10 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to discuss the understanding of Islamic theology in Tafsir Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia. This paper mainly discussed the pattern of interpretation of the verses found in the Tafsir Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia, especially in interpreting the verses of kalam used as arguments by the Mutakalimīn. The primary sources were Tafsir Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia. In contrast, the secondary sources were works from rational and traditional mainstreams. This study find that several verses of the Quran were used as Naqlī arguments by rational and traditional mainstreams, which the Ministry of Religious Affairs then interpreted. This paper shows that the interpretation of the verses in the Tafsir tends to be somewhat closer to the rational-Mātūrīdīyah Samarkand style of thought, not the Muʿtazilaʾs rationale. On the other hand, it has very little in common with traditional mainstream, such as Ashʿarīyah and Mātūrīdīyah Bukhārā


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    This research is motivated by concerns about the problems of teenagers who are heavily involved in free sex, drugs, alcohol, brawl and pornography. This condition is certainly not stand alone many factors that mempengeruhinya, family, community and school. This study attempts to describe the level of adolescent religiosity in Surabaya, Mataram and Kendari, what factors predominate and how strategies improve and increase adolescent religiosity. From the results of the research conducted from May to October 2013, it was found that the level of adolescent religiosity in the three study cities was at a very high level. There is no significant difference between adolescent religiosity in Surabaya, Mataram and Kendari. In the aspect of youth religious knowledge in Surabaya is relatively better than adolescents in Mataram and Kendari, the religious attitudes aspect of adolescents in Mataram is relatively better than adolescents in Surabaya and Kendari, and the moral aspect of religious (akhlakul karimah) adolescents in Mataram is relatively better than adolescents in Kendari and Surabaya. Religious conditions in the families in these three study cities are at good level (conducive), there is no significant difference between one city and another. Indicators of religious adherence of parents and habituation cultivate religious values in the family in Mataram lebik both daripda in Surabaya and Kendari. The socio-religious level of society is at a fairly good level (conducive), there are significant differences in the three cities. In the city of Mataram it is better the social level of the religious community than in Surabaya and Kendari. The condition of religious education in schools is at a fairly good level, and there is no significant difference between the codes in the three study cities. In the aspect of availability of religious facilities and intensity of religious execution activities in Mataram city is relatively better than in Surabaya and Kendari. The dominant factors influencing the religiosity of adolescents in Surabaya, Mataram and Kendari are religious education factors in school and religion in the family. Socio-socio-cultural factors become the determinants of youth religiosity in Mataram and supporting factors for adolescents in Surabaya and Kendari. It means to produce religious teenagers need attention from family, school and community. However, families and schools have not been able to portray themselves as character bulding places. The fact that families and schools have not played a significant role in the formation of adolescent religiosity is evidence of failure or dysfunctional families and schools as character bulding actors. To that end, the need to improve the ability of families and schools in various aspects and areas as proposed in the quality improvement strategy of family, school and community

    Muhammadiyah's Tajdīd and Sufism between Purification and Modernization

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    This article aims to reveal the purification or modernization performed by Muhammadiyah in Sufism, especially concerning the practical mysticism in sufi order and philosophical mysticism on the concepts of ittihād, hulūl, and wahdat al wujūd. The research data is gathered from the official document Muhammadiyah records, such as fatwas of Muhammadiyah's Majlis Tarjih and Tajdid, Hamka's thoughts and AR Fakhruddin’s performance as former leaders of Muhammadiyah. This study uses content analysis to determine the position of Muhammadiyah's views on the early Sufi. The result showed that tajdīd performed by Muhammadiyah is called purification and it harmonious with modern life. It differs with the meaning and practices of early Sufism.  Muhammadiyah's position towards tarīqa is positive as long as the understanding and practice of Islam are derived from the guidance of the Qur'an and valid Sunnah. As for the concepts of ittihād, hulūl and wahdat al-wujūd, Muhammadiyah rejects them because there is an element of equating God with humans or pantheism, which has no basis in the Qur'an and Sunnah. This rejection is in line with what has been done by early Sufism scholars such as al-Sarrāj, al-Juwairī, al-Syahrastānī, and al-Kalabāżī

    Islam dan Tata Masyarakat Dunia

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    Tata kehidupan dunia diwarnai oleh beragam ideologi. Masing-masing ideologi menawarkan masa depan yang paripurna. Sosialisme mengagungkan kolektivitas dan mengabaikan individualitas yang bertujuan akhir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan material secara bersama. Sebaliknya kapitalisme (liberalisme) menempatkan manusia sebagai individu yang bebas dan berhak menentukan sendiri hidupnya dan melakukan apa saja yang dipandang baik dan benar untuk meraih keuntungan bagi dirinya. Dari kedua ideologi besar dunia tersebut, Islam tidak menafikan atau menempatkan diri pada salah satu kutub di atas. Islam menempatkan diri secara sintesis dan menjadi alternatif di antara kecenderungan ekstremitas beragam ideologi secara seimbang dan adil. Karena itu, hubungan yang hendak dibangun oleh Islam adalah kemitraan dan kerja sama yang saling menguntungkan demi kesejahteraan hidup seluruh anak manusia. Tulisan ini mengulas sisi universalitas Islam sebagai landasan paripurna untuk membangun tatanan masyarakat dunia

    Anthropomorphism in the Tafsir by the Ministry of Religious Affairs

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    This study examines the tendency in schools of theology of the Tafsir by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in anthropomorphism, khalq al-Qur`an and ru`yatullah. This study is a library research, and the primary data is the Tafsir by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of  the Republic of  Indonesia that was published in 1996. Meanwhile, the secondary data is the works of rational theology, (Mu’tazila scholar) and (Māturīdī Samarkand scholar). This study also uses the works of traditional theology, (Ashʿarī scholar), and (Māturīdī Bukhara scholar). After studying the sources above, it was found a number of verses of the Qur’an were used as naqli views by rational and traditional scholars, and then they explained their interpretation according to this Tafsir. Furthermore, a comparative analysis of interpretation is carried out by applying the interpretation of the rational and traditional school of theology to draw a conclusion about the school of theology in this Tafsir. The finding shows that the interpretation of anthropomorphic verses in this tafsir is in line with Ashʿarīyah and Māturīdīyah Samarkand Beliefs. Hence, the Al-Qur’an is qadim (ancient or old), and God can be seen with the eyes of the believer in the hereafter

    Penerapan statistika dalam penelitian sosial keagamaan

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    Buku ini membahas tentang paradigma penelitian kuantitatif, populasi dan sampel, statistik dan cara kerjanya, statistik deskriptif, parametik dan non parametik dan pertimbangan dalam penggunaan analisa statistik. Bentuk-bentuk analisa dan pengujian hipotesis dalam statistik.Pengujuan hipotesis deskriptif, komparatif, asosiatif dan kausalitas. Dan buku ini ditampilkan dengan contoh-contoh yang mudah dan terkait dengan masalah-masalh sosial keagamaan serta dilengkapi dengan pengukuran dan contoh instrumen pengukuran religuisitas