55 research outputs found

    From techo-gaia to kala isvara: gamification on introduction to ict development course for visual art & design students in 2013 - 2015

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    Gamification is an art of developing activities in real life using game mechanics and game dynamics to emphasize meaningful and enjoyable experience. With the above concept as foundation, a team was build to develop a gamification of introduction to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Development course, an educational content for first year Visual Art and Design students in Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. The course aims is to create basic knowledge on recent development of ICT towards students of Intitut Teknologi Bandung. The aim of gamification of Introduction to ICT towards Visual Art and Design students is more onto engage them and create insights on what is ICT and how ICT affects their future and profession. This paper depicts three gamification activities in 2013 until 2015 which may become future reference for game studies or media studies, especially gamificating an educational course. The results of the mentioned gamification activities are certain game mechanics are good in creating interaction and playful experiences. But there is one important aspects that will engage participants deeper, is giving room for participants to actively innovate the game

    Kajian Narasi Pemerintah RI Melalui Konten Grafis Tentang Pandemi Covid-19 pada Kanal Twitter Kementrian Kesehatan RI

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    ABSTRAKPemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Kementerian Kesehatan sudah mengomunikasikan mengenai Covid-19 sejak Januari 2020. Korban positif terinfeksi di Indonesia muncul pada bulan Maret 2020 bersamaan dengan ditetapkannya Covid-19 sebagai pandemi. Kementerian Kesehatan RI merilis berbagai informasi, himbauan dan dokumentasi kegiatan terkait Covid-19 melalui berbagai kanal komunikasi digital, dengan twitter salah satunya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan narasi yang dibangun oleh pemerintah RI khususnya Kementerian Kesehatan melalui cuitannya  yang berisi e-flyer dan infografis dalam akun twitter dengan analisis framing. Didapatkan bahwa narasi Indonesia atas Covid-19 dibangun melalui pemilihan warna pada tipografi dan latar serta penggunaan objek visual yang berbeda antar narasi. Terdapat 3 narasi yang dibangun, yaitu narasi prosedur, narasi kinerja, dan narasi situasional. ABSTRACTThe first victim of Covid-19 surface in early March 2020 together with the announcement of Covid-19 as Pandemic by World Health Organization although Indonesia Ministry of Health communicates regarding Covid-19 through various communication channels since January 2020. Twitter is one of communcation channel that ministry of Health of Indonesia uses in delivering graphic contents in form of infographics and e-flyer. This research's aim is interpret the narrative constructed by Indonesian Government especially its ministry of health through framing analysis on its twitter account. The research findings are the government develops its actions toward Covid-19 in three narratives, which are procedure narrative, performance narrative, and situational narrative through color, typography, and visual object selection as its framing elements.

    Kajian Kampanye Street Smart sebagai Rujukan Kampanye Keselamatan Berlalu Lintas di Indonesia

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    Indonesia adalah negara dengan tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas yang tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah menggunakan kampanye keselamatan lalu-lintas. Street Smart adalah sebuah kampaye keselamatan lalu lintas tentang pejalan kaki dan pesepeda di Amerika yang berpotensi menjadi rujukan untuk kampanye keselamatan lalu lintas di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif eksplanatif. Analisis menggunakan cara analisis teks dan landasan teori yang digunakan adalah definisi kampanye dan iklan layanan masyarakat dan pembuatan iklan layanan masyarakat yang baik. Street Smart memiliki tujuan utama yaitu mengurangi tingkat kecelakaan dan kematian dari pejalan kaki dan pesepeda dengan meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepedulian masyarakat dalam hal keselamatan pejalan kaki dan pesepeda. Kampanye yang berkelanjutan dan konsisten serta merangkul berbagai etnis dan kelompk masyarakat dalam komunikasi keselamatan bberlalu lintas merupakan kunci keberhasilan kampanye Street Smart. Oleh karena itu, Kampanye Sosial Keselamatan Berlalu lintas Street Smart adalh sebuah kampanye yang baik untuk dijadikan rujukan perancangan kampanye keselamatan berlalu lintas di Indonesia. Indonesia has high traffic accidents statistics. In order to minimize such casualties, is to convey safety traffic activities and measures. Street Smart is one of traffic safety social campaign towards pedestrians and cyclists in US that could become a benchmark in developing traffic safety campaign in Indonesia. This is an explanative descriptive research using text analysis based on public service advertising design theory. The aim of Street Smart campaign is to reduce the traffic accidents as well as heightened public awareness on cyclists and pedestrians safety. This research finds that long term and consistent campaign is needed as well as embracing various ethnic and community groups in communicating safety traffic contents. Therefore, Street Smart Traffic Safety campaign is a good benchmark for developing traffic safety campaign in Indonesia

