822 research outputs found

    Witnessing the Growth of the Nearest Galaxy Cluster: Thermodynamics of the Virgo Cluster Outskirts

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    We present results from Suzaku Key Project observations of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest galaxy cluster to us, mapping its X-ray properties along four long `arms' extending beyond the virial radius. The entropy profiles along all four azimuths increase with radius, then level out beyond 0.5r2000.5r_{200}, while the average pressure at large radii exceeds Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements. These results can be explained by enhanced gas density fluctuations (clumping) in the cluster's outskirts. Using a standard Navarro, Frenk and White (1997) model, we estimate a virial mass, radius, and concentration parameter of M200=1.05±0.02×1014M_{200}=1.05\pm0.02\times10^{14} M⊙_\odot, r200=974.1±5.7r_{200}=974.1\pm5.7 kpc, and c=8.8±0.2c = 8.8 \pm0.2, respectively. The inferred cumulative baryon fraction exceeds the cosmic mean at r∼r200r\sim r_{200} along the major axis, suggesting enhanced gas clumping possibly sourced by a candidate large-scale structure filament along the north-south direction. The Suzaku data reveal a large-scale sloshing pattern, with two new cold fronts detected at radii of 233 kpc and 280 kpc along the western and southern arms, respectively. Two high-temperature regions are also identified 1 Mpc towards the south and 605 kpc towards the west of M87, likely representing shocks associated with the ongoing cluster growth. Although systematic uncertainties in measuring the metallicity for low temperature plasma remain, the data at large radii appear consistent with a uniform metal distribution on scales of ∼90×180\sim 90\times180 kpc and larger, providing additional support for the early chemical enrichment scenario driven by galactic winds at redshifts of 2-3.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    A uniform metallicity in the outskirts of massive, nearby galaxy clusters

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    Suzaku measurements of a homogeneous metal distribution of Z∼0.3Z\sim0.3 Solar in the outskirts of the nearby Perseus cluster suggest that chemical elements were deposited and mixed into the intergalactic medium before clusters formed, likely over 10 billion years ago. A key prediction of this early enrichment scenario is that the intracluster medium in all massive clusters should be uniformly enriched to a similar level. Here, we confirm this prediction by determining the iron abundances in the outskirts (r>0.25r200r>0.25r_{200}) of a sample of ten other nearby galaxy clusters observed with Suzaku for which robust measurements based on the Fe-K lines can be made. Across our sample the iron abundances are consistent with a constant value, ZFe=0.316±0.012Z_{\rm Fe}=0.316\pm0.012 Solar (χ2=28.85\chi^2=28.85 for 25 degrees of freedom). This is remarkably similar to the measurements for the Perseus cluster of ZFe=0.314±0.012Z_{\rm Fe}=0.314\pm0.012 Solar, using the Solar abundance scale of Asplund et al. (2009).Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Combining cluster observables and stacked weak lensing to probe dark energy: Self-calibration of systematic uncertainties

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    We develop a new method of combining cluster observables (number counts and cluster-cluster correlation functions) and stacked weak lensing signals of background galaxy shapes, both of which are available in a wide-field optical imaging survey. Assuming that the clusters have secure redshift estimates, we show that the joint experiment enables a self-calibration of important systematic errors including the source redshift uncertainty and the cluster mass-observable relation, by adopting a single population of background source galaxies for the lensing analysis. It allows us to use the relative strengths of stacked lensing signals at different cluster redshifts for calibrating the source redshift uncertainty, which in turn leads to accurate measurements of the mean cluster mass in each bin. In addition, our formulation of stacked lensing signals in Fourier space simplifies the Fisher matrix calculations, as well as the marginalization over the cluster off-centering effect, the most significant uncertainty in stacked lensing. We show that upcoming wide-field surveys yield stringent constraints on cosmological parameters including dark energy parameters, without any priors on nuisance parameters that model systematic uncertainties. Specifically, the stacked lensing information improves the dark energy FoM by a factor of 4, compared to that from the cluster observables alone. The primordial non-Gaussianity parameter can also be constrained with a level of f_NL~10. In this method, the mean source redshift is well calibrated to an accuracy of 0.1 in redshift, and the mean cluster mass in each bin to 5-10% accuracies, which demonstrates the success of the self-calibration of systematic uncertainties from the joint experiment. (Abridged)Comment: 29 pages, 17 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmological Parameters from Observations of Galaxy Clusters

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    Studies of galaxy clusters have proved crucial in helping to establish the standard model of cosmology, with a universe dominated by dark matter and dark energy. A theoretical basis that describes clusters as massive, multi-component, quasi-equilibrium systems is growing in its capability to interpret multi-wavelength observations of expanding scope and sensitivity. We review current cosmological results, including contributions to fundamental physics, obtained from observations of galaxy clusters. These results are consistent with and complementary to those from other methods. We highlight several areas of opportunity for the next few years, and emphasize the need for accurate modeling of survey selection and sources of systematic error. Capitalizing on these opportunities will require a multi-wavelength approach and the application of rigorous statistical frameworks, utilizing the combined strengths of observers, simulators and theorists.Comment: 53 pages, 21 figures. To appear in Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysic

    X-ray bright active galactic nuclei in massive galaxy clusters III: New insights into the triggering mechanisms of cluster AGN

