403 research outputs found

    A Note on the Dynamics of Persistence in US Inflation

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    Empirical research on the degree and stability of inflation persistence in the US has produced mixed results: some suggest high and unchanged persistence during the last few decades, while others argue in favor of a decline in persistence since the early 1980s. We show that post-WWII US inflation (monthly and quarterly) became highly persistent during the´Great Inflation´ period, and then switched back to a low persistence process during 1984, and has remained stationary until the present day.Inflation, Multiple change in persistence, Stationarity, Great inflation.

    On the dynamics of inflation persistence around the world

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    We study the dynamics of inflation persistence in 45 countries for the period 1960-2008. We use a nonparametric unit root test robust to nonlinearities, error distributions, structural breaks and outliers, many of them typical features of inflation data, and a test for multiple changes in persistence, which decomposes the sample information between adjacent I(0) and I(1) periods. We find that (1) With very few exceptions, inflation around the world rejects a unit root, (2) for several countries there is evidence of significant changes in persistence, (3) bursts and drops in the level of inflation and in inflation persistence tend to coincide, (4) these drops occurred during “the Great Moderation” and during the adoption of inflation targeting. We conclude that inflation is characterized by either a stationary behaviour throughout the sample, or by switches of the type I(0)-I(1)-I(0). For all countries in our sample, any indication of nonstationarity seems to be temporary.Inflation, Multiple persistence change, Stationarity, Unit root tests, Unknown direction of change, Monetary policy

    Time Series Approach to Test a Change in Inflation Persistence: The Mexican Experience.

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    When monetary policy has an explicit inflation target, observed inflation should be a stationary process. In countries where, for a variety of reasons, the determinants of inflation could lead it to follow a non-stationary process, the adoption of an inflation targeting framework should therefore induce a fundamental change in the stochastic process governing inflation. This paper studies the time series properties of Mexican inflation during 1995-2006, using recently developed techniques to detect a change in the persistence of economic time series. Consistent with the adoption of an inflation-targeting framework, the results suggest that inflation in Mexico seems to have switched from a nonstationary to a stationary process around the end of year 2000 or the beginning of 2001.Inflation, Persistence change, Stationarity, Unit root tests, Unknown direction of change

    A note on the dynamics of persistence in US inflation

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    Empirical research on the degree and stability of inflation persistence in the US has produced mixed results: some suggest high and unchanged persistence during the last few decades, while others argue in favor of a decline in persistence since the early 1980s. We contribute to this debate by applying a test specifically designed to test for multiple changes in persistence, allowing for consistent estimation of the possible change dates, and robust to level breaks. We show that post-WWII US inflation (monthly and quarterly) became highly persistent during the 'Great Inflation'period, and then switched back to a low persistence process during 1984, and has remained stationary until the present day

    On the dynamics of inflation persistence around the world

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    We study the dynamics of inflation persistence in 45 countries for the period 1960-2008. We use a nonparametric unit root test robust to nonlinearities, error distributions, structural breaks and outliers, many of them typical features of inflation data, and a test for multiple changes in persistence, which decomposes the sample information between adjacent I(0) and I(1) periods. We find that (1) With very few exceptions, inflation around the world rejects a unit root, (2) for several countries there is evidence of significant changes in persistence, (3) bursts and drops in the level of inflation and in inflation persistence tend to coincide, (4) these drops occurred during 'the Great Moderation' and during the adoption of inflation targeting. We conclude that inflation is characterized by either a stationary behaviour throughout the sample, or by switches of the type I(0)-I(1)-I(0). For all countries in our sample, any indication of nonstationarity seems to be temporary

    Modelling contingent technology adoption in farming irrigation communities

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    Of all the uses of water, agriculture is the one that requires the greatest proportion of resources worldwide. Consequently, it is a salient subject for environmental policy-making, and adoption of modern irrigation systems is a key means to improve water use eficiency. In this paper we present an agent-based model of the adoption process - known as "modernisation" - of a community constituted by farmer agents. The phenomenon is approached as a contingent innovation adoption: a first stage to reach a collective agreement followed by an individual adoption decision. The model is based on historical data from two Spanish irrigation communities during the period 1975-2010. Results suggest that individual profits and farm extension (as proxy of social influence) are suitable assumptions when modelling the modernisation of communities in regions where agriculture is strongly market-oriented and water is scarce. These encouraging results point towards the interest of more sophisticated socio-cognitive modelling within a more realistic socio-hydrologic context

    Adición del vidrio pulverizado para mejorar la resistencia a la compresión del concreto f’c=210 kg/cm2. Una revisión sistemática entre el 2011 y 2020

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    La revisión sistemática de los 40 artículos ha permitido recopilar y analizar información de diferentes estudios, y así seleccionar 20 estudios con tendencia al uso del vidrio pulverizado como agente para la preparación de un concreto; el mismo que mejora significativamente la resistencia a la compresión f’c= 210 kg/cm2

    Optimización del diseño de una viga de concreto armado mediante Simulated Annealing, Perú