    Framing, Pencitraan, dan Panduan Grafis dalam Image Sekuensial pada Komik Perempuan & Komik Perempuan Indonesia Kontemporer

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    Komik adalah media yang menyampaikan informasi melalui sekuens visual. Media ini mendapatkan perhatian khusus karena media sekuensial yang berbasis ruang planar dan bukan berbasis waktu. Dalam membentuk sebuah cerita melalui urutan visual, terdapat aktivitas pembingkaian, pencitraan, dan sistematika panduan sekuens visual yang membentuk stuktur penuturan visual yang kompleks.Dalam perkembangan industri komik modern khususnya di Jepang, pembingkaian, pencitraan, dan sistematika keterbacaan urutan visual secara sekuens mendapatkan perhatian yang serius dengan munculnya metode perancangan yang mengarahkan dan memudahkan pembaca dalam mengikuti alur cerita yang kemudian disebut dengan graphic narrative & visual storytelling [1]. Komik Perempuan Indonesia kontemporer, yaitu komik yang ditujukan bagi pembaca remaja perempuan yang dipengaruhi genre sejenis di Jepang, memiliki pola penuturan yang unik karena kompleksitas informasi yang memasukkan unsur emosi dalam bertutur di luar kompleksitas struktur penuturan visual itu sendiri. Makalah ini bertujuan menelaah keunikan ini melalui kajian graphic narrative & visual storytelling yang pada akhirnya memperkaya keilmuan budaya visual

    Simulacra dalam Industri Hiburan Visual; Studi kasus Ragnarok Online

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    Comic is one of media that emphasize its content delivery through visual sequence. It attracts many researchers because this media is a plane based media (2D) instead of most media which delivers its content in time based media. In designing a story based on visual sequence, there are framing, imaging, wayfinding acitivities in forming a complex visual storytelling especially in comics. Especially in Japan, the development of framing, imaging, and methods of designing a sequence which makes the reader easily read the story through panels in comics are well developed and shared from comic artists toward their assistants. This method is known as graphic narrative and visual storytelling and applied not only on comics but almost on all visual entertainment media and influence each other then creates cycle of media. The cycle of media surfaces simulacra and unique hypereality phenomenon. This paper tries to depict the uniqueness of simulacra of media cycle phenomenon on Ragnarok Online case study in Indonesia which will enrich the study of visual culture

    Ragnarok Online, Reality of Virtual Phenomenon

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    Originated from South Korea, Ragnarok Online is an entertainment product in comics and games which is popular in the world especially South-East Asia. Ragnarok in Nordic Mythology described as the doom of the gods. In the case above, Ragnarok is used as a background setting of a comic, which created, by Lee Myung Jin and Ragnarok MMORPG based on that comic. Internet is described as a many-to-many medium. Games turn out to be one of the first popular settles in the Internet among e-commerce, portals, free advertisers, and sexual exploitation sites. Online Game becomes a new frontier that could connect people to interact and play similar game on the same time and Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game of Ragnarok is one of the best and successful Online Game worldwide. It is one of the phenomena in online gaming today. Recently, official Ragnarok Online Characters (NPC, Monsters and Players Characters) have developed in quantity approximately 200 and still have possibility to increase. In international Ragnarok Online provider, more than 120,000 customers connected in 12 servers on real time basis at the same time everyday and this exclude local Ragnarok Server provided by several countries with similar number of player.Ragnarok Online is a virtual representation of reality, it creates and represents visual social semiotics, which became very important element of communication in recent years. As one of visual product in modern culture, the distance between reality and virtual realm become closer and sometimes it blurred and formed new realm. A new dawn of community born in virtual realm and develop in some way that many though it would consume the community it represented. Is it possible that the characters and environmental design, which is built, really has the enormous attraction? Or is there something else work behind the surface such as the representation and online culture. Although there are many contradictions about the impacts of Ragnarok Online, this paper is endeavors a new insight of Ragnarok Online, which may have not being researched by others. The combination of online culture and virtual media design with interactive and inviting visual interface may open wide the possibilty of encountering new methods and keys of success in designing digital media through descriptive analysis

