212 research outputs found

    Organic market development in Africa, Asia and Latin America: Case studies and conclusions for national action plans

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    Organic market strategies of many developing countries are mainly export oriented. On one hand, this is due to lack of local and regional market development. On the other hand, this is due to the fact that the organic market offers producers and trading companies in the South and East excellent export opportunities. How can developing countries develop local and regional markets? The promotion of organic markets ¬– both on local and international level – gets more and more attention in agricultural policies and in development cooperation. One big challenge is to support trade rules and favourable business conditions up to comprehensive national action plans in order to support the development of the organic market. Special focus needs the development of domestic markets for organic food products. There is a need for accompanying measures such as regional and national promotion activities, development of regional labels and capacity building. In each socio-economic environment, such initiatives and development programmes are differently. The paper analyzes examples of organic market development strategies, promotions programmes and projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America

    Persistence in q-state Potts model: A Mean-Field approach

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    We study the Persistence properties of the T=0 coarsening dynamics of one dimensional qq-state Potts model using a modified mean-field approximation (MMFA). In this approximation, the spatial correlations between the interfaces separating spins with different Potts states is ignored, but the correct time dependence of the mean density P(t)P(t) of persistent spins is imposed. For this model, it is known that P(t)P(t) follows a power-law decay with time, P(t)tθ(q)P(t)\sim t^{-\theta(q)} where θ(q)\theta(q) is the qq-dependent persistence exponent. We study the spatial structure of the persistent region within the MMFA. We show that the persistent site pair correlation function P2(r,t)P_{2}(r,t) has the scaling form P2(r,t)=P(t)2f(r/t1/2)P_{2}(r,t)=P(t)^{2}f(r/t^{{1/2}}) for all values of the persistence exponent θ(q)\theta(q). The scaling function has the limiting behaviour f(x)x2θf(x)\sim x^{-2\theta} (x1x\ll 1) and f(x)1f(x)\to 1 (x1x\gg 1). We then show within the Independent Interval Approximation (IIA) that the distribution n(k,t)n(k,t) of separation kk between two consecutive persistent spins at time tt has the asymptotic scaling form n(k,t)=t2ϕg(t,ktϕ)n(k,t)=t^{-2\phi}g(t,\frac{k}{t^{\phi}}) where the dynamical exponent has the form ϕ\phi=max(1/2,θ{1/2},\theta). The behaviour of the scaling function for large and small values of the arguments is found analytically. We find that for small separations ktϕ,n(k,t)P(t)kτk\ll t^{\phi}, n(k,t)\sim P(t)k^{-\tau} where τ\tau=max(2(1θ),2θ2(1-\theta),2\theta), while for large separations ktϕk\gg t^{\phi}, g(t,x)g(t,x) decays exponentially with xx. The unusual dynamical scaling form and the behaviour of the scaling function is supported by numerical simulations.Comment: 11 pages in RevTeX, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exploring the Impact of Targeted Distribution of Free Bed Nets on Households Bed Net Ownership, Socio-Economic Disparities and Childhood Malaria Infection Rates: Analysis of National Malaria Survey Data from three Sub-Saharan Africa countries.

