248 research outputs found

    Bumper catch of green mussel in Chettikulam, Calicut

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    Malabar coast is the known hub of quality green mussel Perna viridis, L. Total bivalve landed along Kozhikode - Kannur coast during 2006 was estimated to 15682 t in which nearly 65% was contributed by the Perna viridis. (Laxmilatha et al., 2007). Along the coast between Kozhikode and Chombala nearly 283 fulltime and 218 part time mussel pickers are engaged actively in exploiting mussels from the natural beds

    Sharptail mola landed at Thoothukudi

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    A large Sharptail mola (Masturus lanceolatus) measuring 180 cm in Total length (TL) landed on 28.07.2016 at Tharuvaikulam Landing Centre, Gulf of Mannar. Interaction with the local fishermen indicated that it was caught at a depth of 150 m in a drift gill net conducting multiday fishing for 4-5 days about 40 km from shore

    Comparison of normal and abnormal labour by using Modified WHO Partograph

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    Background: Modified WHO partograph is graphical record of maternal and foetal data during progress of labour entered against time on single paper sheet. Entire labour can be interpreted in a glance on the photograph. It helps to detect abnormal progress of labour. It guides obstetrician to decide about the need for augmentation of labour or termination of pregnancy either by instrumental delivery or LSCS and avoids prolong labour before obstruction. The objectives were to study the course of normal and abnormal labour and to evaluate the maternal and perinatal outcome in normal and abnormal labour.Methods: The prospective observational hospital based study of 200 randomly selected cases coming to sir t hospital, bhavnagar for delivery during September 2016 to August 2017 was done. Progress of labour assessed by use of modified WHO partograph. Various parameters like duration of labour, mode of delivery, maternal and neonatal morbidity were studied.Results: The average duration of active first stage of labour was 4 hrs 38 mins in normal labour and 7hrs 48 mins in abnormal labour. Arrest of descent was responsible for 40% of abnormal labour. Problems like obstructed labour were avoided by timely intervention in the form of cesarean section and instrumental delivery. Maternal and perinatal outcome were satisfactory.Conclusions: Routine use of modified WHO partograph helps in early detection of abnormal course in labour. Every women in labour must be benefitted by use of modified WHO partograph for labour monitoring. It assures best maternal and perinatal outcome

    A record of sun fish Mola mola from coastal waters at Veraval

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    Fishes belonging to the family Molidae, commonly called as ocean sun fishes or head fishes and known as 'Kakhida' locally, are frequently observed in the trawl net landings at Bhidia fish landing centre of Veraval, mostly during the post-winter months

    Decadal analysis of the flatfish fishery of India

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    Decadal analysis of the flatfish fishery of Indi

    Atlas on the Elasmobranch fishery resources of India

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    The elasmobranchs represented by sharks, skates (sawfishes,guitar fishes) and rays are an important group of demersal fishes which are exploited for multifarious uses of their various body parts such as the meat, fins, liver, teeth and the hide. While shark fins are considered as a delicacy fetching increased export market, their liver oil is utilized in pharmaceutical industry. Shark teeth is used for ornamental purposes and their hide for a variety of leather products. This increased commercial demand coupled with their characteristic life history pattern including slow growth rate, delayed maturation, long reproductive cycle, low fecundity and long life span and their trans-boundary migration pattern make them susceptible to over fishing. Because of this background, of late there had been a growing international awareness over the conservation and management of the elasmobranch stocks. This in turn necessitates an understanding of resource characteristics and eco-biological features of different species of sharks, skates and ray

    Practice of hooks and line fishery off Satpathi waters, Maharashtra

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    In trawler boats the fishermen utilize manually operated hooks and line using cephalopods, ribbon fishes, mackerel and other fishes caught in the trawl nets as baits. Trawl nets and hooks and line were employed alternatively and the operation reached a peak in the period from October to January and in the "Mahashivarathri" season. Average catch per boat for the following season (October 1997- January 1998) varied from 200 to 1,000 kg and mainly comprised S.commersoni, Thunnus tonggol and Euthynnus ajfinis along with a few numbers of Epinephelus spp., Rachycentron canadus and P, diacanthus
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