71 research outputs found

    Adhesion of Epiphany and AH Plus sealers to human root dentin treated with different solutions

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    This study evaluated comparatively the adhesion of Epiphany and AH Plus endodontic sealers to human root dentin treated with 1% NaOCl and 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA, using the push-out test. Sixty root cylinders obtained from maxillary canines had the canals prepared and were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=20), according to root dentin treatment: GI - distilled water (control), GII - 1% NaOCl and GIII - 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA. Each group was divided into 2 subgroups (n=10) filled with either Epiphany or AH Plus. Bond strength push-out test data (kN) were obtained and analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey&#39;s post-hoc test. There was statistically significant difference between sealers (AH Plus: 0.78 ± 0.13; Epiphany: 0.61 ± 0.19; p<0.01) and among root dentin treatments (distilled water: 0.58 ± 0.19; 1% NaOCl: 0.71 ± 0.12; 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA: 0.80 ± 0.17; p<0.05). In conclusion, AH Plus sealer presented greater adhesion to dentin than Epiphany, regardless of the treatment of root canal walls.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a adesividade do cimento Epiphany à dentina radicular previamente tratada com hipoclorito de sódio a 1% e EDTA a 17%, em comparação ao cimento AH Plus, pelo método do "push-out". Foram preparados sessenta cilindros de raízes de caninos superiores humanos que foram distribuídos em 3 grupos (n=20) de acordo com o tratamento da dentina: GI água destilada (controle), GII hipoclorito de sódio 1% e GIII EDTA 17 %. Esses grupos de corpos-de-prova foram distribuídos em 2 subgrupos para receber os cimentos obturadores a serem testados: Ephiphany e AH Plus. Foi realizado o teste do "push-out" e os resultados (em kN) foram analisados estatisticamente por ANOVA e o teste "post-hoc" de Tukey. A análise demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os cimentos (AH Plus: 0,78 ± 0,13; Epiphany: 0,61 ± 0,19; p < 0,01) e entre as soluções testadas (água destilada: 0,58 ± 0,19; NaOCl: 0,71 ± 0,12; EDTA: 0,80 ± 0,17; p<0,05). Conclui-se que o cimento AH Plus apresentou valores de adesividade superiores aos obtidos pelo cimento Epiphany, independente do tratamento realizado nas paredes dos canais radiculares

    Dentin permeability of the apical third in different groups of teeth

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    This ex vivo study evaluated dentin permeability of the root canal in the apical third of different human groups of teeth. Eighty teeth were used, 8 from each dental group: maxillary and mandibular central incisors, lateral incisors and canines, maxillary first premolars (buccal and palatal roots), mandibular first premolars, and maxillary and mandibular second premolars, totalizing 88 roots that were distributed in 11 groups. The root canals were instrumented, irrigated with 1% NaOCl and 15% EDTA. Roots were immersed in 10% copper sulfate for 30 min and then in 1% rubeanic acid alcohol solution for the same period; this chemical reaction reveals dentin permeability by the formation of copper rubeanate, which is a dark-colored compound. Semi-serial 100-µm-thick cross-sections were obtained from the apical third of the roots. Five sections of each apical third were washed, dehydrated, cleared and mounted on glass slides for examination under optical microscopy. The percentage of copper ion infiltration and the amount of tubular dentin were quantified by morphometric analysis. The penetration of copper ions in the apical third ranged from 4.60 to 16.66%. The mandibular central and lateral incisors presented the highest dentin permeability (16.66%), while the maxillary canines and mandibular second and first premolars presented the lowest dentin permeability (4.60%, 4.80% and 5.71%, respectively; p<0.001). The other teeth presented intermediate permeability. In conclusion, dye penetration into dentin tubules at the apical region is strongly dependent on the group of teeth evaluated.Este estudo ex vivo avaliou a permeabilidade da dentina do canal radicular do terço apical de diferentes grupos de dentes humanos. Foram utilizados 80 dentes, sendo 8 de cada grupo dental superior e inferior: incisivos centrais, incisivos laterais, caninos, primeiros pré-molares superiores (raízes vestibulares e palatinas), primeiros pré-molares inferiores, segundos pré-molares superiores e inferiores, totalizando 88 raízes, as quais foram distribuídas em 11 grupos. Os canais foram instrumentados, irrigados com NaOCl a 1% e EDTA a 15%. As raízes foram imersas em sulfato de cobre a 10% por 30 min e acido rubeânico a 1% pelo mesmo período. Esta reação química revela a permeabilidade da dentina por meio da formação de um complexo escurecido denominado rubeanato de cobre. Hemi-secções de 100 µm de espessura foram obtidas do terço apical da raiz. Cinco secções do terço apical foram lavadas, desidratadas, diafanizadas e montadas em lâminas para análise em microscopia óptica. A porcentagem de infiltração de íons cobre e a quantidade de dentina tubular foram quantificadas por meio de análise morfométrica. A penetração de íons cobre no terço apical da raiz variou de 4,60% a 16,66%. Os incisivos centrais e laterais apresentaram a maior permeabilidade dentinária (16,66%), e os caninos superiores e segundos e primeiros pré-molares inferiores as menores (4,60%, 4,80% e 5,71%, respectivamente; p<0,001). Os outros dentes apresentaram permeabilidade intermediaria. Conclui-se que a penetração de corante nos túbulos dentinários da região apical é extremamente dependente do grupo de dentes avaliado.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    Avaliação comparativa clínico-radiográfica e histopatológica de lesões periapicais inflamatórias crônicas

