12 research outputs found

    Hematološke karakteristike telestes metohiensis (steindachner, 1901) sa različitih staništa

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    Telestes metohiensis (Steindachner, 1901) predstavlja endemičnu vrstu riba područja Istočne Hercegovine, sa specifičnim životnim ciklusom i prilagođenostima da određeni dio godine provodi pod zemljom, a sa pojavom velikih voda izlazi na površinu. Istraživanja fizioloških i ekofizioloških karakteristika ove vrste imaju poseban značaj jer se radi o nedovoljno istraženoj vrsti, pri čemu su podaci ovoga karaktera oskudni i fragmentirani, a radi se o vrsti koja se obuhvaćena Crvenom listom Republike Srpske, dok je dvije najveće baze ovih podataka WCMC i IUCN svrstavaju je u prvu kategoriju ranjivih vrsta. Fiziološka istraživanja endemičnih vrsta riba su od posebnog značaja, jer daju uvid u niz procesa u organizmu, a posredno i u životnoj sredini, što je neophodno pri prilikom planiranja i provođenja mjera zaštite. Hematološki parametri predstavljaju pouzdane indikatore stanja organizma, a posredno i stanja životne sredine. Za utvrđivanje hematološkog statusa koriste se kvantitativni karakteri ćelija crvene i bijele loze, koji pružaju uvid u čitav niz procesa u organizmu, a na osnovu analize različitih komponenti krvi može se suditi o promjenama koje nastaju u određenim sistemima pod uticajem faktora spoljašnje i unutrašnje sredine. Hematološki parametri su obuhvatali: broj eritrocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina, hematokrit, MCV, MCH i MCHC. Praćeni parametri su analizirani kod jedinki gatačke gaovice koje su lovljene u vodotocima: Vrijeka, Opačica i Zalomka. Prve dvije rijeke se nalaze na području Dabarskog polja, dok rijeka Zalomka teče kroz Nevesinjsko polje. Rezultati pokazuju postojanje značajnih razlika u vrijednostima praćenih parametra prilikom komparacije po lokalitetima, pri čemu su jedinke iz rijeke Vrijeke imale veće vrijednosti koncentracije hemoglobina, vrijednost hematokrita, broja eritrocita i srednje vrijednosti količine hemoglobina u eritrocitima (MCH) u odnosu na druga dva vodotoka

    Hematološka procena mlađi kalifornijske pastrmke (oncorhynchus mykiss) iz različitih mrestilišta

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    Za praćenje zdravlja i kondicije riba u prirodnim staništima kao i riba u akvakulturi veliku važnost imaju istraživanja koja se odnose na krv i tjelesne tečnosti. Parametri eritrocitne i leukocitne loze predstavljaju veoma značajne pokazatelje stanja organizma riba i njihove vrijednosti su specifične za svaku vrstu. Osnovne karakteristike normalne krvne slike zdravih jedinki svake vrste moraju biti dostupne, prije njihovog korištenja u procjeni zdravstvenog stanja riba. Svaka vrsta ima krakterističan broj i veličinu eritrocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina, i hematološke indekse. Pored toga, postoje fiziološke varijacije svih parametara koje su pod uticajem pola, reprodukcije ili se pojavljuju tokom različitih faza životnog ciklusa vrste. Dnevne i sezonske oscilacije su takđe veoma dobro izražene. Sve vrijednosti hematoloških parametara kao i njihove varijacije su specifične za vrstu i/ili rasu i varijetet. Iz tog razloga smo u ovom radu ispitali dužičastu pastrmku porijeklom iz pet različitih matičnih jata. Mrijest je obavljen na pet izabranih ribogojilišta, nakon čega je oplođena ikra dopremljena u mrestilište Klašnik gdje su obezbijeđeni isti uslovi sredine tokom embrionalnog razvoja i gajenja za svih pet grupa jedinki. Ukupno je analizirano 50 jedinki koje su podijeljene u 5 grupa. Jedinke su bile raspoređene u bazene, sa protočnom vodom. Hranjene su proporcionalno masi tijela odgovarajućom količinom hrane istog proizvođača. Iz svake grupe za analizu je uzeto po 10 jedinki. Hematološki parametri koji su praćeni u radu predstavljeni su parametrima eritrocitne loze: brojem eritrocita, koncentracijom hemoglobina, hematokritom, srednjom vrijednost zapremine eritrocita (MCV),srednjom vrijednosti količine hemoglobina u eritrocitu (MCH)i srednjom vrijednosti hemoglobina u litri eritrocita (MCHC). Vrijednosti broja eritrocita značajno su niže u drugoj grupi nego kod jedinki iz grupa IV (p = 0,024) i V (p = 0,020). Vrijednosti hematokrita kod riba prve grupe značajno su više nego kod grupa II (p = 0,001), IV (p = 0,002) i V (p = 0,008). Takođe, vrijednosti kod III grupe riba su signifikantno više nego kod grupa II (p < 0,001), IV (p < 0,001) i V (p = 0,001). Najniže vrijednosti koncentracije hemoglobina konstatovane su kod jedinki iz četvrte grupe i značajno su bile manje u poređenju s ostalim grupama (I p = 0,016, II 0,004, III p = 0,004, IV p = 0,013). Vrijednosti prosječne zapremine eritrocita značajno su bile manje kod riba prve grupe nego kod jedinki iz grupa II (p = 0,007), IV (p = 0,002) i V (p = 0,005). Takođe, signifikantno više vrijednosti konstatovane su u grupi tri u poređenju sa vrijednostima grupa II (p = 0,001), IV (p < 0,001) i V (p < 0,001). Najmanje vrijednosti MCH utvrđene su kod grupe IV i značajno su bile manje u poređenju sa grupama I (p = 0,014), II (p = 0,001), III (0,003). Vrijednosti MCHC značajno su bile niže kod jedinki iz prve grupe u poređenju sa vrjednostima iz grupa II (p = 0,001) i V (p = 0,035). Vrijednosti ovog parametra su bile značajno više kod druge grupe u odnosu na grupe III (p = 0,001) i IV (p = 0,007). Takođe, značajno viša vrijednost zabilježena je kod grupe V u odnosu na grupu III (p = 0,028). Uočene razlike mogu se jedino objasniti različitim porijeklom od različitih matičnih jata

