10 research outputs found

    Disentangling magnetic hardening and molecular spin chain contributions to exchange bias in ferromagnet/molecule bilayers

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    We performed SQUID and FMR magnetometry experiments to clarify the relationship between two reported magnetic exchange effects arising from interfacial spin-polarized charge transfer within ferromagnetic metal (FM)/molecule bilayers: the magnetic hardening effect, and spinterface-stabilized molecular spin chains. To disentangle these effects, both of which can affect the FM magnetization reversal, we tuned the metal phthalocyanine molecule central site's magnetic moment to selectively enhance or suppress the formation of spin chains within the molecular film. We find that both effects are distinct, and additive. In the process, we 1) extended the list of FM/molecule candidate pairs that are known to generate magnetic exchange effects, 2) experimentally confirmed the predicted increase in anisotropy upon molecular adsorption; and 3) showed that spin chains within the molecular film can enhance magnetic exchange. This magnetic ordering within the organic layer implies a structural ordering. Thus, by distengangling the magnetic hardening and exchange bias contributions, our results confirm, as an echo to progress regarding inorganic spintronic tunnelling, that the milestone of spintronic tunnelling across structurally ordered organic barriers has been reached through previous magnetotransport experiments. This paves the way for solid-state devices studies that exploit the quantum physical properties of spin chains, notably through external stimuli.Comment: Non

    Exchange Coupling of Spin-Crossover Molecules to Ferromagnetic Co Islands

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    The properties of Fe­(1,10-phenanthroline)<sub>2</sub>(NCS)<sub>2</sub> (Fe-phen) molecules deposited on Co/Cu(111) are studied with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) operated in ultrahigh vacuum at low temperature (4 K) and ab initio calculations. Both the experimental and theoretical results are used to identify the high-spin (HS) state of Fe-phen. Additionally, the calculations reveal a strong spin-polarization of the density of states (DOS) and is validated experimentally using the spin sensitivity of spin-polarized STM. Finally, it is shown that the magnetic moment of the Fe-ion within HS Fe-phen is strongly magnetically coupled to the underlying magnetic Co through the NCS groups. These findings enable promising spintronic perspectives

    Ligand-Induced Energy Shift and Localization of Kondo Resonances in Cobalt-Based Complexes on Cu(111)

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    Magnetic sandwich complexes are of particular interest for molecular spintronics. Using scanning tunneling microscopy, we evidence the successful deposition of 1,3,5-tris­(η<sup>6</sup>-borabenzene-η<sup>5</sup>-cyclopentadienylcobalt) benzene, a molecule composed of three connected magnetic sandwich units, on Cu(111). Scanning tunneling spectra reveal two distinct spatial-dependent narrow resonances close to the Fermi level for the trimer molecules as well as for molecular fragments composed of one and two magnetic units. With the help of density functional theory, these resonances are interpreted as two Kondo resonances originating from two distinct nondegenerate d-like orbitals. These Kondo resonances are found to have defined spatial extents dictated by the hybridization of the involved orbitals with that of the ligands. These results opens promising perspectives for investigating complex Kondo systems composed of several “Kondo” orbitals

    Interconnected Cobaltocene Complexes on Metal Surfaces

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    Interconnected molecular magnetic centers on metallic surfaces are of interest for molecular spintronics. Complexes composed of two or three cobaltocene units linked by naphthalene or benzene groups are successfully deposited on Au(111) and Cu(111) by sublimation and electrospray deposition. Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy are employed to investigate the deposited compounds and their spin state. Although all molecules are composed of the same magnetic cobaltocene unit, only one compound shows a zero-bias feature compatible with a Kondo resonance, whose amplitude varies from molecule to molecule. The amplitude variation and its absence for the other investigated complexes are attributed to different molecule–substrate coupling, which is strongly influenced by the linker. Parameters influencing the molecule–substrate coupling and molecular properties are extracted from the experimental data. These key parameters should be considered for future strategies of interconnected magnetic centers on metallic substrates

    Robust and Selective Switching of an Fe<sup>III</sup> Spin-Crossover Compound on Cu<sub>2</sub>N/Cu(100) with Memristance Behavior

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    The switching between two spin states makes spin-crossover molecules on surfaces very attractive for potential applications in molecular spintronics. Using scanning tunneling microscopy, the successful deposition of [Fe­(pap)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>+</sup> (pap = <i>N</i>-2-pyridylmethylidene-2-hydroxyphenylaminato) molecules on Cu<sub>2</sub>N/Cu­(100) surface is evidenced. The deposited Fe<sup>III</sup> spin-crossover compound is controllably switched between three different states, each of them exhibiting a characteristic tunneling conductance. The conductance is therefore employed to readily read the state of the molecules. A comparison of the experimental data with the results of density functional theory calculations reveals that all Fe­(pap)<sub>2</sub> molecules are initially in their high-spin state. The two other states are compatible with the low-spin state of the molecule but differ with respect to their coupling to the substrate. As a proof of concept, the reversible and selective nature of the switching is used to build a two-molecule memory