    Iluminasi sebagai Sistem Penyajian Konten Cetak (Studi Kasus Iluminasi Injil Abad Ke-15)

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    Illumination is visual decoration in form of coloured fonts, designed or illustrated page in print media. In middle age bibles or manuscripts, there are forms and type of illuminations that may applied as a system of content delivery in books. A framework of illumination design methodology may elaborated through content analysis on several illuminations in bibles and religious manuscripts. This research will enrich visual communication design study, especially typography and illustration study in developing an information system delivery based on visual elements

    Perancangan Komik Digital Interaktif "New Ethnicia" : Eksplorasi Visual Storytelling Cerita Rakyat Indonesia

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    Indonesian folkloree in comic form is still difficult to compete with foreign-made comics both in quality and quantity. Moreover, with Indonesiaâs teens as target market who tend to like comics from abroad, Indonesiaâs folkloree and content in comic may be neglected. In order to prevent those conditions, it required an alternative solution to packaging folkloree through popular visual media among teens such as mobile device. Interactive digital comics in mobile devices may support the presentation of Indonesian folkloree, as long as it designed with the appropriate interactive storytelling and media strategy. This is an action research that delivering solution in form of adigital comic prototype. Through selected aspects of visual storytelling and interactivity theory, data will be analyzed to produce the digital comic formulation from Indonesia folkloree which will work as the foundation of designing interactive digital comics on mobile devices. As the result, the Indonesiaâs folkloree can be delivered through a formulation of combined interactive storytelling and media strategy

    Manga: Invisible Cultural 'Imperialism' Through Popular Medium

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    The medium of comics is mostly known as popular culture medium, kidsâ stuff with their spandex superheroes, often sneered and looked down. However, through its long history, comics had proven to be contagious and influential medium toward the society, but unfortunately in the negative side. In United States of America (USA), the anti-comics movement led by Dr. Frederick Wertham accused that comics had bad and dangerous influence towards its young readers. This movement had brought comic in becoming public enemy number one in the past. Although people seem to see only the negative impact of this medium, on the contrary there is also the positive side. The power within comic is enormous, but unlike the tsunamilike power that could devastate anything on its path, comicâs power is unlikely otherwise: powerful yet penetrate in silent even to other culture and society as shown through the expansive âexportâ of Japanese comics, known as manga. Manga nowadays is known in most part of the world, especially in the South East Asia region. Imported as entertainment medium, manga influence could easily be seen in these countries, especially in Indonesia. Not only it proved to be booming in sales in these âforeignâ countries, manga also succeeded in penetrating to their culture, by creating devoted readers turn artists with manga-esque style and storytelling. The majority of young people in Indonesia now draw in this popular manga-esque style, following their favorite manga artists. Furthermore, it also changed how these people ways of reading: from left to right becoming right to left, creating the pretty boys genre in another medium and in the society itself. Unlike other popular culture medium (such as television) that its influence is clearly shown and catch the attention of people who rise against it, comic had proved otherwise. This paper is intended to observe how this phenomenon happened through qualitative analysis of comic culture (especially manga), the content within manga and its powerful and cultural influence with a case study of Indonesia


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    The cases of protecting endangered animals around the world are difficult to solve. Lack of public awareness of the survival of these animals become one of the contributing factors. Given the importance of the survival of these animals, World Wildlife Fund as a global fund-raising agency invitesDanish and turkey advertising agencies to create a social campaign where they invited millennials to donate their money to help the survival of endangered animals and comes up with #LastSelfie. It is social media based campaign using Snapchat which then integrated with other social media. This campaign generated 40,000 tweets in a week and meets donation goal in just three days. This is a descriptive explanative research which itspurpose is to find out whether #LastSelfie campaign through breaking the structure of campaign materials and depict its relationship with the aim of campaign based on copywriting and target audience Engagement Process in social media theory. Through the application of this concept which encompasses various aspects of the campaign, at the end of this writing, the authors concludes that #LastSelfie campaign corresponds to the process sequence of Engagement in social media — consuming, curation, creation, collaboration, through meticulous campaign naming, copywriting strategy, sharing among peers, and collaborative donation to help preserve endangered animals
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