47 research outputs found

    Contamination of interdental brushes by periodontopathogens

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    Experimental studies have shown that intraoral transmission of bacteria can occur. Of course, the question arises as to how this transmission may happen. In this study, the contamination of interdental brushes by periodontopathogens is examined and compared to the microbial load of the periodontal pockets. In ten untreated chronic periodontitis patients, four interdental sites were professionally brushed with one interdental brush per patient. Subsequently, samples from the depths of the pockets (of the specific interdental sites) were obtained with paper-points. The interdental brush samples and the samples of the subgingival plaque, obtained by the pooled paper-points, were processed for dark-field microscopy examination as well as anaerobic culturing. The results showed that, although significant differences could be found between the brushes and paper-points with direct microscopy, the culturing did not uncover many differences. On the contrary, the detection frequencies of specific bacterial species were almost the same between the two. The total anaerobic colony-forming units (CFU), P. gingivalis, F. nucleatum, and E. corrodens found on the brushes showed a significant correlation with the subgingival plaque samples (P<0.005). These results suggest that, in untreated situations, interdental brushes are contaminated relatively easily by putative periodontopathogens in numbers comparable to their presence in periodontal pockets. This contamination could be a factor in the intraoral spread of bacteria

    Sonochemical degradation of trimethoprim in water matrices: Effect of operating conditions, identification of transformation products and toxicity assessment

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    The sonochemical degradation of trimethoprim (TMP), a widely used antibiotic, in various water matrices was investigated. The effect of several parameters, such as initial TMP concentration (0.5–3 mg/L), actual power density (20–60 W/L), initial solution pH (3–10), inorganic ions, humic acid and water matrix on degradation kinetics was examined. The pseudo-first order degradation rate of TMP was found to increase with increasing power density and decreasing pH, water complexity (ultrapure water > bottled water > secondary wastewater) and initial TMP concentration. TMP degradation is accompanied by the formation of several transformation products (TPs) as evidenced by LC-QToF-MS analysis. Nine such TPs were successfully identified and their time-trend profiles during degradation were followed. An in silico toxicity evaluation was performed showing that several TPs could potentially be more toxic than the parent compound towards Daphnia magna, Pimephales promelas and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. © 2020 Elsevier B.V

    Sorption of two common antihypertensive drugs onto polystyrene microplastics in water matrices

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    Recent studies have shown the widespread occurrence of microplastics in multiple environmental compartments. When discharged into the aquatic environment, microplastics interact with other chemicals acting as vectors of organic and inorganic micropollutants. In the present study, we examined the sorption of two commonly used antihypertensive drugs, valsartan (VAL) and losartan (LOS), onto polystyrene (PS) microplastics and we studied the effects of water matrix, solution's pH, salinity, and microplastics' aging on their sorption. According to the results, the sorption of VAL and LOS onto PS is a slow process that reaches equilibrium after 12 days. The sorption of both target micropollutants was pH-dependent and significantly decreased under alkaline conditions. The removal of VAL was enhanced in the presence of 100 mM of Ca2+ while no statistical significant effects were observed when Na+ was added. The increase of salinity either did not affect or decreased the removal of LOS. Lower sorption of both drugs was observed when aged PS was used despite that the specific surface area for aged PS was 39% higher than pristine. Calculation of the sorption distribution coefficient (Kd) for different water matrices showed that the increase of matrix complexity inhibited target compounds' removal and the sorption rate decreased from bottled water > river water ≈ treated wastewater for the two compounds. For VAL, the Kd values ranged between 795 ± 63 L/kg (bottled water) and 384 ± 88 L/kg (river water), while for LOS between 4453 ± 417 L/kg (bottled water) and 3078 ± 716 L/kg (treated wastewater). Both VAL and LOS sorption onto PS microplastics can be described by hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. The current results indicate that PS particles could affect the transportation of antihypertensive drugs in the aquatic environment causing potential adverse effects on the environment and public health. © 2022 Elsevier B.V

    Immunological and molecular detection of human immunodeficiency virus in saliva, and comparison with blood testing

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    In order to test the detection feasibility of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in saliva, a three-method blind screening analysis was conducted. Sixty-eight individuals were studied, comprising 34 HIV carriers and 34 noncarriers (controls) of matched gender and age. An oral examination preceded saliva and blood sampling of studied individuals. All samples were tested blind for HIV by using two immunological methods [Oraquick-compatible enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a fluorescent immunoenzymatic method (ELFA)], confirmed by western blotting, and a simple molecular method (polymerase chain reaction amplification of a relatively constant viral DNA region), confirmed by DNA hydridization. Compared with the controls, about twice as many HIV carriers had oral health problems, including periodontal disease. ELFA resulted in 33/34 positives and 34/34 negatives in saliva, while it detected 34/34 positives and 34/34 negatives in blood. ELISA performed even better, with correct assignment of all positives and negatives in both saliva and blood. The PCR method, at three annealing temperatures, surprisingly detected all positive samples, while it gave no false-positive result. In conclusion, the detection of anti-HIV in saliva may achieve accuracy of 97.1-100%, comparable with that in blood. Furthermore, this study suggests that a highly accurate molecular method of HIV detection may be feasible, although the studied carriers had rather homogeneous characteristics. © 2006 The Authors

    Removal of drug losartan in environmental aquatic matrices by heat-activated persulfate: Kinetics, transformation products and synergistic effects

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    In this study, the oxidative degradation of losartan (LOS), a widely administered medicine for high blood pressure by heat-activated persulfate was investigated. Increased temperature and persulfate concentration, as well as acidic conditions enhance the degradation efficiency of LOS, whose rate follows pseudo-first order kinetics. From the respective apparent rate constants in the range 40–60 °C, an apparent activation energy of 112.70 kJ/mol was computed. Radical scavenging tests demonstrated that both HO• and SO4•− contribute towards LOS degradation. LOS degradation was suppressed in real water matrices including bottled water (BW) and secondary wastewater effluent (WW), while other experiments indicated that the presence of bicarbonates and humic acid negatively affected its oxidation. Instead, the addition of chloride ions at 250 mg/L resulted in a positive effect on LOS removal. The combination of heat-activated PS with low-frequency ultrasound exhibited a synergistic effect, with the ratio S being 2.29 in BW and 1.52 in WW. Five transformation products of LOS were identified through HRMS suspect and non-target screening approaches, among which two are reported for the first time. Using the in-house risk assessment program, ToxTrAMs was revealed that most of the identified TPs present higher toxicity than LOS against Daphnia magna. © 202