119 research outputs found

    Degradation of few avean feathers by Microsporum gypseum

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    The ability of the keratinophilic fungus Microsporum gypseum to degrade different keratin substrates viz., chicken feathers, pigeon feathers and peacock feathers has been studied under different incubation periods.The amount of net protein (µg/ml) released during the growth of Microsporum gypseum on different keratin substrate reveals that pigeon feathers are most degraded keratin substrate and peacock feathers are least degraded keratin substrate

    Effect of plant extracts on the growth of Microsporum gypseum

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    The aqueous extracts at two different concentrations (5% and 10%) of Azadirachta indica, Lawsonia inermis, Allium sativum, Murraya koenigii, Ocimum sanctum were used to test their antifungal properties against the keratinophilic fungus Microsporum gypseum The present study revealed that Allium sativum and Ocimum sanctum at 10% conc. were more pronounced compared to all the other extracts followed by Azadirachta indica, Lawsonia inermis and Murraya koenigii

    Exploration and mitigation of power quality problems in radial distribution system by placing distributed generation through voltage stability index

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    Introduction. Distributed generation has played an important role in many aspects of sustainability, such as improving voltage profiles and reducing power losses, in the distribution network. Problem. Frequent variation of loads causes many complications while placing and sizing of distributed generation in the radial distribution network, via quality of supply, and stability of the system. Goal of the paper is to investigate and mitigate the power quality issues towards stabilizing the system during distributed generations placed in the system under various loading conditions. Methodology. The line voltage stability index analyses and enhances the performance of the radial distribution network by effective sizing and location of distributed generation towards the objective function. Practical value. A standard test system IEEE-69 bus radial distribution network is used to understand through MATLAB environment.Вступ. Розподілена генерація відіграла важливу роль у багатьох аспектах стійкості, таких як покращення профілів напруги та зниження втрат електроенергії у розподільній мережі. Проблема. Часті коливання навантаження викликають безліч складнощів при розміщенні та визначенні розміру розподіленої генерації в радіальній розподільній мережі через якість постачання та стабільність системи. Мета статті полягає в тому, щоб дослідити та пом'якшити проблеми з якістю електроенергії для стабілізації системи під час розподіленої генерації, розміщеної у системі за різних умов навантаження. Методологія. Індекс стабільності лінійної напруги аналізує та підвищує продуктивність радіальної розподільної мережі за рахунок ефективного визначення розміру та розташування розподіленої генерації щодо цільової функції. Практична цінність. Для розуміння використовується стандартна тестова система радіальної розподільної мережі IEEE-69 за допомогою середовища MATLAB

    Improved Dissolution Rate of Piroxicam by Fusion Solid Dispersion Technique

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    Improving oral bioavailability of drugs those given as solid dosage forms remains a challenge for the formulation scientists due to solubility  problems. The dissolution rate could be the rate-limiting process in the absorption of a drug from a solid dosage form of relatively insoluble drugs. Therefore increase in dissolution of poorly soluble drugs by solid dispersion technique presents a challenge to the formulation scientists. In the present work solid dispersed drug was prepared by Fusion technique as a novel system for enhancing the delivery of piroxicam, a non-steroidal  anti-inflammatory drug. This solid dispersed drug was prepared from polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) (pharmaceutical grade), a biodegradable polymer, to obtain a solution with drug: polymer ratio of 1:5. The release rate of the piroxicam solid dispersed drug was studied in simulated gastric fluid. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are used to evaluate the chemical and physical nature. The results showed that the release rates were twice increased in comparison with the pure drug. However, the blend of drug and polymer could be varied to optimize the release rates depending upon the need and formulation

    Exploration and Selection of Rhizobacteria That Inhibit Phytophthora Capsici in Vitro

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    Exploration and Selection of Rhizobacteria that Inhibit Phytophthora capsici in vitro. Phytophthora capsici, a seed borne and the soil borne fungal pathogen is the cause of phytophthora blight on chili. The disease is difficult to control because of the resistant varieties unavailability in Indonesia. The aimed was to obtain isolates of rhizobacteria which has the ability to inhibit P. capsici in vitro. Rhizobacteria exploration was conducted in the chili production center in East Java (Malang, Batu, and Kediri) and West Java (Bogor). In one location, chili plant that had symptoms of phytophthora blight disease and a healthy plant next to it were chosen as samples to isolate P. capsici and the rhizobacteria. The rhizobacteria were isolated on NA, TSA, and TSAP (TSA with heated sample). Samples of diseased plants were used in isolation of P. capsici on V8 agar. The inhibition and compatibility of the rhizobacteria to inhibit P. capsici in vitro were tested by dual culture method. In this experiment, it was obtained 252 isolates of rhizobacteria and one isolate of P. capsici. Isolates of rhizobacteria with high to medium inhibition were E1, E3C2, and F2B1 respectively. All three isolates were then combined and tested against P. capsici in vitro. The highest inhibition was indicated by four isolate and combination of isolates, which were E1 isolate (58%), the combination of E1 + E3C2 isolates (58%), E1 + F2B1 (60%) and E1 + E3C2 + F2B1 (58 %)

    Preparation, Characterization and In Vitro Drug Release Studies of 6-mercaptopurine Thin Film

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    Oral thin films of 6-mercaptopurine were fabricated from mucoadhesive polymer, chitosan and polyvinylpyrrolidone for the purpose of prolonging drug release and improving its bioavailability. All fabricated film formulations prepared were smooth and translucent, with good flexibility. The weight and thickness of all the formulations were found to be uniform. These films were also evaluated for surface pH, folding endurance, swelling percentage (% S) and in vitro disintegration time. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) were used to evaluate the physico-chemical nature of the films. In-vitro drug release have shown enhanced release profiles for thin films compared to pure drug and the release patterns have been found to be pH dependant. The results of the study reveals that fabrication of 6-MP oral thin film by using solvent cast technology is a simple and an efficient method for drug delivery to achieve desired therapeutic compliance.Keywords: 6-mercaptopurine; In Vitro Drug Release; SEM; FTI

    Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Schottky Diodes That Use Aligned Arrays of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present theoretical and experimental studies of Schottky diodes that use aligned arrays of single walled carbon nanotubes. A simple physical model, taking into account the basic physics of current rectification, can adequately describe the single-tube and array devices. We show that for as grown array diodes, the rectification ratio, defined by the maximum-to-minimum-current-ratio, is low due to the presence of m-SWNT shunts. These tubes can be eliminated in a single voltage sweep resulting in a high rectification array device. Further analysis also shows that the channel resistance, and not the intrinsic nanotube diode properties, limits the rectification in devices with channel length up to ten micrometer.Comment: Nano Research, 2010, accepte