3,161 research outputs found

    Biblia Cómic: La montaña helada

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Comuinicación Audiovisua

    Registro y descripción del daño de la cochinilla rosada del hibisco, Maconellicoccus hirsutus Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), en Theobroma cacao L., en Tabasco, México

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    Se registra por primera vez a Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green, 1908) atacando a Theobroma cacao (Linneo, 1753) en México. Se describen los síntomas que ocasiona y se mencionan a Pithecellobium lanceolatum (Humb. y Bonpl. ex Willd.) Benth., 1846 y Trophis racemosa (L.) Urb., 1905 como nuevos hospedantes vegetales afectados por la cochinilla rosada del hibisco

    Survival of Coptotermes testaceus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) to Environmental Conditions (Relative Humidity and Temperature) and Preference to Different Substrates

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    Coptotermes  testaceus (L.) (Rhinotermitidae) is a subterranean termite species that causes damage in urban and agricultural areas in the neotropics. Despite its economic importance,  there  are  no  studies  on  its  basic  biological  aspects  for  laboratory management and the development of strategies for its control. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the relative humidity, temperature, substrate moisture and preference to different wood substrates for the best C.  testaceus survival under laboratory conditions. For this, a range of eight relative humidity (from 9 to 100%), three temperatures (20, 25 and 30 °C), six substrates (Pinus sp, Cedrela  odorata  (L.), Cocos nucifera (L.), Eucalyptus urophylla (S. T. Blake), Haematoxylum campechianum (L.) and Tabebuia rosea [Bertol.] DC) and four substrate moistures, (0 to 60%) were tested. The results of this study indicated a significant effect of all factors on termite survival or termite preference. When tested independently, the highest survival percentage of C.testaceus was obtained with humidity of 100%, temperature of 20 °C, substrate moisture of 60% and the Eucalyptus  urophylla substrate, reaching 83.33% survival at 21 days of observation. With these preliminary assays on small termite groups, it is concluded that with the appropriate percentages of humidity, temperature and substrate and the interaction of these three factors, further research can be conducted using larger termite groups in biologically relevant conditions, in order to study various aspects of C. testaceus biology

    Diversidad y fluctuación de la comunidad de escarabajos descortezadores y barrenadores (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae, Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae) asociados a una selva en Tabasco, México

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar la diversidad de descortezadores y barrenadores correspondientes a Scolytinae, Platypodinae y Bostrichidae en el borde e interior de la selva tropical de Teapa, Tabasco, México. La captura de insectos se realizó con trampas de intercepción cebadas con alcohol etílico y luz ultravioleta como atrayente. Se recolectaron 8.552 especímenes pertenecientes a 73 especies incluidas en 31 géneros; 60 especies de 21 géneros pertenecen a Scolytinae, ocho especies de cinco géneros a Platypodinae y cinco especies de cinco géneros a Bostrichidae. Los géneros con mayor riqueza específica fueron Xyleborus Eichhoff con diez especies e Hypothenemus Westwood con ocho especies. En el interior de la selva se presentó la mayor riqueza con 64 especies y la menor abundancia con 3.194 especímenes y en el borde se registró una mayor abundancia de barrenadores con 5.358 especímenes y la menor riqueza con 60 especies. Los máximos valores de diversidad se obtuvieron dentro de la selva (1D= 25,35; 2D= 17,74) y los mínimos en el borde (D=22,32; D= 14,49). Se determinó un valor de similitud (Is) de 65,7% entre los sitios. En el interior del ecosistema, la abundancia de la comunidad fue más estable a lo largo del tiempo, presentando los picos poblacionales más altos en abril y noviembre. En el borde, la abundancia de la comunidad presentó los máximos picos poblacionales en enero, mayo y noviembre, coincidiendo con los meses donde se presentó una reducción en la precipitación. Los estimadores Chao 1 y Chao 2 muestran que se obtuvo una completitud del muestreo de 96% y 94,4% respectivamente en el borde, y 90,87% y 94,12% en el interior

    Lista comentada con clave para la identificación de termitas (Blattodea: Isoptera) asociadas a las zonas forestales de Tabasco, México

