16 research outputs found

    Glutamine and Glutamate Supplementation Increases the Levels of These Amino Acids in the Milk of Pasture-fed Mares

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    Background: L-Glutamine (Gln), the most abundant free alpha amino acid in the body, plays a major role in the transport of nitrogen and carbon between tissues, and is an important source of respiratory energy for intestinal and immune system cells. Mares lose lean body mass during lactation, when plasma and milk Gln levels change significantly. However, supplementation with Gln combined with other amino acids may not alter equine plasma Gln levels. The work reported here was designed to test the hypothesis that supplementation with a mixture of glutamine and glutamate (AminoGut) alters blood and milk free glutamine and glutamate levels in pasture-fed lactating mares.Materials, Methods & Results: This study involved 31 multiparous Quarter Horse mares, which were divided into three groups immediately postpartum, as follows: G-CON (n = 19); G-50 g supplemented with 50 g of Gln + Glu plus 200 g of concentrate (n = 6); and G-100 g, supplemented with 100 g of Gln + Glu plus 200 g of concentrate (n = 6). Blood and milk samples were collected on the day of parturition prior to supplementation, and monthly until weaning. The milk samples were used to analyze the Gln, Glu composition and levels, while the blood samples were used for further analysis of blood biomarkers. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and by Tukey’s test and the P value was set at 5%. The G-CON group showed a significant reduction of 11-35% in the mean blood glutamine levels from the first month postpartum and throughout lactation. In contrast, blood glutamine levels in groups G-50 g and G-100 g did not change significantly from parturition through 5 months of lactation. The supplemented groups showed no significant differences in blood variables such as protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides and minerals. Free glutamine levels in milk did not change from parturition through the end of lactation in the G-CON group, but groups G-50 g and the G-100 g showed a marked rise in milk glutamine levels throughout the first three months of lactation (~3x), which remained high (~2x) until the foals were weaned (P > 0.05).Discussion: The results of this study indicate that Gln + Glu supplementation successfully increased Gln levels in mare milk in the first three months of lactation, and Glu levels in G-100 g in the first four months, without affecting the levels of these amino acids in the animals’ blood, which remained similar to data obtained at parturition. In fact, the Gln levels in both supplemented groups exceeded 1,000 mmol/mL throughout lactation, unlike those of the control group and of the samples obtained at parturition. Moreover, supplementation did not produce significant changes in blood biomarkers, including those pertaining to protein metabolism (urea, creatinine, uric acid, albumin and total proteins), indicating that the product used for supplementation did not interfere in these biomarkers, which remained within the normal physiological variations for the species. It was concluded that daily dietary supplementation with 50 g of a mixture of glutamine and glutamate produced an effect similar to supplementation with 100 g/day. Both supplementation protocols succeeded in raising glutamine levels in mare milk in the first three months of lactation, without interfering in blood biomarkers or milk composition. In view of the cost of the product, we recommend that the daily diet of mares during lactation be supplemented with 50 g of a mixture of Gln + Glu in order to produce the desired nutritional effects


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    A caracterização da massa-livre de gordura e da massa de gordura nos cavalos atletas pode representar melhor acompanhamento das práticas de treinamento, contribuindo para seu bem-estar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mensurar a composição corporal de três grupos de cavalos de trabalho (serviço de patrulha [SER, n=18]; hipismo [HIP, n=19]; inoperantes [INO, n=14]) submetidos ao mesmo programa alimentar, mas com atividade física diferente. Determinou-se essa variável a partir da massa corporal em associação com a mensuração da espessura do tecido adiposo na garupa, por meio de ultrassonografia. Foram mensurados: massa corporal, massa livre de gordura, massa de gordura, espessura da capa de gordura na garupa, escore corporal e idade. Ocorreram diferenças (

    Influence of Glutamine and Glutamate Supplementation in the Blood Levels of Horses

