10 research outputs found

    Effects of alpha, beta momorcharin fruit extract with the combination of paclitaxel in the treatment of glioma cancer in-vivo.

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    The vegetable Momordica charantia L., (family: Cucurbitaceae) is a scientific name of the plant and its fruit. It is also known by other names, for instance in the USA it is known as Bitter gourd or balsam pear while its referred to as the African cucumber in many African countries.  M.charantiais believed to posse’s anti-carcinogenic properties and it can modulate its effect via xenobiotic metabolism and oxidative stress. This study was specifically designed to investigate the cellular mechanisms whereby α, β momorcharin an extract of M. charantiacan induce cell death with the combination of paclitaxel.  Different concentration (200µM - 1000µM)of the α, β momorcharin fruit extract were treated (24 hrs incubation) separately with three different cancer cell lines 1321N1, Gos-3, U87-MG and normal L6 muscle cell line. The results also show that paclitaxel(250 µg) with (1000 µM) of the α, β momorcharinextract of M. Charantia,and result in significant decreases in cell viability for each cell line, these effects were additive compared to the individual effect of paclitaxel.   &nbsp

    Effects of α, β momorcharin extract of momordica charantia in intracellular free calcium on cancer cell lines.

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    The Momordica charantia L., (family: Cucurbitaceae) is a scientific name of the plant and its fruit. It is also known by other names, for instance in the USA it is known as Bitter gourd or balsam pear while its referred to as the African cucumber in many African countries. This study was specifically designed to investigate the cellular mechanisms whereby alpha, beta momorcharin an extract of M. charantiacan induce cell death measuring the elevation in intracellular free calcium concentrations in three different cancer cell lines 1321N1, Gos-3 and U-87. The results show that incubation of the three cancer cell lines 1321N1, Gos-3 and U-87 with  α, β momorcharin can result in significant (p < 0.05) time-dependent increases in [Ca2+]i in all three cancer cell lines compared to control (untreated) cells. Maximal increases in [Ca2+]i was attained after 420 min of incubation.In control (untreated cell lines), [Ca2+]i remained more or less stable in both cell lines after 420 min. The results also show that the increase in [Ca2+]i in Gos-3 cell line was much more pronounced following incubation with α, β momorcharin compared to 1321N1 and U-87 cell line. The results show that incubation of the three cancer cell lines with  momorcharin can result in significant (p < 0.05) time-dependent increases in [Ca2+]i in all three cancer cell lines compared to control (untreated) cells. Maximal increases in [Ca2+]i was attained after 420 min of incubation. In control (untreated cell lines), [Ca2+]i remained more or less stable in all three cell lines after 420 min. These results clearly show that  α, β momorcharin extract of M. charantia is exerting its anti- cancer effect via an insult to the mitochondria resulting in apoptosis, calcium overloading and subsequently, cell death

    Effects of alpha, beta momorcharin fruit extract with the combination of paclitaxel in the treatment of glioma cancer in-vivo.

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    The vegetable Momordica charantia L., (family: Cucurbitaceae) is a scientific name of the plant and its fruit. It is also known by other names, for instance in the USA it is known as Bitter gourd or balsam pear while its referred to as the African cucumber in many African countries.  M.charantiais believed to posse’s anti-carcinogenic properties and it can modulate its effect via xenobiotic metabolism and oxidative stress. This study was specifically designed to investigate the cellular mechanisms whereby α, β momorcharin an extract of M. charantiacan induce cell death with the combination of paclitaxel.  Different concentration (200µM - 1000µM)of the α, β momorcharin fruit extract were treated (24 hrs incubation) separately with three different cancer cell lines 1321N1, Gos-3, U87-MG and normal L6 muscle cell line. The results also show that paclitaxel(250 µg) with (1000 µM) of the α, β momorcharinextract of M. Charantia,and result in significant decreases in cell viability for each cell line, these effects were additive compared to the individual effect of paclitaxel.   &nbsp

    Effects of α, β momorcharin extract of momordica charantia in intracellular free calcium on cancer cell lines.

