7 research outputs found

    Semantics of Data Mining Services in Cloud Computing

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    M. Parra-Royon holds a "Excelencia" scholarship from the Regional Government of Andaluc a (Spain). This work was supported by the Research Projects P12-TIC-2958 and TIN2016-81113-R (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness - Government of Spain).In recent years with the rise of Cloud Computing (CC), many companies providing services in the cloud, are empowering a new series of services to their catalogue, such as data mining (DM) and data processing (DP), taking advantage of the vast computing resources available to them. Different service definition proposals have been put forward to address the problem of describing services in CC in a comprehensive way. Bearing in mind that each provider has its own definition of the logic of its services, and specifically of DM services, it should be pointed out that the possibility of describing services in a flexible way between providers is fundamental in order to maintain the usability and portability of this type of CC services. The use of semantic technologies based on the proposal offered by Linked Data (LD) for the definition of services, allows the design and modelling of DM services, achieving a high degree of interoperability. In this article a schema for the definition of DM services on CC is presented considering all key aspects of service in CC, such as prices, interfaces, Software Level Agreement (SLA), instances or DM work ow, among others. The new schema is based on LD, and it reuses other schemata obtaining a better and more complete definition of the services. In order to validate the completeness of the scheme, a series of DM services have been created where a set of algorithms such as Random Forest (RF) or KMeans are modeled as services. In addition, a dataset has been generated including the definition of the services of several actual CC DM providers, conforming the effectiveness of the schema.P12-TIC-2958 and TIN2016-81113-R (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness - Government of Spain

    Fuzzy Systems-as-a-Service in Cloud Computing

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    Fuzzy systems have become widely accepted and applied in a host of domains such as control, electronics or mechanics. The software for construction of these systems has traditionally been exploited from tools, platforms and languages run on-premise computing infrastructure. On the other hand, rise and ubiquity of the cloud computing model has brought a revolutionary way for computing services deployment. The boost of cloud services is leading towards increasingly specific service offering just as data mining and machine learning service. Unfortunately, so far, no definition for fuzzy system as service is available. This paper identifies this opportunity and focus on developing a proposal for fuzzy system-as-a-service definition. To achieve this, the proposal pursues three objectives: the complete description of cloud services for fuzzy systems using semantic technology, the composition of services and the exploitation of the model in cloud platforms for integration with other services. As an illustrative case, a real-world problem is addressed with the proposed specification.This work was supported by the Research Projects P12-TIC-2958 and TIN2016-81113-R (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness - Government of Spain)

    Overall quality optimization for DQM stage in High Energy Physics experiments

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    Data Acquisition (DAQ) and Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) are key parts in the HEP data chain, where the data are processed and analyzed to obtain accurate monitoring quality indicators. Such stages are complex, including an intense processing work-flow and requiring a high degree of interoperability between software and hardware facilities. Data recorded by DAQ sensors and devices are sampled to perform live (and offline) DQM of the status of the detector during data collection providing to the system and scientists the ability to identify problems with extremely low latency, minimizing the amount of data that would otherwise be unsuitable for physical analysis. DQM stage performs a large set of operations (Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), clustering, classification algorithms, Region of Interest, particles tracking, etc.) involving the use of computing resources and time, depending on the number of events of the experiment, sampling data, complexity of the tasks or the quality performance. The objective of our work is to show a proposal with aim of developing a general optimization of the DQM stage considering all these elements. Techniques based on computational intelligence like EA can help improve the performance and therefore achieve an optimization of task scheduling in DQM.(MINECO - Gov. of Spain) P12-TIC-2958 TIN2016-81113-

    Ability to Predict Side-Out Performance by the Setter’s Action Range with First Tempo Availability in Top European Male and Female Teams

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    The aims of this study were to compare the Setter’s action range with availability of first tempo (SARA) between male and female volleyball; and to determine the relationship between several spatial and o ensive variables and their influence in the success of the side-out in male and female volleyball. A total of 1302 side-outs (639 male, 663 female) were registered (2019 European Championship). The ranking, reception e cacy, position and trajectory of the setter between reception and set, first tempo availability, side-out result, rotation, and attack lane were analyzed through Recursive Partitioning for classification, regression and survival tree models and classification and regression trees algorithms. Our results present female teams with more reduced SARAs than male teams, meaning female setters tend to play closer to the net. The correlation between the ranking and the distance from the average position of the setter to the ideal setting zone was not significant. A movement of the setter of 30 or less and more than 1 m in distance might improve the performance of the side-out. Depending on the spatial usage of the setter, some rotations might be more successful than others. When assessing performance, the teams should consider the ability to play quick attacks when their reception is not as precise as they would expect.German Research Foundation (DFG) FPU14/02234Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity DEP2011-27503 TIN2016-81113-RFEDER-Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Economia y Conocimiento TIC.388.UGR1