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    Background: The most abundant free amino acid in mammals is glutamine (GLN). Little research has focused on GLN supplementation for horses, but GLN levels in this species are known to decline after exercise and during lactation. Under physiological conditions, the body produces Gln in sufficient quantities for general metabolism, and a small part of this amino acid comes from dietary protein. Little research has so far focused on equine dietary supplementation with free glutamine or combined with other amino acids during catabolic states or in highly stressful situations. This research was conducted to evaluate the effects of equine dietary supplementation using a combination of glutamine and glutamate.  Materials, Methods & Results: The study involved four Arabian mares, not in training (~380 kg; ~12 years old) and four treatments (control, and inclusions of 1, 2 and 4% of GLN+GLU) in a Latin square model. A 7-day washout period was established between each phase. Fifty percent of the mares’ maintenance energy requirements came from concentrate and 50% from hay and grazing. The other 50% came from Tifton hay (Cynodon dactylon), which was supplied ad libitum. After 7 weeks of nutritional supplementation (once a day, in the morning). In the experimental model, the mares were distributed in a Latin square design comprised of four treatments: control (without inclusion) and inclusions of 1%, 2% and 4% of supplement (AminoGut®, Ajinomoto do Brazil), and four animals. Blood was collected in five stages (fasting, and 60, 120, 240 and 360 min after feeding) in each treatment. The blood samples were analyzed to determine GLN, GLU, urea, creatinine, uric acid, total plasma protein, hematocrit and glucose levels. Glutamine and Glutamate concentrations were analyzed using the enzymatic spectrophotometric method. The results were analyzed statistically using one- and two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test with P set at 5%. The results indicated that GLN differed in both the group (P 0.05). Significant changes in GLN levels were also observed in the 4% inclusion treatment compared to all the treatments in the fasting phase and in the + 60 min and +240 min phases of the control group (P 0.05) during the period under analysis, and remained within the normal range for the species in their current stabling conditions. The mares presented no clinical problems nor did they change their feeding behavior during the supplementation period or on the days blood was collected.Discussion: Glutamine metabolism in horses has yet to be extensively studied.  However, it has been shown that, when supplied to horses in its free form, this amino acid causes Gln levels to rise rapidly within the first 90 min of the postprandial period.  This indicates that an extra amount of this amino acid may increase Gln blood levels despite intense degradation of enterocytes. This study found that supplementation with a combination of Gln+Glu can increase blood Gln levels after 6 h in the treatment involving 4% Gln+Glu included in the concentrate (P < 0.05) In conclusion, supplementation with GLN+GLU raised the mares’ GLN levels after 360 min when 4% of GLN+GLU was included in their diet. These results may be used to establish GLN supplementation models for horses.

    Supplementation with nutraceuticals produces changes in working horse’s blood parameters but not in their body composition

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    Background:  :  :  : There is little scientific data about the effects of continuous supplementation with nutraceuticals over horse’s health and performance. Horse owners and veterinarians are still using supplements for horses without any kind of evaluations. At the Brazilian market is possible to buy hundreds of different products, but there is not private or state regulation over production and quality of these products. The absence of information about quality and efficacy of these products may contribute to mistakes in horse’s nutrition program. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of supplementation with a combination of nutraceuticals over some blood parameters (red cell count, total plasma proteins, free plasma glutamine and glutamate) and components of body composition in working horses. Materials, Methods & Results: There were 19 gelding horses, divided in two groups: nutraceutical (NUTR; n=10) and placebo (PLAC; n=9). Both groups received equivalent feeding regimens in regard to concentrate and grass, and did similar exercise program. NUTR group received their pellets with nutraceuticals, and PLAC group received a placebo during the morning meal. There is no visual difference between nutraceutical and placebo pellets. Body composition determination and blood collection were taken in three periods: pre-test, after 4 and 12 weeks of supplementation. Body composition was determined after evaluation of horse’s body mass by electronic scale associated with measurement of rump fat by ultrasound. Results showed that there were no significant changes in body composition during 12 weeks of supplementation in both groups, which had percentage of body fat around 13%. However, supplementation with nutraceutical produced significant changes (P7%) and free plasma glutamine (>20%) observed in NUTR group will contribute to horse’s performance since it is positive action on red blood indexes and plasma amino acid concentration, contributing to the well-being of this horse group. Increase in blood glutamine concentration observed in NUTR group without improvement of body composition was not expected because this amino acid is produced mainly by skeletal muscle. Increase in fat-free mass frequently is associated with improvement of blood glutamine concentration. Finally, initial elevation in few parameters in PLAC group at 4 weeks of supplementation probably was associated with improvement of general management practices. In conclusion, Supplementation with a nutraceutical combination, for 12 weeks, produces changes in the concentration of some blood parameters, but it didn’t modify the corporal composition. The elevation of those components can favor the transport of oxygen and nutrients in tissues leading to improvement in the horse performance

    Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation on Lactating Mares and the Development of Foals

