6 research outputs found

    A novel bimodal approach for treating atrophic bone non unions with extracorporeal shockwaves and autologous mesenchymal stem cell transplant

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    We propose a novel approach for the treatment of atrophic bone non-unions via parallel applications of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and an autologous mesenchymal stem cell transplant. The hypothesis resides on the potentiality of shock waves (SWs) to act as a tool for manipulating the patient's mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). In addition to the conventional physical stimulus achieved by delivering SWs at the site of non-union to stimulate the well-known trophic effects on bone tissue, a series of concomitant ESWT would be administered in tandem at a bone marrow donor site, such as the iliac crest, to precondition resident bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) in vivo, priming resident MSCs by enlarging and conditioning their population prior to bone marrow aspiration. The resulting sample could then be treated to further augment cell concentration and injected, under fluoroscopic control, into the non-union site through a percutaneous approach


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    En el aparato reproductor femenino se expresan diferentes conexinas (Cxs), proteínas que forman canales de uniones en hendidura (CUH) entre células en contacto, permitiendo la coordinación de respuestas metabólicas y/o eléctricas de grupos celulares. Los CUH jugarían un papel relevante en el desarrollo de las células de la granulosa, ya que permiten la comunicación heteróloga entre el ovocito y las células del cúmulo manteniendo la detención meiótica. En la trompa de Falopio, los CUH coordinarían el batido ciliar del epitelio y la contracción muscular, facilitando el desplazamiento de los gametos y del embrión. En el útero, los CUH conectan a las células miometriales y también a las endometriales. El aumento de CUH durante el preparto permitiría la contracción uterina coordinada facilitando el trabajo de parto al término del embarazo. La expresión de las Cxs es regulada por hormonas, lo que explicaría el perfil de CUH presentes en los diversos tipos celulares del tracto genital en diferentes estadios fisiológicos del sistema reproducto

    Coupling between Osseointegration and Mechanotransduction to Maintain Foreign Body Equilibrium in the Long-Term: A Comprehensive Overview

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    The permanent interaction between bone tissue and the immune system shows us the complex biology of the tissue in which we insert oral implants. At the same time, new knowledge in relation to the interaction of materials and the host, reveals to us the true nature of osseointegration. So, to achieve clinical success or perhaps most importantly, to understand why we sometimes fail, the study of oral implantology should consider the following advice equally important: a correct clinical protocol, the study of the immunomodulatory capacity of the device and the osteoimmunobiology of the host. Although osseointegration may seem adequate from the clinical point of view, a deeper vision shows us that a Foreign Body Equilibrium could be susceptible to environmental conditions. This is why maintaining this cellular balance should become our therapeutic target and, more specifically, the understanding of the main cell involved, the macrophage. The advent of new information, the development of new implant surfaces and the introduction of new therapeutic proposals such as therapeutic mechanotransduction, will allow us to maintain a healthy host-implant relationship long-term


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    Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 16 años con un tumor de células de Sertoli y Leydig del ovario en etapa I tratado con cirugía exclusiva. Además, se realiza una revisión de la literatura sobre este tipo de tumo