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    We present the results of a new analysis of the X-ray selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) population in the vicinity of 135 of the most massive galaxy clusters in the redshift range of 0.2 < z < 0.9 observed with Chandra. With a sample of more than 11,000 X-ray point sources, we are able to measure, for the first time, evidence for evolution in the cluster AGN population beyond the expected evolution of field AGN. Our analysis shows that overall number density of cluster AGN scales with the cluster mass as ∼M500−1.2\sim M_{500}^{-1.2}. There is no evidence for the overall number density of cluster member X-ray AGN depending on the cluster redshift in a manner different than field AGN, nor there is any evidence that the spatial distribution of cluster AGN (given in units of the cluster overdensity radius r_500) strongly depends on the cluster mass or redshift. The M−1.2±0.7M^{-1.2 \pm 0.7} scaling relation we measure is consistent with theoretical predictions of the galaxy merger rate in clusters, which is expected to scale with the cluster velocity dispersion, σ\sigma, as ∼σ−3 \sim \sigma^{-3} or ∼M−1\sim M^{-1}. This consistency suggests that AGN in clusters may be predominantly triggered by galaxy mergers, a result that is further corroborated by visual inspection of Hubble images for 23 spectroscopically confirmed cluster member AGN in our sample. A merger-driven scenario for the triggering of X-ray AGN is not strongly favored by studies of field galaxies, however, suggesting that different mechanisms may be primarily responsible for the triggering of cluster and field X-ray AGN.Comment: 21 Pages, 8 figures, 5 tables. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcome, and please request Steven Ehlert for higher resolution figure

    Baryons in the outskirts of the X-ray brightest galaxy cluster

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    Studies of the diffuse X-ray emitting gas in galaxy clusters have provided powerful constraints on cosmological parameters and insights into plasma astrophysics. However, measurements of the faint cluster outskirts have become possible only over the last few years. Here, we present results from Suzaku observations of the Perseus Cluster, which provide our best measurements of the thermodynamic properties of the ICM at large radii to date. In particular, we focus on the details of the data analysis procedure and discuss the evidence for a clumpy distribution of the gas in the outskirts, which is important for understanding the physics of the ongoing growth of clusters from the surrounding cosmic web.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the conference "Suzaku 2011 Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond" which will be published as e-book by AI

    X-ray Bright Active Galactic Nuclei in Massive Galaxy Clusters II: The Fraction of Galaxies Hosting Active Nuclei

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    We present a measurement of the fraction of cluster galaxies hosting X-ray bright Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) as a function of clustercentric distance scaled in units of r500r_{500}. Our analysis employs high quality Chandra X-ray and Subaru optical imaging for 42 massive X-ray selected galaxy cluster fields spanning the redshift range of 0.2<z<0.70.2 < z < 0.7. In total, our study involves 176 AGN with bright (R<23R <23) optical counterparts above a 0.5−8.00.5-8.0 keV flux limit of 10−14erg cm−2 s−110^{-14} \rm{erg} \ \rm{cm}^{-2} \ \rm{s}^{-1}. When excluding central dominant galaxies from the calculation, we measure a cluster-galaxy AGN fraction in the central regions of the clusters that is ∼3\sim 3 times lower that the field value. This fraction increases with clustercentric distance before becoming consistent with the field at ∼2.5r500\sim 2.5 r_{500}. Our data exhibit similar radial trends to those observed for star formation and optically selected AGN in cluster member galaxies, both of which are also suppressed near cluster centers to a comparable extent. These results strongly support the idea that X-ray AGN activity and strong star formation are linked through their common dependence on available reservoirs of cold gas.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, please contact Steven Ehlert ([email protected]) with any querie

    Thermodynamic Profiles of Galaxy Clusters from a Joint X-ray/SZ Analysis

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    We jointly analyze Bolocam Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect and Chandra X-ray data for a set of 45 clusters to derive gas density and temperature profiles without using spectroscopic information. The sample spans the mass and redshift range 3×1014M⊙≤M500≤25×1014M⊙3 \times 10^{14} M_{\odot} \le M_{500} \le 25 \times 10^{14} M_{\odot} and 0.15≤z≤0.890.15\le z \le 0.89. We define cool-core (CC) and non-cool core (NCC) subsamples based on the central X-ray luminosity, and 17/45 clusters are classified as CC. In general, the profiles derived from our analysis are found to be in good agreement with previous analyses, and profile constraints beyond r500r_{500} are obtained for 34/45 clusters. In approximately 30% of the CC clusters our analysis shows a central temperature drop with a statistical significance of >3σ>3\sigma; this modest detection fraction is due mainly to a combination of coarse angular resolution and modest S/N in the SZ data. Most clusters are consistent with an isothermal profile at the largest radii near r500r_{500}, although 9/45 show a significant temperature decrease with increasing radius. The sample mean density profile is in good agreement with previous studies, and shows a minimum intrinsic scatter of approximately 10% near 0.5×r5000.5 \times r_{500}. The sample mean temperature profile is consistent with isothermal, and has an intrinsic scatter of approximately 50% independent of radius. This scatter is significantly higher compared to earlier X-ray-only studies, which find intrinsic scatters near 10%, likely due to a combination of unaccounted for non-idealities in the SZ noise, projection effects, and sample selection.Comment: 42 pages, 52 figure
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