437 research outputs found

    El aprendizaje de audacity para la edición y producción de contenidos didácticos digitales

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    En la sociedad actual resulta indispensable proporcionar una capacitación adecuada a los futuros docentes para que puedan desarrollar metodologías innovadoras, donde las TIC y los recursos didácticos digitales desempeñan un papel clave y permiten que los conocimientos y habilidades del alumno tengan un desarrollo exitoso. Esta investigación se aborda desde una metodología cuantitativa, mediante el uso de un cuestionario creado ad hoc sobre aprendizaje y la evaluación de la herramienta Audacity para la creación de recursos didácticos digitales en el Grado de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Córdoba. Los resultados muestran una valoración positiva de la experiencia vivida, así como de la herramienta estudiada.In present society it is essential to provide the necessary training to future teachers so they can accomplish innovative teaching and learning methodologies, where ICT and digital learning resources play a key role that will enable the student’s knowledge and skills to be successfully developed. This research is approached from a quantitative methodology, by using a questionnaire created ad hoc about the learning and the assessment of the Audacity software tool for creating digital didactic resources, in the Early Childhood Education Degree from the University of Cordoba. The results obtained show a positive assessment of the tool studied and its subsequent use for audiovisual productions

    Construcción de contenido : experiencias desde los inmigrantes venezolanos(as) respecto a su calidad de vida laboral en Viña del Mar

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    Tesis (Magíster en Psicología Clínica)Moverse de un país a otro en búsqueda de una mejor calidad de vida, es sin lugar a duda, uno de los motivos principales que impulsan a millones de personas cada día a emprender un viaje esperanzador. La historia de Venezuela hasta hace no más de diez años, no la reconocía como un país con altas tasas de emigración, inclusive, se caracterizaba por ser un país receptor de inmigrantes, entre ellos, nacionales chilenos en la década de los 70 y 80. Sin embargo, las condiciones políticas, económicas y sociales son las que mantienen a Venezuela como uno de los países que más inmigrantes presenta en Chile y por ende, la búsqueda de empleo junto con la mano trabajadora ha alcanzado niveles inimaginables, y todo lo anterior, debido a la búsqueda incesante de necesidades básicas como el alimento, la salud y la seguridad que no tenían en su país de origen, y que en Chile pueden alcanzar, por medio de la fuerza laboral, dándole garantías, al menos mínimas, para cubrirlas. Chile a pesar de tener índices macroeconómicos sostenibles y una buena imagen en Latinoamérica, es un país que está lleno de sorpresas para quienes no viven en él, y no está exento de tener problemas políticos, económicos, sociales y laborales, siendo uno de los diez países más desiguales del mundo, un sistema laboral chileno en donde los extranjeros tienen que coexistir con ciertos problemas; dificultad en la convalidación de sus títulos, largos y tediosos procesos para la obtención de la visa de trabajo, salarios insuficientes y jornadas laborales extensas, entre otros. A propósito de las diferencia de la cultura de trabajo de Venezuela en contraste con la Chilena, es pertinente conocer los discursos de calidad de vida laboral de los nacionales Venezolanos en Viña del Mar, para dar cuenta de las experiencias en torno a las dimensiones de satisfacción, motivación y compromiso laboral

    Analysis of the emotional state of a Spanish army unit in an area of operations

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    Introducción: El personal Militar por la naturaleza del trabajo que realiza y los lugares en los que los lleva a cabo, se convierte en una población vulnerable a padecer cambios emocionales como consecuencia del afrontamiento de dichas situaciones. Material y métodos: Se estudia un contingente de 168 miembros (edad media de 27 años, 12% mujeres y 88% hombres) del ejército español desplazado durante 4 meses en el año 2005 a la antigua Yugoslavia, con el objetivo de analizar las modificaciones generadas en los estados emocionales negativos de los citados individuos. La recogida de datos tuvo lugar en dos momentos diferenciados: durante la fase de concentración previa al despliegue y en una secuencia temporal posterior; al regreso a territorio nacional. En ambas ocasiones se utilizó el cuestionario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo. Resultados: Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la presencia de diferencias significativas entre las medidas de Ansiedad Estado en primera y segunda fase condicionadas por el sexo y el nivel académico; aunque los niveles de Ansiedad Estado y Ansiedad Rasgo no alcanzan en ningún momento puntuaciones de marcación negativa. Conclusiones: La experiencia vivida altera los niveles de Ansiedad Estado de de la muestra. Los niveles formativos superiores favorecen un afrontamiento positivo de la experiencia.Introduction: Military people, due to the special caracteristics of their work and the places in which takes place, becomes a vulnerable group to suffer emotional changes, resultant of facing such situations. Materials and Methods: A total of 168 Members (with an average age of 27 years, 12% women and 88% men) from the Spanish Army and Navy have been evaluated, displaced during 4 months in 2005 to the former Yugoslavia The objective of this research is the analysis of the changes generated in the negative emotional states of those individuals. Data collection took place in two different moments: the first one during the concentration pre-deployment period and the second one in a period just before the return to national territory. On both times we used the STAI anxiety test State-Trait. Results: The result shows the presence of significant differences between the measures of state anxiety in the first and second phase influenced by the sex and academic level, although the levels of state anxiety and Trait anxiety do not reach at any time negative ratings. Conclusions: The lived experience alters levels of anxiety state of the sample. Higher level training enhance coping a positive experience

    La receptividad, la armonía musical y su difusión periodística

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    Network Analysis for Learners’ Concept Maps While Using Mobile Augmented Reality Gaming