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    The Momordica charantia L., (family: Cucurbitaceae) is a scientific name of the plant and its fruit. It is also known by other names, for instance in the USA it is known as Bitter gourd or balsam pear while its referred to as the African cucumber in many African countries. This study was specifically designed to investigate the cellular mechanisms whereby alpha, beta momorcharin an extract of M. charantiacan induce cell death measuring the elevation in intracellular free calcium concentrations in three different cancer cell lines 1321N1, Gos-3 and U-87. The results show that incubation of the three cancer cell lines 1321N1, Gos-3 and U-87 with  α, β momorcharin can result in significant (p < 0.05) time-dependent increases in [Ca2+]i in all three cancer cell lines compared to control (untreated) cells. Maximal increases in [Ca2+]i was attained after 420 min of incubation.In control (untreated cell lines), [Ca2+]i remained more or less stable in both cell lines after 420 min. The results also show that the increase in [Ca2+]i in Gos-3 cell line was much more pronounced following incubation with α, β momorcharin compared to 1321N1 and U-87 cell line. The results show that incubation of the three cancer cell lines with  momorcharin can result in significant (p < 0.05) time-dependent increases in [Ca2+]i in all three cancer cell lines compared to control (untreated) cells. Maximal increases in [Ca2+]i was attained after 420 min of incubation. In control (untreated cell lines), [Ca2+]i remained more or less stable in all three cell lines after 420 min. These results clearly show that  α, β momorcharin extract of M. charantia is exerting its anti- cancer effect via an insult to the mitochondria resulting in apoptosis, calcium overloading and subsequently, cell death

    Anti – Cancer effects of Momordica charantia in- vitro

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    A multitude of plants have been used extensively for the treatment of cancers throughout the world. In many parts of the world, especially in poor countries, this may be the only form of cancer therapy. Much research has been focused on the scientific evaluation of traditional anti-cancer drugs from the tropical plant; Momordica charantia (MC) is one of them and it has been used frequently as an anti-cancer agent. The green leaves, fruits, seeds and stems of M. charantia composed of many different proteins and steroids that are chemically active. These proteins are α and β momorcharins which possess anti-cancer and anti-HIV properties similar to crude water and methanol soluble extracts of M. charantia. This study investigated the anti cancer effect of either the crude water and methanol soluble extract of M. charantia, α and β and α, β momorcharins based on dose-dependent, time-dependent on the viability of 1321N1, Gos-3, U87-MG, Sk Mel, Corl -23, Weri Rb-1 and L6 cell lines employing different concentrations of each extract or drug. In addition, the study measured the effect of either temozolomide or vinblastine alone or combining each with either the crude water soluble extract of M. charantia or α β momorcharin measuring cell viability in the different cell lines. Furthermore, the present study investigated the cellular mechanism(s) via which the different anti-cancer agents were able to induce cell death measuring the activities of caspase - 3 and caspase - 9, the release of cytochrome c and intracellular free calcium concentrations [Ca 2+ ]i. The results have shown that the crude water soluble extract of M. charantia can evoke both time-course at (800 µg) and dose-dependent (200 µg - 800 µg) decreases in cell viability with maximal increases with 800 µg over a period of 24 hrs following incubation. Either the crude methanol soluble of M. charantia (200 µg - 800 µg), alpha or beta momorcharin (200 µM - 800 µM) had little or no effect on the viability of the different cell lines. In contrast, either alpha, beta momorcharin (200 µM - 800 µM), temozolomide (80 µM - 320 µM) or vinblastine (10 μg - 40 μg) can evoke significant (p < 0.05) decrease in cell viability, similar to the crude water soluble extract of M. charantia. The results also show that combining either temozolomide (240 µM) or vinblastine (40 μg) with either (800 µg) of the crude water- soluble extract of M. charantia or (800 µM) of alpha, beta momorcharin can result in significant decreases in cell viability for each cell line but these effects were neither additive or synergetic compared to the individual effect of temozolomide or vinblastine. The result of this study have also shown that either the crude water-soluble extract of M. charantia (800 µg) or (800 µM) of alpha, beta momorcharin can elicit marked and significant (p < 0.050 increases in the activities of caspase - 3 and caspase - 9 in all the cell lines. Similarly, both the crude water soluble extract of M. charantia and alpha, beta momorcharin can stimulate the release of cytochrome-c and elevated [Ca2+ ]i in the different cancer cell lines compared to untreated cell lines. Together, the results of the study have shown that either the crude water soluble extract of M. charantia or alpha, beta momorcharin can exert their anti-cancer effects (cell death) on cancer cell lines by increasing the activities of caspase - 3 and caspase - 9 and by releasing cytochrome-c and elevating [Ca2+ ]i in the cancer cells. These findings implicate the role of apoptosis and cellular Ca 2+ homeostasis in cancer cell death. Moreover, they confirm the beneficial use of extracts of M. charantia to treat cancers


