25 research outputs found

    Analiza koncentracije toksičnih i esencijalnih elementa (as, cd, cu, cr, hg, ni, pb, sr, zn) u zooplanktonu sa šaranskog ribnjaka

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    U poslednjih 20 godina zagađivanje slatkovodnih ekosistema toksičnim elementima je u porastu širom sveta. Zagađenjem su pogođeni pre svega izvori za vodosnabdevanje stanovništva i životno okruženje, ali i industrija kao i privreda uopšte. Međutim zbog perzistentnosti i transfera kroz lance ishrane i potencijalnog akumuliranja u ribama i drugim vodenim organizmima koji se koriste u ishrani, toksični elementi predstavljaju stalnu pretnju ljudskom zdravlju. Zagađivanje naših reka teškim metalima nameće pitanje ne samo zdravstvene ispravnosti riba iz reka već i riba iz ribnjaka obzirom da se većina šaranskih ribnjaka napaja vodom iz sistema kanala DTD. Cilj ove studije je bio da se analizira koncentracija 9 elemenata u zooplanktonu koji predstavlja značajnu prirodnu hranu šarana u poluintenzivnom sistemu gajenja. Istraživanje je obavljeno na 4 ribnjačka objekta, tokom dva ciklusa gajenja šarana, od juna do oktobra, na ribnjaku „Despotovo“. Uzorci zooplanktona za analizu elemenata su uzimani sa tri tačke u svakom jezeru pomoću planktonske mrežice veličine 250 µm jednom mesečno. Na ovaj način su sakupljene samo krupnije veličinske klase zooplanktona (Cladocera i Copepoda), koje šaranska mlađ najviše konzumira. Sa svakog jezera je uziman po još jedan uzorak zooplanktona za kvantitativnu i taksonomsku analizu. Koncentracija elemenata je analizirana induktivno spregnutom plazma masenom (ICP-MS) i optičkom emisionom spektrometrijom (ICP-OES). Rezultati su obrađeni jednofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse (ANOVA) u statističkom programu PAST 3.06. Značajnost razlika testirana je primenom Tukey’s post hoc testa. Podaci su klasifikovani na prolećni, letnji i jesenji aspekt tokom jednog proizvodnog ciklusa. Cladocera su dominirale u populaciji zooplanktona, osim u junu kada su Copepoda bile zastupljenije. Iako nije bilo značajnih razlika u koncentraciji elemenata između godina, osim za Cu i Sr, uočen je karakterističan sezonski obrazac kretanja koncentracija elemenata tokom celog istraživanja. Prolećni i jesenji aspekti u 2012 su bili veći nego u 2013, dok je letnji aspekt u 2013 bio viši nego u 2012. godini. Izuzetak je bila koncentracija Zn u zooplanktonu gde je situacija bila obrnuta. Povišene vrednosti većine toksičnih metala u zooplanktonu na ribnjaku Despotovo se mogu objasniti relativno velikim afinitetom egzoskeleta Cladocera za većinu dvovalentih jona. Nakon adsorbcije elementi na površini ljuštura ovih životinja, tokom vremena bivaju absorbovani kroz telesni zid u unutrašnje organe. Neke studije čak navode da površinski akumulirani kontaminanti na plenu mogu biti dostupniji predatorima od onih akumuliranih u tkivima, zbog niskog pH i visokog nivoa jonske kompleksacije koji vladaju na mestu abstorpcije, u digestivnom traktu većine životinja, Ovi rezultati nameću zaključak da je u budućim istraživanjima kontaminacije vodenih ekosistema i riba poželjno uključiti analize ne samo vode kao izvora toksičnih elemenata, već i odgovarajućih izvora hrane (plena) koji, kako je pokazano, sadrži potencijal ne samo za značajnu akumulaciju elemenata već i njihovu potencijalnu veću biodostupnost konzumentima

    Acute muscle damage as a metabolic response to rapid weight loss in wrestlers

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    Study aim: Dietary and non-dietary weight loss methods are highly prevalent among combat sports athletes (CSA). Most CSA undergo rapid weight loss (RWL) usually a week before the competition to reduce their body mass and thus compete in the lowest weight category possible. The objective of the study was to distinguish the impact of high-intensity sport-specific training (HISST) combined with RWL (phase 1 - P1) on muscle damage markers as well as the effects of HISST alone (phase 2 - P2). Material and methods: This crossover study was carried out on 12 male wrestlers. It consisted of initial measurement (IM), high-intensity training combined with RWL of 5% (P1), and high-intensity training without RWL (P2). After each phase, muscle damage markers were measured, including myoglobin, aldolase, creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase. Results: A substantial increase in analyzed biomarkers was evident in both phases (P1 and P2). However, higher levels of almost all biomarkers were observed in the phase that included RWL compared to the second phase, with a greater significance level. Conclusions: Our study revealed that 5% RWL combined with HISST impacted the assessed biomarkers to a greater extent than HISST alone, thus providing strong evidence of the influence of RWL on muscular damage in wrestlers. In order to minimize the adverse health-related effects induced by weight reduction, coaches and athletes should use caution when considering weight management methods