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    Background: Most animal species are able to produce Arginine (Arg) under normal conditions. However, in some situations, its degradation can be higher than its production. For example, during a period of lactation or disease, there is an increase in the consumption of Arg. In this case, endogenous production is not enough for the animal’s demands. Indeed, Arg supplementation in animals has several benefits for the animal’s body, such as the increase of angiogenesis, improvements in immunity and the reproductive system, as well as the stimulation of lactogenesis. During the early phase of growth, a deficiency of Arg could cause a reduction in the growth rate and metabolic activity of animals. Therefore, this amino acid is considered essential in some phases of the life of animals. However, very few studies of the supplementation of this amino acid in horses have been carried out. The aim of the present study was to characterize the effects of supplementing lactating mares and their foals with Arg.Materials, Methods &amp; Results: Lactating mares (n = 10) were divided into two groups (control group: n = 3 / supplemented group: n = 7) and maintained exclusively under grazing. The supplemented group received 50 g of Arg during the lactation period. Samples of milk and blood from mares and blood from foals were collected at different phases of the lactation period. The following parameters were measured in milk: Glutamine (Gln); Glutamate (Glu); protein; fat; casein; lactose; urea and total solids. The following parameters were measured in blood: Gln; Glu; total plasmatic protein (TPP); albumin; urea; creatinine; uric acid; triglycerides; total cholesterol; calcium (C); phosphorous (P); magnesium (Mg) and ferrous (Fe). In addition, the biometric parameters of Wither Height (WH), Chest Perimeter (CP), Cannon Bone Circumference (CBC) and Fat Percentage (FP) of foals were obtained. A significant increase of Gln was observed in the milk in both groups (P &lt; 0.05). The highest concentration of Gln was detected in the third month of the lactation period in the supplemented group (~ 2.26 mmol/mL), and the control group (~ 1.91 mmol/mL) during the same period. Gln did not alter in the blood (P &gt; 0.05), although Glu was higher in the control group in the first month of the lactation period (~ 0.21 mmol/mL) (P &lt; 0.05). An increase in uric acid (~ 0.19 mmol/L) in both groups on the day of birth (P &lt; 0.05). In the supplemented group, increases in triglycerides (~ 0.60 mmol/L), Ca (~ 2.90 mmol/L) and Mg (~ 0.52 mmol/L) were observed in the first month of the lactation (P &lt; 0.05). At birth, foals exhibited high levels of urea (~ 4.67 mmol/L) and uric acid (~ 0.21 mmol/L), and low levels of P (~ 2.02 mmol/L) (P &lt; 0.05). The levels of Gln in the blood of foals remained between 0.50 and 0.70 mmol/mL throughout the lactation period (P &gt; 0.05). Even when they were added (Gln + Glu), no differences were observed (P &gt; 0.05). However, when the biometric parameters were analyzed, significant variations were detected in almost all characteristics (weight, WH, CP and CBC). In particular, the control group exhibited higher body mass and CP in the fifth month, when compared with the group of foals born from supplemented mares (P &lt; 0.05). The FP did not alter in either of the groups analyzed (P &gt; 0.05).Discussion: The results indicate that the supplementation of lactating mares with Arg produced few alterations in the parameters analyzed for both mares and foals. In addition, the supplementation did not produce side effects among the supplemented animals

    Efeito da suplementação com concentrados ricos em óleo sobre biomarcadores metabólicos para cavalos

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    A performance dos cavalos atletas tem melhorando com a elevação da percentagem do extrato etéreo (EE) nos concentrados. Assim, avaliou-se a suplementação de concentrados com diferentes percentagens de EE sobre biomarcadores metabólicos em cavalos atletas, através de um fatorial com cinco equinos e cincos tratamentos [6,5% EE (T6,5%), 8% EE (T8,0%), 12% EE (T12,0%), 14% EE (T14,0%) e 20% EE (T20,0%)]. Os animais receberam suplementação isocalórica por 15 dias e no 16o dia colheu-se sangue nas fases inicial e jejum e após ½ hora, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 horas da ingestão dos alimentos. O sangue total foi utilizado para determinar hematrócrito, glicose, proteína plasmática total, ureia, creatinina, triglicérides e colesterol total. Os resultados demonstraram que ocorreu variação na [glicose] (P&lt;0,05) na fase da colheita de sangue, mas sem diferenças (P&gt;0,05) entre os tratamentos e na interação concentrado x fase. Também não ocorreram diferenças (P&gt;0,05) no pico da [glicose] entre tratamentos e entre área sob a curva. Os demais biomarcadores analisados não sofreram modificação (P&gt;0,05). Concluiu-se que a suplementação isoenergética com concentrados utilizando diferentes percentagens de EE não produzem modificações nos biomarcadores analisados, indicando que variações no EE podem ser utilizados, entre 6,5 e 20%, para equinos atletas de forma similar