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    Using mobile augmented reality games in education combines situated and active learning with pleasure. The aim of this research is to analyze the responses expressed by young, middle-aged, and elderly adults about the location-based mobile augmented reality (MAR) games using methods of content analysis, concept maps, and social network analysis (SNA). The responses to questions related to MAR game Ingress were collected from 36 adult players, aged 20–60, from Greece, and subsequently analyzed by means of content analysis, concept maps, and social network analysis. Our findings show that for question 1 (How do you feel when you endow the geographical space with personal preferences?), there was a differentiation of the answers between age groups with age groups agreeing in pairs, the first two and the last two, while for question 2 (Do you think that the game offers opportunities for learning and teaching geography, building on your previous geographical knowledge?), there was an overlap in responses of participants among age groups. It was also revealed that the MAR games foster a constructivism approach of learning, as their use learning becomes an active, socially supported process of knowledge construction

    Effectiveness of PMI Combined with Common Interest Activity for Elementary School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Peer-mediated intervention (PMI) includes a range of strategies that are considered a successful aid in social-communication behavior for kids and their peers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This study was carried out to improve the social behavior of children with ASD, using peer training through an activity that they have in common. Three ASD students in Greek elementary schools, aged seven to ten years old, two boys and one girl, participated in this study. The peers of ASD students were trained to interact with them during recess in a comprehensive school setting. An ABA reversal design was used on each participant in order to define the effects of the intervention. Through observation probes, the responses and the initiations of all ASD students were noted by trained school staff. The results of the intervention phase showed an increase in both of these two variables. Furthermore, the follow-up phase depicted important results for the academic community, also showing an increase in all ASD students’ responses and initiations. The current study supplements the existing PMI research, which leads to the possible use of this valid tool that could be used in school settings in order to increase the socialization of ASD students

    Assessment of a Location-Based Mobile Augmented-Reality Game by Adult Users with the ARCS Model

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    In mobile augmented reality (MAR) games, learning by doing is important to supplement the theoretical knowledge with practical exercise in order to maximize the learning outcome. However, in many fields, the users are not able to apply their knowledge in practical ways, despite having achieved a good understanding of the theoretical fundamentals and this is even more important to adult learners. The aim of this research is to examine young, middle-aged and elderly adults’ opinions about the location-based MAR game Ingress, by applying John Keller’s “ARCS learning motivation model” (Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction). The users’ responses to closed questions related to Ingress were collected from 45 adult players aged 20–60 from Greece and were subsequently analyzed by means of pre- and post-quantitative measures of the four ARCS factors. The results show that: (a) game training improves all the factors of ARCS, primarily attention and satisfaction; (b) the responses of young people (20–35) agree more with those of elderly adults (>52) than with those of the intermediate age group of 36–51. Our findings, therefore, highlight the potential and the applicability of the ARCS model in MAR games

    Innovative Methodologies in a Pandemic: The VESS Model

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    The VESS (Meaningful Life with Balance and Wisdom) model is considered to be a learning method based on the construction of knowledge through critical and visible thinking, with a neuroeducational base. The aim of the present work is to conduct a psychometric study of a measurement scale about the learning of the VESS model created for teachers-in-training. This article presents two survey-based descriptive studies conducted at the University of Cordoba (Spain). The data were subjected to descriptive, correlational, reliability and validity analysis through exploratory and confirmatory analyses, respectively. It is an instrument with high goodness-of-fit indices and suitable validity and reliability values. This instrument is applicable to similar study contexts

    Perceptions and academic and professional aspirations of teachers-in-training: Gender barriers or possibilities?

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    Purpose: This paper presents the results of the application of an adaptation of the "Perceived Barriers Questionnaire" (PBQ) (Rodríguez-Lajo, Vila & Freixa, 2008) to identify if there are gender roles and stereotypes that influence the perceptions and future expectations, both in academic and the professional spheres, of teachers-in-training at the University of Córdoba. Design/methodology: The sample of the study is composed of the students enrolled in the Social Education Degree and the Masters in Inclusive Education and Teaching Staff of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching at the University of Córdoba. The questionnaire was administered to 157 students. The data were subjected to descriptive analysis, comparative means, correlational and regression analysis, study of internal consistency and factorial structure through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Findings: The results show, among other issues, some professional aspirations related to training rather than leadership, a greater fear of negative evaluation in women than in men and an important relationship between the perception of the gender role attributed to men and women in the workplace and their own aspirations and educational and professional expectations. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation of the study s in its sample, as it is focused only on students of careers belonging to the field of Education Sciences and, specifically, at the University of Córdoba, so it would be interesting to carry out future studies with samples wider population. Originality/value: This study aims to highlight the importance of detecting possible gender barriers during the training of educators to implement the necessary measures to promote true equality between women and men. In this sense, this research can be extrapolated to any educational environment, as well as work.Peer Reviewe

    Psychometric Study of “Questionnaire of Barriers Perceived” (QBP) in Higher Education

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    This article presents the process of adaptation and validation, and the resulting psychometric properties, of the “Questionnaire of Barriers Perceived” (QBP). The scale identifies whether a student’s perceptions and expectations are mediated by stereotypes or roles associated with gender through the study of their professional aspirations, fear of negative judgement, and perceptions/awareness of gender roles of men and women. Two descriptive studies were conducted via a cross-sectional poll. The questionnaire was administered first to 240 students and then to a total of 1044 student from all the degrees studied at the Faculty of Education at the university at which the study took place. The data were subjected to item content analysis, descriptive analysis, analysis of internal consistency, study of the relationship between variables, correlational analysis, and an exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis. The results showed that the scale had a high goodness-of-fit index, as well as validity and reliability. The dimensions that the model comprised were found to be interrelated and coherent with the theoretical structure considered in the initial version of the instrument. The resulting questionnaire presented sufficient validity and reliability to be used in other contexts and studies of the same nature