    Economic aspects of the application of different organic materials as N-sources in organic production of lettuce

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    In a field experiment on a farm registered for organic production, we studied the effect of the application of different organic materials (OM): farmyard manure (FYM), guano (G), soybean seed (S), forage pea seed (P) on lettuce yield. Besides yield, we also analyzed the economic profitability of the application of different OM. Fresh lettuce yield was significantly higher with OM treatments than with the treatments without fertilization. The highest yield was obtained with the FYM treatment (43.7 t ha-1), and the lowest with the application of P (42.0 t ha-1). The highest additional profit was obtained with the FYM treatment (1123 EUR ha-1) and the lowest with the application of P (475 EUR ha-1)

    Evaluation of Crop Rotation on Organic Farms in Northern Serbia

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    The objective of this paper was to analyze six organic farms in northern Serbia in order to evaluate crop rotation composition and identify its role in cropping technology of the organic production. The major agronomic indicators of organic crop rotation were analyzed: number of crops and their ratio, number of different crop schemes and fields in rotation, land coverage with crops, crops structure, etc. Information was acquired by visiting and surveying farmers during the 2005/06 as well as reading their documentation required for certification. The obtained results showed that the farmers carried out production on a 3-4-year rotation basis. The cropping plan was strongly driven by market demands. Compromises with design and structure of the rotation were compensated with additional crop management or organic fertilizers. The potential for the development of good farming management based on efficient crop rotation has not been fully achieved

    Mulch type and application of manure and composts in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) production: impact on soil fertility and yield

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    Abstract The objective of this research was to quantify the effect of the application of organic fertilizers: farmyard manure, vermicompost, spent mushroom compost, under two different ground cover management systems (black polyethylene and wheat straw mulch) on soil nutrient levels and strawberry yield during a two-year production cycle. The application of organic fertilizers, in the amounts equivalent to 170 kg ha -1 N, had the greatest impact on the concentration of available phosphorus, which was significantly higher on fertilized plots than on the control even two years after the application. The plots fertilized with farmyard manure and mushroom compost had higher concentrations of available potassium than the control, while the application of vermicompost did not affect the concentration of available potassium in the soil. The application of composts did not affect the concentration of available microelements in the soil, while the concentrations of Fe, Zn and Cu in the year of the organic fertilizers application were significantly higher on farmyard manure fertilized plots than on the control. The application of all three organic fertilizers had a significant effect on the mineral N concentration in the soil only in the year of the application and the following spring. However, the plots covered with polyethylene mulch had a higher mineral N concentration than the control at all sampling times. The concentration of available microelements was significantly higher in soil covered with black polyethylene mulch than in soil covered with straw mulch. Preplant application of organic fertilizers led to increase of yield, ranging from 14.3% in vermicompost treatmet to 17.3% in the farmyard manure treatment in relation to the control, only in the 1 st fruiting year. However, the application of polyethylene mulch facilitated a higher strawberry yield than straw mulch in both fruiting years

    Effect of resin and photoinitiator on color, translucency and color stability of conventional and low-shrinkage model composites

