45 research outputs found

    Auxiliary Fields for Super Yang-Mills from Division Algebras

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    Division algebras are used to explain the existence and symmetries of various sets of auxiliary fields for super Yang-Mills in dimensions d=3,4,6,10d=3,4,6,10. (Contribution to G\"ursey Memorial Conference I: Strings and Symmetries)Comment: 7 pages, plain TeX, CERN-TH.7470/9

    Octonionic representations of Clifford algebras and triality

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    The theory of representations of Clifford algebras is extended to employ the division algebra of the octonions or Cayley numbers. In particular, questions that arise from the non-associativity and non-commutativity of this division algebra are answered. Octonionic representations for Clifford algebras lead to a notion of octonionic spinors and are used to give octonionic representations of the respective orthogonal groups. Finally, the triality automorphisms are shown to exhibit a manifest \perm_3 \times SO(8) structure in this framework.Comment: 33 page

    Octonion Quantum Chromodynamics

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    Starting with the usual definitions of octonions, an attempt has been made to establish the relations between octonion basis elements and Gell-Mann \lambda matrices of SU(3)symmetry on comparing the multiplication tables for Gell-Mann \lambda matrices of SU(3)symmetry and octonion basis elements. Consequently, the quantum chromo dynamics (QCD) has been reformulated and it is shown that the theory of strong interactions could be explained better in terms of non-associative octonion algebra. Further, the octonion automorphism group SU(3) has been suitably handled with split basis of octonion algebra showing that the SU(3)_{C}gauge theory of colored quarks carries two real gauge fields which are responsible for the existence of two gauge potentials respectively associated with electric charge and magnetic monopole and supports well the idea that the colored quarks are dyons

    Complex actions in two-dimensional topology change

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    We investigate topology change in (1+1) dimensions by analyzing the scalar-curvature action 1/2RdV1/2 \int R dV at the points of metric-degeneration that (with minor exceptions) any nontrivial Lorentzian cobordism necessarily possesses. In two dimensions any cobordism can be built up as a combination of only two elementary types, the ``yarmulke'' and the ``trousers.'' For each of these elementary cobordisms, we consider a family of Morse-theory inspired Lorentzian metrics that vanish smoothly at a single point, resulting in a conical-type singularity there. In the yarmulke case, the distinguished point is analogous to a cosmological initial (or final) singularity, with the spacetime as a whole being obtained from one causal region of Misner space by adjoining a single point. In the trousers case, the distinguished point is a ``crotch singularity'' that signals a change in the spacetime topology (this being also the fundamental vertex of string theory, if one makes that interpretation). We regularize the metrics by adding a small imaginary part whose sign is fixed to be positive by the condition that it lead to a convergent scalar field path integral on the regularized spacetime. As the regulator is removed, the scalar density 1/2gR1/2 \sqrt{-g} R approaches a delta-function whose strength is complex: for the yarmulke family the strength is β2πi\beta -2\pi i, where β\beta is the rapidity parameter of the associated Misner space; for the trousers family it is simply +2πi+2\pi i. This implies that in the path integral over spacetime metrics for Einstein gravity in three or more spacetime dimensions, topology change via a crotch singularity is exponentially suppressed, whereas appearance or disappearance of a universe via a yarmulke singularity is exponentially enhanced.Comment: 34 pages, REVTeX v3.0. (Presentational reorganization; core results unchanged.

    Quantum mechanics: Myths and facts

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    A common understanding of quantum mechanics (QM) among students and practical users is often plagued by a number of "myths", that is, widely accepted claims on which there is not really a general consensus among experts in foundations of QM. These myths include wave-particle duality, time-energy uncertainty relation, fundamental randomness, the absence of measurement-independent reality, locality of QM, nonlocality of QM, the existence of well-defined relativistic QM, the claims that quantum field theory (QFT) solves the problems of relativistic QM or that QFT is a theory of particles, as well as myths on black-hole entropy. The fact is that the existence of various theoretical and interpretational ambiguities underlying these myths does not yet allow us to accept them as proven facts. I review the main arguments and counterarguments lying behind these myths and conclude that QM is still a not-yet-completely-understood theory open to further fundamental research.Comment: 51 pages, pedagogic review, revised, new references, to appear in Found. Phy

    Quantum field theory in static external potentials and Hadamard states

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    We prove that the ground state for the Dirac equation on Minkowski space in static, smooth external potentials satisfies the Hadamard condition. We show that it follows from a condition on the support of the Fourier transform of the corresponding positive frequency solution. Using a Krein space formalism, we establish an analogous result in the Klein-Gordon case for a wide class of smooth potentials. Finally, we investigate overcritical potentials, i.e. which admit no ground states. It turns out, that numerous Hadamard states can be constructed by mimicking the construction of ground states, but this leads to a naturally distinguished one only under more restrictive assumptions on the potentials.Comment: 30 pages; v2 revised, accepted for publication in Annales Henri Poincar

    A three dimensional view of stereopsis in dentistry

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    Stereopsis and its role in dental practice has been a topic of debate in recent editions of this Journal. These discussions are particularly timely as they come at a point when virtual reality simulators are becoming increasingly popular in the education of tomorrow's dentists. The aim of this article is to discuss the lack of robust empirical evidence to ascertain the relationship (if any) between stereopsis and dentistry and to build a case for the need for further research to build a strong evidence base on the topic