1,275 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un algoritmo para fusionar imágenes en sensado remoto

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    En ésta tesis una novedosa aproximación para fusionar imágenes de los sensores OLI (satélite LANDSAT 8) y MODIS (satéliteAqua/Terra) es presentada. La presente propuesta emplea las diferencias espectrales entre dos imágenes MODIS, en fechas t1 y t2, y una imagen OLI en la fecha t1 para predecir por medio del uso de una versión modificada del algoritmo de pirámides la imagen OLI en la fecha t2. El resultado predicho mostró una buena apariencia visual y por medio de un análisis de error cuantitativo empleando distintas métricas se determinó que la presente metodología es una buena aproximación para fusionar imágenes OLI y MODIS

    Healthy Lifestyle at Headstart in Monterey County

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    In Monterey County, the rate of childhood obesity is too high among the Latino/Hispanic community. The Head Start program in Monterey County serves more than 1,245 children each year with the majority of them being Latino/Hispanic. The causes of childhood obesity are a lack of physical activities, cultural beliefs, and financial issues among families. It leads to serious health problems that impact children academically and psychologically. This capstone project is to increase knowledge and awareness on how to live a Healthy Lifestyle among Head Start parents so that they can apply that to their lives and their children. The project implemented a workshop called Healthy Lifestyle or Estilo Vida Saludable. The workshop provided parents with skills on how to eat healthily and exercise regularly. The project\u27s outcomes were carried out using pre-and post surveys. The results showed an increase of knowledge and awareness regarding on how to live a Healthy Lifestyle. Recommendations for Head Start agency should continue to do Healthy Lifestyle Workshops as a source of information for parents to keep making healthy lifestyle decisions for their families

    The Music Industry Has a Mental Health Problem

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    Introducing Nutrition Education to Preschoolers

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    This paper is about the importance of including nutrition education in preschool curriculum. It includes my process of creating and implementing a 3-day nutrition curriculum and how it impacted the children that took place in the program. This paper also goes over important influences on the development of children\u27s eating habits

    Pitch Perfect: Achieving Faculty and Administrative Support for Techie Projects

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    Technology can be daunting, but understanding difficult concepts is essential for a successful institutional repository manager. When beginning an innovative IR project, the “how” may seem the most difficult piece. However, understanding your own project is just the beginning. How do you then explain and sell your project to a group lacking IR expertise? This article will discuss the complications and best practices associated with garnering support from vital faculty and campus administrators for IR projects centering on technological concepts unfamiliar to them

    Univariate and multivariate statistical approaches for the analyses of omics data: sample classification and two-block integration.

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    The wealth of information generated by high-throughput omics technologies in the context of large-scale epidemiological studies has made a significant contribution to the identification of factors influencing the onset and progression of common diseases. Advanced computational and statistical modelling techniques are required to manipulate and extract meaningful biological information from these omics data as several layers of complexity are associated with them. Recent research efforts have concentrated in the development of novel statistical and bioinformatic tools; however, studies thoroughly investigating the applicability and suitability of these novel methods in real data have often fallen behind. This thesis focuses in the analyses of proteomics and transcriptomics data from the EnviroGenoMarker project with the purpose of addressing two main research objectives: i) to critically appraise established and recently developed statistical approaches in their ability to appropriately accommodate the inherently complex nature of real-world omics data and ii) to improve the current understanding of a prevalent condition by identifying biological markers predictive of disease as well as possible biological mechanisms leading to its onset. The specific disease endpoint of interest corresponds to B-cell Lymphoma, a common haematological malignancy for which many challenges related to its aetiology remain unanswered. The seven chapters comprising this thesis are structured in the following manner: the first two correspond to introductory chapters where I describe the main omics technologies and statistical methods employed for their analyses. The third chapter provides a description of the epidemiological project giving rise to the study population and the disease outcome of interest. These are followed by three results chapters that address the research aims described above by applying univariate and multivariate statistical approaches for sample classification and data integration purposes. A summary of findings, concluding general remarks and discussion of open problems offering potential avenues for future research are presented in the final chapter.Open Acces