    Setter's action range as a performance indicator in male volleyball

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    Este trabajo fue financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Deporte de España bajo la beca número FPU14/02234, el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad de España bajo el proyecto número TIN2013-47210-P, el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España bajo el proyecto número DEP2011-27503 y el Proyecto FEDER/Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento) bajo el proyecto con referencia A-TIC-388-UGR18. Se llevó a cabo como parte de la tesis doctoral de Antonio Millán-Sánchez en el marco del programa de doctorado de Biomedicina de la Universidad de Granada, España.Este estudio buscó comprobar si la zona ideal de colocación es la más usada, comparar dicha zona con la Posición Media (AP) del colocador con disponibilidad de primer tiempo y verificar si la distancia entre ambas puede considerarse un indicador de rendimiento. Analizamos 2291 acciones de los 12 mejores equipos del mundial masculino de voleibol (2010). Registramos la posición (latitud y profundidad) del colocador. Calculamos su AP y la distancia a la zona ideal. Recogimos la eficacia de recepción desde las estadísticas de la FIVB. Una correlación aportó la Rho de Spearman. Los resultados confirman el área de latitud 6 y profundidad 1 como la más exitosa, pero los equipos pueden contar con primer tiempo cuando el colocador sale de ella. La distancia entre la AP con disponibilidad de primer tiempo y la zona ideal de colocación correlaciona con la clasificación final más que la eficacia de recepción.This study aimed to check if the ideal setting zone is the most frequently used, to compare this zone with the Average Position of the setter with middle blocker availability (AP) and to verify if the distance between both can be considered a performance indicator. 2291 actions of the top-12 teams in the 2010 Men’s Volleyball World Championship were analysed. The position (latitude and depth) of the setter was registered. The AP and the distance with the ideal setting zone were calculated. The reception efficacy was retrieved from the FIVB. Spearman’s Rho was obtained through a correlation. Results confirm the area of latitude 6 and depth 1 as the most successful. Nevertheless, teams are able to maintain first tempo availability despite moving the setter out of it. The distance between the AP and the ideal setting zone correlates to the final ranking more than the reception efficacy.Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Deporte de España FPU14/02234Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad de España TIN2013-47210-PMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación de España DEP2011-27503Proyecto FEDER/Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento) A-TIC-388-UGR1

    Servicios de minería de datos en Cloud Computing

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    A complete semantic vocabulary has been designed that addresses both the definition of experimentation with data mining and service management in Cloud Computing providers, allowing a direct and efficient definition, in addition to adding discovery capabilities, integrability and portability, solving the provider lockin problem. To complete the definition, in an additional way, a proposal has been designed for the deployment architecture of data mining services called OC2DM, which allows, from the definitions of the services created with the scheme, to build and deploy the service so that it is fully functional. Finally, a Cloud Computing services intermediation tool (>) has been developed in order to capture all the features of the data mining services, enabling a single management point for the intermediation of services from different providers. To confirm the applicability of the work in real environments, three use cases have been developed in different areas, such as the definition of services in High Energy Physics, the study of time series or fuzzy systems as services in Cloud Computing.Se ha diseñado un vocabulario semántico completo que aborda tanto la definición de la experimentación con minería de datos como la gestión del servicio en los proveedores Cloud Computing, permitiendo una definición directa y eficiente, además de añadir capacidades de descubrimiento, integrabilidad y portabilidad, solucionando el problema del anclaje al proveedor. Para completar la definición, de forma adicional, se ha diseñado una propuesta de arquitectura de despliegue de servicios de minería de datos llamada OC2DM, que permite, a partir de las definiciones de los servicios creados con el esquema, construir y desplegar el servicio de forma que sea completamente funcional. Por último se ha desarrollado una herramienta de intermediación (>) de servicios Cloud Computing, para poder capturar todas las características de los servicios de minería de datos, habilitando un único punto de gestión para la intermediación de servicios de diferentes proveedores. Con el propósito de confirmar la aplicabilidad y la validez del trabajo en entornos reales, tres casos de uso han sido desarrollados en diferentes áreas, tales como la definición de servicios en Física de Alta Energías, el estudio de las series temporales o los sistemas difusos como servicios en Cloud Computing.Tesis Univ. Granada.Proyecto de la Junta de Andalucía “Minería de Datos en Cloud Computing” P12-TIC-2958Proyecto TIN 2016-81113-R del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad del Gobierno de EspañaProyecto europeo LIFE+: Environment Policy and Governance LIFE12 ENV/ES/00068

    astropy/SPISEA: v2.1.11

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    Bugfix to RedLawFritz11 so that paths work regardless of operating system used (from Winston Zhang