511 research outputs found

    Broadly tunable L-band multiwavelength BEFL utilizing nonlinear amplified loop mirror filter.

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    We demonstrate a widely tunable L-band multiwavelength Brillouin-erbium fiber laser utilizing a nonlinear amplified fiber loop mirror filter (AFLMF). By manipulating polarization controllers placed in the fiber loop, the erbium peak gain spectrum is able to be shifted. The nonlinear AFLMF induces wavelength-dependent cavity loss and serves as an amplitude equalizer. In addition, it provides flexibility on controlling the amount of light reflected and transmitted into and out of the laser's cavity. By utilizing 100 mW 1480 nm pump and 1.1 mW Brillouin pump power, an average of 24 stable output channels are generated by the proposed structure that could all be tuned over the whole L-band window from 1570 nm to 1610 nm

    Quadrature hybrid coupler using photonic transversal approach

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    A novel technique to phase shift signal by 90° over a broad frequency range based on transversal signal processing is proposed and practically demonstrated. The proposed technique is suitable for non coherent optic implementation

    Four-Wave Mixing Crosstalk Suppression Based on the Pairing Combinations of Differently Linear-Polarized Optical Signals

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    A new approach to suppressing the four-wave mixing (FWM) crosstalk by using the pairing combinations of differently linear-polarized optical signals was investigated. The simulation was conducted using a four-channel system, and the total data rate was 40 Gb/s. A comparative study on the suppression of FWM for existing and suggested techniques was conducted by varying the input power from 2 dBm to 14 dBm. The robustness of the proposed technique was examined with two types of optical fiber, namely, single-mode fiber (SMF) and dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF). The FWM power drastically reduced to less than −68 and −25 dBm at an input power of 14 dBm, when the polarization technique was conducted for SMF and DSF, respectively. With the conventional method, the FWM powers were, respectively, −56 and −20 dBm. The system performance greatly improved with the proposed polarization approach, where the bit error rates (BERs) at the first channel were 2.57×10-40 and 3.47×10-29 at received powers of −4.90 and −13.84 dBm for SMF and DSF, respectively

    55 dB High Gain L-Band EDFA Utilizing Single Pump Source

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    In this paper, we experimentally investigate the performance of an efficient high gain triple-pass L-band Erbium-Doped Fiber (EDF) amplifier structure with a single pump source. The amplifier gain and noise figure variation with EDF pump power, input signal power and wavelengths have been investigated. The generated backward Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) noise of the first amplifier stage is suppressed by using a tunable band-pass filter. The amplifier achieves a signal gain of 55 dB with low noise figure of 3.8 dB at -50 dBm input signal power. The amplifier gain shows significant improvement of 12.8 dB compared to amplifier structure without ASE suppression

    Load-Frequency Control: A GA Based Bayesian Networks Multi-Agent System

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    Abstract: Bayesian Networks (BN) provides a robust probabilistic method of reasoning under uncertainty. They have been successfully applied in a variety of real-world tasks but they have received little attention in the area of load-frequency control (LFC). In practice, LFC systems use proportional-integral controllers. However since these controllers are designed using a linear model, the nonlinearities of the system are not accounted for and they are incapable to gain good dynamical performance for a wide range of operating conditions in a multi-area power system. A strategy for solving this problem due to the distributed nature of a multi-area power system, is presented by using a BN multi-agent system. This method admits considerable flexibility in defining the control objective. Also BN provides a flexible means of representing and reasoning with probabilistic information. Efficient probabilistic inference algorithms in BN permit answering various probabilistic queries about the system. Moreover using multi-agent structure in the proposed model, realized parallel computation and leading to a high degree of scalability. To demonstrate the capability of the proposed control structure, we construct a BN on the basis of optimized data using genetic algorithm (GA) for LFC of a three-area power system with two scenarios

    55 dB High Gain L-Band EDFA Utilizing Single Pump Source

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    In this paper, we experimentally investigate the performance of an efficient high gain triple-pass L-band Erbium-Doped Fiber (EDF) amplifier structure with a single pump source. The amplifier gain and noise figure variation with EDF pump power, input signal power and wavelengths have been investigated. The generated backward Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) noise of the first amplifier stage is suppressed by using a tunable band-pass filter. The amplifier achieves a signal gain of 55 dB with low noise figure of 3.8 dB at -50 dBm input signal power. The amplifier gain shows significant improvement of 12.8 dB compared to amplifier structure without ASE suppression