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma avaliação comparativa entre os aspectos clínico-radiográficos e histopatológicos das lesões periapicais inflamatórias crônicas. Através deste, foram avaliadas 164 lesões inflamatórias crônicas periapicais provenientes de dentes de indivíduos, independendo de idade, raça e sexo. Foram encaminhados casos condizentes com periodontite apical crônica e processo cístico inflamatório avaliados através do exame clínico-radiográfico. Após procedimento cirúrgico, a análise histopatológica foi realizada. Os resultados clínico-laboratoriais foram submetidos à análise estatística. Os resultados mostraram que há constância de fatores de interferência na evolução do processo reparatório periapical representados com ênfase pelo biofilme microbiano apical e/ou por corpos estranhos tanto endógenos como os critais de colesterol quanto exógenos como os materiais endodônticos extravasados indigeríveis ou de difícil digestão; e que alguns processos císticos são passíveis de reversão com o tratamento endodôntico. Nesta pesquisa pode-se observar que é difícil para o clínico ajustar parâmetros definindo a hipótese diagnóstica das lesões periapicais inflamatórias crônicas.The aim of the present study was to comparatively evaluate the clinical, radiographic and histological aspects of chronic inflammatory periapical lesions. One hundred and sixty-four lesions of human teeth, independent of age, race and sex, were evaluated by clinical, radiographic and histological analyses conducted after surgical endodontic treatment. Our results showed that there was uniformity in the interference factors on the evolution of periapical healing such as the apical biofilm and/or endogenous (cholesterol crystals) or exogenous (extruded endodontic materials that are indigestible or of difficult digestion) foreign bodies and that some cysts are reversible with endodontic treatment. We conclude that it is difficult for the clinician to adjust parameters defining a diagnosis of chronic inflammatory periapical lesions

    Influence of protaper finishing files and sodium hypochlorite on cleaning and shaping of mandibuldar central incisors - a histological analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the influence of the last apical instrument of the ProTaper system with and without 2.5% sodium hypochlorite for cleaning mandibular central incisors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty two mandibular central incisors were divided into six study groups: Group I - F1 instrument with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite; Group II - F1 and F2 with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite; Group III - F1, F2 and F3 with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite; Group IV - F1 with distilled water; Group V - F1 and F2 with distilled water; Group VI - F1, F2 and F3 with distilled water. The two remaining teeth comprised the negative control group. The specimens were prepared following the principles of the technique suggested by the manufacturer and then submitted to histological preparation and morphometric analysis. Data were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal Wallis test at 1% significance level. RESULTS: There was statistically significant difference (

    Morphologic and morphometric analysis of the root canal apical third cleaning after biomechanical preparation using 3.3% Ricinus communis detergent and 1% NaOCl as irrigating solutions