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    Objectives: The present study developed and validated a conductometric method for determination of Diphenhydramine HCl (DPH) in its pure form and in a syrup formulation using silver nitrate (AgNO3 ).Methods: Conductometric titration method was achieved by using AgNO3. The method is built on the reaction of chloride ions coming from the DPH with AgNO3 yielding silver chloride precipitate. Conductance of the solution is measured as a function of the volume of titrant. The proposed method is linear over the range of 1-10mg.Results: Statistical analysis of the experimental results indicates that the method is precise and accurate. The accuracy of the method is indicated by the excellent recovery and the precision is supported by the low relative standard deviation (&lt; 0.935). The method was also applied successively to a pharmaceutical syrup formulation. The proposed method provides a high degree of accuracy and precision. Results showed that there is no significant difference between the proposed method and the reported one.Conclusions: This proposed method is described as an alternative approach to the more complex and expensive previously reported methods for assay of DPH and is highly reproducible as compared to similar reported methods.Â

    Quantitative determination of clobetasone butyrate in bulk and cream formulation by a validated stability-indicating reversed-phase HPLC method

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    A simple isocratic reversed-phase HPLC method for quantification of clobetasone in bulk and cream dosage forms has been developed. Chromatographic analysis was accomplished on an C18 column utilizing a mixture of methanol and water (84:16 v:v, pH = 6.0) as mobile phase. An effluent flow rate of 1 mL/min was adjusted and the detection was made at 240 nm wavelength. The method was evaluated according to ICH guidelines Q2 R1 for linearity, specificity, sensitivity, precision and accuracy. The method exhibited good linearity with correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.9993 over the concentration range from 5 to 50 μg/mL. The recoveries of the test drug from the cream sample was found to be 98.56 to 99.51% and the limit of detection and quantification were calculated as 0.85 and 2.83 μg/mL, respectively, suggesting the accuracy and sensitivity of the developed method. The precision was demonstrated by a low percentage of relative standard deviation (<1%) from six independent assay analysis performed for the cream formulation. Stability indicating property of the proposed method was demonstrated by performing the analysis of forced degradation samples. The developed method can be used for estimation of the clobetasone butyrate in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations for routine analysis in the quality control laboratories

    Ultra-performance liquid chromatography determination of related compounds of molindone in drug substances

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    Effective chromatographic separation was achieved on a phenyl-hexyl stationary phase (50×2.1 mm, 1.9 micron particles) with the economical and straightforward mobile phase combination delivered in isocratic mode at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min at 254 nm using a ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) system. In the developed method, the resolution between molindone and its related compounds was more significant than 2.0. Regression analysis shows an r2 value (correlation coefficient) greater than 0.999 for molindone and its associated compounds. This method could detect related compounds of molindone at a level below 0.009% with respect to a test concentration of 500 µg/mL for a 2.0 µL injection volume. The method has shown good, consistent recoveries for related compounds (90-110%). The test solution was found to be stable in the diluent for 48 hours. The drug was subjected to stress conditions. The mass balance was found to be close to 99.3%