25 research outputs found

    Ciclo de mejora de fundamentos de Podología

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    El presente ciclo de mejora docente (CMD) se ha realizado en el alumnado de Grado de Podología de la Universidad de Sevilla, dentro de la asignatura de 1º curso “Fundamentos de Podología”. La temática abordada se centró en contenidos conceptuales, profesionales e históricos de la titulación, trabajando competencias transversales que el alumnado demostrará a lo largo de sus estudios y su vida profesional. Han participado 56 alumnos y el espacio de trabajo disponía de bancas de sillas y mesas fijas. El trabajo se ha realizado en subgrupos y con un aprendizaje colaborativo y experiencial fomentando la inteligencia y el aprendizaje colectivos. Se han empleado los mapas de contenidos y se ha evaluado el CMD mediante el uso de escaleras de aprendizaje. Los resultados muestran, en general, una adquisición adecuada de los conocimientos trabajados y han sido bastante satisfactorios para el alumnado y el profesorado participantes

    Effect of Phenol Application Time in the Treatment of Onychocryptosis: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial

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    Background: In the treatment of Onychocryptosis, chemical matricectomy with 88% phenol solution is one of the most common surgical procedures due to a recurrence rate of less than 5%, but it may produce a delay in healing time. The objective was to compare the healing time between phenol applications of 30 or 60 s. Methods: A comparative, prospective, parallel, randomized, and blinded clinical trial was registered with the European Clinical Trials Database. Twenty-seven patients (54 feet) with 108 affected nail folds were randomized and treated with chemical matricectomy with phenol. Each hallux was randomly assigned to one of two groups (60 vs. 30 s phenolization). Each patient and one investigator were blinded to the phenol application time in each foot. The outcome measurements were healing time, recurrence, pain, post-surgical bleeding, inflammation, and infection rate. Results: The 30 s application presents a shorter healing time (14.93 ± 2.81 days vs. 22.07 ± 3.16 days; p 0.05). Conclusions: The 30 s phenol application time offers a shorter healing time than 60 s without affecting the effectiveness of the procedure, showing the same rate of complications.Onychocryptosi

    Relationship of the Use of Short Footwear with the Development of Hallux Valgus in a Sample of Andalusian Schoolchildren

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    Background: Several studies have shown the relationship between poor footwear fit and the risk of feet deformities. The available evidence seems to show that the development of hallux valgus deformity in the feet of schoolchildren may be related to the use of shoes that are poorly fitting in length. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to analyze the relationship between poor footwear fit in length and risk of developing hallux valgus. Methods: Using an instrument that was designed and calibrated for this purpose, maximum foot length was obtained and compared to the inner length of the shoe in 187 schoolchildren. Hallux valgus angle (HVA) was measured on weight-bearing podogram image obtained from the longest foot in 188 schoolchildren. Results: By default, the footwear was poorly fitting in length (too short or close-fitting) in 38.5% of the schoolchildren, with boys having the worst footwear fit; though no significant differences stood out. (p = 0.276). Regarding the HVA, no significant differences were recorded according to age or gender (p = 0.573). A strong correlation was observed between too-short footwear and the increase in HVA in 10-year-old boys (r = 0.817; p = 0.025) and in 9-year-old girls (r = 0.705; p = 0.005). Conclusions: Inadequate footwear fit in length may be a predisposing extrinsic risk factor for the development of hallux valgus in schoolchildren of both sexes. Results of the present study demonstrate the need to adapt the sizes of footwear to the rapid increase in foot-length that occur at puberty to avoid the risk of developing hallux valgus, especially at the ages of onset pubertal foot growth

    Tratamiento quirúrgico del Tumor de Koënen: expresión podológica de la Esclerosis Tuberosa

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    The Koenen tumors are cutaneous manifestations of tuberous sclerosis, which is of systemic involvement and sometimes with location in the foot. The knowledge of this type of dermatological is very important for proper treatment and for this reason an interdisciplinary approach is essential for the accurate and early diagnosis. In the clinical history is important to make an assessment of family history, perform a scan of the skin and a neurological study. We report a case with symptoms consistent with the presence of tumor Koenen. The differential diagnosis is essential for planning treatment and get a good outcome and speedy recovery.Conclusions. Surgical treatment is proposed as a technique of choice despite the high rate of recurrence presents such treatment. Surgical resection of the lesion allows the pathological diagnosis.Los Tumores de Koënen son manifestaciones cutáneas de la Esclerosis Tuberosa, que es de afectación sistémica y en ocasiones con localización en el pie. El conocimiento de este tipo de afecciones dermatológicas es muy importante para un tratamiento correcto y por este motivo un enfoque interdisciplinario es esencial para que el diagnóstico sea preciso y precoz. En la Historia Clínica es importante realizar una valoración de los antecedentes familiares, realizar una exploración de la piel y un estudio neurológico. Se presenta un caso con clínica compatible con la presencia de Tumor de Koënen. El diagnostico diferencial es esencial para plantear el tratamiento y conseguir un buen pronóstico y pronta curación. Conclusiones. Se plantea el tratamiento quirúrgico como técnica de elección pese a la elevada tasa de recidivas que presenta dicho tratamiento. La resección quirúrgica de la lesión permite el diagnóstico anatomopatologico