    Opis przypadku — występujący rodzinnie wewnątrzczaszkowo germinoma

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    Background. Intracranial germinomas (ICG) are uncommon brain neoplasms with extremely rare familial occurance. Since ICG invades hypothalamus and/or pituitary, the endocrine dysfunction is one of the common determinants of these tumors. We presented two brothers with the history of ICG. Patient 1 is a 25-year-old male who had been suffering from the weakness of the right half of his body at the age of 18. Cranial MRI revealed mass lesion in the left thalamus. He underwent neurosurgery, tumor was removed completely. Histopathological (HP) and immunohistochemical analyses verified the diagnosis of pure germinoma. He experienced complete remission of the tumor after a radiation therapy. At the age of 22 the diagnosis of isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) was established and GH replacement was initiated. Patient 2 is a 20-year old boy who was presented with diabetes insipidus at the age of 12. MRI detected tumor in the third ventricle and pineal region. After the endoscopic tumor biopsy the HP diagnosis was pure germinoma. He received chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy, and treated with GH during childhood. At the age of 18 GH replacement was reintroduced. A six month follow-up during the next two years in both brothers demonstrated the IGF1 normalization with no MRI signs of tumor recurrence. Conclusion. To the best of our knowledge so far, only six reports have been published related to familial ICG. The presented two brothers are the first report of familial ICG case outside of Japan. They are treated successfully with GH therapy in adult period. Wstęp: Rozrodczaki wewnątrzczaszkowe (intracranial germinomas, ICG) to rzadkie nowotwory mózgu, a szczególnie rzadko stwierdza się ich występowanie rodzinne. W związku z tym, że ICG zajmuje podwzgórze i/lub przysadkę mózgową, zaburzenia endokrynologiczne są jednym z najczęstszych wyznaczników obecności tych guzów. W pracy przedstawiono dwóch braci z ICG. Pacjent 1 to 25-letni mężczyzna, u którego w wieku 18 lat wystąpiło osłabienie mięśni po lewej stronie ciała. Badanie metodą rezonansu magnetycznego (MRI) czaszki ujawniło masę w lewym wzgórzu. Chorego poddano zabiegowi neurochirurgicznemu, podczas którego guz został całkowicie usunięty. Badania histopatologiczne i immunohistochemiczne potwierdziły rozpoznanie czystej postaci rozrodczaka. Po radioterapii nastąpiła całkowita remisja guza. W wieku 22 lat u chorego zdia­gnozowano izolowany niedobór hormonu wzrostu (isolated growth hormone deficiency, IGHD) i wdrożono terapię zastępczą hormonem wzrostu (growth hormone, GH). Genetyczna analiza molekularna tkanki guza wykazała mutację w eksonie 2 w genie KRAS. Pacjent 2 to 20-letni mężczyzna, u którego w wieku 12 lat stwierdzono moczówkę prostą. W badaniu MRI wykryto guz w okolicy trzeciej komory i szyszynki. Po ocenie histopatologicznej materiału pobranego za pomocą biopsji endoskopowej postawiono diagnozę czystego rozrod­czaka. U chorego zastosowano chemioterapię, a następnie radioterapię, a także podawano GH w okresie dzieciństwa. W wieku 18 lat u chorego wznowiono terapię GH. Sześciomiesięczna obserwacja obu braci w następnych 2 latach wykazała normalizację IGF1 przy braku objawów nawrotu guza w badaniu MRI. Wnioski: Według najlepszej wiedzy autorów dotychczas opublikowano 6 doniesień na temat rodzinnego występowania ICG. Przed­stawieni w niniejszej pracy bracia są pierwszym opisanym przypadkiem rodzinnego ICG poza Japonią. W okresie dorosłym chorzy są leczeni GH z dobrym skutkiem

    The Role of Substrate Preference in Mesozoic Brachiopod Decline

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    Brachiopods dominated the seafloor from the Ordovician to the Permian as one of the primary members of the Paleozoic fauna. Despite the devastating effects of the Permian-Triassic extinction, the group mounted a successful recovery during the Triassic and Jurassic, which was followed by their final decline. One proposed cause of this decline is the large increase in bioturbation associated with the Mesozoic Marine Revolution, leading to brachiopods shifting to harder substrates. This hypothesis was explored using occurrence and abundance data downloaded from the Paleobiology Database, with carbonate lithologies serving as a proxy for hard substrates and siliciclastics as a proxy for soft substrates. Brachiopods were more common on carbonate substrates in the Mesozoic which suggests a shift to harder substrates due to rapidly increasing bioturbation during the era. The resulting restriction to harder substrates is a contributor to the Mesozoic decline of brachiopods. Though increasing bioturbation has been previously proposed as a cause of brachiopod decline, this study provides additional quantitative support for this hypothesis