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    Termites are important insects due to their participation in the decomposition of organic matter and the recycling of nutrients in the soil, however, some species cause damage to buildings, forest plantations and agricultural crops, where they cause significant losses. The objective of this study was to make an annotated list with identification keys for the termite species present in agroforestry and relict forest systems in the State of Tabasco, Mexico. The collection of termites was carried out in 20 sites distributed in the main forest areas of Tabasco, Mexico. The sampling was directed selecting 15 transects of 10x50 m for each type of vegetation. Eight species of termites were identified of which Nasutitermes nigriceps (Haldeman, 1854) and N. corniger (Motschulsky, 1855) were present in all forest areas, followed by Coptotermes testaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Heterotermes convexinotatus (Snyder, 1924). The species Microcerotermes septentrionalis Light, 1933, Tenuirostritermes briciae (Snyder, 1922), Cahuallitermes intermedius (Snyder, 1922), and Incisitermes snyderi Light, 1933 were only collected from one locality. The species T. briciae and M. septentrionalis are reported as new records for Tabasco.Las termitas son insectos importantes por su participación en la descomposición de la materia orgánica y el reciclaje de los nutrientes en el suelo, sin embargo, algunas especies causan daños en edificaciones, plantaciones forestales y cultivos agrícolas, donde ocasionan pérdidas significativas. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un listado comentado con claves de identificación para las especies de termitas presentes en los sistemas agroforestales y relictos de selva en el Estado de Tabasco, México. La recolecta de las termitas se realizó en 20 sitios distribuidos en las principales zonas forestales de Tabasco, México. El muestreo fue dirigido seleccionando 15 transectos de 10x50 m por cada tipo de vegetación. Se identificaron ocho especies de termitas de las cuales Nasutitermes nigriceps (Haldeman, 1854) y N. corniger (Motschulsky, 1855) estuvieron presente en todas las zonas forestales, seguido de Coptotermes testaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) y Heterotermes convexinotatus (Snyder, 1924). Las especies Microcerotermes septentrionalis Light, 1933, Tenuirostritermes briciae (Snyder, 1922), Cahuallitermes intermedius (Snyder, 1922) e Incisitermes snyderi Light, 1933 solo se recolectaron en una localidad. Se reportan como nuevos registros para Tabasco a las especies T. briciae y M. septentrionalis

    Effectiveness of a Multifactorial Intervention in the First 1000 Days of Life to Prevent Obesity and Overweight in Childhood: Study Protoco

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    (1) Background: Obesity is a global health problem, and its prevention must be a priority goal of public health, especially considering the seriousness of the problem among children. It is known that fetal and early postnatal environments may favor the appearance of obesity in later life. In recent years, the impact of the programs to prevent obesity in childhood has been scarce. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention based on the concept of early programming. (2) Methods: Non-randomized controlled trial design. Inclusion criteria are: two-year-old infants whose gestational period begins in the 14 months following the start of the intervention, and whose mothers have made the complete follow-up of their pregnancy in the same clinical unit of the study. The intervention will be developed over all the known factors that affect early programming, during pregnancy up to 2 years of life. Data will be collected through a data collection sheet by the paediatricians. A unibivariate and multivariate analysis of the data will be carried out. (3) Ethics and dissemination: The trial does not involve any risk to participants and their offspring. Signed informed consent is obtained from all participants. Ethical approval has been obtained. (4) Results: It is expected that this study will provide evidence on the importance of the prevention of obesity from the critical period of the first 1000 days of life, being able to establish this as a standard intervention in primary care