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    This study evaluated, by morphologic and morphometric analyses, the cleaning of apical third of root canals instrumented with nickel-titanium rotary files using different irrigating solutions. Twenty-seven single-rooted mandibular premolars were assigned to three groups (n=9), according to the irrigating solution used: Group I, distilled and deionized water; Group II, 1% NaOCl; and Group III, 3.3% Ricinus communis detergent. Biomechanical preparation was performed with Protaper Plusâ nickel-titanium files as follows: S1, SX and S2 at the cervical and middle thirds, and 25/02, 25/04, 25/06, 30/02, 30/04 and 30/06 to complete the instrumentation, operating at 1 mm from the root apex. Irrigation was done at each file change with 2 mL of irrigating solution, totalizing 20 mL for each tooth. After biomechanical preparation, the apical thirds were serially sectioned and histologically processed. The cross-sections were examined by an optical microscope (X40) connected to a computer. The images were captured and analyzed using a computer software and submitted to morphometric analysis with aid of a grid. The percentage of debris remaining at the apical third was calculated. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by ANOVA and Tukey test. The results showed no statistically significant difference (p>;0.01) between the groups irrigated with 1% NaOCl and 3.3% Ricinus communis detergent, which presented the lowest percentage of debris at the apical third, 8.49% and 10.11%, respectively. The group irrigated with distilled and deionized water had the highest percentage of debris (15.58%) and was statistically different from the other groups (pEstudou-se, por meio de análise morfológica e morfométrica, a capacidade de limpeza promovida pela instrumentação rotatória com limas Ni-Ti e irrigação com diferentes soluções. Vinte e sete pré-molares inferiores foram distribuídos em três grupos (n=9), de acordo com a solução irrigante utilizada: Grupo I, água destilada e deionizada; Grupo II, NaOCl a 1% e Grupo III, detergente derivado do óleo de mamona (Ricinus communis) a 3,3%. O preparo biomecânico foi realizado com sistema rotatório de Ni-Ti Protaper Plus, obedecendo a seguinte ordem de uso dos instrumentos: S1, SX e S2 para o terço cervical e médio, seguida do 25/02, 25/04, 25/06, 30/02, 30/04 e 35/02, completando a instrumentação todos operando 1 mm aquém do ápice. A irrigação foi realizada a cada troca de instrumento com 2 mL de solução irrigante, totalizando um volume de 20 mL para cada dente. Após o preparo biomecânico, os terços apicais dos dentes foram submetidos ao processamento histológico. Os espécimes foram analisados em microscópio óptico (40X) conectado a um computador. As imagens foram capturadas e analisadas utilizando-se softwares específicos e submetidas à análise morfométrica por meio de uma grade de integração. A porcentagem de debris presente no terço apical dos canais foi calculada. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística por meio de ANOVA e teste de Tukey. Os resultados do presente estudo evidenciaram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p>;0,01) entre os grupos irrigados com NaOCl a 1% e detergente de mamona a 3,3%, que apresentaram menor porcentagem de debris no terço apical, 8,49% e 10,11% respectivamente. O grupo irrigado com água destilada e deionizada apresentou a maior porcentagem de debris (15,58%), sendo estatisticamente diferente (

    The investigation of WNT6 and WNT10A single nucleotide polymorphisms as potential biomarkers for dental pulp calcification in orthodontic patients

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate if single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in WNT6 and WNT10A are associated with the risk of dental pulp calcification in orthodontic patients. This cross-sectional study followed the “Strengthening the Reporting of Genetic Association Studies” (STREGA) guidelines. Panoramic radiographs (pre- and post-orthodontic treatment) and genomic DNA from 132 orthodontic patients were studied. Dental pulp calcification (pulp stones and/or pulp space narrowing) was recorded in upper and lower first molars. The SNPs in WNT6 and WNT10A (rs7349332, rs3806557, rs10177996, and rs6754599) were assessed through genotyping analysis using DNA extracted from buccal epithelial cells. The association between pulp calcification and SNPs were analyzed using allelic and genotypic distributions and haplotype frequencies (p<0.05). Prevalence of dental pulp calcification was 42.4% in the 490 studied molars. In the genotypic analysis, the SNPs in WNT10A showed a statistically significant value for molar calcification (p = 0.027 for rs1017799), upper molar calcification (p = 0.040 for rs1017799) (recessive model), and molar calcification (p = 0.046 for rs3806557) (recessive model). In the allelic distribution, the allele C of the SNP rs10177996 in WNT10A was associated with molar calcifications (p = 0.042) and with upper first molar calcification (p = 0.035). Nine combinations of haplotypes showed statistically significant value (p<0.05). The findings of this study indicates that SNPs in WNT10A and WNT6 are associated with dental pulp calcification in molars after orthodontic treatment and may be considered as biomarkers for dental pulp calcification