiones acerca de la posibilidad de cuantificar los parámetros de calidad del agua a partir solamente de las imágenes de satélite, sin disponer de muestras recogidas simultáneamente. Este método, multitemporal tiene indudable interés para la vigilancia ambiental, pero a su vez presenta una serie de dificultades a las que también se hará referencia.This paper describes two different approaches to the multitemporal analysis of water quality parameters from satellite images. Some conclusions about the possibility of quantifying water quality parameters from TM images without "in situ" samples are presented, and some of the difficulties are described.

    Contribución de la teledetección espacial en la planificación de campañas operativas de control de la calidad de las aguas litorales: Estuario de los ríos Tinto-Odiel, Huelva

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    Trabajos presentados en la Reunión Científica de la Asociación Española de Teledetección.(6.1995.Valladolid)En el presente trabajo se expone una metodología de fácil desarrollo, encaminada a evaluar el uso de la teledetección, como herramienta de apoyo en el proceso de selección de puntos de toma de muestras, dentro de las campañas de vigilancia y control de la calidad de las aguas litorales de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente. El objetivo básico perseguido, es la caracterización de zonas de comportamiento homogéneo en las aguas estuarinas bajo condiciones sinópticas concretas, sobre las que poder tomar muestras, con unas garantías mínimas de representatividad espacial. Para ello, se han seguido los siguientes pasos: (i) extracción de las estructuras de turbidez para un conjunto de imágenes (Landsat- TM); (ii) agrupación de dichas imágenes con arreglo a su adquisición bajo condiciones sinópticas similares; (iii) clasificación multitemporal para cada uno de los grupos en orden a definir zonas homogéneas.A methodological approach is described, in order to employ remote sensing for assessing sample points location within water quality control campaigns. The basic aim is related to homogeneous zones definition. To accomplish this, a set of steps were defined: (i) from a set of images (Landsat-TM) turbidity structures were extracted; (ii) images were grouped according to similar tidal and meteorological conditions; (iii) for each group, multitemporal classifications were carry out, from where homogeneous zones were delimited

    Does [-2]Pro-Prostate Specific Antigen Meet the Criteria to Justify Its Inclusion in the Clinical Decision-Making Process?

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    lntroduction: To assess whether [-2]pro-prostate-specific antigen (p2PSA) meets the criteria to justify its inclusion in a predictive model of prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosis and in the clinical decision-making process. Materials and Methods: A total 172 men with total prostate-specific antigen of 2-10 ng/ml underwent measurement of free PSA and p2PSA before prostate biopsy in an observational and prospective study. From these measurements, the Prostate Health lndex (PHI) was calculated. Clinical and analytical predictive models were created incorporating PHI. Results: Of 172 men, 72 (42%) were diagnosed with PCa, 33 (46%) of whom were found to be with high-grade disease. PHI score was the most predictive of biopsy outcomes in terms of discriminative ability (area under the curve = 0.79), with an added gain in predictive accuracy of 17%. AII the models that incorporated PHI worked better in terms of calibration close to 45º on the slope. In the decision curve analysis, a threshold probability of 40% we could prevent 82 biopsies, missing only 16 tumors and 5 high-grade tumors. Conclusions: PHI score is a more discriminant biomarker, has superior calibration and superior net benefit, and provides a higher rate of avoided biopsies; thus, it can be useful for aiding in making a more informed decision for each patient