752 research outputs found

    Phase control of La2CuO4 in thin-film synthesis

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    The lanthanum copper oxide, La2CuO4, which is an end member of the prototype high-Tc superconductors (La,Sr)2CuO4 and (La,Ba)2CuO4, crystallizes in the "K2NiF4" structure in high-temperature bulk synthesis. The crystal chemistry, however, predicts that La2CuO4 is at the borderline of the K2NiF4 stability and that it can crystallize in the Nd2CuO4 structure at low synthesis temperatures. In this article we demonstrate that low-temperature thin-film synthesis actually crystallizes La2CuO4 in the Nd2CuO4 structure. We also show that the phase control of "K2NiF4"-type La2CuO4 versus "Nd2CuO4"-type La2CuO4 can be achieved by varying the synthesis temperature and using different substrates.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRB, revte

    Phase Relations in the Li2O-V2O3-V2O5 System at 700 C: Correlations with Magnetic Defect Concentration in Heavy Fermion LiV2O4

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    The phase relations in the Li2O-V2O3-V2O5 ternary system at 700 C for compositions in equilibrium with LiV2O4 are reported. This study clarified the synthesis conditions under which low and high magnetic defect concentrations can be obtained within the spinel structure of LiV2O4. We confirmed that the LiV2O4 phase can be obtained containing low (0.006 mol%) to high (0.83 mol%) magnetic defect concentrations n{defect} and with consistently high magnetic defect spin S values between 3 and 6.5. The high n{defect} values were obtained in the LiV2O4 phase in equilibrium with V2O3, Li3VO4, or LiVO2 and the low values in the LiV2O4 phase in equilibrium with V3O5. A model is suggested to explain this correlation.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures; Phys. Rev. B (accepted

    Single-crystal growth and magnetic properties of the metallic molybdate pyrochlore Sm2Mo2O7

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    We have successfully grown cm3-size single crystals of the metallic-ferromagnet Sm2Mo2O7 by the floating-zone method using an infrared-red image furnace. The growth difficulties and the remedies found using a 2-mirror image furnace are discussed. Magnetization studies along the three crystalline axes of the compound are presented and discussed based on our recent proposal of an ordered spin-ice ground state for this compoun

    Revised superconducting phase diagram of hole doped Nax_{x}(H3_{3}O)z_{z}CoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_{2}O

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    We have studied the superconducting phase diagram of \NaH\space as a function of electronic doping, characterizing our samples both in terms of Na content xx and the Co valence state. Our findings are consistent with a recent report that intercalation of \oxp\space ions into Nax_{x}CoO2_{2}, together with water, act as an additional dopant indicating that Na sub-stochiometry alone does not control the electronic doping of these materials. We find a superconducting phase diagram where optimal \Tc\space is achieved through a Co valence range of 3.24 - 3.35, while \Tc\space decreases for materials with a higher Co valence. The critical role of dimensionality in achieving superconductivity is highlighted by similarly doped non-superconducting anhydrous samples, differing from the superconducting hydrate only in inter-layer spacing. The increase of the interlayer separation between CoO2_{2} sheets as Co valence is varied into the optimal \Tc\space region is further evidence for this criticality.Comment: Paper updated on 29/10/2004, 4 pages, 4 figures. Physical Review Letters (in press

    Magnetic and Charge Correlations in La{2-x-y}Nd_ySr_xCuO_4: Raman Scattering Study

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    Two aspects in connection with the magnetic properties of La_{2-x-y}Nd_ySr_xCuO_4 single crystals are discussed. The first is related to long wavelength magnetic excitations in x = 0, 0.01, and 0.03 La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 detwinned crystals as a function of doping, temperature and magnetic field. Two magnetic modes were observed within the AF region of the phase diagram. The one at lower energies was identified with the spin-wave gap induced by the antisymmetric DM interaction and its anisotropic properties in magnetic field could be well explained using a canonical form of the spin Hamiltonian. A new finding was a magnetic field induced mode whose dynamics allowed us to discover a spin ordered state outside the AF order which was shown to persist in a 9 T field as high as 100 K above the N\'eel temperature T_N for x = 0.01. For these single magnon excitations we map out the Raman selection rules in magnetic fields and demonstrate that their temperature dependent spectral weight is peaked at the N\'eel temperature. The second aspect is related to phononic and magnetic Raman scattering in La_{2-x-y}Nd_ySr_xCuO_4 with three doping concentrations: x = 1/8, y = 0; x = 1/8, y = 0.4; and x = 0.01, y = 0. We observed that around 1/8 Sr doping and independent of Nd concentration there exists substantial disorder in the tilt pattern of the CuO_6 octahedra in both the orthorhombic and tetragonal phases which persist down to 10 K and are coupled to bond disorder in the cation layers. The weak magnitude of existing charge/spin modulations in the Nd doped structure did not allow us to detect specific Raman signatures on lattice dynamics or two-magnon scattering around 2200 cm-1.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figure

    Ultrahigh Surface Area Three-Dimensional Porous Graphitic Carbon from Conjugated Polymeric Molecular Framework

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    Porous graphitic carbon is essential for many applications such as energy storage devices, catalysts, and sorbents. However, current graphitic carbons are limited by low conductivity, low surface area, and ineffective pore structure. Here we report a scalable synthesis of porous graphitic carbons using a conjugated polymeric molecular framework as precursor. The multivalent cross-linker and rigid conjugated framework help to maintain micro- and mesoporous structures, while promoting graphitization during carbonization and chemical activation. The above unique design results in a class of highly graphitic carbons at temperature as low as 800 ??C with record-high surface area (4073 m2 g-1), large pore volume (2.26 cm-3), and hierarchical pore architecture. Such carbons simultaneously exhibit electrical conductivity >3 times more than activated carbons, very high electrochemical activity at high mass loading, and high stability, as demonstrated by supercapacitors and lithium-sulfur batteries with excellent performance. Moreover, the synthesis can be readily tuned to make a broad range of graphitic carbons with desired structures and compositions for many applications.clos