34 research outputs found

    Heavy Metals Contents in the Edible Parts of Some Vegetables Grown in Candi Kuning, Bali and Their Predicted Pollution in the Cultivated Soil

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    Vegetables are important for human diet due to their contents including mineral, vitamin, carbohydrate, protein and fibers, but they often associate with poison such as heavy metals derived from lands where the vegetables are grown. This brings us to investigate the contents of some heavy metals, namely Pb, Cu, Cr, and Zn, in edible parts of 10 species vegetables cultivated in Candi Kuning, Bali and to predict the level of pollution in the cultivated soils. Wet digestion method was involved to prepare the samples before determination of the metals using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). The concentrations of heavy metals in the edible parts of the vegetables were found vary depended on the species and types of the edible parts. The heavy metals contained in edible parts of the ten species of vegetables were approximately in the range of 11.11 to 374.55 mg/kg for Pb; 4.34 to 150.15 mg/kg for Cu; ND (not detectable) to152.82 mg/kg for Cr; and 5.12 to 90.69 mg/kg for Zn. Most of those levels are higher than the permissible-maximum limit regulated by FAO/WHO. Therefore, the agricultural soils in Candi Kuning which is one of the vegetable production centers in Bedugul area of Bali for cultivation of the vegetables could be predicted that were generally polluted by the metals. Lead and chromium were the metals that cause high level of pollution, while copper and zinc were less polluted in the soil. Keywords: heavy metals, vegetables, agricultural soils, pollutio


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    Hyperuricemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease causes endothelial dysfunction by increasing oxidative stress and inflammation. Extracts of betel leaf (Piper betle L.) contain bioactivity as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and XO inhibitor. The aim of the research is to determine the betel leaf extracts can prevent endothelial dysfunction caused by hyperuricemia by lowering uric acid levels and the expression of ICAM-1 endothelial aorta. The experimental research was conducted by the design of The Post Test Only Randomized Control Group Dsign, performed on untreated animals and rats fed with oxonic potassium (hyperuricemia), and compared to hyperuricemic rats treated with either betel leaf extract or allopurinol. After the experiment, the blood uric acid levels and the expression of aortic endothelial ICAM-1 were determined. The research results showed that the betel leaf extract lowered significantly (p &lt;0.05) the blood uric acid levels and the expression of ICAM-1, rat aortic endothelial hyperuricemia. There is a positive correlation between the levels of uric acid with the expression of aortic endothelial ICAM-1 (p &lt;0.05). It can be concluded that the betel leaf extracts can prevent endothelial dysfunction caused by hyperuricemia by lowering the uric acid levels and the expression of ICAM-1 aortic endothelial.</p

    Soil Organic Carbon, Labile Carbon and Organic Carbon Storage under Organic and Conventional Systems of Chinese Cabbage in Baturiti, Bali Indonesia

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    Soil organic carbon storage (SOCS) is one of indicator for soil quality.  It requires several years to be able to detect the SOCS and the impact on crop yields.  A research was conducted to study soil organic carbon (SOC), labile carbon (SLC), SOCS and the yields of Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.) under organic and conventional farming systems.  The location was at the area of vegetable farming in Baturiti village, Tabanan regency, Bali province, Indonesia, between 08032’93”SL and 115017’64”EL, 975 m above sea level. Soil samples were taken from the land of organic system after one, three and five years of application, and from the conventional system accordingly in the neighboring area.  Variables of SOC, SLC, SOCS, total nitrogen, soil respiration and bulk density were measured.  The yields of Chinese cabbage were obtained from the last five years of farmer records. Results of this study indicated that SOC, SLC, SOCS, total nitrogen and soil respiration, but not soil bulk density, were significantly (P&lt;0.05) higher under organic than under its conventional counterpart after five years application of organic system. The SOCS increased 3.37 Mg C ha-1 annualy under organic compared to that under conventional system. The SOC, SLC and soil microbial respiration significantly 68.6%, 49.01% and 38.5% higher respectively under organic farming system after five years, but soil nitrogen did not increase. The organic system was highly correlated (r= 0.836**, r=0.846**) with levels of SOC and SLC respectively. During the first three years the yield of Chinese cabbage was lower under organic but after five years the yields (25.78 t ha-1) was not significantly different from that in conventional system. This explains that significant yield increases in organic farming system could only be expected after five years of application. Keywords: Soil organic carbon, soil organic carbon storage, labile carbon, organic farming system, conventional farming system, Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.)

    Utilization of Rhizosphere Earthworm Extracts to Support the Immune System

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    Periodontitis is an inflammatory condition caused by periodontal bacteria that are recognized by Toll-like receptors on neutrophils, macrophages, and other immune cells. As a result of this interaction, immune cells produce inflammatory molecules like cytokines and chemokines. In addition to the pathogenic effects of periodontitis, dysregulation of neutrophil activity can occur. The neutrophil acts as a double-edged sword in periodontitis, mobilizing defence mediators and tissue repair mechanisms while also causing further tissue damage. The goal of this study was to determine how Lumbricus luberus worm extract (EEW) affected the number of neutrophil cells in rats with periodontitis. A post-test design was used. Five Wistar rats, each infected with P. gingivalis, were divided into groups: a control group (no earthworm extract), an oral EEW (200 mg/kg/body weight) group, and a topical EEW gel group (20%). The number of neutrophil cells was measured on days 3, 7, 14, and 21. The study was carried out at the Udayana University Analytical Laboratory and the Veterinary Medicine Laboratory. The differences between control, oral, and topical Lumbricus rubellus extract administration on days 3 and 7 were significant (p &lt; 0.05). On days 14 and 21, there was a significant difference (p &lt; 0.05) between the control vs. oral administration groups and between the control vs. earthworm extract gel groups. However, on days 14 and 21, there was no significant difference between the oral administration and L. rubellus gel extract groups (p &gt; 0.05). The number of neutrophils was significantly lower following the oral administration of L. rubellus earthworm extracts. Keywords: Wistar periodontitis rats, Lumbricus rubellus earthworm extract, neutrophi