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of a low-shrinkage methacrylate monomer and monoacylphosphine oxide photoinitiator on color, translucency, and color stability of model resin-based composites (RBCs). METHODS: Four micro-hybrid RBCs were prepared containing barium-glass fillers in bisphenol A-glycidyl-methacrylate (BisGMA) and triethyleneglycol-dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) or urethane-based low-shrinkage monomer FIT-852 (FIT; Esstech Inc.) and TEGDMA matrix. Camphorquinone (CQ)/amine or Lucirin TPO were used as photoinitiators. Commercial low-shrinkage RBCs (Charisma Diamond, Heraeus Kulzer and N'Durance, Septodont) and conventional RBCs (Tetric EvoCeram, Ivoclar Vivadent and Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE) were used as controls. Color and translucency were measured using Thermo Scientific Evolution (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and SpectroShade™ Micro (MHT Optic Research) spectrophotometers. Color stability was evaluated after immersion in black tea (pure, with milk or lemon) and distilled water. Data were analyzed using analyses of variance with Tukey's post-test (α=0.05). RESULTS: Photoinitiators had no significant effect on baseline color. Initially whiter FIT-based RBCs showed greater staining in all staining solutions than BisGMA-based RBCs. TPO-containing RBCs showed better color stability than CQ-containing RBCs irrespective of the base monomer. Tea and tea with lemon induced greatest color changes. Adding milk to tea significantly reduced material staining. SIGNIFICANCE: Urethane-based low-shrinkage monomer FIT and conventional BisGMA affected color, translucency and color stability of their respective RBCs. Despite being used in posterior teeth, low-shrinkage RBCs are expected to have favorable optical and esthetic properties. Manufacturers are urged to provide information on optical properties of monomers and monomer mixtures in their low-shrinkage RBCs to allow understanding of interaction with fillers and photoinitiators.publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Effect of resin and photoinitiator on color, translucency and color stability of conventional and low-shrinkage model composites journaltitle: Dental Materials articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2015.11.027 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2015 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.status: publishe

    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Hypertensive Heart Disease: Time for a New Chapter

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    Hypertension is one of the most important cardiovascular risk factors, associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Chronic high blood pressure leads to various structural and functional changes in the myocardium. Different sophisticated imaging methods are developed to properly estimate the severity of the disease and to prevent possible complications. Cardiac magnetic resonance can provide a comprehensive assessment of patients with hypertensive heart disease, including accurate and reproducible measurement of left and right ventricle volumes and function, tissue characterization, and scar quantification. It is important in the proper evaluation of different left ventricle hypertrophy patterns to estimate the presence and severity of myocardial fibrosis, as well as to give more information about the benefits of different therapeutic modalities. Hypertensive heart disease often manifests as a subclinical condition, giving exceptional value to cardiac magnetic resonance as an imaging modality capable to detect subtle changes. In this article, we are giving a comprehensive review of all the possibilities of cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with hypertensive heart disease

    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Hypertensive Heart Disease: Time for a New Chapter

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    Hypertension is one of the most important cardiovascular risk factors, associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Chronic high blood pressure leads to various structural and functional changes in the myocardium. Different sophisticated imaging methods are developed to properly estimate the severity of the disease and to prevent possible complications. Cardiac magnetic resonance can provide a comprehensive assessment of patients with hypertensive heart disease, including accurate and reproducible measurement of left and right ventricle volumes and function, tissue characterization, and scar quantification. It is important in the proper evaluation of different left ventricle hypertrophy patterns to estimate the presence and severity of myocardial fibrosis, as well as to give more information about the benefits of different therapeutic modalities. Hypertensive heart disease often manifests as a subclinical condition, giving exceptional value to cardiac magnetic resonance as an imaging modality capable to detect subtle changes. In this article, we are giving a comprehensive review of all the possibilities of cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with hypertensive heart disease

    Measurements of oxidative potential of particulate matter at Belgrade tunnel; comparison of BPEAnit, DTT and DCFH assays

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    To estimate the oxidative potential (OP) of particulate matter (PM), two commonly used cell-free, molecular probes were applied: dithiothreitol (DTT) and dichloro-dihydro-fluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA), and their performance was compared with 9,10-bis (phenylethynyl) anthracene-nitroxide (BPEAnit). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in which the performance of the DTT and DCFH has been compared with the BPEAnit probe. The average concentrations of PM, organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) for fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10) particles were determined. The results were 44.8 ± 13.7, 9.8 ± 5.1 and 9.3 ± 4.8 µg·m−3 for PM2.5 and 75.5 ± 25.1, 16.3 ± 8.7 and 11.8 ± 5.3 µg·m−3 for PM10, respectively, for PM, OC and EC. The water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) fraction accounted for 42 ± 14% and 28 ± 9% of organic carbon in PM2.5 and PM10, respectively. The average volume normalized OP values for the three assays depended on both the sampling periods and the PM fractions. The OPBPEAnit had its peak at 2 p.m.; in the afternoon, it was three times higher compared to the morning and late afternoon values. The DCFH and BPEAnit results were correlated (r = 0.64), while there was no good agreement between the BPEAnit and the DTT (r = 0.14). The total organic content of PM does not necessarily represent oxidative capacity and it shows varying correlation with the OP. With respect to the two PM fractions studied, the OP was mostly associated with smaller particles.</p