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    La industria de la construcción asume constantemente desafíos a nivel nacional y mundial; por tanto, la presente de investigación estudia la optimización del diseño de una viga de concreto armado mediante Simulated Annealing, Perú. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la optimización del diseño de una viga de concreto armado mediante Simulated Annealing, Perú. El tipo de investigación en función del propósito es aplicada y de acuerdo al diseño es de tipo no experimental descriptiva, por lo que no se manipula ni controla la variable. Según el diseño de investigación obedece a una investigación no experimental transversal descriptivo. Los resultados obtenidos del procesamiento de optimización de 15602 vigas de concreto armado en cuanto a coste es de s/. 1909.63, con una sección de 30 cm x 140 cm, factor de resistencia a la compresión f´c = 280 kg/cm2 y un área de acero 8.04 cm2. Finalmente, se concluye que la optimización de la viga de concreto armado mediante Simulated Annealing, genera un sin número de oportunidades; en ese sentido, permitirán enriquecer en posteriores investigaciones en lo que respecta a inteligencia artificial y sus bondades en cuanto a la optimización del diseño de una viga de concreto mediante Simulated Annealing

    Búsqueda a la deriva en tres novelas mexicanas posmdoernistas: "Nadie me verá llorar" de Cristina Rivera Garza, "Tela de sevoya" de Myriam Moscona y "El animal sobre la piedra" de Daniela Tarazona

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    Literature allows readers to approach reality through fiction, reflecting and containing individual and collective human experiences. Postmodernity is a constantly changing and self-reflective phenomenon, and this article analyzes postmodern characteristics in three Mexican novels written by Mexican women between 1999 and 2012. Postmodernity is characterized by the decentralization of power, disbelief in metanarratives, and the reaffirmation of the particular, amongst other features. Latin American postmodernist narrative includes elements such as autofiction, fragmentation, intertextuality, and the representation of marginal characters. This article focuses on the novels Nadie me verá llorar by Cristina Rivera Garza, El animal sobre la piedra by Daniela Tarazona, and Tela de sevoya by Myriam Moscona, which address the theme of travel together with some of the beforementioned characteristics. The journeys in these three novels share aspects such as the protagonists' identity crisis, a constant ambiguity as both theme and narrative strategies, and the transgression of seemingly opposing boundaries, as well as culminating in physical, emotional, and personal isolation in a sort of suspended drift of relationships and connection to grand metanarratives. These elements reflect the postmodernist nature of literature, and the protagonists' continuous search represents their desire to redefine their own identity categories and their relationship with alterityLa literatura permite a los lectores acercarse a la realidad a través de la ficción, reflejando y conteniendo experiencias. La posmodernidad es un fenómeno en constante cambio y autorreflexión, y este artículo analiza características posmodernistas en tres novelas mexicanas escritas por mujeres entre 1999 y 2012. La posmodernidad se caracteriza por la descentralización del poder, la incredulidad hacia las metanarrativas y la reafirmación de lo particular. La narrativa posmoderna latinoamericana incluye elementos como la autoficción, la fragmentación, la intertextualidad y la representación de personajes marginales. Este artículo se centra en las novelas Nadie me verá llorar de Cristina Rivera Garza, El animal sobre la piedra de Daniela Tarazona y Tela de sevoya de Myriam Moscona, que abordan el tema del viaje. Los viajes en estas novelas tienen en común aspectos como la crisis identitaria de las protagonistas, la ambigüedad y la transgresión de fronteras aparentemente opuestas; así como el concluir en un aislamiento físico, emocional e identitario en una especie de viaje que queda suspendido en una deriva. Estos elementos reflejan la naturaleza posmoderna de la literatura, y la búsqueda continua de las protagonistas representa su deseo de redefinir sus propias categorías identitarias y su relación con la alteridad

    Factores limitantes del servicio militar que impiden alcanzar un nivel de calidad educativa en la Escuela Nacional de Marina Mercante Almirante Miguel Grau

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    En la presente investigación se estudió la relación existente entre los Factores Limitantes del Servicio Militar que impiden alcanzar un nivel de Calidad Educativa en la Escuela Nacional de la Marina Mercante Almirante Miguel Grau. La muestra estuvo constituida por 159 sujetos, el muestreo empleado fue de tipo probabilístico, estratificado. Los resultados fueron analizados en el nivel descriptivo, en donde se han utilizado frecuencias y porcentajes y en el nivel inferencial se ha hecho uso de la estadística paramétrica y como tal se ha utilizado r de Pearson a un nivel de 0,05, dado que los datos presentaron distribución normal. Los resultados indicaron que los Factores Limitantes del Servicio Militar que impiden alcanzar un nivel de Calidad Educativa en la Escuela Nacional de la Marina Mercante Almirante Miguel Grau, se expresan predominantemente en un nivel medio. Asimismo, se demostró que existe correlación directa, moderada y significativa entre los Factores Limitantes del Servicio Militar que impiden alcanzar un nivel de Calidad Educativa.In the present investigation the relationship between the Limiting Factors of the Military Service that prevented to reach a level of Educational Quality in the National School of Merchant Marine Almirante Miguel Grau was studied. The sample consisted of 159 subjects, the sampling was of probabilistic, stratified type. The results were analyzed at the descriptive level, where frequencies and percentages have been used and in the inferential level the parametric statistic has been used and as such Pearson's r has been used at a level of 0.05, since the data presented normal distribution. The results indicated that the Limiting Factors of the Military Service that prevent reaching a level of Educational Quality in the National School of Merchant Marine Admiral Miguel Grau, are expressed predominantly in a medium level. Likewise, it was demonstrated that there is a direct, moderate and significant correlation between the Limiting Factors of the Military Service that prevent reaching a level of Educational Quality