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    The effects of rapid weight loss (RWL) in combat sports athletes is an area that is not yet fully discovered. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the impact of weight loss on HGS (handgrip strength) in Greco-Roman wrestlers. This cross-over study included ten athletes examined for HGS during three time points for each hand. The first measurement – baseline (BL), was performed before we- ight reduction. The second measurement ‒ phase 1 (P1), was taken after high-intensity sports specific training (HISST) combined with RWL. In this phase, participants had to lose 5% of their body mass within three days, after which HISST was carried out (on day 3). The third measurement ‒ phase 2 (P2), was performed seven days after P1, which included HISST with no RWL. When comparing the HGS values, significantly higher values were observed only when P1 was compared with P2 for the left hand (p=0.039). This means that the grip was significantly stronger after RWL was conducted together with HISST. This research could be of great importance to combat sports coaches and athletes as it evaluates the effect of RWL on performance parameters. Therefore, the results of our study could serve to improve the wrestlers’ weight-reduction plan

    The influence of body mass index on physical activity engagement following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A systematic literature review

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    Background: The objective of this study was to summarize available literature that explored the impact of body mass index (BMI) on physical activity participation among individuals who were subjected to the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Methods: A total of three electronic databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed, were comprehensively searched to identify relevant investigations. The following inclusion criteria were applied: (1) study design was observational; (2) participants underwent the ACLR; (3) BMI was estimated as a predictor variable; and (4) outcomes evaluated referred to physical activity. The risk of bias was assessed with the National Institutes of Health Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. Results: After a database search, 787 studies were found, and only 10 of them met each of the eligibility criteria and were included in the qualitative analysis. Regarding respondents' characteristics, 7171 individuals underwent ACLR, 4080 males and 3091 females, with a mean age of 25.5 years. Most importantly, the average BMI of the examined population was 24.9 kg/m2. In all studies, physical activity was evaluated subjectively using the Tegner activity scale and the Marx activity scale. The main findings unambiguously demonstrated that a negative relationship between BMI and physical activity engagement was observed. More specifically, there is convincing evidence that BMI over 25 kg/m2 harmfully affected subjectively assessed physical activity in individuals with a history of ACLR. Conclusion: The results obtained in the presented research indicated that increased values of BMI were a factor that correlated with reduced physical activity levels in the ACLR population. Hence, taking into account the clinical and health implications of reduced physical activity participation, stimulation of a healthy lifestyle, such as a combination of adequately designed physical exercise and nutrition, seems necessary for the analyzed population

    Rapid Weight Loss Coupled with Sport-Specific Training Impairs Heart Rate Recovery in Greco-Roman Wrestlers

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    Wrestling is a sport that can be classified with the use of alternating aerobic–anaerobic metabolism with moderate but high-impact energy expenditure. Heart rate recovery (HRR) is the difference between heart rate during exercise and a certain amount of time after the start of recovery. The goal of this study was to determine the difference in HRR between two phases: high-intensity sport-specific training (HISST) combined with rapid weight loss (RWL)—phase 1 (P1) and HISST only—phase 2 (P2). Ten national-level wrestlers were included in this study. All participants underwent HISST along with RWL procedures for P1. Seven days later, during P2, an identical training session was performed with no RWL included. We found a statistically significant difference in the values obtained after the first and second minutes of recovery in the second set for both cases (p = 0.034 and p = 0.037, respectively), with higher HR values recorded in P1. It can be concluded that there is undoubtedly a difference in HRR during training and RWL compared to HISST alone. Additionally, HISST along with RWL could compromise the aerobic component of recovery

    The Role of Psychological Factors in Judo: A Systematic Review

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    (1) Background: Psychological parameters are relevant in the practice of judo. Previous studies have shown that parameters such as anxiety or motivation can have a negative or positive impact on the athlete’s performance and general well-being, depending on the athlete’s perception. This systematic review aimed to summarize the studies examining the influence of various psychological parameters on well-being and performance in judo athletes; (2) Methods: We followed preferred reporting elements for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. We searched the Web of Science database for studies that explained the role of these parameters in elite athletes. Of the 286 articles initially identified, 17 met our eligibility criteria and were included in the review. In total, we analyzed data from 721 judo athletes; (3) Results: The studies found have demonstrated the impact of various psychological parameters during high-level performance and how these parameters can influence and lead an athlete to win or lose a competition. The feelings of tension, anger, anxiety, and nervousness were significantly increased in athletes who were facing defeat, while a decrease in the same segments and an increase in motivation among athletes who were experiencing better performance was observed. Further research under standardized conditions is needed to better understand the effects of these parameters on judo athletes; (4) Conclusions: Considering the athlete’s psychological state can affect performance, and it is therefore important to monitor and train these factors