6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sinbiotik Pada Anak Dengan Diare Akut Di Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : Diarrhea is one of the most frequent diseases of the babies and children in the world. many efforts were made to improve the absorption function of the small intestine, one of the providing of a combination of probiotics (live microorganisms) and prebiotics (substrate), which is known as synbiotic, synbiotic in vivo studies are still very few, especially its handling of non-infectious acute diarrhea is still not yet. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of synbiotic for acute diarrhea in children. This is an a randomized clinical trial double blind in 40 children aged 1-14 years in department of Pediatric, Prof. dr. R. D. Kandou Manado General Hospital. Subjects were randomly allocated into 2 groups, synbiotic and control group. Based on a sample of 40 children study. More men (62.5%) than women (37.5%). Age group 1-5 years is the largest age group with 22 patients. There were no significant differences between treatment groups (sinbiotik) 2.9 days (SB 0.64) and controls 3.2 days (SB 0.61) p = 0.138. conclusion is There is no effect of synbiotic in shortening long of acute diarrhea in children who were treated in the department of Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado general hospital

    Pengaruh Pemberian Probiotik Dan Sinbiotik Pada Anak Dengan Diare Akut Di Rsup Prof. Dr.r.d Kandou Manado

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    : Acute diarrhea is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children in developing countries. Probiotics and synbiotic can improve intra-intestinal ecology that is effective for preventing and treating acute diarrhea. Several studies have proven the benefits of probiotics and synbiotic as adjunctive therapy in acute diarrhea. However, research on the comparative effectiveness between probiotics and synbiotik limited. The purpose of this study to determine differences in the duration and frequency of diarrhea after being given the probiotic and synbiotic in children with acute diarrhea. Type of research is a randomized controlled clinical trial, double blind in 40 children aged 1-14 years in the department of Prof.dr.RD Kandou Manado were divided into groups of probiotics and synbiotic. The results of this research, more men (52%) than women (48%). Age group 0-1 years are the age group most the 18 patients. There was no significant difference between the duration of diarrhea was 2.6 days probiotic group (SD 0.48) and sinbiotik 2.9 days (SD 0.64) p = 0.211. No difference between probiotics and synbiotic frequency (p> 0.05 ). Conclusions in this study showed no difference between probiotics and synbiotic effect in shortening the duration and frequency of acute diarrhea in childre

    Pengetahuan Ibu Mengenai Manfaat Asi Pada Bayi

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    .Breast milk is the best food for the baby when he/she was born. Many researches prove that breast milk is the best and primary food for the baby because in the breast milk contain an antibody that the baby need to resist any kind of disease. The excellence of breast milk has been prove, however the tendency of the mother not to give an exclusive breast milk to their baby is bigger. It is influenced by some factors, such as occupation, age, and education.This studyisto know the relation between the knowledge of the mother about usefulness of the breast milk for the baby with exclusive breast milk. Type of study is a descriptive cross sectional with field survey method.There are 80 mothers that be the research subject. The result is 12 mothers has a good knowledge, 39 mothers the knowledge is enough, and 29 mothers has a less knowledge. There are 41 mothers that give an exclusive breast milk and 39 mothers that don't, there is a meaningful relation with chi - square test (p=0.016).Conclusion: Where is the higher the knowledge of the mother about the usefulness of breast milk for the baby, the higher breastfeeding is success

    Profil Diare Berdarah Di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Blu.rsup. Prof.dr.r.d. Kandou Manado Periode 2008-2011

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    : Bloody diarrhea is a dangerous condition which is a common problem in children. In this kind of diarrhea, there is blood in liquid stools. Most bacterial infections are responsible for most cases of bloody diarrhea. This study is a descriptive - retrospective study. This study aimed to determine the profile of bloody diarrhea in Pediatrics Department at Prof Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital from 2008 through 2011. The results showed that microbial infection was the most frequent cause of bloody diarrhea (78.7%), followed by mixed infection of microbes and intestinal worms, or fungi (14.7%), and intestinal worms (6.6%). Conclusion: Microbial infection was the most frequent cause of bloody diarrhea in Pediatrics Department at Prof Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital Manado from 2008 through 2011

    Hubungan Jumlah Trombosit Dan Jumlah Leukosit Pada Pasien Anak Demam Berdarah Dengue

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    : Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is an acute fever disease with high mortality and morbidity in many regions of the world. Leucopenia and thrombocytopenia are two of several laboratory findings that could be found in the course of DHF. This was an analytical retrospective study with a cross sectional design. Samples were patients diagnosed with DHF in Prof. Dr. R.D Kandou General Hospital Manado during the period of 2012. The inclusion criteria were patients <15 years, were diagnosed as DHF according to WHO 1997 criteria, and were examined for platelet and white blood cell count. This study used the medical record data which were analyzed statistically by using the Pearson's correlation test. There were 137 children with DHF during the period of 2012. Samples were 56 children that fulfiled the inclusion criteria. The Pearson correlation test showed a P value 0.801 and correlation coefficient r = -0.034 that indicated that there was a negative correlation which was not significant. Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between the number of thrombocytes and leukocytes in children with dengue hemorrhagic fever