    Penerapan Metode Extreme Programming pada Rancang Bangun Sistem Analisis Sentimen Portal Berita

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    Berita dalam bentuk portal online di era globalisasi menjadi suatu wadah yang dapat digunakan oleh setiap individu untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang seorang individu ataupun organisasi, yang didalamnya terdapat penyampaian nilai emosional pribadi, baik itu bersifat negatif, netral, ataupun positif (atau lebih dikenal dengan sentimen). Keberadaan berita tersebut menciptakan suatu peluang untuk pengembangan sistem analisis sentimen terdapat informasi yang telah disampaikan dalam portal berita. Sistem analisis sentimen tersebut dapat dikembangan dengan dengan berbagai teknik dan layanan, salah satunya adalah dengan mengintegrasikan antara sistem dan layanan Google NLP, yang telah memiliki service untuk menentukan score sentimen dari setiap kalimat yang diberikan, serta penerapan teknik web scrapping sebagai metode untuk pengambilan data. Sistem dikembangan dengan framework Laravel dengan metode pengembangan Extreme Programming yang mendukung pengembangan sistem dalam waktu singkat. Pemilihan website sebagai base sistem dengan tujuan agar sistem bisa diakses dari berbagai device baik itu mobile maupun desktop. Keberadaan sistem analisis sentimen bisa dijadikan sebagai alternatif solusi bagi individu dan organisasi untuk melakukan analisis sentimen, sehingga mampu membantu dalam proses pengambilan keputusan maupun evaluasi kinerja.   Abstract News of online portals in the era of globalization has become a forum can be used by every individual to convey information about individual or organization, in which there’s the delivery of personal emotional value, negative, neutral or positive (or better known as sentiment). The existence of news creates an opportunity for development of a sentiment analysis system based on information that has been submitted in the news portal. The sentiment analysis system can be developed using various techniques and services, one of which’s by integrating the Google NLP system and service, which already has a service to determine the sentiment score of each given sentence, as well as the application of a web scrapping techniques as a method for data collection. The system was developed using the Laravel framework with the Extreme Programming development method which supports system development in short time. Selection of the website as the base system with aim that can be accessed from various devices, both mobile and desktop. The existence of a sentiment analysis system can be used as an alternative solution for individuals and organizations to carry out sentiment analysis, so that it can assist in the decision-making a process and performance evaluation

    The Effect of Follicular-fluid Exposure of Endometriosis Cyst Patients toward the Levels of Bcl-2 and Cytochrome-C in Mice Oocyte

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    BACKGROUND: Endometriosis cysts adversely affect a woman’s quality of life, which causes pain and reduces fertility. The World Health Organization found that the incidence of endometriosis with infertility clinical manifestations is around 10%. AIM: The purpose of this study is to determine the presence of mice oocytes mitochondrial apoptosis exposed with endometriosis cysts follicular fluid through Bcl-2 and cytochrome C analysis. METHODS: This study was a randomized post-test only control group design conducted at Sanglah Hospital, Bali Royal Hospital in Denpasar, and the Medical Faculty Udayana University from June 2018 to April 2019. A total of 120 mice oocytes were distributed randomly into three groups, i.e., treatment Groups 1 and 2 that added by 15% endometriosis cysts follicular fluid and control group. Bcl-2 and Cytochrome C analyzed with ELISA Technique. Comparability was tested with one-way ANOVA with a significance level of p &lt; 0.05. RESULTS: Eighteen mice oocyte replicates were normally distributed and homogeneous. The Bcl-2 levels in the treatment Groups 1, and 2 and control were 627.83 ± 146.42, 634.50 ± 140.62, and 678.83 ± 152.71, respectively; p = 0.838 (not significantly different). Cytochrome C levels in the treatment Groups 1, and 2, and control, respectively, were 3147.75 ± 228.50, 3104.45 ± 211.29, and 2738.28 ± 227.45; p = 0.021 (significantly different). CONCLUSION: The effect of endometriosis cysts follicular fluid exposure on mitochondrial apoptosis is proven through Cytochrome C, whereas Bcl-2 is not proven


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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop an experimental model of induction of periodontal disease in Wistar rats, using a combination of bacterial induction and binding of silk ligature with respect to pocket periodontal depth. Methods: Experiments with a pre-posttest group design was applied. Five adult male Wistar rats from the Udayana University's Analytical Laboratory were included in the study. Measuring pocket depth in experimental animals using dental probes was previously administered. Then performed the installation of silk ligature and bacterial induction Porphyromonas gingivalis, on the mandibular anterior teeth. Release of silk ligature on day 7, without the action of debridement of plaque or calculus on rat tooth. Observation of the development of the testing animals on the 3d, 7d, and 11d. On the 11d, re-measurement of pocket depth was conducted. Results: Periodontal tissue abnormalities with silk ligature placement and bacterial infiltration Porphyromonas gingivalis cause periodontal inflammation with periodontal pocket formation, with a mean depth of 3.32 mm, which was analyzed using Wilcoxon p&lt;0.05. Conclusion: In this study combining bacterial induction and the installation of silk ligature can shorten the induction of periodontal tissue disease characterized by the formation of pocket periodontal


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