    Ant colony optimization for multi-UAV minimum time search in uncertain domains

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    This paper presents a new approach based on ant colony optimization (ACO) to determine the trajectories of a fleet of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) looking for a lost target in the minimum possible time. ACO is especially suitable for the complexity and probabilistic nature of the minimum time search (MTS) problem, where a balance between the computational requirements and the quality of solutions is needed. The presented approach includes a new MTS heuristic that exploits the probability and spatial properties of the problem, allowing our ant based algorithm to quickly obtain high-quality high-level straight-segmented UAV trajectories. The potential of the algorithm is tested for different ACO parameterizations, over several search scenarios with different characteristics such as number of UAVs, or target dynamics and location distributions. The statistical comparison against other techniques previously used for MTS (ad hoc heuristics, cross entropy optimization, bayesian optimization algorithm and genetic algorithms) shows that the new approach outperforms the others.This work was supported by Airbus under the SAVIER AER-30459 project

    Fluctuación poblacional, plantas huéspedes, distribución y clave para la identificación de Platypodinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) asociados al agroecosistema cacao en Tabasco, México

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    The ambrosia beetle dynamic population, hosts and distribution were studied in the cacao agroecosystem in Tabasco, Mexico during 2007. The insects were collected in four localities with ethanol and light traps and by direct collecting in their host plants. Five species were collected with Teloplatypus excisus (Chapuis) being the most abundant with a total of 346 specimens. T. excisus and Tesserocerus dewalquei Chapuis are new records for Tabasco. Spondias mombin is recorded as a new host to Platyscapulus pulchellus (Chapuis) and T. excisus. The most efficient method of captured was the ethanol trap where which 459 specimens captured. The populational dinamic of the species through the year of study stayed in low levels in most of the towns studied, with exception of Teapa where market populational pick was seen in May and July through use the ethanol traps and in its hosts; and in the months of July and November with the light traps.Se estudió la fluctuación poblacional, huéspedes y distribución de platipódidos asociados al agroecosistema cacao en Tabasco, México durante el año 2007. Los insectos fueron capturados con trampas de alcohol, luz y en sus plantas huéspedes en cuatro localidades. Se recolectaron cinco especies siendo Teloplatypus excisus (Chapuis) el que presentó la mayor abundancia con un total de 346 especímenes.T. excisus y Tesserocerus dewalquei Chapuis son nuevos registros para Tabasco. Se encontró a Spondias mombin como nuevo huésped de Platyscapulus pulchellus (Chapuis) y T. excisus. El método de captura más eficiente fue la trampa de alcohol, con la cual se capturo 459 especímenes. La fluctuación poblacional de las especies a través del año de estudio se mantuvo en niveles bajos en la mayoría de las localidades estudiadas a excepción de Teapa, donde se registraron picos poblacionales marcados en mayo y julio tanto en las trampas de alcohol como directamente en sus hospederos y en los meses de julio y noviembre en las de luz.

    El análisis del riesgo como medida del capital económico

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    La gestión de riesgos y de capitales es un marco unificado que combina estos aspectos a través del uso del capital económico como una forma común para medir el riesgo. El capital económico es el límite de capital necesario para hacer frente a potenciales pérdidas inherentes a las actividades comerciales. El objetivo de este trabajo teórico es identificar la tipología de riesgos y cuantificarlos, mediante el Best Estimate y el Risk Margin.The risk management and of capitals he is a frame united that he combines these aspects through the use of economic capital like a common form to measure risk. The economic capital is the limit of necessary capital to face up to potentials inherent losses to the commercial activities. In this research our objective is to determine the different risk types and quantify it, by the Best Estimate and the Risk Margin

    Three species of Megacerus Fahraeus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) associated to Merremia umbellata (L.) Hall. Fill (Convolvulaceae) in México

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    Abstract. In order to determine the species of bruchids that feed on Merremia umbellata (L.) Hall. Fil. (1892) seeds, 110 samples of ovoid capsule were collected, from which 753 bruchids of the genus Megacerus Fahraeus, 1839 were obtained. The most abundant species was M. alabani (Terán and Kingsolver, 1977) (84.86%), followed by M. cubiculus (Casey, 1884) (14.87%) and M. tricolor (Suffrian, 1870) (0.27%). A total of 5,709 seeds was evaluated to determine the damage these insects cause plants. Of these, 880 presented some type of condition, representing a 15.41% damage caused by the three Megacerus species include the parasited. This is the first record of the species M. alabani, M. cubiculus on the host M. umbellata