    Blood and biochemical parameters in young horses raised in the semiarid region along the year

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    Seasonality is a characteristic that influences forage availability and quality. Research has been conducted to correlate seasonal variations with the modification of metabolic parameters in horses. Despite the adaptive capacity of animals, extreme conditions affect animal health and well-being. Knowledge of such information contributes to greater creative efficiency. This study aimed to determine the concentration of hematological, biochemical, and mineral biomarkers in fillies over a period of 12 months. From a batch of 40 animals, 25 clinically healthy Mangalarga Marchador fillies were used. Colts were performed once a month for 12 months, with the animals fasted overnight but with free access to water. The results were analyzed using the SigmaPlot 13.0 program for Windows® (Systat Software, Inc.), using analysis of variance with two factors and Tukey’s test. The significance level was set at 5%. Results are expressed as means ± standard error of the mean. Although no clinical changes were observed in the animals, the findings of this study may reflect their general health status. Several species, such as horses, are subject to variation in physiological processes without denoting pathological states. From the data obtained, it can be concluded that the animals in this study were clinically healthy, and these data can be used as parameters for the evaluation of animals of the Mangalarga Marchador breed.Seasonality is a characteristic that influences forage availability and quality. Research has been conducted to correlate seasonal variations with the modification of metabolic parameters in horses. Despite the adaptive capacity of animals, extreme conditions affect animal health and well-being. Knowledge of such information contributes to greater creative efficiency. This study aimed to determine the concentration of hematological, biochemical, and mineral biomarkers in fillies over a period of 12 months. From a batch of 40 animals, 25 clinically healthy Mangalarga Marchador fillies were used. Colts were performed once a month for 12 months, with the animals fasted overnight but with free access to water. The results were analyzed using the SigmaPlot 13.0 program for Windows® (Systat Software, Inc.), using analysis of variance with two factors and Tukey’s test. The significance level was set at 5%. Results are expressed as means ± standard error of the mean. Although no clinical changes were observed in the animals, the findings of this study may reflect their general health status. Several species, such as horses, are subject to variation in physiological processes without denoting pathological states. From the data obtained, it can be concluded that the animals in this study were clinically healthy, and these data can be used as parameters for the evaluation of animals of the Mangalarga Marchador breed

    Metabolic and physiological changes during and after vaquejada exercise in horses

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    Physiological and metabolic evaluations of equine sports have been conducted to define parameters or biomarkers for performance evaluation, clinical diagnosis and predict fatigue and overtraining. Actually, the vaquejada is the most important equine sport in Brazil, and these horses are repeatedly submitted to shortduration physical exertion, during 2 or 3 alternate or consecutive days, requiring adequate conditioning for this equestrian modality. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that pulls horses and helper horses undergo physiological and metabolic changes during vaquejada races. Eighteen Quarter Horses were used, including 12 pull horses and 6 helper horses. Hemograms and the following analyses were performed: glucose, lactate, cholesterol, triglycerides, NEFA, total proteins, albumin, creatine kinase, gama glutamyl transferase and cortisol. A heart rate monitor was used to measure the heart rate, velocity and travel distance of each animal. Statistical analyses were performed using ANOVA and Tukey's tests, with P established at 5%. Pull horses had higher heart rate values, but the velocities attained by the two groups of horses were similar. There was an increase in heart rate, glucose, lactate, non-esterified fatty acids and cortisol in both pull and helper horses after racing, but these levels returned to resting values 30 minutes after the end of exercise. It was concluded that the vaquejada field test promoted significant changes in haematological, biochemical biomarkers and in the heart rate of both groups of horses

    Manejo nas corridas de vaquejada e na vacinação modificam as concentrações da creatinaquinase e do cortisol em bovinos