    Estudio descriptivo de los pacientes asistidos en el servicio de Pie de Riesgo del Área Clínica de Podología de la Universidad de Sevilla

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    El Área Clínica de Podología de la Universidad de Sevilla cuenta entre sus servicios con la Unidad de Pie de Riesgo. Donde se presta atención podológica integral a pacientes con lesiones podológicas o riesgo de padecerlas por enfermedades sistémicas que comprometen especialmente las funciones neurológicas y vasculares del pie, en especial la Diabetes. En el año 2012 se atendieron en este servicio un total de 117 pacientes. Se realiza un estudio descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo de los principales datos registrados en las Historias clínicas de estos pacientes. Hay muchas variables que no están registradas en las Historias clínicas. Se propone la utilización de un registro especíi co para este servicio para intentar mejorar el grado de implementación de la Historia clínica.The Podiatry Clinic at the University of Seville among its services with risk foot unit. Where comprehensive podiatric care is provided to patients with podiatric injury or risk of suffering from systemic diseases especially involving neurological and vascular functions of the foot, especially diabetes. In 2012 this service was attended by a total of 117 patients. We performed a descriptive longitudinal retrospective study of the main data recorded in the medical records of these patients. There are many variables that are not recorded in medical records. We propose the use of a specii c register for this service to try to improve the level of implementation of the clinical history

    Influence of dental malocclusion on body posture and foot posture in children: a cross-sectional study

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    The number of studies that investigate the correlations between the temporomandibular system and body posture, postural control, or the distribution of plantar pressure has recently been increasing. However, most of the existing information is not conclusive. Therefore, the study objective was to evaluate if the features of dental malocclusion are correlated with body posture alterations at the lower limb level. This is a multicentre cross-sectional study with 289 children (8–14 years). Angle’s molar relation was analysed at the dental level. The postural control and the plantar pressure distribution were recorded via a force platform. Correlation and inferential analysis between the Angle class and the foot’s biomechanics were tested. The centre of gravity is anteriorised in Angle’s Class II in both the molar class (p ≤ 0.001) and the canine class (p ≤ 0.001). Likewise, a relationship was observed between the contact surface and Angle’s classes, being higher in class III than in II (p ≤ 0.001). The plantigrade phase is shortened in Angle’s Class III. A relationship was found between Angle’s Class II and a forward movement of the centre of gravity. No relationship was found between the Foot Posture Index and the truncated scaphoid height and the dental classification. An evident relationship between the gait typology and dental malocclusion was not found

    Dental Malocclusion and Its Relation to the Podal System

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    Background and Objective: This study analyzes the possibility that Stomatognathic and Postural systems are related by muscle chains. Malocclusion may influence the posture, contact between the foot and the ground, center of mass, footprint or vice-versa. This study aimed to verify whether there is a relationship between dental occlusion and podal system.Materials and Methods: A cross-cutting, descriptive study was carried out on 409 children (222 boys and 187 girls) between 8 and 14 years old. Dental occlusion was assessed on the sagittal plane (Angle's classification) the contact between the foot and the ground and the center of mass were evaluated using a stabilometric platform.Results: There was a statistically significant relationship between the plantigrade phase, the contact surface area and center of gravity. There was a prevalence of molar and canine Angle's class II malocclusion. In molar class II, an anterior center of gravity was predominant, in class I it was centered and in class III, it was posterior. There was significant correlation between malocclusions and the FPI (foot posture index) of the left foot and the height of the scaphoid in the right foot (P < 0.001).Conclusions: Some authors agree with our results. There is still much uncertainty in terms of showing a relationship between both systems. In addition, there is scarce scientific evidence on the topic. Some kind of relationship between the two systems has been proven. Studies that evaluate a group of subjects in a longitudinal manner are necessary to enable the changes taking place in both systems to be defined