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    The last decade has witnessed increased funding for malaria control. Malaria experts have used the opportunity to advocate for rollout of such interventions as free bed nets. A free bed net distribution strategy is seen as the quickest way to improve coverage of effective malaria control tools especially among poorest communities. Evidence to support this claim is however, sparse. This study explored the effectiveness of targeted free bed net distribution strategy in achieving equity in terms of ownership and use of bed nets and also reduction of malaria prevalence among children under-five years of age. National malaria indicator survey (MIS) data from Angola, Tanzania and Uganda was used in the analysis. Hierarchical multilevel logistic regression models were used to analyse the relationship between variables of interest. Outcome variables were defined as: childhood test-confirmed malaria infections, household ownership of any mosquito net and children's use of any mosquito nets. Marginal effects of having free bed net distribution on households with different wealth status were calculated. Angolan children from wealthier households were 6.4 percentage points less likely to be parasitaemic than those in poorest households, whereas those from Tanzania and Uganda were less likely to test malaria positive by 7 and 11.6 percentage points respectively (p < 0.001). The study estimates and present results on the marginal effects based on the impact of free bed net distribution on children's malaria status given their socio-economic background. Poorest households were less likely to own a net by 21.4% in Tanzania, and 2.8% in Uganda, whereas both poorer and wealthier Angolan households almost achieved parity in bed net ownership (p < 0.001). Wealthier households had a higher margin of using nets than poorest people in both Tanzania and Uganda by 11.4% and 3.9% respectively. However, the poorest household in Angola had a 6.1% net use advantage over children in wealthier households (p < 0.001). This is the first study to use nationally representative data to explore inequalities in bed net ownership and related consequences on childhood malaria infection rates across different countries. While targeted distribution of free bed nets improved overall bed net ownership, it did not overcome ownership inequalities as measured by household socioeconomic status. Use of bed nets was disproportionately lower among poorest children, except for Angola where bed net use was higher among poorest households when compared to children in wealthier households. The study highlights the need for malaria control world governing bodies and policy makers to continue working on finding appropriate strategies to improve access to effective malaria control tools especially by the poorest who often times bears the brunt of malaria burden than their wealthier counterparts

    Persistence in One-dimensional Ising Models with Parallel Dynamics

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    We study persistence in one-dimensional ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor Ising models with parallel dynamics. The probability P(t) that a given spin has not flipped up to time t, when the system evolves from an initial random configuration, decays as P(t) \sim 1/t^theta_p with theta_p \simeq 0.75 numerically. A mapping to the dynamics of two decoupled A+A \to 0 models yields theta_p = 3/4 exactly. A finite size scaling analysis clarifies the nature of dynamical scaling in the distribution of persistent sites obtained under this dynamics.Comment: 5 pages Latex file, 3 postscript figures, to appear in Phys Rev.

    Effects of heavy metal soil pollution and acid rain on growth and water use efficiency of a young model forest ecosystem

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    In a 4-year lysimeter experiment, we investigated the effects of topsoil heavy metal pollution (3,000mg kg−1 Zn, 640mg kg−1 Cu, 90mg kg−1 Pb and 10mg kg−1 Cd) and (synthetic) acid rain (pH3.5) on tree growth and water use efficiency of young forest ecosystems consisting of Norway spruce (Picea abies), willow (Salix viminalis), poplar (Populus tremula) and birch (Betula pendula) trees and a variety of understorey plants. The treatments were applied in a Latin square factorial design (contaminated vs uncontaminated topsoil, acidified rain vs ambient rain) to 16 open-top chambers, with 4 replicates each. Each open-top chamber contained two lysimeters, one with a calcareous, and the other with acidic subsoil. The four tree species responded quite differently to heavy metal pollution and type of subsoil. The fine root mass, which was only sampled at the end of the experiment in 2003, was significantly reduced by heavy metal pollution in P. abies, P. tremula and B. pendula, but not in S. viminalis. The metal treatment responses of above-ground biomass and leaf area varied between years. In 2002, the heavy metal treatment reduced above-ground biomass and leaf area in P. tremula, but not in the other species. In 2003, metals did not reduce above-ground growth in P. tremula, but did so in the other species. It appears that the responses in above-ground biomass and leaf area, which paralleled each other, were related to changes in the relative competitive strength of the various species in the two experimental years. S. viminalis gained relative to P. tremula in absence of metal stress, in particular on calcareous subsoil, while P. abies showed the largest increases in growth rates in all treatments. Above- and below-ground growth was strongly inhibited by acidic subsoil in S. viminalis and to a lesser degree also in P. abies. In P. abies, this subsoil effect was enhanced by metal stress. Acid rain was not found to have any substantial effect. Whole-system water use efficiency was reduced by metal stress and higher on calcareous than on acidic subsoi