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    Para testar a hipótese de que ocorre elevação nas concentrações de biomarcadores do estresse nas corridas na vaquejada e nas práticas veterinárias nas fazendas com bovinos, foi desenvolvido um experimento para avaliar as concentrações da creatinaquinase (CK) e do cortisol (CORT) em bovinos submetidos a esses desafios. Para tal, foram utilizados 160 bovinos, divididos em quatro grupos e submetidos ao mesmo manejo: vaquejada com desequilíbrio (G-Vq, n=40); vaquejada sem desequilíbrio (G-VqC, n=40); bovinos vacinação (G-Vac, n=40), e bovinos controle positivo vacinação (G-VacC, n=40). Amostras de sangue venoso foram colhidas em tubos à vácuo, sem anticoagulantes, em três momentos: pré-desafio (M-0), imediatamente após o desafio (M-1) e após 4 horas do desafio (M-2). Utilizou-se ANOVA e teste de Tukey para avaliar os resultados com p&lt;0,05. Os resultados indicaram variações nas concentrações CK (p&lt;0,01) e cortisol (p&lt;0,01) entre os grupos, com interação entre os grupos e os momentos (p&lt;0,01). Nas condições atuais, pode-se concluir que as práticas de manejo adotadas, corrida de vaquejada e vacinação, promovem elevações na CK e cortisol. Mas após 4 horas da aplicação do desafio, as concentrações dos biomarcadores retornaram ao nível do pré-desafio, com a exceção na concentração da CK no G-Vac. Assim, observou-se que esses biomarcadores, podem ser utilizados para avaliação de estresse em bovinos, quando avaliados pré, imediatamente após e após 4 horas do estímulo do estressor e os atuais resultados contribuem para verificação do bem-estar animal nas práticas de manejo estudadas


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    &lt;div&gt;Determination of fat-free mass and fat mass in working horses may contribute to understanding the effects of training of these groups of horses. Also it could be used to improve the well-being of horses. The objective of this research was to evaluate the body composition of three different groups of horses (patrol [SER, n=18]; event [HIP, n=19]; inactive [INO, n=14]), submitted to a similar nutritional program but with different exercise level. It were evaluated the corporal mass, fat-free mass, fat mass, fat thickness, body score and age. And, to determine the body composition it was used the evaluation of body mass in association with fat thickness at rump by ultrasonography. The body mass, fat-free mass and age showed differences between groups (P&lt;0,05). The INO had small fat-free mass (255.2±12.7 kg) when compared with SER (294.5±10.0 kg) and HIP (310.9±9.5 kg). The body mass of INO (297.3±14.1 kg) was smaller than body mass in HIP (354.3±10.5 kg) but was similar to the body mass in SER (339.0±11.0 kg). The INO was older (~20 years old) and HIP was younger (~7.5 years old). In conclusion, exercise level promoted differences on size of fat-free mass, however did not produce differences in fat mass, percentage of fat and body score. It was not observed relationship between age and fat –free mass.&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;Key words: Body composition, equine, exercise, fat-free mass.&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;A caracterização da massa-livre de gordura e da massa de gordura nos cavalos atletas pode representar melhor acompanhamento das práticas de treinamento, contribuindo para seu bem-estar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mensurar a composição corporal de três grupos de cavalos de trabalho (serviço de patrulha [SER, n=18]; hipismo [HIP, n=19]; inoperantes [INO, n=14]) submetidos ao mesmo programa alimentar, mas com atividade física diferente. Determinou-se essa variável a partir da massa corporal em associação com a mensuração da espessura do tecido adiposo na garupa, por meio de ultrassonografia. Foram mensurados: massa corporal, massa livre de gordura, massa de gordura, espessura da capa de gordura na garupa, escore corporal e idade. Ocorreram diferenças (p&lt;0,05) entre os grupos na comparação das seguintes características: massa corporal, massa livre de gordura e idade. O grupo INO apresentou menor massa livre de gordura (255,2±12,7 kg) quando comparado com os grupos SER (294,5±10,0 kg) e HIP (310,9±9,5 kg). A massa corporal do INO (297,3±14,1 kg) foi diferente quando comparada à do HIP (354,3±10,5 kg), mas semelhante à do SER (339,0±11,0 kg). O grupo INO foi o mais velho (~20 anos) e o grupo HIP o mais jovem (~7,5 anos). A atividade física contribuiu (p&lt;0,05) para as diferenças na massa livre de gordura, pois o grupo INO não foi capaz de produzir diferenças na massa de gordura, na percentagem de gordura e no escore corporal. Não se observou relação entre a idade e a massa livre de gordura (MLG).&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;Palavras-chaveS: Composição corporal, equinos, exercício, massa livre de gordura.&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/div&gt