    Evaluación de la percepción de la calidad asistencial en el área clínica podológica de la Universidad de Sevilla

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    Existen pocos estudios sobre Calidad Asistencial prestada en Clínicas Universitarias y menos en el ámbito de la Podología. El Área Clínica Podológica (ACP) de la Facultad de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología de la Universidad de Sevilla presta un servicio de salud podológica a Sevilla y provincia, fundamentalmente. El objetivo principal de nuestro trabajo es evaluar la percepción de la Calidad Asistencial y conocer el grado de satisfacción de los usuarios del ACP de la Universidad de Sevilla durante los años 2.010 y 2.011. Otros objetivos son el diseño de un cuestionario fiable y válido, analizando sus propiedades psicométricas, Conocer los ítems con valoraciones más negativas relacionados con la Calidad de los servicios podológicos, Conocer e identificar las características y los perfiles socio- demográficos de los usuarios de estos servicios de Podología, y dar a conocer y comunicar a todos los profesionales la opinión que los usuarios tiene de nosotros en este momento, en cuanto a la Calidad percibida, implicándolos en la cultura de mejora de Calidad continua y propiciando la motivación de los profesionales. Es un estudio descriptivo, observacional, transversal y retrospectivo. La muestra se compone de (N=379) 241 mujeres y 138 hombres, con edades entre 19 y 87 años, mayoritariamente, con estudios primarios, jubilados y residentes en Sevilla capital. Se ha utilizado un cuestionario adaptado con semejanzas de ítems del Servqual y del Servperf y fiable, válido y conciso, adecuado para su aplicación en este contexto. En el análisis factorial se detectan factores compuestos por ítems que responden a la intencionalidad de la investigación. Los cinco factores resultantes nos dan el 64,074% de la varianza total. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach es elevado de 0,910. Los resultados muestran que la puntuación en la totalidad

    The Treatment of Ingrown Nail: Chemical Matricectomy With Phenol Versus Aesthetic Reconstruction. A Single Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Background: In onychocryptosis surgery, incisional and non-incisional matricectomy is indicated according to the stage. The chemical matricectomy with 88% phenol solution is the gold standard and a wedge resection is indicated for more advanced stages. The aesthetic reconstruction has the advantages of the incisional procedure without eponychium incisions and an effectiveness similar to the chemical matricectomy with phenol. Objective: To compare the recurrence and the healing time between the chemical matricectomy with phenol and the aesthetic reconstruction. Methods: A comparative, prospective, parallel, randomized, and one-blinded clinical trial was registered with the European Clinical Trials Database (EudraCT) with identification number 2019-001294-80. Thrity-four patients (56 feet) with 112 onychocryptosis were randomized in two groups. Thirty-six were treated with chemical matricectomy with phenol and 76 with aesthetic reconstruction. Each patient was blind to the surgical procedure assigned by the investigator. The primary outcome measurements were healing time and recurrence. The secondary outcome measurements were post-surgical bleeding, pain, inflammation, and infection rate. Results: The aesthetic reconstruction procedure presents a shorter healing time (8.2 ± 1.4 days vs. 21.3 ± 3.1 days; p 0.05). Conclusions: The aesthetic reconstruction presents a shorter healing time, favoring the patients’ recuperation, with a recurrence similar to the chemical matricectomy with 88% phenol solution

    Impact of foot health behavior among ethnic minority populations: A cross-sectional population-based study

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    Objective To analyze the impact of the foot health and health behavior and the characteristics of outdoor footwear among minority ethnic groups. Design and measures A cross-sectional study design using the Foot Health Status Questionnaire: foot pain, foot function, shoe, general foot health, general health, physical activity, social capacity, and vigor. Outcomes included the self-reported type of outdoor footwear and clinical characteristics by sex were collected in 2019–2020. Sample A total of 78 Roma participants self-identified as members of this ethnic minority and 72 participants non-Roma were assessed (n = 150). Results The lower score values was recorded in the footwear and general foot health domains in Roma population. General population obtained higher scores in general health domains. The most common outdoor footwear types were running shoes and walking shoes in non-Roma population, versus flip flops and slippers in Roma population. Clinical characteristics did not show any statistically significant differences (p < .05). Conclusion Roma people wear flip flops and slippers and non-Roma people running shoes and walking shoes. These findings reveal cultural differences that make it easier for the Roma population to experience a greater burden of foot health problems. General foot health and foot pain dimensions show statistically significant differences among ethnicity