    Public private partnerships in tourism - a case study of Kerala Travel Mart

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    This paper highlights the public private partnership nature of the Kerala Travel Mart ( KTM) , a tourism trade show held in Kerala,India. The objective is to apply the theoretical framework from literature to analyse the effectiveness of the public private participatory nature of KTM. A case study approach has been adopted based on secondary data from Government records and from data compiled from KTM. KTM has been found to be a successful model for Public Private Partnership although there are some areas for improvement. This is the first such research study on the PPP nature of a collaborative venture in a destination which can be replicated by other destinations

    Exploring the Relationship between Environmental Impact and Nutrient Content of Sandwiches and Beverages Available in Cafés in a UK University

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    The threat of climate change and population growth has led to calls for the adoption of environmentally sustainable diets; however, concerns have been raised over the nutritional quality of low Greenhouse Gas Emission (GHGE) diets. This study examined the relationship between measures of environmental sustainability and nutrient content of sandwiches and beverages sold in a UK university café. GHGE and Water Footprint Impact Indicator (WFII) values for the ingredients of sandwiches and beverages were used with recipe information to calculate GHGE (gCO2e per portion) and WFIIs (scarcity weighted litres per portion). These estimates were then combined via orthogonal regression to produce a single Environmental Impact Score (EIS); higher scores equate to greater environmental impact. The relationship between EIS and nutrient content was explored using correlation analysis. Sandwiches that contained meat and animal products as well as beverages that contained milk, cocoa, and/or coffee had the highest EIS. EIS was positively associated with the portion size of sandwiches but not the serving size of beverages. EIS was positively correlated with calories, saturated fat, and sodium. However, EIS was also positively correlated with micronutrients: iron, calcium (beverages only), and B12 (beverages only). The choice of smaller or plant-based sandwiches as well as beverages without milk would reduce environmental impact as well as caloric and sodium intake. However, the selection of low impact options may also reduce the intake of nutrients required for good health. This study revealed possible tensions between nutritional quality and environmental sustainability

    An adaptive and flexible brain energized full body exoskeleton with IoT edge for assisting the paralyzed patients

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    The paralyzed population is increasing worldwide due to stroke, spinal code injury, post-polio, and other related diseases. Different assistive technologies are used to improve the physical and mental health of the affected patients. Exoskeletons have emerged as one of the most promising technology to provide movement and rehabilitation for the paralyzed. But exoskeletons are limited by the constraints of weight, flexibility, and adaptability. To resolve these issues, we propose an adaptive and flexible Brain Energized Full Body Exoskeleton (BFBE) for assisting the paralyzed people. This paper describes the design, control, and testing of BFBE with 15 degrees of freedom (DoF) for assisting the users in their daily activities. The flexibility is incorporated into the system by a modular design approach. The brain signals captured by the Electroencephalogram (EEG) sensors are used for controlling the movements of BFBE. The processing happens at the edge, reducing delay in decision making and the system is further integrated with an IoT module that helps to send an alert message to multiple caregivers in case of an emergency. The potential energy harvesting is used in the system to solve the power issues related to the exoskeleton. The stability in the gait cycle is ensured by using adaptive sensory feedback. The system validation is done by using six natural movements on ten different paralyzed persons. The system recognizes human intensions with an accuracy of 85%. The result shows that BFBE can be an efficient method for providing assistance and rehabilitation for paralyzed patients. © 2013 IEEE. **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Venki Balasubramanian” is provided in this record*

    DNA Barcoding of Fish Fauna using Mitochondrial CO1 Gene

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    This study aimed to investigate the quantitative relationships between four fish species from three genera based on molecular analyses (barcoding) of nine species from five genera utilizing the mitochondrial COI gene. Species within the same genus showed more transitional incompatibilities than transversional mismatches. The samples were divided into four main groups by a phylogenetic tree built from the sequencing data (cytochrome COI) of samples from the two populations using the neighbour-joining method. As dissimilar species were clustered under separate nodes and similar species were clustered under the same nodes, the neighbour-joining tree revealed various clusters corresponding to the taxonomic status of the species. In conclusion, the mitochondrial CO1 gene is a useful molecular marker for DNA barcoding.