    Genetic variation in the ABCB1 gene may lead to mRNA level change: Application to gastric cancer cases

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    Background: One of the major mechanisms for drug resistance is associated with altered anticancer drug transport, mediated by the human-adenosine triphosphate binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily proteins. The overexpression of adenosine triphosphate binding cassette, sub-family B, member 1 (ABCB1) by multidrug-resistant cancer cells is a serious impediment to chemotherapy. In our study we have studied the possibility that structural single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are the mechanism of ABCB1 overexpression. Materials and Methods: A total of 101 gastric cancer multidrug resistant cases and 100 controls were genotyped with sequence-specific primed PCR (SSP-PCR). Gene expression was evaluated for 70 multidrug resistant cases and 54 controls by real time PCR. The correlation between the two groups was based on secondary structures of RNA predicted by bioinformatics tool. Results: The results of genotyping showed that among 3 studied SNPs, rs28381943 and rs2032586 had significant differences between patient and control groups but there were no differences in the two groups for C3435T. The results of real time PCR showed over-expression of ABCB1 when we compared our data with each of the genotypes in average mode. Prediction of secondary structures in the existence of 2 related SNPs (rs28381943 and rs2032586) showed that the amount of ΔG for original mRNA is higher than the amount of ΔG for the two mentioned SNPs. Conclusions: We have observed that 2 of our studied SNPs (rs283821943 and rs2032586) may elevate the expression of ABCB1 gene, through increase in mRNA stability, while this was not the case for C3435T

    56.6 dB high gain L-band EDFA utilizing short-length highly-doped erbium rare-earth material

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    In this paper, we experimentally investigate the performance of an efficient high gain L-band erbium-doped fiber (EDF) amplifier structure utilizing short-length highly-doped erbium rare-earth material with a single pump source. The amplifier gain and noise figure variation for different amplifier structures have been investigated. A filter is used to reduce the self-saturation effect and suppress the C-band amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise. The amplifier achieves a signal gain of 56.6 dB with a low noise figure of 4.8 dB at -50 dBm input signal power using only 8 m of EDF length. The amplifier gain shows significant improvement of 6 dB with C/L band coupler and 13 dB with tunable-band pass filter compared to amplifier structure without ASE suppression

    Seamless tuning range based-on available gain bandwidth in multiwavelength Brillouin fiber laser.

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    We experimentally demonstrate a simple widely tunable multiwavelength Brillouin/Erbium fiber laser that can be tuned over the entire C-band, thereby greatly improving the tuning range limitation faced by the previous Brillouin-erbium fiber laser architectures. Tuning range of 39 nm from 1527 nm to 1566 nm, which is only limited by the amplification bandwidth of the erbium gain was successfully achieved. At Brillouin pump wavelength of 1550 nm and 1480 nm laser pump and Brillouin pump powers of 130 mW and 2 mW respectively, all the generated output channels have peak power above 0 dBm, with the first output channel having a peak power of 8.52 dBm. The experimental set up that consists of only 4 optical components, is simple, devoid of the complex structure employed previously to enhance the tunability and feedback mechanism normally associated with multiwavelength Brillouin-erbium fiber laser sources. The generated output channels are stable, rigidly separated by 10 GHz (0.08 nm)

    Multiwavelength L-band fiber laser with bismuth-oxide EDF and photonic crystal fiber.

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    A multiwavelength laser comb using a bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber and 50 m photonic crystal fiber is demonstrated in a ring cavity configuration. The fiber laser is solely pumped by a single 1455 nm Raman pump laser to exploit its higher power delivery compared to that of a single-mode laser diode pump. At 264 mW Raman pump power and 1 mW Brillouin pump power, 38 output channels in the L-band have been realized with an optical signal-to-noise ratio above 15 dB and a Stokes line spacing of 0.08 nm. The laser exhibits a tuning range of 12 nm and produces stable Stokes lines across the tuning range between Brillouin pump wavelengths of 1603 nm and 1615 nm