    Deposition of a Cationic Fe<sup>III</sup> Spin-Crossover Complex on Au(111): Impact of the Counter Ion

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    Spin-crossover molecules on metallic substrates have recently attracted considerable interest for their potential applications in molecular spintronics. Using scanning tunneling microscopy, we evidence the first successful deposition of a charged Fe<sup>III</sup> spin-crossover complex, [Fe­(pap)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>+</sup> (pap = <i>N</i>-2-pyridylmethylidene-2-hydroxyphenylaminato), on Au(111). Furthermore, the bulk form of the molecules is stabilized by a perchlorate counterion, which depending on the deposition technique may affect the quality of the deposition and the measurements. Finally, we evidence switching of the molecules on Au(111)

    Power-to-Gas through High Temperature Electrolysis and Carbon Dioxide Methanation: Reactor Design and Process Modeling

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    This work deals with the coupling between high temperature steam electrolysis using solid oxide cells (SOEC) and carbon dioxide methanation to produce a synthetic natural gas (SNG) directly injectable in the natural gas distribution grid via a power-to-gas (P2G) pathway. An intrinsic kinetics obtained from the open literature has been used as the basis for a plug flow reactor model applied to a series of cooled multitube fixed bed reactors for methane synthesis. Evaporating water has been considered as coolant, ensuring a high heat transfer coefficient within the shell side of the reactor. A methanation section has been designed and optimized in order to moderate the maximum temperature within the catalytic bed and to minimize the catalyst load. Then, process modeling of a plant coupling high temperature electrolysis and methanation is presented: the main goal of this analysis is the calculation of overall plant efficiency (in terms of electricity-to-SNG chemical energy). Plant size has been set considering a 10 MW<sub>el</sub> SOEC-based electrolysis unit; heat produced from the exothermal methanation is entirely used for water evaporation before the steam electrolysis. A heat exchanger network (HEN) has been designed in order to reduce the number of components, resulting in an external heat requirement equal to 185 kW (≈1.9% of the electrolysis power). The SOEC-based power-to-gas system presented a higher heating value based efficiency equal to ≈86% (≈77% if evaluated on lower heating value basis)

    Light-Induced Spin Crossover in an Fe(II) Low-Spin Complex Enabled by Surface Adsorption

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    Understanding and controlling the spin-crossover properties of molecular complexes can be of particular interest for potential applications in molecular spintronics. Using near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, we investigated these properties for a new vacuum-evaporable Fe­(II) complex, namely [Fe­(pypyr­(CF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(phen)] (pypyr = 2-(2′-pyridyl)­pyrrolide, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline). We find that the spin-transition temperature, well above room temperature for the bulk compound, is drastically lowered for molecules arranged in thin films. Furthermore, while within the experimentally accessible temperature range (2 K < <i>T</i> < 410 K) the bulk material shows indication of neither light-induced excited spin-state trapping nor soft X-ray-induced excited spin-state trapping, these effects are observed for molecules within thin films up to temperatures around 100 K. Thus, by arranging the molecules into thin films, a nominal low-spin complex is effectively transformed into a spin-crossover complex

    Spin-Dependent Hybridization between Molecule and Metal at Room Temperature through Interlayer Exchange Coupling

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    We experimentally and theoretically show that the magnetic coupling at room temperature between paramagnetic Mn within manganese phthalocyanine molecules and a Co layer persists when separated by a Cu spacer. The molecule’s magnetization amplitude and direction can be tuned by varying the Cu–spacer thickness and evolves according to an interlayer exchange coupling mechanism. <i>Ab initio</i> calculations predict a highly spin-polarized density of states at the Fermi level of this metal-molecule interface, thereby strengthening prospective spintronics applications

    High Spin Polarization at Ferromagnetic Metal–Organic Interfaces: A Generic Property

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    A high spin polarization of states around the Fermi level, <i>E</i><sub>F</sub>, at room temperature has been measured in the past at the interface between a few molecular candidates and the ferromagnetic metal Co. Is this promising property for spintronics limited to these candidates? Previous reports suggested that certain conditions, such as strong ferromagnetism, i.e., a fully occupied spin-up d band of the ferromagnet, or the presence of π bonds on the molecule, i.e., molecular conjugation, needed to be met. What rules govern the presence of this property? We have performed spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on a variety of such interfaces. We find that this property is robust against changes to the molecule and ferromagnetic metal’s electronic properties, including the aforementioned conditions. This affirms the generality of highly spin-polarized states at the interface between a ferromagnetic metal and a molecule and augurs bright prospects toward integrating these interfaces within organic spintronic devices